Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Fighting in Libya

Beginning this weekend, the United States and other allied forces have joined together in an effort to protect the rebellious civilians from Colonel Gadhafi and his Libyan forces.  This show of force comes weeks after many of the Libyan citizens began protesting the current government and demanding massive reform.  Their cries for change have been greeted with violence from Gadhafi. 

In early statements Gadhafi has claimed to be a patriot, fighter, revolutionary and a martyr.  He has vowed to burn the country to the ground before he would be willing to give up his reign.  He has held true to his words and continues to promote violence while protecting his power.

While the United States is not the only country committing troops to this action, President Obama’s actions have come under criticism at home.  Congressional members are questioning the president’s authority to commit troops to military actions without congressional approval.  Constitutionally speaking only Congress can declare war.  But is this war or is this military action required to halt an actual or imminent threat to civil liberties?  Presidents throughout our history have called the military to action without congressional approval when facing probable threats to the safety of individuals. 

The War Power Act of 1973 allows the president to utilize military force only when the United States in under attack or once Congress has voted to engage in war.  Every president since Nixon has questioned the War Powers constitutionality.  The president is constitutionally allowed to protect national security and protect and promoted the United States interest in foreign policy situations.

What are your thoughts concerning the United States and military action in Libya?  Do you think President Obama was justified in calling our military forces into action, or should he have asked for congressional approval first?  How would you like to see things end in Libya?


  1. NOAH GOEDDERTZ is pretty darn dandy> I think that it is kinda....good for the us to be sending troops to libya, becasue if we didnt there would be homicide. The guy would destroy everything. I also like that the us is always willing to help with world problems too. Obama doesnt have the direct authority to call the troops into action.....he shouldve asked for congress's approval first. For me I would like to see everything end out....kinda peacefully; however that already isnt the case. I think that Gadhafi needs to be brought down one way or another....

  2. BELLA LUDWIG- I think that it is good that the United States is standing up for the rights of the Libyan people. The United States noticed that their was unjustice in Libya and they took action to protect the people. I think President Obama should have asked Congress before sending the troops to Libya. I think that that descion should of been made with more people involved. But, I still agree with sending troops to Libya to protect the citizens of Libya against Ghadafi. I would like to see things end in Libya peacefully. Also I would like Ghadafi to step down and let someone else rule.

  3. CONNER CHARLES... !look i can fit in too! (by the way Mr. Grant you're spellig Gadhafi wrong, Q-A-D-D-A-F-I) - my views in this situation are pretty mixed on the America's situation between the Lybian citizens and Qaddafi. since america was independet, we have always helped other nations and countries when they were in need and they had no-where else to go and that is what we are doing right now. since the leader of Lybia will not step down from his position and continues to display violence to the citizens of his country who are protesting that it is no fair that he is still in power. since the innocent citizens do not have the military on their side and are therefore defenseless America feels obligated to help. helping is exactly what we are trying to do by bombing Lybian military plants and also creating a no fly zone which eliminates commerce which in the long run will cut the supplies that Qaddafi needs so hopefully that will make him not fight anymore. these actions are not supported by all American citizens so i am going to play a little DEVILS ADVOCATE here and play both sides of the story. the presideent authorized military actions without congressional authority which has angered a lot of people. because how would you feel if the president made your daughters, sons, or any other relatives go and risk their lives for a country that we aren't even associated with. so basically, why are we essentially "wasting" american time, people, money, and resources for other people when we have enough to worry about ourselves. but the argument is that we need to help these innocent people fight this unfair, violent dictator and plus we want he be in good terms with the new democratic leaders when this is all over because of all of the oil that is in Lybia. the next question can also swing both ways but my personal opinion is that... well acutally i don't know what my opinion is because of all the factors that the president has to deal with. i guess in a way anything that the president did could of been viewed as wrong... but i am all for helping others out not to mention that we should respond to the deaths of our own people killed by Qaddafi's people. i think that i have explained myself enough in this blog but i am all for not only helping Lybian citizens but avenging the deaths of our own people, but as always that is not how all of the people view it... and that is why i would not like to be president because you will always be wrong somehow. this is conner signing out for teh week, you stay classy viewers.

  4. Parker Toney- I think that we should step in only with the approval of Congress. I think president Obama should have wated for the yes or no from Congress. I would like to see it end by Gadhfi leaving office.

  5. Aaron Asaro- My thoughts on our military advances on Libya are that it is smart. we hate to see nations supressed and we have had a past with Libya. I think congress would of been better, but I think he had to act. I see us invading and giving Gadhfi to Libya, see what they do with him.

  6. LAUREN- I think it's great that the United States are sending troops over to protect the citizens from Gadhafi. I don't think he should be promoting violence and saying that he will burn his country to the ground instead of resigning. He could handle it a better way. I think Obama was justified in sending troops even if he didn't have congressional approval. He is the president and I think he has that authority. He was also doing the right thing by helping Libya, so I don't think there was a reason for him not to do it. The way things should end in Libya would be; Gadhafi resigning and leaving Libya. I think it would be best for everyone, because then no one would be in danger of Gadhafi's violence.

  7. Patrick O'Neill: My concerns about the military action are few in numbers. If they decide to retaliate against us, were not the only country they have to worry about. Yes, we are spending more resources with the wars going on, but it is for a good cause. Yes i do think Obama is just in his decision. We are not facing any huge threat to the U.S. I would like to see things end the same way as Egypt. The ruler to step don from his reign of terror and the country returning to peace.

  8. Grant- I definitely think its good that we sent troops to Libya and its also good that we waited until the United Nations said we should and that we're going into Libya with a few other countries. I think it was a good decision that Obama sent the troops in without approval from Congress. I can see why some people would think this was a bad decision, but it would've taken at least three or four days for Congress to make a decision and waiting three or four days could possibly make a huge difference. The quicker we get over there the quicker we can stop the violence. I would like to see Qaddafi give up peacefully which probably won't happen so I hope we can stop him as quickly and with the littlest bloodshed as possible.

  9. NoaH R- I feel it's good of us to send troops into Libya. It was a good action because we didn't go in alone; we had the UN on our side. I agree with Obama for sending the troops. Sure, we didn't get consent from Congress, but sometimes and impromptu action is more effective. I hope that Gadhafi is put down soon, so there is little to no bloodshed.

  10. KARINA- I think that its a very good idea that we are sending troops to Libya. I also think that what Obama sent troops withouth the congressional approval was a great idea because he did what he had to do and it was definately the right decision. It was a fast decision and by it bein fast, it could have helped the people in Libya. I would like to see Gadafi resigning peacefully with no violence.

  11. Francesca- I think its good that the United States is helping and standing up for whats right. I think that its better to not get involved but in this situation i think we are doing that right thing. I think Obama should have asked the congress before sending the troops to Libya because i think its smarter to have more than one person decide whats best rather than one person. I hope to see things end peacefully and that Ghadafi gets a new ruler.

  12. Jenna i think that it is just great that we are sending troops to libya. i also think that Obama should have asked the congress before sending the troops to libya because it is better to have more people backing you up rather than just making the descision on your own. also it would be good to ask them because everyone has a different point of view and way that they think about things. i would like to see Ghadafi resigning and they should get a new ruler no violence needed because fighting is bad and never fun.

  13. Madeline- I think it was a pretty good move to start sending troops. And had Obama waited for Congress to decide wether or not to give their approval, each day would be more and more innocent people injured and/or killed. I'd like to see this whole thing end peacefully, but we humans just can't seem to be able to settle much peacefully. I suppose that means I want Ghadafi to be out of rule of those people, because while he stays, there looks to be more harm done than good.

  14. Ben R.

    I think that it is important to send troops Libya in order to save the lives of Libyan people. I think that Obama's choice to send military troops ti Libya was a necessary one. Of course it would be ideal if he would have proposed the idea of declaring war to Congress a little earlier so they could make a decision before it was too late. Then if they said yes he would not be put in the position of sending troops without Congress's approval. I would really like to see Gadhafi step down without further violence and the Libyan people happy.

  15. Gonzo- I think that the United States sending troops into Libya is a good idea. Libyans are being oppressed and they deserve certain human rights, the Gadhaffi is not making that possible. Also, he is a dictator who has been brutal and unjust to the people and needs to be kicked out. I think that Obama was completely justified sending troops into Libya. Before has the United States gone to fight for others rights with congress's approval and it will happen again. I think that the War Power act of 1973 is unconstitutional and unfair. The president should be able to help other people even if congress doesn't approve. Obama did the right thing and that is one of the reasons that he was voted president. I hope that he makes many more great decisions during his presidency. I would like to see the problems in Libya end peacefully. I hope that the United States troops and other troops from other countries scare Gadhaffi and his troops and they back down without a fight. I also hope that Gadhaffi leaves the office and Libya has an election and someone who isn't a powercrazy dictator is elected and is a good president.

  16. There are many sides to this discusstion and now reading through others blog posts I can obviously see that we are only hearing one side of the story. Most people are saying that it is bad what is happening in Libia and that it was a good dicistion to send troops there. However there is another side to the story also, although we can all agree that what is happening in Libia is bad, is it really bad ENOUGH for us to send our own troops there? I think that we have a big enough problems of our own, such as our natinal debt and the public school issue, that we don't need to go and meddle in forein government issues.

  17. that was Jacob Schoenherr that just posted!!!!!

  18. Rich-I think it is good because I think it will help make Gadhafi resign which will save Libya and all the people in Libya. I think he should have asked Congress just to make sure he is doing the right thing and not making a mistake that could put us into another war. I would like to see things end in Libya by Gadhafi resigning, causing the protesting of the people to stop. It would also save many lives and make the world a lot better.

  19. Taylor-
    I don't think Obama should of just gone and acted. He should of thought about his actions instead of taking them. He should of looked at the outcomes of his actions that would follow. I hope that Lybia and the Lybian people will be able to resolve their problems without futher violence and breakouts of crimes and bombings. Hopefully Gadhafi will step down even though that will probably not happen.

  20. ~Emily T.~
    i think it's good that the U.S. is finally stepping in to help, and I thinkthat Obama made the right decision to move in with out congress' input, because as the president, it's his job to make quick,important and tough decisions. Obviously, I would like things to end peacefully, and have him step down from power.
    ~Emily T.~

  21. Abby- i think that the more the U.S does that, the more ene=iemis we make, unless we are able to over throw the dictator. but going into war just puts us more into debt! we dont needd to be that deep in debt! if they fought and won by themselves then they would feel much better then they would if we did all the work for them! when obamba was not smart at all by doing that! he diffedently made more enemies then friends by making that call. he shouldnt have made a calll that big with out consulting with the congress. he is lucky that nothing to bad happened for making that call. i hope to see that gadolfy (or however you spell it! thers so many wayss!)becomes like really sick and dies, but that probably wont happen... so he makes the right choise annd steps down.

  22. Abhi-
    I think it’s good that we sent troops to Libya. The U.S. saw that bad things were happing and we reacted to help Libya. I think it was a very good decision that Obama sent the troops without getting approval from congress first because things could have gotten worse if he waited. The thing that I would like to see is Qaddafi giving up peacefully.

  23. Kristen :)
    My thoughts are that it is good that we are sending troops down because we need to help the people there. If we didn't step in the situation would just get worse. I think it's kind of bad that Obama didn't ask congress because it is congresses decision. I would like it to end by Qaddafi stepping down from his situation.

  24. Jilly- I think it is good that the US sent troops to Libya because they definitely think the citizens living there need our help. If no one ever helped them things would never get better only worse. I know it is Congresses job to call on American forces but I don't know if Congress would have done it and that would not have helped at all, so in some ways I think he should have waited but I also think it is good he went ahead and called on the troops because if he didn't then it could have been a while before the troops would have been able to go over. The sooner they get help the better. I do think that for this to end Qaddafi needs to step down and leave because if he doesn't then nothing will get done because right now the US is trying to get rid of him, and his supporters and if they don't leave nothing will get any better.

  25. Patrick Oster(HHOORRAAYY)- I do belive that it is good for us to have a military force in Libya at the moment so the rebels can keep doing what they do. I think that Obama shouldnt have asked Congress for permission because he should do what is right for democracy and peace. I hope it ends peacfully with Gadhafi stepping down and the people not executing him.

  26. The Freelance Pianist - War is never a pretty thing to behold, but I believe our military presence in Libya is a beneficial one at best. Obama's military action without congress approval may not have been the politically correct action at the time, but I"m pretty sure he did the right thing. If he had waited longer than he did things may be much worse now. Of course, now we have a little conflict going on here but better a war fought with words than with bullets, right? The ideal way for this situation to be diffused would of course be for Gadhafi to step down and let another, more humane person rule, but of course this is not an ideal world so we'll just have to wait and see.

  27. Ben S.- I think that sending our military over there was a good thing because thats what the United Stated is all about. Personally I think that Obama did the right thing. Maybe he should of asked approval from congress. But in this case it really needed to be done quick and easy. I would like to see things end in Libya by having Gadhafi step down from his position. But we all know he wont even think of doing that because he has some loose screws up there if you know what I mean...

  28. EMMA-
    I think sending the military forces was the right thing to do. They were standing up and helping people in need. I do think Obama should of asked for approvel from the congress but over all I think he did the right thing. I would like to see things end in Libya peacefully and this could all be settled and forgotten. I also want Gadhafi to step down and let someone that can actually do something right for Libya.

  29. Braedy C- i think that it was very stupid of him to do that.if i were president i would ask for congresses approval first but still i would most likely still not go into action. i think we should let the Libyan people deal with this themselves until Gadhafi starts just taking it out of control. Because pretty much all that has happen has been there fault. In my thoughts is that both Obama and congress are idiots for doing this extremely congress for allowing this to happen.

  30. Tim: I think sending military support is neccesary because these people need help fighting against their oppresive leader. No, but I think that Obama has the right to do that becasue he leads this country and wanted to get those citizens help as fast as he could but he still should have asked congress first because this is a democracy and not one person should make the decisions. I would like to see a peaceful ending in Libya because so many violence has already occurred.

  31. jared- i say yes and no because first of all i dont think we need to get involved because then we might be fighting two wars.......which isn't good at all. but i also think we should help because they are in desperate need for help and i think the UN could solve this easily.he should defiantly ask the congress because first of all free country....second he accually has the right because he is the president and has the right to lead this country.honestly how i want to see it end is to end soon. i dont want any bombs or M80s to go off anymore.....JUST END IT!

  32. Mary-I think the U. S. should send troops into Libya to ensure that everything goes well and they can keep the violence under control as much as possible. Obama should have gotten approved by congress but he still made a good decision. I hope this ends peacefully.

  33. Alice
    I think it was good that our president sent in troops, finally we American are good that we Americans are stepping in and helping. It was a good decision on what Obama did. But probably next time instead of reacting that fast and take action think it through and then decided. But I would have done the exact same. So I kind of don't have the right to criticizes him. Yet when we step in, sometimes things don't get better. Anyways I would like to see this end in less violent and that both Libyan and American people are happy. Lets just hope we don't screw this up!!!

  34. Megan(:
    I think that it was a good idea to send in american troops. I honestly think that it was a good idea that Obama sent them. I think that in any situation like that it would be hard to decide on what to do. I probaly wouldve done the same thing if i were put into that situatuion. As for things ending in there, i hope to see that the people get there rights and that country has peace restored.

  35. Bailey- I think that we made the right decision by coming in and helping out both sides of the fight. I think both sides need help from our military forces. I think he should of asked congress for approval. The president shouldn't be able to make decisions without approval from anyone. I would like libya to end without any more breakouts and a new president.

  36. David- I think that we should have sent over troops. But in the long run we may have to pay for it because we are already in debt for going to wars in other countries and for us to do this will just set us back even more. And we ask kids will probably have to pay for it because thats when we may start paying it off. So the money situation will be interesting. I think Obama maybe should have asked congress or whatever thought about the matter. That way if everything went down hill he would not be the only one to blame. Its not like he could've just ignored what congress said and carried out the plan anyways, but if he had asked people wouldnt only blame him. I would to see things end like this. Ok Gadhafi is over thrown and sent away with no money. His followers the Libian people can decide what to do with them. This is just recommadation that maybe we could have them sign a paper that says they wont go to war against or that we could be countries that unite when needed. They could maybe if they had any extra money help pay us off for our services. Also the libian people get to pick there next ruler.

  37. peyton
    i think it was a good move because somebody had to help the people in libya get freedom from gadhafi because gadhafi is a terrible dictator and an even worse leader. i think obama did the right thing in putting our military in action. he didnt need to wait for congress in my opinion because gadhafi is such a bad leader. i woulod like to see gadhafi lose his power in libya and see libya set up a stable government that will be friendly to the U.S.

  38. Kooooooooooooooooooooo0000000000oooooooooo000000000OOOOOOOO000000000oooooooooooBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB8888888888888BBBBBBBBBBBBeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEE33333333eeeeeeeE smith-I think it is very good that the united states is sending troops to libya, because the rebel alliance need our help and we must protect them from the evil moammar. I think it was smart for obama to sen those troops in because he saw some people in need and he acted quick like a puma and sent this troopers in to battle.- By KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKooooooooooooooooooo0000000000OOOOOOOOO00000000000bbbbbbbbbBBBBBBBBBBBB8888888888EEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeee333333333333 smith

  39. Just John- I think the President sending troops in to Libya was definitely benificial to them and our country's phylosophy. It makes sense that we are sending in our military to support the rights of those who live in Libya, especially since this is one of the things our country is really serious about. As far as I know, it looks beneficial that we are supporting them for their rights. I honestly don't know how this would benefit or defend us, but with such a corrupt and insane "leader" as I would call their dictator who knows what could have happened. (2) This is really controversial in my opinion.The pro would be he is doing the right thing at stopping this psychotic ruler of Libya and to free the people of Libya. So in this case I think it was alright. However, let me clarify that if this was to be constant, the President could eventually take up too much power. It could even end up into him becoming a dictator (no accusations on our President, just entertaining the notions) just by having the power to basically ignore the Congress and the people to the point where HE will make the decisions and tell everyone what to do, not have the Congresss and the Public decide to prevent an overthrow in Democracy. After all, isn't our democracy what we take pride in as a country? So I think in this case yes he did the right thing, however this should not continue and he should still listen to the Congress for their opinion (which is used to prevent the President from gaining too much power in the first place).(3.) I am pretty much going to be firm but fair in this question, Gadhafi should be overthrown. Notice I didn't say he should be burnt to a stake or being beheaded, I just think he should NOT be in control of Libya. This guy is pretty much corrupt and it's total anarchy in Libya right now and it needs to be addressed right now. I think if he resists I wouldn't mind if it comes to assassination (which will probably happen); whatever works to remove Gadhafi from Libya. After that we are done. Libya is NOT our country and it is THEIR responsibility to restore their nation. It is not our job to babysit other countries, it is our job to protect ourselves from possible destruction. However, helping a country gain free will and democracy is a very touchy thing for the U.S. and I can see how that would make us want to help them.

  40. Anna M- I think that it was a good thing that the US is standing up for the Libyan people. I think Obama did the right thing by sending the troops over there because of how bad it is there. On the other hand he should have had congressional approval first. I just want to see things end peacefully in Libya

  41. JAKE> I think it is great to see Obama take action in Libya. The troops will help and calm down all of the fighting that is going on there. I don't think Gadhafi will give up. The only way I see a leader change if Gadhafi is killed or dies. Although I just want this to resolve peacefully. And when Obama sent over military forces I think he should have clarified with congress.

  42. corrine-
    i think that president Obama should take action in Lybia. I also think he should have probably asked for the congressional approval first. But at least he is trying to create peace throughout Lybia as well as all the other countrys to. All i want is to see peace in Lybia so as long as our troops are trying to create peace with the people and Gadhafi then i think we will see peace in Lybia hopefully soon.

  43. Scott- I think that President Obama was right in taking decisive activity in Libya because Congress can sometimes take forever to deliberate. Now though he needs to work really hard before his sixty days are up so that he doesn't get impeached. I think though that Obama cannot justify this situation like he has tried by saying that it is a war of intervention, because he is setting a precedent that cannot be matched. If future presidents were going to try to follow his precedent that would result in countless wars. (possibly against Iran, Syria, Laos, and North Korea because all of these countries oppress their people. Ultimately I want to see Obama pull out of this war, because I think his true motives behind it are unjustified and are to make sure that the oil situation stays in favor of the U.S.

  44. Anna K
    I think its a good thing to send troops to Libya. But it just better not turn into a war which it probably won't. Anyway I think Obama should have asked permission first. But it is good he took action. I as everyone else hope that the situation will be resolved in the benefit of the Libyan people. But this could take a very long time.

  45. sorry that was me.
    I think it was a good decision for President Obama to send troops over to Libya to help out with all that is going on right now. I am glad He took action. At the end of all this I would like to see Libya and its government be at peace and them to end up happy, and also for Libya not to hate us after this.

  46. Garren- i think that someone needs to interfere with the acion going on in libia. I think we sould insist on sending our troops in but we should not force them to let us in. I want it all to end in peace but we know that wont happen.

  47. sam amallane.... I think we should not get into somone elses war..../yes and no..yes because we are alies,but no because its not our war. i hope it ends peacefuly


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