Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Idaho Education Reform

The most dominating story in our local news has to be the education reform bills proposed by Idaho Superintendent, Tom Luna.  The series of bills are intended to address to stagnant or even declining performance of our state’s school along with looking for ways to address budget issues.  The budget issues not only include reducing the total amount of money spent on education in the state, but further review where is the money best spent.

The highlights of the bill include increase the average class size across the state, reducing the number of teachers by over 700, and increasing the usage of technology in our education system by providing laptops access to high school students and requiring a certain number of classes to be taken on-line.
The proposals have caused uproar from parents, teachers, administrators, and students.  There are many questions about the research, rationale, and benefits from the proposal.  While most public debate has been civil, there have been a few acts of vandalism committed against Tom Luna and his family.  Most recently, high school students have organized walk outs from school to protest the bills.  While the pessimist would say the students left school for the sake of leaving school, the optimist says it is great to see students take an active part in their education.

What have you heard about education reform in Idaho?  What do you think about people’s reactions to the bills including the recent student walkout?  What do like about your education to date?  What do you think could be done differently to enhance your education?


  1. Peyton- i have heard that we are going to be laying off multiple teachers across of idaho. i think the bill is making large amounta of people angry. i like how i have had the oppurtunity to have a lot of one on one time with teachers. i think that we could make the day shorter to reduce stress on kids.

  2. Jacob-
    I think that the acts of vandalism is very bad and that highschool students shouldn't be doing this. I have heard and read alot about this subject and think that no, the public school students should not have to take 3 online calsses every year and be forced to have huge calss sizes. But I do think that no matter what we do the law will be passed. I have already made the switch to private school 3 weeks ago and if this law gets passed then my brother and sister will definatly do this too.

  3. Sir Kobe Dustin Smith III-I havent been paying to much attention to the education reform, mostly because I go to a private Catholic school. I think it is good that these kids are taking interest in their education, but i dont think they need to cut class. Sure they can go and protest. They could easily go right after school. I really like my education. Going to a Catholic school is nice because their is a good student to teacher ratio which allows me to get more personal time with the teacher if i need help with an assignment, or project. If i went to a public school most of the teachers wouldnt help because they would be to busy. One thing i would like would be an independent study day. We could get out at lunch on wednesday and we could go home and have independent study.

  4. jared========i havent heard much about the reform other then the teachers getting layed off. the bill is upsetting people all over idaho. like peyton said i like having one on one time with teachers which i love asking teachers for help after school so i can really understand the subject im doing. umm having longer weekends would help student with there homework so they could spend more time on it and get a better grade.

  5. Mary-
    I have heard about that Idaho is laying off teachers and the schools are going to have to start doing online courses too. I think the students protesting is fair, but cutting class for it and vandalizing isn't. Its only going to make it worse. However I dont think they should go through with the bill. Having teachers to guide you through what your learning is alot better than learning from a computer that you can't ask questions or help you.

  6. Abhi-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
    What i have heard about the education reform in Idaho is that we reducing the number of teachers by over 700,increasing the usage of technology, and providing laptops to high school students. I think it is good that students are fighting for what they believe in even though the can be punished with detentions and suspensions. I like about my eduation is that I go to a Private/Catholic School, so I wont have to do these things. I also like that we have a chose if we want to take online classes or not. I think the thing that can be done to enhance our education would be starting school later, and having a to take atleast one online class.

  7. Garren Jr. Sienior of the Fourth Generation of the Third Generation of the Constitution of the United States Divided by the 13 Colonies Riggers- I do not follow the education reform because I does not involve me being a chatholic school student. I am glad that students are so concerned about their educaion but they have to suffer the conciquences. I like that people dont have to pay for education (besides taxes)in public schools. I dont like the online classe because I prefer one one one time with a teacher because i would not be inspired to learn if I am not in a classroom.

  8. Kristen :)
    I haven't really heard much about the education reform except for the stuff already listed in the blog. I think that the people reactions to the bill are both good and bad. The protests are good because people are just fighting for what they beleive in. The vandelism is bad and is not an appropiate aproch to the problem. I like the way my education is now because we have lots of access to tecnology and the teaches are really good. To inhance my education i think every student should get a labtop.

  9. Jake- I have not heard anything about the education reformation. I dont understand why they are all protesting because they are probably are not going to overturn the govenments decision.Although I can and understand having less school.
    Personally I think school should start about a hour later, but it's probably not going to happen though. School will probably stay as it is today.

  10. Noah R- I've only heard about the 700 teacher jobs that are being cut. I also feel that these students are being a bit......extreme. I like that we each get individualized attention here at St. Joes. We can improve our school by increasing 1 on 1 time and maybe shorter days.

  11. Benjamin Patrick Shalz the 845th of the star ship enterprise of the melenium falcon cousin of chewbaka and brother of Jabba the Hut best friends with Darth Maul Shalz

  12. Bella-
    I haven't honestly heard much about the education reform. I have only heard that the citizens of Idaho are taking action and trying to protest against the Luna Education Reform Bill. I think it is pretty cool that high school students are standing up for what they think it right. I like many things about my education today. I like how we the students at change about St. Joe's is that we could have shorter school days and less homework to reduce the stress on the students.St. Joe's get to have a lot of one on one time with the teachers. Also I like how the enviroment at St. Joe's is very friendly. One thing we could

  13. Gonzo- I have heard only a few things about the education reform in Idaho. All I have ehard is hat people are expected to take multiple classes online. Besides that, I have heard nothing. I think that the peoples reactions about the students walking out of class were both sided. Some people said it was fine because the kids were standing up for what they believed in. Other people are appaled by what the students did because they are missing school and therefore can't get all of the knowledge possible. I like education today because it is pretty much a class and the teacher and almost no computers are needed. I like this because I prefer to do classes with a teacher that I can see face to face and ask questions. I think that the main thing we can do to improve education is offer online classes but not force people to take it because everyone learns in their own way.

  14. Anna M- i havnt heard much about the education reform but i have heard of kids walking out from their schools. Well i think that they need to take the students walking out of school as a wake up call that amybe this reform isn't suitable for our state. i feel very strong about the education that i am getting at St. Joes because each student gets equal or individual attention from out teachers.
    Some thing that i would say would inhance our education is every student getting a laptop, but that is obliviously not economical in this economy.

  15. Scott- I haven't heard about anything big on education reform. I think that students should be allowed to stand for what they think is right, but I don't think they should do it during school hours when taxpayers are paying for them to be there. I have liked my education to date because for the most part I haven't had any teachers that I really disliked. The student situation though had always been a problem for me and no teacher, no matter what they do or say has never made it better. I think more technological classes should be offered and I also think more has to be done about bullying.

  16. Bailey - I haven't heard anything about it. I bthink that i would of walked out to if i believed in it. Its good and bad because there are jobs being lost but money is being saved. I like it because it won't effect us.

  17. Aaron- i heard they were making cuts on supplies and teachers salaries.i think that people don't like the plan one bit. I like the oppatornities and the quality of the education.i think more classes toward what we would like to do in life

  18. Lauren-
    All that I've heard that happened in Idaho is the teachers being layed off. I don't think that the students who walked out should've done that, because they will not have an education anymore and it will affect their whole life. They could've responded to the bill in a different way. I like how our education is today. Our technology is advanced and it helps us learn more about people across the world.

  19. Rich- The only thing I have heard is that we are laying off teachers. I think it is good that they are standing up for what they believe in. I also disagree with Luna and I am glad that people are sticking up for their own teachers and trying to get these bills canceled. What I like about our education to date is that we are put into small classes consisting of 20 to 25 people. I like this because it gives us students the personal attention we need to succeed in school. I don't think we need to change anything because I think we use enough technology here and I think we do enough homework to teach us the things we need to know for later on in our lives. If we had to change one thing for our education would be to teach all grades a foreign language. I think it is very important for us to teach a foreign language from K to 8th Grade because we need to keep refreshing our minds with the language.

  20. Karina- I have also only heard that we are laying off teachers but other than that, I haven't been paying too much attention to the education reform. I think the bills are just making people more mad. I think it was both bad and good about the student walkout. They stood up for what the belived in but on the other side, they are getting less education and can affect later on in life. I think that St. Joes does a great job with educating all students. We have a well averaged amount of students in the classes so we get all the help we need. I like how the teachers are willing to help us with anything we don't understand or need more help on. What we can do differently to enhance our educations is make the school days shorter so that we have more time to study and do homework.

  21. Megan:)
    I have heard not much on the Idaho reform. Lately I have heard a lot on the radio about many high school and junior high students skipping school to go and protest the reform in front of the capital building. Also I've heard about the many many teachers that will get laid off. My opinion on the on peoples reaction is that it is a good thing. I think any people, young kids my age especially that go out and stick up for what they believe in is a good thing. All those kids going out and sticking up for their teachers and their education is an outstanding thing. To date, I am very happy with my education. I love having smaller classes. I think something that we can do to enhance our education is have less homework and shorter days at school. If we do this. We can have more of an opportunity to study and have more tie for homework. If we have less homework then we will have less stress on their students

  22. Madeline- I haven't heard all that much about the reform itself, but more of the uproar it's causing. As for the commotion caused, I think it's great that students are taking action! However, there are better ways to do so than waltzing out of class to protest. As for my education, I'm very pleased. To enhance it, I would suggest less homework, but school days being a bit longer. And I know that many of my classmates will disagree with me on that, but wouldn't it be better to have more teacher time and less homework than more homework and less time at school?

  23. Jilly- I have not heard much about the education reforms but what I have heard is that Luna wants less teachers and more online classes. I think if you have an opinion or you disagree with something you should voice your opinion, I have hear about some people liking the new reforms but most people do not like his ideas. I do think it is a little extreme that those students walked out of school to protest. There are many things I like about my education. All my teachers help me and care about me. I also like knowing that my teachers want me to succeed. Another thing I like is that we have Religion class so I am always learning more and more about God and Catholicism. I think some thing that could improve my education is learning another language besides English. I think if we started learning a foreign at a younger age so we are exposed to it for a longer time in our lives.

  24. Ben S.- I have heard that they are trying to get more online classes which will eliminate a lot of teachers. I think that the student walk out was a good and bad idea. It was good because they are standing up for what they believe will give them a better education which is have less online classes. I think that it is pretty cool how they are getting involved for what they want for their education. And the bad thing is that now they have a lot of make-up homework to do haha. I think my education today is great because we have great teachers and a great school and a great High School to go into next year. I think that it would be a good idea to let the students pick what classes they want to take depending on what they want to be when they grow up at a younger age. Not like 5th grade but i guess maybe starting in 6th grade when the students have a better idea that being a pro football player is something you cannot study for in school.

  25. Ben R.
    I have heard that teachers will be laid off in ID.I think that it is good that they think they should protest but how they are doing it are not very appropriate like the vandalism.I like that my education includes some technology and the teachers focus on really making sure the students learn the material. I think to enhance my education there should be more hands on oportunaties where instead of being at a desk you go somewhere to learn something.

  26. Grant- What I've heard is that they are going to lay off a lot of teachers, make students take more online classes and increase class sizes. I think its good that people are standing up to something they believe in, but they could have done it a little better. they could have done after school so they weren't skipping school and vandalizing stuff is never a good idea when your trying to get a point across. I like that we have relatively small class sizes so we get more one on one time with teachers and that are teachers really want us to do well in school. To make school better I would have it start later that way people would be much lees tired and a lot more alert through out the day.

  27. Taylor-I have heard that many teachers are going to be layed off if the bill is passed.I think it is good that people are standing up for what they believe in but why not do it after school. The acts of vandalism where a little to much.I think it is cool that we can work on computers as much as we do. I think if we added one hour to the school day then we could also take fridays of which would be cool but that is just what I think.

  28. Patrick Oster- I have heard that many teachers are going to be laid off all across Idaho which is going to increase Idahos unemployment. Personolly I think that the students should not walk out of class because they could get into serious trouble with the law. The students should protest after school. what i like about my edu is that we have small class sizes and that we will not be affected by this bill. I believe we should decrease homework for those who have things after school and have Friday off and have an extra two weeks in summer.

  29. All that I have heard is that many teachers are going to be layed off but that is about it because I don't pay as much attention as I should. I think that it is good that they are standing up for what they believe but bad that they are doing it during school. Also I think that its good that they are standin up for what they believe but the vandalism was over the top. The thing that I like about our school is that we have smaller classes so our teachers notice if we are gone so it keeps us in line. Also to make school better I think we should have Fridays off because by the end of the week I am exhausted

  30. atrick O'N: all that i heard about the reform is about the ten year and the laptops/online courses. I think that the reactions are natuaual. I kina agree with Mr. Luna but at the same time i dont. Having teachers hs a certain advantage that online courses cant give you.I am pretty satisfied with my education. I learn a lot and ab going to be prepared for later one. I think we could ehance education by making it a little more challenging , so kids learn to step up.

  31. this is chocolate thunda A.K.A. Conner (thats all i got this week)-before i start commenting, i've always wondered why apples are associated with school, i mean you can't learn anything from them? anyways, all i have heard about the bill is that if it were passed then a lot of teachers would lose their jobs and for most students their educations would not be as good as it could be. i think that the students' reactions to the bill is not too much and i also think that it is the right thing to do if you care about your education and you want to go do great things when you grow up. well right now i like how we have small classes with real, live teachers and i also like how most of us at least do not have to take online courses. because for most people it is a lot easier to work with humans who can help you individually rather than a computer, this way we can learn more information and become an astronaut... all of us. one thing that i would change would be the time the school starts. i would make it around 9 o' clock because this way, children would be able to get more sleep each day and by doing that children will be able to pay attention more and by doing THAT test scores would go up. so pretty much what i'm trying to say if you get more sleep you are able to get smarter. you stay classy viewers i'm signing out for the week

  32. John-
    Mainly I've heard about all the riots and "walkouts" going on with all the public school. I thought the reactions weren't schocking, however they could've been taken differently. I feel that my education is great when it comes to the core requirements, but lacks in opportunities. However, I'm hoping that this will change when I start high school next year. I think if we had more options such as foreign languages and other classes than it would be great.

  33. ~Emily T.~
    I have heard that there are going to be alot of teachers being laid off. The protesting is causing alot of trouble and anger in people, but they have a right to protest and stand up for what they think is right. I like how there is alot of one on one help with the students, and of course make the day shorter or start later to put less stress on kids
    ~Emily T~

  34. Tim: What I have heard so far is that we will be laying off multiple teachers across Idaho. I am not surprised by the reactions because these people feel as if thet are being controlled and are angry with the bills. The recent student walkout was kind of surprising because it takes a lot of guts to stand up to those bills at such a young age. I feel that my education is great because with smaller class sizes you can have more one on one time with your teachers. I personally dont think that anything needs to change in my education:)

  35. david- i havent really kept up with this but i think they are thinking about laying off teachers and students dont like that. I dont think it is smart that the people are walking out but people will do what they believe is right. i like it but i dont like school cuz its school.. I wouldnt change anything at all

  36. Braedy- i like the fact that they are laying off teachers in ID because of the fact that the students will be taught the same amount and still understand what the concept is with the state of Idaho doing it at a every inexpensible way. om also in the fact that the teachers being laid off is not the best but the students will still be taught in a cheaper way which will save the state money. and also since the teachers are being laid off that will most likely create more jobs for doctors, Enginers and other job positions that ID needs more. Peace Out Dog

  37. SQUIRREL- I have not payed any attention to all of this stuff about eduacation in Idaho at ALL. But one thing i heard is that many teacher will be losing more jobs throughout the state of Idaho. Well i DO NOT THINK ITS GOOD to skip school and protest and vandalise vehicles. Thats not good at all. But its also good for younger people in our lifes to stick up and do what they think is right. i THINK THAT THEY COULD HAVE MORE OF A PEACEFUL PROTEST from now on and knock the vandalism off. :-{)'

  38. Anna K.
    Well I heard that a lot of teachers are being laid off. I also heard that the funding for Luna is coming from the makers of the software that kids will be learning from online. I don't know if that is true but that is totally unfair. I think it is cool that people are protesting against the bill. But I think some students during protests need to be more serious. From what I have seen on TV, I would think that some of their demonstrations look like pep rallies. I like our education. I would not want to learn online and be required to. That is stupid! To me anyway. I like having a teacher there who I can get to know and trust who can help me in school. Plus if I had to learn online I would just screw around a lot. Well not much can be done to improve my education. I like St. Joes just the way it is and I know I'm learning.

  39. Alice :)
    Well first off I haven't really been caught up with Idaho education. But I kind of really know that teachers are being laid off and that they are not being as paid as much. And also how some high schools kids are or will be learning online, but not sure if that's actually true. Yet what I thought about the reaction to the people was good that people are protesting against the bill. They seem that they absolutely do not want there education to become worse. Anyways I am sooooo happy that my education is the way it is because I actually like having a teacher there teaching me stuff, instead a stupid monitor showing me stuff. And having my friends there to help me. Really I think the only thing that can help me enhance my education is not having more homework, but actually not have soo much freedom in a class room. Cause then kids take advantage and then they start distracting other kids and so on. But overall everything seems perfectly fine to me. And I like St. Joseph the way it is. And I guess that is all for the week.

  40. The Freelance Pianist - I haven't heard very much about the education-related issues in Idaho. However, laying off hardworking honest teachers is never a good thing and a friend of mine has participated in several of these rallies, so I can somewhat sympathize with the highschool students. I have no complaints about today's education except for a little too much slack to rulebreakers and such. But hey, that's just me.

  41. Emma-
    I haven't been really keeping up with all the details involing the education reform. I do not agree on what Tom Luna is trying to do. I see no point in it. I think the reaction was appropriate because their standing up for something they strongly disagree on. If I was in a public should I would be doing the same thing. Maybe walking out of school,protesting, and vandalism isn't respectful nor is it the right thing to do but at least there trying to do something. I love my education in a catholic school. There are better one on one teaching opportunities. There is such a good group of kids. I feel like in a public school with 300 kids in your 8th grade class wouldn't be fun. With only having 50 you get to know everyone. I don't think would would change really anything with St. Joe's. I'm happy to be where I am.

  42. Abby- Basicly all thats i have heard is what you have written on this blog. since i go to st joes the reform doesnt inclued us so i havent been paying as close of attention as i should. i personaly think that the people who are acting show great care for there education so we must be doing somthing right and by teaching thenm to care about education, i dont think that violence is the answer though. by passing this law they are changing many peoples lives, the students; making it harder to leaarn, there parents just by pissing them off(sorry) and the teachers by not giving thenm there money! they work as teachers and that is what they should be cause most of them are probably good at their jobs. i love catholic or pirlate school because we arent affected by the new laws and our classes are smaller so we can get more help if needed. i dont think there should be online classes cause it is kinda lazy.. and more freedom!

  43. Im not really following the reform becasue my school isnt connected with it really. The only thing that ive heard so far is that they are going to fire about 800 teachers! From what ive heard I can say that I do not agree with What Tom Luna is doing. I think the reaction of the teachers was great! It is important to stand up for what you believe. And about the hs guys....the vandalizing was kind of a dumb way to speak out against the reform. And I think my education is going swell so far becasue of our small classes.And our small school.

  44. ^^^^^^^NOAH GOEDDERTZ^^^^^^^^^^ WROTE THAT ONE^^^^^^^^^

  45. Francesca- I havent heard much because stjoes isnt included in this so i havent been paying close attention to it. I think the kids protesting actually care about their education and they want to have a good one. By changing the law they are changing a lot of peoples lives and its not really fair. I like the private schools because we arent effected by any of this so we dont have to worry and since our classes our smaller we can afford more things in order to help us learn more and our teachers actually care about us and they are always open to help. I dont think that we should have online classes cause we wont really have as good of an education and it would be harder to learn.

  46. Parker Toney- I haven't heard much on this topic. The student walkout was a great way to get there point across. Some people bloow this out of porportion.

  47. Joseph- i havent really heard much about it besides the teachers getting kicked out like layed off and stuff and thats about it. Its pretty crazy how the students stand up for themselves which is good, even though they may soon easily get detentions and stuff. It is pretty bad since students could need help but cant get it, and if they do they dont really learn it without the teachers. I think llonger weekends or shorter class periods thoughout the day. I like the longer weekends, more time to studya and finish essays and stuff on the computer

  48. ~Emily B~
    I'v heard about the education debates, teachers getting layed off and class sizes being increased, just for the reason of saving money on education. The way the student and others hav been reacting is good, they are sticking up for what they believe in. But the things some of the students are doing like walking out and the vandalism seem a little risky. Going to a private school we are lucky not to be affected by this turmoil and we also have a better 1 on 1 time with the teachers. But if you ask any student their complaint are one of two things; there's too much homework or school is to long and you have get up to early. If schools cut back on these things school might not be such a hated thing by kids anymore.


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