Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Trouble In Libya

Throughout the week, we have become aware of further political unrest in the African continent.  It seems like the dust has just begun to settle in Egypt when new protests are appearing in Libya.  Unfortunately, the Libyan reaction has been considerably different than the Egyptian response. 

The reaction from the Libyan leader has been defiant and threatening.  Moammar Gadhafi, the Libya leader, has been in charge of Libya for the past 41 years.  He has been linked to terrorist activities along with violations of civil rights of his people amongst other charges of corruption throughout his reign. 

The Libyan people, inspired by the events of Egypt and Tunisia, have decided they want a new leader.  They are no longer going to stand by and accept the cruel and corrupt actions of the government.  Somewhat predictable, Gadhafi has publically admonished the protestors, indirectly encouraged violence against them and has hired mercenaries to help restore his order.  Fighter planes have fired upon civilian protesters while paid military personnel have threatened violence and death to anyone choosing the side against Gadhafi.

Gadhafi has claimed he had not given any orders to fire shots, but when he does he will burn the country to the ground.  He will fill the streets with the blood of the protesters.  He claims to be a fighter, a revolutionary and a willingness to be a martyr before he will give up his control.

The loyal military and mercenaries continue to harass protesters and the United Nations have issued warning to the government about the unwarranted killings of civilians.  At the same time, gas prices have soared to new levels as the speculation of a drawn out civil war and restricted access to Middle Eastern oil reserves heightens.

What is your reaction to the revolutions taking place in Libya, Egypt, and Tunisia?  What is the job of the United Nations?  How should the United Nations respond?   Should the United States do anything to assist the region? Or should we wait for the direction of the United Nations?


  1. Brady -I am kind of shocked and i think that the United Nations should help these countries government get these people under control. i would say we should do some but not much i think that we should mostly wait for the United Nations then make a huge impact and help these countries more

  2. Jacob- I have to say that I am very gald that Eqypt got the ball rolling because all of these 3rd world countries do need new leaders because these leaders are taking advantage of their political authority. I think that the United Nations should get involved because its their job to protect the world, not just the countries that are represented there. But i do think that the United States should hang back unless the United Nations step in because then we can be a huge supporter in that. The United States should be just as involved as everyone else but we should definetly be involved!

  3. Emma-
    I think all these countries are all taking a stand now that they saw what happened in Eqypt. I am so happy that Eqypt finally did something because it didnt just benifit themselves it is benefiting so manny other countries to stand up and protect there rights. It is our job to defend our rights. I think the United Nations definetly need to stand up for what is right. I fermly believe that we should not get involed in anything right now. We need to watch what is happening and maybe observe what we could do you the United Nations should do.

  4. LAUREN-
    I think that the United Nations should take initiative to fix the problem. I am glad that Egypt's leader stepped down, because it was causing so much commotion in Cairo that it was getting to the point where he was forced to step down. It made many people happy that he stepped down. I was happy, but at the same time I didn't think it was fair, because the people were pretty much forcing him to step down. But, they were also standing up for their rights and what they believed was best for their country. So, overall it was a good thing! Since the same thing happened in Egypt, they should know how to fix it in other countries so if it were to happen again, they could fix the problem before it gets worse. I don't think the United States should help out yet. I think they should wait for the United Nations to try to work it out before any other countries come to help. If the problem turns into a huge ordeal, then the United States should go and help them out and see what they can do.

  5. Noah R.- This situation is a bit tricky. At one side, I'm happy for the people that are doing what's right and rising up. On the other hand, what if Gadhafi, who is neutral to America, gets thrown out and some crazy dictator comes in with a fierce dislike for America?

    The job of the U.N. is simple: leave no man behind and protect the innocent! But, since America is hated enough in the Middle East, should we really be the first to go? I think if any of us act, we all act. Russia, Germany, Britain, France and America should all come in at once, and if needed, rescue innocents.

  6. Jilly- I think that because of what happened in Egypt it has caused these other countries to start protesting their leaders also, this good because a lot of the leaders over there have been in power too long and are becoming corrupted. They are also taking advantage of their power and the people because they now have way too much power. I think the United Nations should watch what is happening in Libya and then go and help the people who live there so that no more innocent people are killed, and they should try to stop the leader even though that will be difficult. They should discus ways to do this so that will not get anyone hurt or killed. One thing they might have to do is move some of the people out of the country to a safe place where they wont get attached on. If the U.N. makes a decision then the US should follow their direction and help in any way they can. Because the US is just one country they might not be much help but I think they can and should help the country of Libya, especially if the problem there gets much worse.

  7. Gonzo- I am deeply suprised that in a breif few months so many people have begun to protest dictatorships and how the conflicts have ended. I think that the job of the Unites States is to help out the civilians as much as possible. First, we as americans support freedom and therefore want everyone in the world to be free so we should if need be intervene and help the civilians. Lastly, it is just not right for the people to be treated that way and they should be saved from the cruelties of the dictatorship that Libya has had set up for 41 years so we should take action and free the civilians. I think that we should send in military support to help the civilians because they are helpless and no one is standing up for them. We should move in and first pacifly try to remove the dictator and if that doesn't work we should then physically try to remove the dictator from his current position.

  8. Aaron- I think that it is anp epademic. It seems like every week their is a country fighting each other. The United Nation is suppose to resolve problems in the world and to keep the peace. I thiink they should talk to the Libya's dictator and make an effort to solve the problem. i think we should wait and follow the United Nations because we don't want to seem like we aren't united

  9. corrine-
    The unrest and anger that exists in Libya displays for the World the greatest single issue upon which our country was founded. The citizens in Libya are expressing their belief that the Leader of their country should step down. Some of the methods used to express their belief involves force, but most do not. Regardless, President Obama is very concerned that the leaders of Libya will use force to attack the protesters in an effort to stop their demonstrations. In our country, citizens have the freedom to express their opinion. The ability to express your belief or opinion through peaceful demonstration, without the fear of attack or arrest, is a great foundation upon which this country was founded. The concern that the protesters in Libya will be attacked, by their own government, displays a big difference between Libya and the US.

  10. The Freelance Pianist - It is little surprise to me that the Libyans are reacting this way after seeing what happened in Egypt. After all, it only takes a single spark to start a fire. I believe that the actions of the Libyans are well-founded and, like us Americans so long ago, deserve a right to fight for their freedoms and beliefs. However, it also believe it would be unwise to jump right into the situation without waiting for direction from the United Nation. Standing by as people are getting slaughtered isn't exactly my cup of tea, but in my eyes they should be the ones to win the day of their own accord, not because America nuked Gadhafi to kingdom come. Simply put, we should give help where help is due, no more and no less.

  11. Bella-
    I think it is a good think to see all these people standing up for themselves and their right.I think the United Nations should stand by just a little bit longer to see if things die dowm. If not, and there is more violence, I would get involved and try to talk to Gadhafi to see if he will step down. Also we can try to protect the citizens so they will not get hurt. The United States can also maybe talk to Gadhafi in solving this problem in a non violent way. But, I think the United States should get involved only if the United Nations join.

  12. Patrick O'Neill: Tunisi started a whole dommino efect on the rest of the world. Three countires have revolted in a short amount of time. Each one with more violence than the last.The United Nations should try and stop the violence because everyone should be safe in their own country. I think that we should wait for the U.N respons before we do anything because we

  13. Francesca- I think that its making a difference for not just there country but ours. Im glad that they did something and stood up for themselves. I think we need to stand up for whats right. I also think that we shouldnt get involved right now...we should just stand by and watch and see if we can do anything later on.

  14. Tim: Personally I am shocked that so many uprisings have occurred in one continent and in such a short period time. I think the job of the United Nations is to help people in need whoever they are. I think that the United Nations should not respond unless the violence does not stop and keeps increasing. No, I think we need to follow the direction of the United Nations.

  15. -Ben R.
    I am somewhat surprised at how many countries have risen up against there leaders. I am also kind of glad to see people stand up for themselves. I think that the United Nations job is to try as hard as they can to find a solution to problems that come up in countries like Libya. I think the United Nations should arrange a meeting with Gadhafi to arrange a compromise if that is even possible. If it is not they should evacuate citizens to another place until they can solve the problem. They may even have to use physical force to get rid of Gadhafi but only as a last resort. I think that the U.S. should do what they can to help the region but not in a way that would involve us in a war or something of that sort. When the United Nations does give direction we should then go all out in helping in any way we can.

  16. ~Emily T.~
    I think that people have the right to stand up for their rights and beliefs. Plus, these revolutions could lead to great change and I fully support them standing up for what they believe in. But like Noah said, it's better to know who you are up against, and if they get a new leader, it could be problematic for us. The U.N. needs to protect them and help contain the situation. I think we need to wait for the direction of the U.N. and we definately shouldn't assist them by oourselves because as you probably know, the Middle East doesn't exactly like us. But if the U.N. directs us to assist with their help, I think that we should definately go!
    ~Emily T.~

  17. conn-man A.K.A. chocolate thunda A.K.A. conner - i think two things of the happenings in Egypt, Tunisia, and Lybia... one being that it is a good thing that the people are finally standing up for themselves and speaking about their beliefs and what is on their minds, but the second thing is that it is terrible how the corrupt governments reacted and are reacting to the situations with their people. i think now that the Egyptian people started protesting about not having a democracy but an unfair dictatorship, it has encouraged other countries in the same situations to do the same thing. this is a great thing in my eyes because it gives the people a louder and more powerful voice and sort of lessens the government's power. the job of the united nations is to help others as much as possible when they are in difficult situations that they cannot by themselves but only if it does not harm america greatly, that is my opinion. i don't think we should get involved in the situations going on in the Middle East yet, only if something like civil war breaks out and still then it is a little iffy if we should get involved because we did the in Vietnam and that didn't have that many high points or good outcomes from it. again... i don't think that the united nations should get involved yet unless we get asked to by the specific country or the situation escalades into anything more. we should try to stay nuetral as much as possible and focus on our own problems first so maybe in the future we can help other countries out more. this is chocolate thunda signing off for the week, and you stay classy whoever reads this.

  18. Grant- I think its pretty amazing that there have been this many uprising in one region in such a short period of time. I also think this isn't the last there is going to be. Its good that people are finally taking taking a stand to unfair leadership. The job of the United Nations is to maintain peace and have as little bloodshed as possible. I'm not really sure what the U.N should do nut I think they should definitely do something to stop the violence against innocent people. I think we should wait until the United Nations tells us to go in to Libya or we should wait until at least a couple other big countries decides to go in. We should probably not go into Libya alone because that could turn a lot of people against us.

  19. Kristen :)
    I think what has been going on is pretty crazy because so many countries are revolting around the same time. There are both good and bad things that have come out of it. It's good that they are finally fighting for the freedom that they deserve but it is bad how the government is killing and harming many people.I think that the job of the United Nations is try to keep peace and help those in need. I think the United Nations should respond by protecting the people because too many people have been killed. The United States should only step in if the United Nations does. The US should not do anything on their own.

  20. I honestly felt surprised when they finally took a stand. Especially since it's been the same for decades, until now. The United Nations is not responsible unless they attack us. We have a lot of things going on and it's their fight. Yes, it is sad how there is yet another story of a corrupt leader basically treating his nation like a slaughter house waiting to happen. However, I think we are in absolutely no position to go to war with Libya. For crying out loud, we already are in two different wars that have been going on for about a decade; why should we get involved with another one that's not even international? Then again, this could reach to an outbreak just as severe and tragic as World War 2. However, currently I don't see it happening any time soon. Especially since this event seems to have started from riots that have taken place only recently. If not, then we don't even know enough about the war to even go in at all. Bottom line is to focus on our wars first, and wait if their civil war becomes to critical before we go in.

  21. Madeline- I think it's a good thing that the people of Libya are tired of being under the control of such a ruler. The Egyptians did the same thing, and got what they wanted. The U.N. has a job of protecting innocent citizens, and so may want to start helping those in Libya. However, I think it may be better if the U.S. waited for the U.N. to decide what to do.

  22. Rich- I think it is good that the people of these countries are finally sticking up for themselves, but I also don't like to see it come to violence. At least they are sticking up for what hey believe in even though they were threatened to be killed. The job of the United Nations is to keep peace all around the world and resolve our global problems. I think the United Nations should force Gadhafi to resign unless they think he is no threat to anybody. I don't think we should do anything because if we try to do something it could cause war so I think we should just wait for the direction of the United Nations.

  23. Mary-
    I think its a good thing that the people of Egypt and other countries are standing up for themselves, and telling the government whats not right. Egypt made an example for other countries. Now Libya's citizens are fighting for their freedom. However this can be a bad thing too. The leader threatens to kill anyone who sides against him. What I think the U. S. should do right now is nothing. If the violence gets too bad and starts effecting other countries then i think we should step in but for now we shouldn't get involved. The United Nations should take care of this by getting Gadhafi to resign, and if he opts not to then force him to.

  24. Abby-after all of these nation saw what happed to egypt they thought tha they could d it to. unfrtunately they were not as successfull infact the were the exact opposite.some getting shot down. i tink that it is terrible what iss happening in libya and the othe place.if a leader seesthat their people are unhappy they should step down to avoid trouble. that is a leaders job.
    THE UNTITED nations job is to unite the nations, by saying that i men the needto stop the dictator and reasign a new leader who is PEACEFUL.
    i dont think we should do anything cause we werent ask to and the dictaotor will reasond negitivly.

  25. jared- im not really sure why the united nations are not helping these problems in these countries.but it is good that people are finally sticking up for them selves by protesting because they shouldnt just stand there and watch. but i think the protestors should be carefull so it dosent lead to violence. the job of the united nations it to keep peace in evey country and right now they are failing horribly.the UN should make gadhafi resine so that so many people wouldnt feel threatened of him. i accually think the U.S should just stay out of this so we dont end up going to war with them. wait to see what other countries do and if they do not do anything we should just see what the UN has in plan for us to help.

  26. Patrick Oster- My first(and delayed) reaction to Egypt, Libya, and Tunsia revolting against their governments was that it's not surprising. It wasn't a surprise for me at least because the Governemnt had been trying to supress their people for a long time. Finally the people decided that they had had enough and revolted. In this case the United Nations is to stand up for human rights. Or in this case to help the people do protests and make sure that people during protests do not get hurt or killed. The U.S should step in and have at least the Navy there in case of any bombings against their own people. We should not wait until the U.N tells us.

  27. -GARREN- I think that what is happening is both a good and bad thing. It is good because people are standing up for what is right. It is a bad thing because the situation is spreading and causing chaos in many countries. The united nations should be protecting the innocent aginst their hostile leaders. They should do something but i do not know what. The U.S. should stay away from the situation unless they call us there because we will be hated by everyone if we take matters into our own hands.

  28. Jake- I think the situation in Libya is very interesting. It is good that the people are being brave, but if there is a new leader then they might not like the US. The united nations need to become more involved in helping in this situation. For the US they need to wait and hope for the best.

  29. Jenna
    i think what is happening is good because they are standing up for what they believe in and what is right.... the only bad part is that it is causing commotion in many countries. the United Nation i think needs to help keep peace and right now they are failing miserably... they need to negotiate so to speak with them and make them have peace inbetween each other. i think the US needs to stay out of this and let it run its own course rather than getting involved.

  30. Anna M- What's happening in my opion is a good thing because they are fighting for what htey think is right. i agree with Jenna because it si causing alot of trouble for the many other countries. i think that the united nations need to keep peace but at the same time they need to be more helpful to the situation. the US just needs to stay out of it completly and just see how it pans out because getting involved could cause major diffuculties for us.

  31. SQUIRREL- I think the violence and threats are horrible in these countrys. I feel bad for the civilians because the really have no voice. One side of me says this is a horrible thing happening in Libya right now, but the other side of me is kinda happy for the civilians because they are finally speaking up and telling whats his face whats up. I think the U.S shuld probably get into atleast Libya right now because what i read thing dirt bag dictaor is a real voilent, mean, selfish guy. I think he could go off on the whole country and kill thousands of people any time. It really sounds like he has the power to at this point.
    - Sir William

  32. Anna k
    I am glad that the people in Libya are standing up for their rights as humans however som eare responding with violence. Some protesters have killed innocent people and I don't like that fact. I think the UN should encourage Gadhafi to step down. We as the US should back the UN's decisions but sending troops into the country isn't a good idea when we are already fighting e very expensive war. So I think we should watch what is happening and made a decision based on what happens in the future.

  33. Abhi-
    I think it is a good thing because they are fighting for what they think is right and finally they sticking up for themselves. I can’t believe how they are sticking up for themselves even though the can be killed. The job of the United Nations is to maintain peace. Still, I thinks the United Nations Should get involved. I think the United Nations should force Gadhafi to resign. I think the U.S should just stay out of this so, we don’t end up going to war with them.

  34. Alice:)
    Well what I am kind of surprised is that at first it was Egypt and their problems, and now Libya and other countries are doing it too. I say it's kind of good that the people are standing up for their rights etc. Yet on the other hand it's not so good really, ( violent and what not). Anyways I think that the United Nation job is to actually try to solve problems or solutions or compromise! Yet I think that they should at least completely try everything they can, but with out making it worse then it was before. I also think that we should take action but yet kind of not. Really I say we need to start to make something happen. Yet we will all see what might happen in the future.

  35. Taylor Barda-
    I think that it is really crazy that so many people are finially sticking up for they believe in and that should be a right given freely to all human beings without back fire. The United Nations should do what they can to resolve their problems on their own and if need be the United States can step in and help the innocent people trapped in the corruped country.People should be able to stick up for what they beleive in without getting killed.

  36. ~Emily b~
    I'm not really surprised all country's will go through some thing like this at one time or another, it's kind of like a countries way of growing. But this protesting in lybia has gone a little far and so have the governments reactions. It's the united nations job to keep things under control but in a peaceful and unopressive way. They should do just that, keep things in control In a peaceful way. The us should stay out of these problems as much as they can because usually they have a way of working things out. But if o
    It gets out of hand or the united nations lose control we are on inclined to step in with or without the united nations permission. Because if it gets to violent it will not take long for it to start affecting other parts of the world

  37. Megan(:
    My reaction to this was shocking. I think it is a good thing that these people will stand there and protest and fight against what they do not believe in. I think the United Nations should most definably help the protesters. I think they should help them calm down though and help them respond in a calm matter. I think the United States should go in and help as well. I don't think that the United states should wait until the United Nations go in, but instead, go in with the United Nations so they could all have a greater impact on this region. I think both countries should go help out these protesters, but also help the government. I think they should help this region and government.

  38. Kobe- I think Lybia needs a new leader, he doesnt seem to care about his country at all. He seems to be very self centered. And a leader is not self centered. A leader should give up for his country. The UN needs to GET HIM OUTTA THERE!!!!

  39. Sam Mallane///././././. i am surprised that there has been so many outbrakes in the last mounth. They need to help people in need.they should respond because its the right thing to do.the united states should not get involved.

  40. Karina- I think its good that the people of these coutries are fighting for what the belive in! I also think its good that the people of Lybia are tired of being ruled by that leader. It seems like that leader dosen't really care what other people think and is only doing what's best for him. I don't know what the UN should do but i think we should wait and see what the UN does and if they need our help then we should help!

  41. Ben S.- I think that it was a good idea at the time when they had just began to protest because they were standing up for what they believe in. But now in the long run it will most likely turn into a civil war. Hey maybe it will all turn out as planned, maybe not. I think that the job of the United Nations is to keep an eye on whats going on and maybe bump in and set people straight once in a while. You know kind of like a lookout. I think that the United States should in a way do what the United Nations do but on a much smaller scale. I think we should get involved in THE WORST case scenario...

  42. Peyton aka the white stallion- i think that they are good because people need to take a stand against leaders who dont give them there rights. the UN should step in if the it gets really violent. i think its the UN's job to step in and fight the libya leader. yes we need to help the protesters. i think we should wait until they say its time top step in. usa usa usa usa usa

  43. Scott. Sorry this is late Mr. Grant, I had thought I had entered it a long time ago. I think Libya is pretty messed up right now. I think we need to help and support the protesters from the sideline until the situation turns into full on civil war. Then NATO and the UN should step in.

  44. Bailey - I think it depends on the country but they all seemed good. The United Nations is supposed to help out other nations.I think they should remain nuetral and stay nuetral. We should do nothing nomatter what the UN decides to do.

  45. Parker Toney- I think the peoples voices should be heard not silenced. The United Nations should step in and stop the people that are firing on the protesters. I think if the United Nations isn't going to do any thing then the United States should.

  46. david- I think that it is good that these countries are making a stand. This can show the power of the people and that making a stand can truly make a difference. The job of the United Nations is for them to but in and tell them to stop so they can protect the lives of the innocent and the protesters. The United NAtions should start by saying that Gadhafi should either step down or let the people protest freely and if he doesnt then they should step in with guns. I think we should establish the no fly zone and not wait for u.n. direction but take matters into our own hands if truly needed. But this would be a last resort because it would only send us into more debt.

  47. Joseph- I think that Eygpt has set everything rolling since it started first and now other countries too. Its nice how the people stand up for themselves and they should probably get a good leader since Gadhafi is taking control of it all. It would be nice if he stopped everything and was still ally/neutral than some other man who really wants to kill us all. The United Nation should help all the people and stop the firing. I think that we as the U.S should send warnings and maybe some military to try and stop everything, but not send the men over until the United Nation really needs it and asked for it.


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