Monday, March 14, 2011

Tragedy in Japan

As people across the United States woke up on March 10, we were informed by the local, national, and cable news channels of the devastating earthquake which shook Japan and created a tsunami which made its way all the way to the coast of California.  The 8.9 earthquake was the fifth largest in recorded history and the biggest to ever shake Japan. 

The initial earthquake struck at 2:45 in the afternoon.  The epicenter was on the northeastern coast of the island nation.  Its effects were felt as far as Tokyo, hundreds of miles away.  The nation not only received substantial damage from the quake, its strength triggered a 23 foot tsunami.  The tsunami wreaked havoc on everything in its path including boats, cars, farmland, highways, airports, and rails. 

Japan continues to feel the aftershocks.  About every fifteen minutes aftershocks, some registering more than 6.0 on the Richter scale, have continued to disrupt the nation.

We are now many days past the event and the bad news continues.  In addition to surmising the devastation, thousands of people are still missing.  The death toll constantly increases as more people and bodies are discovered.  The people are without electricity, shelter, and basic necessities.  If you are lucky and have the means, you can wait upwards of five hour to purchase gasoline.

In addition, there is an ongoing threat of nuclear meltdown.  Japan has invested in nuclear energy to power its nation.  While a reasonable alternative energy source, it comes with concerns.  Those concerns are front and center in the cities across Japan as nuclear meltdowns become a possibility.    There have been multiple explosions within the plants.  The crews have worked diligently to prevent dangerous levels of radiation from being released in the air.

This story is far from over.  The death toll will continue to rise, the tragic tales seem to be endless, and while foreign and domestic aid will be there to help, it will be many years before Japan will be returned to it prominent state.

What have you heard about the earthquake in Japan?  How should the United States help the Japanese people?  What can we do here at St. Joseph’s to aid the people of Japan?


  1. Noah R.- First off, I want to spread my consolations to anybody in Japan, who has to go through such hardship and loss. Second off, I want to tell everyone we are NOT in immediate danger from that radiation. Now, the reactors that Japan uses are called boiling water reactors, which cause reactions through--you guessed it--Boiling water. As such, it needs intense heat inside the reactor to operate. Of the two or three power plants that had meltdowns, one was completely flooded with seawater, effectively cooling and shutting down the radiator, preventing further release of chemicals and radiation. The other two used the tactic called controlled release, which is letting out a little bit of chemicals rather than explosions. On another note, some of the chemicals released include Cesium, Tritium, and Strontium. But mostly Tritium was released, which is called "Heavy Water" because of its chemical makeup, H3 (Regular water's is H2O). Now, even though Tritium is radioactive, its half-life (which is the amount of time it takes for a radioactive substance to lose half its power) is relatively short. Also, if it rains AT ALL ANYWHERE by Japan, the H3 will be grounded and stay concentrated in that one spot in Japan. So all those paranoid bozos who scream "TAKE YOUR IODINE TABLETS!!! FEAR THE DESTRUCTION OF MANKIND!!!" are blowing this WAY out of proportion. ANYWAY, I think the United States can do what they're already doing, which is sending care packages and rations overseas. This will help because we won't be putting American lives directly on the line with aftershocks and such, but we are still aiding Japan. We can't do much here at St. Joe's, unless one of us who DIDN'T HAVE A HOUSE FIRE has enough Benjamins to get over there and volunteer at shelters. We can do fundraising, I guess. Either raise money for Japan through Rice Bowlish-like thingys, or do some community service and say "Oh no, no payment, just some money for that poor country Japan over in the East." That should suffice, I guess. Oh well, thanks for listening to me lecture about sciency things to you, and I hope I get an A+ from a certain Mr. Grant, not the Megan kind. Thanks!

  2. ~Emily T.~
    The earthquake in Japan is a huge tradgedy, and has caused alot of chaos. It was recorded to be and 8.9 on theRichter scale, which is huge! In addition to its huge size and destruction, which left thousands homeless and with out food or water, the earthquake caused a devastating tsunami to hit Japan later. And, as if that weren't enough, the nuclear power plants melted, and the radiation is four times what it was before!trol it by releasing some of the toxic gas, but in the end, as you probably know, the efforts ended in an explosion.Like Noah said, I think that the U.S. is doing a fairly good job ofhelping by sending relief money and packags to the Japanese people. At St. Joe's we could do a fundraiser like we hyave in the past, such as he Robamka fundraiser. For the Robonka project, we raised alot of money, and I think we could do the same thing for the Japanese. Al though it would only put a dent in the cost of what they need, every little bit hepls.
    ~Emily T.~

  3. Anna M- I have heard many things about the earthquake in Japan but none of them have been good.Everything is currently underwater and many are being exposed to radiation. I think the US can help people by sending them food and money. At this time i think we are doing a good job at helping the people of Japan. We the students of St Joes can help them by donating money, food, and old clothing to the people of Japan.

  4. Francesca- The recent earthquake in Japan is a big deal. All i know is it was recorded to be an 8.9 on the Richter Scale and the earthquake caused a 23 foot tsunami destroying everything in its path. Also the nuclear power plants melted. I think the US is doing a good job helping so far. They are sending money and packages to Japan. For stjoes we can all gather food, clothes, and money and send it to people who need help.

  5. Bailey Conger - When i found about the earthquake i was no my way up to Idaho Falls for hockey. At the ice rink it was on the T.V. in the lobby. It ws mostly talking about how big the tsunami was not about the earthquake. I heard that it was about an 8.9 on the moment magnitutude scale and the tsunami was like 20 feet tall and went 6 miles long. I heard that the death toll was above 10,000 people. I think that we should send in food and other supplies but have other countries involved to. I think that we are always the first countries to help and by the time other countries have there plan we have already given them enough. We are always right on it. At St. Joes we can continue to pray for them and have them in our thoughtsbut also maybe a fundraiser or a food drive.

  6. Lauren-
    What I've heard about the earthquake was that it caused a tsunami that killed many people who were nearby. 8.9 earthquakes are really dangerous. The Japan earthquake caused many deaths and destruction. I feel really bad for Japan. Earthquake destruction could take 10 years, maybe even more, to fully recover from. Even if almost all of the damage is cleaned up, there could still be some financial problems that they still need to fix. I also heard that the people there can only use electricity in certain parts of the day. They are really struggling over there so we should do anything we can to help out. The United States could help them out by sending groups over to help clean up the destruction. Saint Joseph's could help out by putting together a fundraiser for the people in Japan. The fundraiser could raise money for food, clothing, and other finances that they may need help paying for. There are probably a ton of people who are homeless in Japan, so we could also help raise money to build houses.

  7. Bella-
    The earthquake in Japan has devastated many live. Many people have lost everything they had. I have heard that many people were found dead or are still missing. Also that the earthquake was a 8.9 on the Richter Scale, the third largest earthquake ever recored. This triggered a 23 ft. tsunami that wiped out the coast. Also this tsuami reached California. Another thing that I have heard was there were some explosions in nuclear plants leaving everyone in danger. I think the United States is doing very well in helping Japan. We have sent help to search for the people that were in the earthquake. Also we have sent food, money, and clothing. St. Joe's can have a fundraiser to help raise money for Japan. Also we can send canned food, clothes, and other things.

  8. Jacob-
    I think that it is so crazy what is going on in Japan because I know what has been done first hand. One of my best friends recently moved to the outskirts of Tokyo for better schooling. I sent her a facebook message to make sure she was ok, she found herself in a very scary situation. Here's exectly what she said...

    hey guess what!? in japan we had a huge earthquake, I was in school and the power went out and we didnt have any water. I almost had to stay the night there because the trains were all stopped. it was freeky!! there are some tsunami's that were 6 meters high and some houses and cars were taken by the waves. good thing my mom came to pick me up but she took 2 and a half hours to come to school when it usually it only takes about 30 min or so, and i had to stay at school until like 9:30 and when i came home it was like 12:15... long day...

    Luckily she was very fortunate and wasn't seriously injured or even killed. Keep all of the Japanese people in our prayers because right now is when they need it most!

  9. Jilly-I have heard that an 8.9 earthquake hit Japan and since then they have had over a thousand aftershocks that are the size of normal earthquakes. The earthquake was in the water so it caused a huge tsunami that wiped out everything in its path. I also heard that as a reaction to the earthquake it caused waves to be sent to Hawaii and the West coast of the US. In Los Angeles there were about 4 ft high waves and on Maui there were about 6 ft high. I also heard about the nuclear plant problems. I think the United States should help by sending food, clothes, and other necessities especially for people who are now homeless and don't have anything. Something St. Joes can do is raise money to send to help them recover and we can also collect things for kids like crayons and school supplies that they lost we could also sent other things that are greatly needed by those who lost so much in this disaster. Another thing the US should do is help them recover by rebuilding and helping people see that it will be okay.

  10. Abby- wheni woke up on march 10th i came down stairs and so what looked like a movie was playing, thenit went to maggie omara (or howeve you spell it) so i was taken by surprise that this tradgity had really occured. i sat down and listened with horror as i heard it was in japan. our firiend reecently moved there but he is far away s i was relieved by that. theni saw the death rate rising and rising and was taken back to my state of horror. the following day i say bill nye on the news nd he said that the earhquake and tsumimis might effect the nucluar stuff. he said that it could cause a melt dpwn and take out japan completely. that thought of loosing all of those people made mystomoch drop (like when your on a rollercoaster). when hurricane katrina hit, alot of peope went down to help out with cleaning up and helping people. i think tha we should send some people over there to do the same. at a school we should make an announcment to help raise money for all of the people there. we did something simulare for the people in a church we should have a mass for the japanese people because right now they need supprt from us physicly and mentalty and Gods help spiritlualy

  11. Taylor- All I have heard about the earthquake is what is in this post just in a little greater detail. I think the U.S. should do what they can to help the devistated Japan with what they can. As you said beforeit will take many years before the nation is put back together. I don't know what kids at St. Joes could either send over or if we could just pray for them either way we will try our hardest.

  12. Patrick o'Neill: All that i have hear about what is going on in Japan is that an 8.9 quake hit near them and then a tsunami came and ravaged their land. I also heard that this caused roblems at nucluer power plants. What the U.S could do is send supplies and go over there to help them with medical problems and the power platn problems. What we at St. Joes could do is pray for them and mabey have a fund raiser to send money or supplies to Japan.

  13. Jenna
    all that i have heard about Japan is that there was a 8.9 earthquake hit and then it was followed by a tsunami that carried away many people. i think that the U.S. should do whatever they can to help the people in Japan. it will take many years to fix Japan. as St. Joes students i dont really know what we could do or send over all i know is that we can pray for them everyday and hope for the best...

  14. jared- the only news ive heard on the earthquake is that is was a huge earthquake. also i have heard that they are worried about the nucular factories that are in japan, because if those go down bad things will happen. and also i have heard that the earthquake could make its way over to hawaii or california but im not sure.i think our miliarty should send them food water and supplies that we in america will donate to Japan. i think we should have a "help the japs" donation (it dosent need to be called that i just thought it was catchy) wear they will place buckets and jars so each class can donate old clothes shoes and money to help Japan out.

  15. Peyton "Whitey" Judy aka former Green Dragon former Wangsta upcoming Tropic
    I have heard that there has been a devasting earthquake that has caused massive destruction. it was an 8.9 quake that caused a tsunami to occur too. Nuclear reactors have been damaged and one of the reactors blew up. I think the U.S. needs to send the Japanese people supplies and also help them evacuate from there. it is our duty to help any country that is in need and we need to help in every possible way. I think we students and teachers need to send them money and any supplies we can. We also need to pray for the japanese people.

  16. Grant- What I've heard is that there was an 8.9 earthquake in the ocean just outside of Japan that caused massive damage. I've also heard that nuclear reactors stopped working and everyone in the area is being asked to stay indoors because of radiation. After the earthquake large waves came on the coast of the Western United sates and killed a few people attempting to take pictures. I think the United States should help the Japanese by helping them evacuate and bringing supplies. We should also have some of our best scientists thinking of a way to fix the nuclear plants with minimal damage. We could have a clothing or food drive to help the people in Japan and pray that all goes well over there.

  17. The Freelance Pianist - What I've heard is that the 8.9 earthquake has now been named a 9 magnitude earthquake. In addition, I'm aware of all the nuclear meltdown and radiation problems going on in Japan. I also know that it caused a tsunami that devastated Japan and Hawaii as well as impacted California. The U.S. is doing quite well to help the Japanese people as far as I know, so as a result I really have no suggestions. And as for what we at St.Joes can do: RICEBOWL

  18. Gonzo- I have heard many things about the devestation that has happened in Japan. First, I have heard that the earthquake's magnitude continuosly changed. Before being 8.9 it was something else and now it is classified as a 9.0. I also heard that the death toll is up to at least 10,000 and that 140,000 people are asked to stay in their homes and keep them airtight so that they don't get any radiation. People are only asked to do this if they are near one of the nuclear facilities. I heard that there were 3 nuclear facilities that had the reactor overheat and many more were on there way. One of the things that the United States should do to help Japan is take food and supplies to the Japanese people and maybe give some electricity to them so that they can have some necessaties. Some things that Saint Joseph's can do to help Japan are: have a food drive, have a clothing drive, or have a money drive. All of these will greatly help Japan. All and all, there is a lot we can do to help the Japanese people.

  19. Ben R.

    I know that the earthquake caused extreme devastation and has left thousands of people homeless, injured or dead. It also caused a huge Tsunami which caused even more destruction. The United States could help the people in Japan by sending ships and planes to get the people out of the destruction and wreckage. they could also send food and supplies if they can't get the people out of Japan. People could also go there to help out. At St. Joseph's we can collect canned food and extra clothing to aid the people in Japan.

  20. Karina- I have also heard that the earthquake in Japan has had an 8.9 magnitude and caused a tsunami to occur. This caused problems for the nuclear plants. The United States needs to find a way to fix the nuclean plants in a safe way. The U.S. also needs to send out supplies and send people to help clean the damage. St. Joes can help aid the people of Japan by doing fundraisers and saving lots of money for Japan so they can use it for supplies and for all the damage the earthquake has done.

  21. Will- I have heard that thousands of people have died in Japan and that its a horrible natural disater i have also heard that they just found many boday on the shore of Japan from the Tsunamis. I think the U.S is doing a great job of helping out and i think we should keep on giveing the food and water. Here at St Joes we can send them money to help rebuild shelter and towns.

  22. Aaron- I have heard terrible and that the death toll is huge. Also that it caused other tsumias. They should send supplies and aid to our allie.We can raise money for the Japanese people and pray for them.

  23. Scott B- I have heard a lot about Japan.I know that there are +10k deaths. I also know that one person in California died because of the earthquke. I also saw pictures of the aftermath of the tsunamis in Hawaii and Japan. I have heard that people are freaking out about the nuclear reactors and are stocking up on Iodine in the US. I think the US needs to send critical items that are needed over there such as food and toiletries. We at St. Joe's could do food, money, and toiletry drives to gather things to give to the Red Cross who would then give it to the Japanese people in need.

  24. Kristen :)
    I have heard about the 8.9 earthquake and the 23 foot tsunami waves. I have also heard about all the devastating damage and the many lost lives. I have also heard about the nuclear reactors. The US can send search teams to search for all the missing people. The can also send food and clothes. The St. Joes students can send money and food and all other needed items. We everyone's help we can help prevent more deaths.

  25. Parker Toney- I have heard it was a 9.0 earthquake. I also heard there is a giant tsunami coming to the US. Every one should send food and supplys.

  26. Tim: so far I have heard that Japan was hit by a huge earthquake and suffered a lot of damage from the tsunami too. Also the nuclear power plants are leaking a lot of radiation. The U.S. could help Japan by sending over supplies and sending soldiers to help find the missing bodies. We here at St. Joseph's could help Japan by raising money for them just like we did with Robanka. Also we could help them the most with our prayers:)

  27. Patrick Oster- I have heard that the earthquake was the fifth largest earthquake. Also that there has been radiation leaking from the nuclear plant that has four reactors that have been leaking. And that the radiation is going to head to the U.S yet it can not harm us because the radiation will be most likely that it will be dropped off. The United states should send more relief aid and try to help the workers that are in the reactors that are trying to cool down the nuclear rods. At St. Joes we could pray for those who lost loved ones or ones that are missing and trying to get out of were they are. Also for the ones that have been exposed to radiation. We could also have a food and money drive and we can send those to the Japaniese.
    The End

  28. IT JUST TOOK ME 15 MINUTES TO BLOG THIS POST AND IT DIDN'T GO THROUGH... i'm not going to do it again tonight! maybe tomorrow

  29. Anna K.
    I awoke Friday morning and heard the news from my mom. At that time I hadn't realized the devastation in Japan. 8.9 is a huge earthquake and caused lots of damage. It also triggered a tsunami which washed away homes, fields, and swept away planes, cars. It also left a sea of rubble which now must be cleaned up. Even after I heard the news I knew thousands must be dead and missing. What is worse is now there is a nuclear meltdown going on. Well another problem added to the pile. This earthquake just shows you how powerful mother nature can be. I am proud that we were the country that sent supplies immediatly. We need to keep sending supplies and I think everyone in the U.S. should donate even if it is just a dollar. I think that we as a school need to pray for the people in Japan. Prayer goes a long way and we could even tell our families to donate money. I'll add another part to this. How prepared are we for a massive earthquake? We have two faults right off our west coasts which could go at any time. Not trying to scare everyone but we as a country need to be prepared for something like this. Look at Japan. They are probably the most prepared countru for this time of thing and the earthquake there caused mass destruction. Anyway thats all I got to say. Byyyyyye

  30. david- I have heard that the earhtquake was huge and it cause an 8.9 i also heard that it was on the coast so it therefore caused a tsunami. this and the earthquake have killed thouasands of people. And thousands more are missing. The tsunami was 23 feet tall. I think the united is doing some things but we could also send some food and people to build houses after everything has ended. We could pray fo them and also do some fundraisers to get food, resources, and money for them

  31. Emma~:D
    The only things I've heard about the earthquake was it marked 8.9 on the Richter scale and not only was the earthquake bad enough that caused a 23 foot tsunami. Also becasue Japan uses nuclear engery to power there nation and explosive eruptions at the plants are causing high levels of radiation. When I was fliping the chanels and the news came on and it was saying that many people are taking pills that are supposed to prevent and radiation to get into their bodies.I think the United States is doing a great job. They are doing what they can. For St.Joe's I think every class should be responsible for bringing one item that would help someone in need. Then we would gather all the materials and send it to Japan.

  32. corrine-

    When i heard about this earthquake i didn't realize how bad it really was. Then i watched the news later that night and i was shocked. It was such a devastation to everybody in Japan and around the world. Japan is coping with three disasters at the same time: a major earthquake, a sweeping tsunami and a deepening nuclear crisis. Today helicopters dumped water on Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in the latest attempt to halt the nuclear accident that appeared to be spinning out of control. The helicopters belong to the nation's self-defense forces, public broadcaster NHK reported. The cold, snowy weather in parts of the Asian nation further heightened the hardship of a nation facing what its leaders call its biggest disaster since World War II. If we all focus on a small deed like replenishing their crops. We could make a huge difference. Maybe putting some money in the rice bowls or doing a huge project throughout our school and maybe all the catholic schools in the valley could help us raise money for Japan.

  33. ~Emily B~
    I have hear that a huge earthquake has occured in japan. It was one of the biggest ever and has killed many people. It also caused an tsunami which aided in the great destruction, also the nuclear power plant are in unstable conditions. If they melt down it would become one of the wost disastors yet. The united states is helping in the ways that it can, it has been sending men over to help with the power plants and looking for survivors. Here at st. Joes we can pray foe those who have Lost someone or who are still out there waiting to be found. We could also create a fund raising project for those in need in japan.

  34. Joseph- I have heard that there is about 10000 some deaths and over 1000 aftershocks not to mention a Tsunamis and even nuclear reactors destroying everything with its polluted air. I think the U.S is doing a pretty good job since they have already sent ships over with supplies to the hundreds of thousands (or something) of people without anything. No food, water, shelter, nothing. I think St. Joe's can pray for everyone there and maybe start a food drive or something. Like a fund reaiser like 2 cans per person or something that would help a little bit but i dont know.

  35. Rich- I have heard tons of bad news like the death toll, the radiation problem, and the tsunami all because of an earthquake. I have not heard one thing good for Japan lately. We should bring rescue people, bring them food and other necessities to living, and try to build communities where people can live in. I think we should have a fundraiser for money. Our goal could be like 6,000 dollars and whichever class brings in the most money will get a pizza party or free dress or something fun like that.

  36. Abhi-
    The things that I have heard about the earthquake in Japan are that it was an 8.9 on the Richter scale, many people are being exposed to radiation, and I have heard that the earthquake had caused a tsunami. People now are being told to stay inside because of the radiation, when the tsunami hit it destroyed anything it its path. I have heard that pressure also is rising in the reactors. The damage that has happened is shocking. This earthquake has caused a lot of devastation to Japan. The Unites States can help the Japanese people, by sending food and clothing. Also, the United States can send airplanes to get people out of this situation. The United States also said that Americans should stay 50 miles away from the radiation sites. The Unites States is trying to help, and i heard that they are giving different info then Japans. I heard that over 10,000 people have died.St Joe’s can start a food drive, raise money for Japan. This will help a little.

  37. Jake- I have not heard much about japan. Although I heard about a huge earthquake, tsunami, and a nuclear reactor. The us could send supplies and people to help the people. Here at st. Joes we could create a fundraiser. If every person could bring in $10 we could
    D raise over$300.

  38. I've heard everything from the damages, to the nuclear power plants. It's all been very tragic and terrible. We should all pray (or at least wish good luck)for the Japanese and hopefully get some volunteer groups over there to help out. We can do all the things I've mentioned before.

  39. Braedy C- Hey if it were up to me i would help them out even though some people would from what they did in World War II but that was a entire generation ago, Also from what i have heard they head a 9.0 Earthquake and it destoryed some thing like the what it is called the Plant thing the was destoryed and if to many of the Melt down it could change the World For Ever. And Also from what i heard is that some thing like 10,000 estimated people died and many more have not been found VERY SAD!!!

  40. this is chocolate thunda A.K.A. Conner - i have heard a lot about the tragedy in Japan but some of the main things that keep coming up is that the earthquake had a magnitude of 9.0, it caused a 23 foot tidal wave, and that the tsuami made the cooling system for the nuclear powerplants to malfunction so the nuclear reactors are blowing up and leaking its poisonous radiation. i havae also heard things like that the earthquake moved the earth's axis slightly so the day that the quake ocurred the day was shorter, the quake shifted the entire island of Japan eight whole feet, and that the earthquake caused tsunamis that hit the united states also. the tsunami and the earthquake has affected and will affect Japan for many years to come, but there is an even bigger threat to the country now and that is the nuclear plants that are leaking radiation into the air. this can kill not only the humans, but the wildlife, plantlife, and pretty much every other living thing that gets consumed by the poisonous gases. Japan cannot deal with these problems by themselves and they need help, and the united states is willing to give it to them. we should do anything from giving food or extra money to just getting suggestions from nuclear scientists to help out their reactor problem. what we at st joes can do are things like raise money for them, but if not that then the least we could do is pray for them. a little deed can go a long way. this is conner charles signing off for the week and thanks for stopping by whoever is reading this.

  41. megan(:
    I have hear much on the Earth quake that has occured in Japan. I have heard about the thousands of lives that were lost when the waves flooded into the main land. I heard that many of these lost lives ended up on the beach after the waters had gone down. Thousands of dead body were laying there on that very beach.I have heard of the devastation that this earthquake has caused. i think the US should go out ans help those poor people in japan. I think that we should start fundraisers and such to raise money to get japan up and running once again.i think us at st joes should raise money and send care packages to these people

  42. Alice : )
    Okay first off, what has happened to Japan is very devastating. Yet that's how mother nature works. Anyways I have heard that the earthquake was a magnitude 9.0 on the Richter Scale. And I have also heard that thousands of lives of lost by earthquake and mostly by the tsunami too. The most recent I have heard about that they have found radiation in their water, and that the nuclear plants are smoking up not for sure. But what we can do is just like we did for Haiti, but more help. We have been through a lot of natural disasters and need just cope with it. As in for our school, I say fundraisers can help. We can do fun runs, bake sale, car washes and anything that comes to mind. As a community, city, state, country and then world we need to come together to help one another, in whatever comes our way. As a family, One big Family, United!!!!!!!!!

  43. John- the one posted on March 17, at 3:29 was mine (sorry)

  44. Ben S.- What i have heard about japan is that the earthquake caused a huge tsunami and killed A LOT of people. Also that the nuclear reactors are exploding and poisoning the air with radiation which is also putting a lot of people in danger. The people of the United States should send people over to help take care of them and give them medical attention such as people from the red cross, military, and doctors. What we can do to help from St. Joes is pray a lot and we can also donate things like food, water, clothing, stuff like that. Another thing that we can do is get a fundraiser going and colect all of the money that we get and give it to Jaan. I also think all of the schools around the United States should try and do this. Lets all pray for Japan in their time of need.

  45. Mary-what i have heard about the earthquake in Japan in it was rated a 8.9 on the richter scale. It triggered a 23 foot tsunami wave. Between both incidents it has killed many people and devistated the country and the world. What I think the U. S. can do is send people to help take care of the survivors and give then necessities they need to live. I think what St. Joes can do to help with this devistation is have a fundraiser and send the money we made to red cross to help with Japan.

  46. NOAH G,,,,,I dont keep up with the national news much so i heard the news with a 24hr delay. From what ive heard it was an 8.9 earthquake that hit. I think that the us should for sure aid the japanese people with food and water. We also should donate financially so they can began to rebuild. At st.joes i think we can all donate a set sum of money to a gift box for them.

  47. Garren- i have heard that the earthquake was really bad and it effected lots of people. I thik it is part of our job to help people in need so i think the united states needs to help. I think st. Joes can also do a lot by raising money for them.

  48. ssaamm was one of the biggest in history.raise money ,food and supplies and give them to them.raise money an d give it to them.


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