Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Presidents' Day

Monday is President’s Day.  You all will be enjoying an extra day off, possibly recovering from the Hallissey weekend.  Often with our holidays, we take the day but have little knowledge of the history or the significance of the celebration.

The federal holiday is actual called “Washington’s Birthday” and was first celebrated in 1880 in the District of Columbia.   In 1885 in was spread to all federal offices to commemorate our first president.  In 1971 the holiday was moved from Washington’s actual birthday to the third Monday in February as part of the Uniform Monday Holiday Act.  Ironically, with the decision to move to day’s recognition to the third Monday, we will never again celebrate Washington’s Birthday on his birthday of February 22.

In the 1970’s and 1980’s there have been proposals to rename the holiday President’s Day to include the birthday of Abraham Lincoln, February 12, as part of the recognition.  Although never passed at the federal level, as many as a dozen states have revised the holiday to commemorate Abe Lincoln as well as the contributions of all our presidents.

It is important to spend time to recognize those individuals who have sacrificed so much to serve our country as president.  While many have done a mediocre job at best, many more have demonstrated leadership beyond compare, astounding courage, incredible foresight, and a loyalty to our nation and its value which should be respected and emulated. 

Throughout your life, you have had three presidents, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barrack Obama.  In addition, during school you have heard or learned about many more, whether that be George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, or Ronald Reagan. 

Who is your favorite president and why?  Which presidential story inspires you the most?  As a nation should we do more to commemorate the office of the president and the men (and someday women) who have served?


  1. Bella-
    My favorite president is Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was my favorite president because he was the one who abolished slavery. No one before Abraham Lincoln was brave enough to stand up and oppose slavery.I think Barack Obama's story was pretty inspiring. Obama is inspiring because he was the first African American president. Barack Obama believed in himself, that's how he got to where he is today. I do think we should celebrate President's Day because the past and future president's make our nation what it is today.

  2. Gonzo- My favorite President has to be Abraham Lincoln for a few reasons. First off, he brought the whole of the United States together by abolishing Slavery. Also, he made the words "All men are created equal" true. Second, he was honest and kind to everyone. Third, he lead our country courageously and fearlessly to make the United States the way it is today. Lastly, he was willing to die for his country and for his beliefs. I would have to say that the most inspirational president story is Abraham Lincoln's. I think that it is amazing that he read so much as a child even though his father beat him for doing so. I also think his story is the most inspirational because he was courageous enough to challenge Slavery, and succedded. I think that we should do a few things to commemorate the presidents. First off, we should have every social studies class learn a little bit about each president the day after President's day. Lastly, we should pick a president and give a fact that was already given about him. All in all, President's Day is a important holiday.

  3. Kristen :)
    My favorite president would have to be Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He was president even after he was somewhat paralyzed by polio. He has many inspiring quotes such as "The only thing to fear is fear itself." I think FDR has an amazing story because he overcame polio and stayed active in the political world. Yes, i think we should do more to commemorate the presidents day because it is an important national holiday and it's good to remember our past presidents.

  4. Ben R.
    My favorite president is Abraham Lincoln because he has a cool beard and he ended slavery. He also was very honest and a very good person. Abraham Lincoln's story is inspires me the most. Yes I think we need to commemorate the office of ALL the people who have served as our presidents. We need to do this because without them our nation would be very different and might not be as good as it is today.

  5. The Freelance Pianist - My favorite president would definitely be Abraham Lincoln. Not only did he have an awesomely cool top hat, he was also the first president to make any worthwhile large scale movement against slavery. In addition, he was honest. And as we all know, "honesty is the best policy". Because of Honest Abe and the precedence he set, people like Barack Obama had a chance to follow their dreams and do great things in life. The most inspiring presidential story for me would be Barack Obama because he was the first African American president and came into presidency with somewhat of a less-than-welcoming situation on his hands. As a people I believe that we should spend a little more time commemorating and honoring those that came before us and gave their blood, sweat, and tears in order to make this country the greatest country on Earth.

  6. Will
    Abraham Lincoln or Thomas Jefferson would probably have to be my alltime two favorite presidents of the United States. Jefferson was important because he purchased the Louisiana Purchase and sent Lewis and Clark out West. Lincoln was important because he abolished slavery. Yes.

  7. Patrick O'Neill: My favorite President would have to be George Washington. He was the one who started the presidency and that is very important.My favorite presedential story would be Rutherd B hay's. Now this doesn't inspire me really, but I like because of this: The opponet of Rutherd B Hays happens to be my great great great ext. grandfather, Samuel Tilden. Now my relative SHOULD have one if the republican party(my relative was a democrat) did not cheat. Yes i do think the we should do more to honor past presidents because it is a very important job, without it our country would fall apart probably.

  8. My favorite president is either Abraham Lincoln or Barrack Obama. Abraham Lincoln is one of my favorite presidents because he ended slavery and was and did a great overall job. I think he is the best president ever. It is to bad he had to die during the middle of his term because I think he would at least one one more term. Barrack Obama is my other favorite president because he is the first president I have really payed attention to and I think he is doing a fantastic job with all the hard things he has had to deal with in his first term. The presidential story that probably inspires me the most is Barrack Obama's. He is the first African-American president and just what he went through when he was growing up to what he has become today. Yes I think we need to commemorate all of the presidents because they worked so hard to make this country better and to keep it from falling apart. We should honor them by doing a whole chapter on all the presidents because a lot of people do not know much about presidents outside of Abraham Lincoln, George Washinghton, Thomas Jefferson, and Barrack Obama.

  9. That was Rich by the way and that is how the cookie crumbles.

  10. Tim: My favorite president is probably John F. Kennedy. JFK is my favorite because he served in the navy and in one mission saved his crew after their boat was hit by a torpedo. Also, JFK was always working on new ways to improve the US like the Peace Core, African American rights, and many others. I think that JFK's story was the most inspiring because nobody thought that he would accomplish anything when he was young because he was constantly sick and never got good grades. But when he got older, he became a war hero and a fantastic president with a huge impact to our country. Yes I think we should because they have tried their best to help our country and worked hard while they were in office.

  11. Peytona Judya- My fave pres is George Washington because he was one of the people that got this great country started. George Washington did more for this country then any other president ever did. He was a great leader. JFK story is the one that inspires me the most he perserved through his life too finally become president. I think the way we can commerate the fabulous leasadfercgficuruv908c0xsemj ,8hcj87tjvsa8uv t78 leaders of this country is to make presidents day into presidents week. its one week off of school and work to just remember what the presidents did. usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA.Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light,
    What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming?
    Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight,
    O'er the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly streaming?
    And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
    Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there.
    O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
    O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

    On the shore dimly seen thro' the mists of the deep,
    Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,
    What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,
    As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
    Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,
    In full glory reflected, now shines on the stream:
    'Tis the star-spangled banner: O, long may it wave
    O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

    And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
    That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion
    A home and a country should leave us no more?
    Their blood has wash'd out their foul footsteps' pollution.
    No refuge could save the hireling and slave
    From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave:
    And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
    O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

    O, thus be it ever when freemen shall stand,
    Between their lov'd homes and the war's desolation;
    Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the heav'n-rescued land
    Praise the Pow'r that hath made and preserv'd us a nation!
    Then conquer we must, when our cause is just,
    And this be our motto: "In God is our trust"
    And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
    O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

  12. this is chocolate thunda A.K.A. Conner... and i'm potentially out of anymore nicknames - american presidency was created after America became dependent because the citizens of the country grew tired of one overall ruler that had all of the power. since the presidents have been in office, there have been a lot of intelligent and smart presidents that have helped change america for the better, but there have also been bad presidents that have done nothing to help out the country, only to stall its progress. some of the great presidents in my mind are people like: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, and Ronald Reagan. George Washington was an important president of his time because as the first president he set many precedents for other presidents to come. he also set the rule that presidents can only serve a maximum of two terms, so it does not become a monarchy just like England. not only did he help america throughout its time of independence, but he also helped america get to be their own country. Abraham Lincoln is another important president to me because he led us through one of the most vital times that out country has experienced... civil war. our country could have easily crumbled just by our own beliefs and anctions, but it also could have fell to another country. if we did not have him as our president at that time, then most likely we would not be here. John Kennedy was a great president to our country because he was a strong leader for the country, and he led us through the cuban missile crisis. most other people would have given into russia's demands if they did not have the courage and brain power like John Kennedy's. Ronald Reagan was important to our country because he let everybody realize the importance and dangers that nuclear missiles presented to man kind and all other types of civilization. he also helped amend our relationship with Russia at the time. the presidential story that inspires me the most is Ronald Reagan's. he got elected into office at a very old age, and he still won by a large amount. he helped us out with russia and our problem that we had with the threat of nuclear weapons. he helped america grow stronger in so many different ways and then after all of that, he got alzheimers disease. and even then he stayed true to himself and strong. i think that we should have a couple more days that we should honor and recognize the presidents that have served our country but for right now it is okay that we at least have a day to respect and notice what the presidents have done to help the country out.

  13. my fav. prez is geroge wasington, because he was the 1st prez. he is very interesting and had wooden teeth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. geroge washington has done more to this country thn any other prez!

    The Star Spangled Banner
    In 1814, Francis Scott Key wrote the poem, Defense of Fort McHenry. The poem was later put to the tune of (John Stafford Smith's song) The Anacreontic Song, modified somewhat, and retitled The Star Spangled Banner. Congress proclaimed The Star Spangled Banner the U.S. National Anthem in 1931.
    Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light,
    What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming?
    Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight,
    O'er the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly streaming?
    And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
    Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there.
    O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
    O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

    On the shore dimly seen thro' the mists of the deep,
    Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,
    What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,
    As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
    Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,
    In full glory reflected, now shines on the stream:
    'Tis the star-spangled banner: O, long may it wave
    O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

    And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
    That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion
    A home and a country should leave us no more?
    Their blood has wash'd out their foul footsteps' pollution.
    No refuge could save the hireling and slave
    From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave:
    And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
    O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

    O, thus be it ever when freemen shall stand,
    Between their lov'd homes and the war's desolation;
    Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the heav'n-rescued land
    Praise the Pow'r that hath made and preserv'd us a nation!
    Then conquer we must, when our cause is just,
    And this be our motto: "In God is our trust"
    And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
    O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
    yes because on prez day no one accually looks back on past prezs so we should have a prez week in schools and studie prezs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA

  14. Noah R- James Madison might be my favorite old, ornery president. The 70-year-old had written the Bill of Rights and most of the Constitution, along with some of the Federalist Papers. Without the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, where would we be today? Also, all the junk he was elected into would have broken any lesser man. I think my favorite presidential story is when Ole Hickory (Andrew Jackson)beat the British at The Battle of New Orleans. It was so inspirational! I also think we should celebrate all of the presidents' birthdays.
    The End.
    P.S. Did you know Abe Lincoln's Birthday was February 12th?

  15. My favorite president would have to be Abraham Lincoln be cause he stood up for what was right. And i belive that what he sttod was right to. J.F.K story is most inspiring to me because he had all of these different family members who were in politics and for him to do the same was pretty original. Also a sad fact is that some of them were assinated. Well i think we do alot of commemorating but we should work on doing that more for the more unknown presidents. David

  16. Aaron- My favorite President was Abraham Lincoln because of his bravery to face death and standing up for what he believed in. JFK's story is touching when his brother dies and he gos into politics for him. We should remember them for their time and deication to their country and job

  17. Jilly- Since the beginning of our country until now we have had presidents. From Washington- Obama, some have been great and some not so much. Some that stand out to me are Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Kennedy, and Obama. Washington is one of my favorite presidents because he was the first president and he had a lot to do. He did a great job of setting precidents for future presidents. One thing he did was assign a house so future presidents would know what positions were needed. He also helped establish the three branch system which is still used today. Another reason why Washington was a good president was because he helped this country form into the free country that it is today by establishing guidelines and things that citizens were allowed to do. Jefferson is another great president because he was more relaxed and tried to be more like the common person, another thing he believed was that everyone should be educated, I think it's cool that he walked or rode on horseback to places. I was also thought it was interesting that he dresses casually and that when he used a round table forieghners did not like it because it was not formal enough for them. I also though it was funny that he answered the door in his slippers. Abraham Lincoln is another one of my favorite presidents. He led us through a hard time in our nations history, the civil war. Lincoln is some one who many people look up to. He risked his life to try and abolish slavery and he accomplished his goal there were many people who did not want him to sucseed. Lincoln's story inspires me the most of all the presidents. Kennedy was a great president because alot of people thought that he wouldn't be able to accomplish much when he was older because during his childhood he was sick a lot. JFK became president even though he was mostly paralized and in a wheel chair but he still managed to accomplish a lot as president. Obama is also a great president he inspired a lot of people especially African Americans it showed them that you ca accomplish great things, I think he also inspired women because they saw the first African American become president and now they can believe that maybe one day they will be the firs woman presiden and they could make history like Obama did. I definatelly think that it is important to have a day to comemorate our amazing president for forming our country into what it is, if they hadnot taken charge another country could have easily taken advantage of that and taken us over. If we were to remember them even more we could have a few days or a week where the whole country's schools take time to teach their students about all these wonderful people who have helped us, but for now it is good we have a day to remember our presidents.

  18. John-
    I honestly don't have a favorite President because there have been so many that have done such tremendous things for our country. One of the Presidential stories that inspired me was how Ronald Reagan ended the cold war. We should absolutely commemorate more to President's Day, that way there wouldn't be so much ignorance about why we get off of school.

  19. Grant-George Washington is probably my favorite president. He did so much for the country from fighting in the Revolutionary War to setting a great example for every president that followed him. The most inspirational story is probably Barak Obama's because he was the first African American president and he was really strong through out all of the adversity he faced. We should probably place more importance on the the actual presidents on President's Day because it is really important to know about the people that have shaped our country through out the years.

  20. braedy- my favorite president is Abraham Lincoln because of all that he did such as reunite the south and the north to become more of one. also because of the Civil War and how he freed the African Americans. but my president who had the JFK

  21. sam mallane.....my favorite president has to be john f Kennedy because he liked helicopters and plains. George Washington because he started this country.yes

  22. jenna miranda: my favorite president is probably Abraham Lincoln because he had alot of bravery and was not threatened by everyone. he helped shape what this country is today! all of the presidents are important and should be celebrated but i think he is was valued because he abolished slavery. he had the guts to stand up for what he believed in no matter what and that takes alot of courage and he didnt fear really anything. who knows if anyone else would have ever stood up to abolish slavery. if he had not came along then we could possibly still have slaves which would be horrible.

  23. Bailey Conger - I think James Madison was the greatest american president because he was not a big talking man but he did it in his writing. He wrote the Bill of Rights, the constitution, and a couple of federilists papers. I think the greatest story was when JFKs brother died and he took up politics for him.

  24. Alice :)
    I n my opinion John F. Kennedy, was an amazing president even though he wasn't for a long time he did do an amazing stuff. I mean his story life is also an inspiration story for many people. Anyways I really think that every president did a pretty well job. I mean every president at least did something. Anyways every president is pretty much equal like ( but one, for me) all of them I mean everyone did something. And if one of our president wasn't one but a different one, then it would be different. I mean they have all impacted our world in many ways so. So thank-you presidents of U.S.A.!!!!!

  25. Patrick Oster: I personolly like Ronald Reagan and his effort and with the president before him to tear down the Berlin Wall that lead to the end of the Cold War. The presidential story that most inspired me was Washington chopping down the Cherry Tree and being truthful that he was the one that had chopped it down. I think that we should do more to commemerate the presidents that have served our country because some have done some amazing things in their time in office.

  26. Francesca- My favorite president was Abraham Lincoln probably because he was brave and he really cared about his country. He also abolished slavery and he stood up for what he believed in. I dont really know whos story inspired me most cause there was a lot of presidents and i think all there stories are interesting cause they all did something to help the country. I think that we should celebrate most or all of the presidents birthdays cause they tried to make our country better and that is probably really hard to do and you cant make everyone happy.

  27. Taylor-I think that George Washington because he did so much to help shape this country at the very begining of the nations birth. He set the standards for a president really high. I think that JFK's story of his life and his story is the most inspiring and I like his saying "ask what the country can do for you but what you can do for your country." I think we could do a little more to celebrate tho presidents that have shaped this country.

  28. Abhi-
    My favorite president is Abraham Lincoln. Because he was best known and famous for freeing the slaves as well as stopping slavery. Lincoln was important because he abolished slavery. He had the guts to stand up for what he believed in no matter what and that takes alot of courage.I dont think anyone else would have ever stood up to abolish slavery.

  29. Anna K
    My favorite President is John F. Kennedy. He stiid uo fir his beliefs and opposed segregation and helped put an end to it. I also admire Abraham Lincoln because he helped to end slavery in the United States. As for an inspirational story I don't know much so I'll go with Abraham Lincoln giving walking miles to give back a women her change. It's true that people in America don't even think of why we get a day off today, well for kids anyway. In school (on Tuesday) I think kids should choose their a President and talk about them. Teachers can do whatever they like as long as it has to do with our presidents. I don't know if the news mentions it or not but the news channels should give a brief talk on Presidents Day so adults can remember too.

  30. Ben S.- My favorite president is Abreham Lincoln. He never lied and was always a very straight up man. He stood up and protected his country and did what was right for his country durring the Civil War and also slavery. I dont really have a good story on him but i do have a good quote. he said, "America will never be distroyed from the outside. If we faulter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we distroyed ourselves." Yes i think we should thank and respect our presidents more by showing them our appreciation for them more. Even though we might not like the president at all we still need to respect him because he is the leader of our country.

  31. Jillian- I meant Roosevelt when I said JFK.

  32. Jake- my favorite president was probably George Washington. He got the country going, and had the courage to be the first. today we need to recognize each and every president by what they have done in the past.

  33. My favorite president is George Washington. George was a kind, honest, and a generous man. The story about how he did not think he was smart enough and also when he tried to turn down the money proved what kin of man he was and it showed he wasn,t in it for the money. We have already commemerated him with a huge monument.

  34. Karina: My favorite president would have to be Ronald Reagan because he had great beliefs in America. He thought the people in America were great and gave people a chance to make lives for themselves. He thought government wasnt the solution, it was the problem.I also think its cool how he was an actor in Hollywood before he became president. Ronald was very independent and brave.

  35. ~megan~
    my favorite president is Abraham Lincoln. I like him because he stood up for what he believed in and didn't back down.Obama's story is probably the most inspiring. The fact that he was the first black president is inspiring enough.I think president's day is a great idea. i think we should keep it so we can celebrate our presidents of today and the past

  36. ~Emily T~
    All though there have been many president who have changed the course for America,
    My favorite president would have to be Franklin D. Roosevelt. Not only was he a great president, but he did everything while being in a wheelchair. He was diagnosed with polio and had to have a wheelchair, and despite this, he continued to live his life to the fullest and became president. His ambition and courage inspires me everyday. His story is the most inspiring to me. I think that in order to honor these men (and someday women)we should actually name a day after them like Washington's day Lincoln's Day ect. so we actually get a feel for who we are celebrating and what fine things that they have done for our country, and we shouldn't just smash all of them into one day.
    ~Emily T~

  37. Anna m- I think that Lincoln would have to be my favorite president because he abolished slavery. I think that Obama’s story is most inspiring because he is our first black president. Yes, we need to do more to recognize people who have served in office because they may have been people that created our constitution or helped shape government and country but we have no idea who they are.

  38. Madeline- My favorite president is most certianly Theodore Roosevelt. Without him, places like Redfish Lake would be in private hands,rather than National parks, and the public would not be able to enjoy them. To me, Obama's story is an inspiring one, being our first black president. I really do think we ought to honor those who served in office because each person did something for the country. However, most people couldn't tell you who did what.

  39. Emma-
    My favorite president would have to be George Washington! He came into presidency thinking he was knowledgable enough or right for the job. He did the exact opposite. Washington was a great president for this country! He also came from a weathly family and he didnt want to get paid. Even though I dont like Obama that much because he isnt really doing the best stuff for this country but I still think his story was the most inspiring! No matter what color he is he stood up for what he wanted no matter what the ending would be. I think for sure we should do way more for present and past and future presidents. They derserve way more than just a day. They take all there time to protect this country and do the best for us and i dont think peoople understand that.

  40. corrine-

    my favorite president would have to be abraham lincoln or thomas jefferson. both of these people have inspired me, lincoln was elected 16th president and jefferson the 3rd president. lincoln was voted favorite president when jefferson was voted 4th.
    lincoln wrote: "i am a firm believer in the peopl. if given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. the great piont is to bring them the real facts." jefferson wrote: "i tremble for my country when i reflect that god is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever. the almighty has njo attribute that can take sides with us in such a contest."
    another reason i like lincoln is, lincoln's actions and vision kept the union together and eventually led to the abolition of slavery in the United States.one other reason jefferson inspired me was that he was known to be a strong state's rights activist who realized the need for consolidating power in the federal government when necessary.
    but i think lincolns story inspires me the most. he abolished slavery which i think is great i mean sure others tried or thought about it, some might have even wanted it but couldnt make it happen but lincoln finally did!

  41. LAUREN!- My favorite president is George Washington. Being the first president had to be difficult because you wouldn't be able to see how other people ran the country before you. At first, he didn't want to be president, but he had enough courage to say yes to the job. That inspired me that he took the job. Even though he was the first president, he was also one of the best! He did a great job at running the country. He was a good president for the US because he was smart, courageous, and wise. George's story inspires me the most, because he was the first president and that takes a lot of courage as i said before. Yes, I think we should do more to commemorate the office of the president. I think it would help them a lot with their job.

  42. Abby_-(the reason that it took me so long was that i forgot the password and fogot to ask at school, alot) any hoo my favorite president was Thomas Jfferson( im the first person to say him, so i think that i should get extra points for thinking out side the box)the reason that i chose jefferson was because he mad ethe white house more homey and welcoming. plus when he took office and changed the goverment it was peacefull. it was the irst time in history that that has happend. i tink that if jefferson hadnt taken office then the whitehouse would have bee filled with snobby peplewho thought they were to good for the rest of us. i thing to "thank" all of the past presidents we should hae a day designated to them.. which we already kinda do...

  43. Mary-
    My favorite president I would have to say is Abraham Lincoln. He ended the Civil War and defeated slavery as well. President Lincoln had to deal with all hardship of a splitting nation and how to keep it together, which he successfully did, and abolished slavery in the U. S.

  44. My favorite is Roosevelt. The man was definitely awesome. He not only played tackle football in the hallway with his kids, but the only reason he became president is he was sent from new york by politicians who thought that that would get rid of him. It didn't. Another story about him is,someone hired a total Fizzik to beat him up; he didn't succeed. Roosevelt acted the gentleman at first, then when he caught on remarked, "ah, I see how it is," took off his caot, and proceeded to beat the man up.

  45. ~Emily b~
    I don't have a favorite president but I like Abraham linkon and John kenedy. They hav been great president and have greatly impacted our country and still are today. For example Abraham abolished slavery which was a great accomplishment. And kenedy spoke the famous quote that even today preIdents still fallow:
    " ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country".
    Even though I like these two presidents I think the most inspiring story of
    how he became president is that of our own barrack Obama. He was just an average guy and he decided to run for president, he didn't have any real accomplishments our history to help him along. But out of sheer love for him the people picked him. I thinks we commemorat or presidents pretty well and we try to have a certain day for the more important ones.

  46. Scott- My favorite president is FDR. He is my favorite president because he really helped turned the country around from the depression. He was also the strong leader that America needed when she went into the World War 2. My favorite presidential story is FDR's because he became president of a country with absolutely no hope. On his inaugural address he said, "The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself." After this speech he immediately went to work cleaning up the country with the new deal. I think it is important to honor all the past presidents of our country, the BEST country in the world.

  47. ++++++Jacob++++++

    My favorite president would probably have to be George Washington because of some of the things I have read about him. He was smart, he was good on a horse, and , for the ladies, he was good looking. When George was a wee little lad, he decided that he was going to run away and join the British army. When trying to sneak out the back door, his mom cought him and gave him a good cuffing for even thinking of trying to do such a thing. Just think about that... if George would have run away then he wouldn't have been our greatest president and probably would have been a succesful general in the british army... our enemies! It just comes to show how fragile history is doesn't it?!?!?!

  48. Parker Toney- My favorite president is Abraham Lincon because he tought us that all people are created equal. I think we should learn more about the Presidents instead of taking a day off.

  49. Joseph- I really like Presidents Lincoln and George Washington. Lincoln mostly destroyed slavery while George started everything running up and getting it all started. if it wasnt for him we wouldnt have nearly everything and his courage to be the leader. I think that we should all learn more about the Presidents that week and not just take the day off, even though it is nice.

  50. **************************NOAH GOEDDERTZ****************************
    My favorite president I would have to say is Andrew Jackson. He went crazy and was still the president, he was also an army officer. I was inspired the most when george washington won our freedom. That was truly inspiring. I think that we all should take more time off of school when it's president day. That way we all really can focus and the men that have served in office.


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