Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Bob Marley

May 11 marks the thirtieth anniversary of the death of Bob Marley.  If you think his death was just another unfortunate end to a musician, you would be wrong.  Bob Marley was revolutionary in his music and his message.  He used his art to inspire millions of people in developed and developing countries to look for peace and acceptance.  He hoped to inspire people to stand up for themselves, their rights and the rights of others. 

Bob Marley was born Robert Nesta Marley in a poor village in Jamaica.  His father was a white Jamaican-born, British national and his mother was a black Jamaican.  His mixed ethic background led to considerable ridicule and abuse during Marley’s childhood.  His father left the family when he was young having little contact with his son. 

Bob soon found acceptance through music.  While living in Trench Town, a poverty stricken part of Kingston, he met his childhood and musical friends, Bunny Livingston and Peter McIntosh (later known as Peter Tosh).   Together they would explore the music of reggae and ska.  The three would form a group called the Wailing Wailers and released their first record in 1964.  They gained extensive notoriety throughout Jamaica, but it would be another 11 years until their music was widely played in England and 12 years until they would have their first American hit. 

During this time, Bob’s music and message took on a more spiritual and political nature.  Exploring the religion of Rastafarian, Marley reached the hearts and minds of millions of Third World citizens.  Their first American hit “War” was based on a speech by Ethiopian leader Halle Selassie.  His controversial political views and his continued support of the Peoples Nation Party in Jamaica led to an assassination attempt in 1976.  Bob was shot twice, once in the sternum and once in the bicep.  While not being mortally wounded, Bob refused to allow the sustained injuries to prevent him from playing the scheduled show days later.

1977 proved to be a significant year in his life.  First, he and his band released the album Exodus.  The album was such a huge success its singles stayed on the charts for the next three tears.  Songs including “Waiting in Vain”, “Exodus”, and “Jammin’” make this one of the best albums ever released.  In addition, 1977 included the discovery of cancerous cells in his toes.  While his religious belief prevented him from current medical procedures, he found some relief through natural remedies.

He was able to continue to create and inspire for another four year until in 1981 the cancer spread throughout his body.  His funeral was attended by over 30,000 people in Jamaica.  Before his death he was awarded the Order of Merit from the Jamaican government and the Medal of Peace from the United Nations in 1980. 

His music still inspires people today.  His message of peace, unity and strength are as relevant today as they were 30+ years ago.  He is revered in his homeland and in many African nations.
Do you or have you ever listened to Bob Marley’s music?  If so, do you like it?  Do you think music can change the world?  Why or why not?  What music do you listen to and why?  Are there any artists today trying to change the world through their craft?  Who and how?


  1. Gonzo- I do not and have never listened toany of Bob Marley's music. I do think that music can change the world. It is able to ispire people to have the courage to stand up and do what is right and help those who are in need. I listend to rock, pop, and rap. I listen to this type of music because the beat is great and is fun to listen to ro I really like the lyrics. I would have to say that all artists, in one way or another, are trying to change the world. I say this because they know that many people listen to music and therefore try to do two things. They try to make a living out of it and they try to inspire people. Now, all artists don't try to inspire the same idea. Some might inspire world peace, others world hatred. All in all, I feel that all artists are trying to inspire at least one person with their music.

  2. Madeline- I think I've listened to Bob Marley before...maybe. Can music change the world? Most certianly! Music can make people see things in new light, it can cause them to stand up for what is right. I listen to rock and pop music mostly. I listen to this because I like the beat and I enjoy singing along. Yes, I would say most artists are trying to change the world. I really don't listen to modern music, but I know there are artists trying to make a difference. Through their songs, and what they do, they infulence the public's attitude towrad them and toward what they stand for.

  3. Ben S- I have listened to Bob Marleys songs before but i dot like them because they are just to slow for me and i cant really understand what he is saying or trying to say. Yes I thing that music can change the world in some ways because it can motivate peopel to do things and it can get them pumped up to do something great. its actually a great way to change the world because so many people listen to music because it is so popular. I mostly listen to hip/hop rap songs to get me motivated or do just get me pumped up. But other than that i will listen to any type of music. Yes i think that artists today are trying to change the world. They try to change the world by talking about problems today. Such as poverty and child abuse and things like that. A group that i know of that has done this is the Black Eyed Peas. The song is called Where is The Love and it just talkes about the fighting and all the bad things going on in the world and how we should just love eachother and make it the place God intended it to be.

  4. i should of been 1st! the blog was down and i was about to have my moment of glory but NOOO that can't happen to me! anyways this is chocolate thunda A.K.A. Conner - yes i do listen to Bob Marley a lot, i mean its not the first thing that i always try to listen to but i do listen to him occasionally. and yes i do like his songs and i sing in joy to his songs as if i were singing with Bob in person and we laugh and have fun together... its great. yes i think that in a way music can at least help change the world for the better when the people are going throgh tough times and they don't really agree like in vietnam when everybody wanted to pull our troops out and songs like "war" came out and the beatles (and also other bands) also came out with songs about that. in a way it kind of encouraged the people to stand up and fight for what they think is right. so in a way it encourages and puts hope in people to do what's in their heart. its also a great way to express feelings and things like that. and i think i will listen to basically anything besides country because i think that it is really dumb and retarded for some weird reason, but i like everything else. i am just tolerant and am fine with everything with the acception of country. and as far as the artists trying to change the world i don't really know... maybe someone like Kanye West because he sings about his life which is really inspiring and also he raps about religion and stuff and i think its pretty powerful, especially since he wraps it instead of slow songing it or country singing it. but other than that i think that that's it because song styles and lyrics have changed since the beatles times. ayways this is Chocoalte thunda signing off for this week you stay classy viewers.

  5. Jilly- I have and do listen to Bob Marley and yes I do like it, it seems to make me happy because he seems so happy when he is singing so that makes him enjoyable to listen to. I do think that music can change the world. I think this because if you listen to a song and you listen to the words there is always a message it is trying to tell the person who is listening. Some songs try to encourage people to help others and others give people hope, faith, and encouragement to stand up for themselves and their rights. I listen to pretty much any kind of music I don't have a favorite kind or one I listen to a lot. It usually depends on my mood or who I am with. I will usually listen to whoever is around me wants to listen to. I don't know any specific people who are trying to change the world but I think that most do it even if they don't realize that they are doing it. But other do it and they know what they are doing

  6. Ben R.
    yes I have listened to Bob Marley and yes i like his music; it is good. yes I think music can change the world because it is a fast way to get your message out because almost everyone listens to music and it is a good way to express yourself. I listen to rock, techno and some other random genres. I listen to these kinds of music because I like them; I don't listen to music I don't like. Yes there are some artist who do this. I don't know any artists that are trying to get a message out through their music though. But if there was one I know he or she would be spreading their message by visiting other countries and singing their songs.

  7. ~Emily T.~
    I'v listened to Bob Marley a littlebit,and it;s not really my type of music though. Yes, I believe music can chage the world,it can inspire people to do things,cheer you up,spread a message, ect.I mainly listen to rock/pop and rap. And I think that almost every artist is trying to impact the world. How ever they change the world (like the examples I listed above)I think that all song writers are trying to change the wold.
    ~Emily T.~

  8. Grant- I have listened to Bob Marley's music a lot and it is great; Bob Marley is the greatest reggae artist and one of the greatest artists of all time in my opinion. I think that music can inspire people to change the world by spreading the musician's through their songs. I mainly listen to rap and rock just because I like the way they sound. There are definitely many artists today that are trying to change the world. One example is Lupe Fiasco, during his songs he gets his opinion about stuff across but also makes it sound really good.

  9. jared- i have listened to bobs music. and its good! he is obviously the greatest reggae artist of all time. i think he songs can make people want more peace and make more peace in the world but i cant lie i think he was high in every single one of his songs, but that's just my opinion. i listen to rap and hip hop because i love a deep bass and good beat. their are artist's today that try to change the world in the music but i don't think its all that possible. but music is defiantly controlling because look at Justin beiber... every girl you ask wants to marry him.

  10. Kristen :)
    Yes i have listened to Bob Marley's music and it is really good. Like Jilly it puts me in a good mood when i listen to it. I definitively think music can change the world because it can inspire people to do good things and like Ben said it can talk about problems like child abuse. I pretty much will listen to anything as long as it has a good beat and sounds good. My favorite types though are probably country and pop, because it just sounds good i guess. Yes there are many artists out there trying to change the world. Justin Beiber has a song called prey which is talking about how we need to prey for all the people suffering. There are many others but that is just one example.

  11. John-
    No, I don't really listen to Bob Marley. I think music can absolutely change the world. Whether putting in lyrics that are catchy and resemble something with deep meaning or just simply being an icon to the world and being looked at by society as an influential person. I'd have to say I can appreciate all types of music especially if it has a good rhythem and lyrics that are actually meaning something (otherwise something that just has a really fast paced beat will work). I think all artists in their own ways are trying to change the world. They all have different reasons for it. Some can be to fight for something they believe or it can be to revolutionize the industry in their own way.

  12. Noah R.-

    I've never listened to Bob Marley's music, although I hear it's great from a good friend. Music can definitely change the world! It can spread an idea, get an emotion across, make you laugh, and sometimes just help you relax. I listen to literally any kind of music, ranging from Dragonforce to Kanye West to Pachelbel. I know I'm going to be made fun of a lot for saying it, but Taylor Swift is a unique artist that spreads nice, innocent ideas. For example, Katy Perry and Kanye West have a song called "E.T."- it's totally inappropriate. However, Taylor Swift talks about her childhood memories and about you have to be faithful, nice, and forgiving.

    Noah R.-

  13. The I.C.A is so cool and so is Patrick Oster-
    I have never ever listned to Bob Marley. Ye music can because it can insipire somebody to do something world changing. I dont really listen to music but i would have to say i like rock for its beat and lyrics. I do not think there are many and i must admit i know no one that is attempting to change the world with music.
    THE END!!

  14. Rich- Ya I listen to Bob Marley a lot and I love his music. It is relaxing and has a good beat to it. During the summer the only thing my uncle plays on our boat in McCall is Bob Marley. I don't know why, but I don't question it because I like his music. My favorite songs of his are Is This Love,Jamming,One Love, and Could You Be Loved. I do think music can change the world. It changes our attitudes and the way we look at things. It can also change countries. An example would be because of the earthquake in Japan iTunes made this album for Japan where all the money they make goes to Japan. They also did the same thing for Haiti. I mostly listen to Hip-Hop/Rap but I listen to pretty much everything, besides Country, I do not like Country at all. It is just to slow and boring for me. I listen to Hip-Hop/Rap the most because I like the beats and rhymes that they bust out. An artist that tries to change the world is Wyclef Jean because he is trying to help rebuild Haiti(Where he is from). But nearly every artist changes the world in their own little ways. Like just the other day I watched a 30 for 30 where the rap group N.W.A. made the Los Angeles Raiders the most popular franchise during that time. They were the "sponsors" for Raiders merchandise. People wore Raiders merchandise like the Yankees cap is worn today. You might not have even liked the Raiders, you just wore their stuff to be cool. That is just proof that music can change the world.

  15. Anna K~
    Yes I listen to Bob Marley and I love his music. It calms me down and I just like it. Yes I think music can inspire. It can make you do some things you may have thought was impossible before. Maybe it will change someones idea or mind. I listen to rock/ pop, country and reggae. Many artists try to inspire and change the world or else they wouldn't have these great songs. I have always loved Taylor Swift because her songs give advice and are meaningful.

  16. Bella-
    Yes I have listened to Bob Marley's music, it is pretty good. I think music can change the world if the music has a strong enough message. I listen to more of modern music. I don't think there is much music today about trying to change the world.

  17. Patrick O'Nell: No, i have never heard any of Bob Marely's music.I dont even honestly think i have ever heard his name before. Music can have a big impact on our society. They can infuluence peoples thoughts. For example, a rock song might inspire you to beat your opponets in a game. The music i like to listen to is the music you might here on the radio statios, modern pop music like Usher ext. I do not think any current artist is trying to change the world. Though i could be wrong.

  18. Sam Mallane- Ya i have listen to one f his songs. it was preey good i guess. no not at all. it may change a person ,but it does not change the world. well i am not old so i dont listen to rock and country ,so that leaves wrap and a little pop. i like hearing the beat and the words they say. lady gaga because she keeps every one intertaned.

  19. Bailey Conger- I have never listened to his songs on purpose but maybe if it is on the radio. I think music can change the world because musicians can be role models. If they write a song about something it could change peoples views. I like rap and some pop music. I just like the lyrics if you can hear them. None of the people I listen to try to change.

  20. Karina- Ya, I have listend to some of Bob Marley's songs. It's good. I listen to most music out there except for country, and some rock n'roll, because some rock is just loud and obnoxious. I think music can inspire many people to do things they have never thought of doing or who would never tried it. It can accomplish people's goals by someone trying to be like a certain singer they like and people might want to be as successful as some artists. I don't really know any specific artists trying to change the world by their music. But some people's music can have very good meaning to it and can send messages to everyone. Some artists songs who dont have a very good meaning to them can be ok because their music can entertain others.

  21. The Freelance Pianist - Yes, I have listened to Marley's music, and I can honestly say that his music and message about love and such really reaches out to me in a profound way. So yes, I like his music. As somebody who has played the piano for 11 years straight, I am an avid believer of the power music has on a person's soul. I really think that if somebody really wanted to, she/he could change the world with music. After all, it's the language of the soul. Nowadays I listen to just about all types of music except for techno and country and, to be honest, I don't think there are any artists trying to change with world with music at the moment. I could be wrong, but then again I might not be.

  22. Tim: Ya I have listened to some of his songs before and I thought they were really great because his music is just so unique. I do think that music can change the world because music can bring people together and can inspire people to do great things. I like to listen to rap music because it has a good beat and it can help you get fired up before games. I don't really know any artists that are trying to change the world with music, but I am sure that there has to be at least one artist who is trying to do that.

  23. Francesca- I have listened to Bob Marleys music before and its not really my type of music but ya its pretty good. I think music can change the world and impact people if it has a good message that people are understanding. I listen to any music that i like, i dont really have a type. I dont know any music today trying to change the world but a lot of songs have meaning to it and some artists are trying to send out a message to the world.

  24. Alice C=
    I have heard some songs of Bob Marely, because of my cousins. Anyways I like some of his songs yet others I kind of don't. I defiantly think that music can change the world. The reason why is because just like anyway people speak and it can be, through poems, books, movie, speeches and music. It is just another way people think. And well if we have not notice but sometimes when people think they try to do or change something. Some succeeds while others fail. And some people think music is a lot easier to express your self. I don't really have a favorite type of music but I do dislike some. Anyways there has been a lot of new artists in our period of time. Many really aren't trying to change the world, yet some have been doing a lot of touching songs to people.

  25. Yeah I have listened to some bob marley. I mean its all right it's not like Ide "wake and Jam" to his music or buy it but...Its O.K. I think that anyone can change the world, but when it is in the form of music, it just makes it that much easier. If it has a fun beat it consider my world changed. I personally listen to r&b. whatever that means...Like dr dre and stuff.... NOT LADY GAGA. Oh and lm*ao is good too. I like there new song. I think katy perry is trying to change the world...but its not working. Her songs just make me angry.

  26. NOAH GOEDDERTZ UP DER ^^^^^^^^^

  27. Yes, i have listened to his music. I think that his music is relaxing and makes you feel good. I think that music can change the world because it is very inspirational and therapeutic. I like rock pop kind of music. I think that every musicians goal is to change or impact the world in some way.

  28. Scott- I have listened to Bob Marley before and I love it. He is the only type of Reggae Music that I enjoy. I think that music can change the world if it has a new idea or revolutionary message. I don't have a favorite type of music, but normally I listen to techno and rap. I don't really think that any artist is trying to change the world now.

  29. Will
    Well I have litsened to Bob Marley before but not regularly. I think his music is a little weird in my opinion. Im not really in to that kind of stuff. YES i DO Think music can change the world for people because it just might be inspirational or something for them. I really do not listen to music that much but when I do its usually with my family or before a football baseball or basketball game. so with my family its usally country and to get pumped up its usally like a hip hop\rap combo.a I think most artist try to change veiws or anything in the world or in people with there music.

  30. Mary-I've listened to bob marly before and I guess it's pretty good. It's not really my type though. I listen to most music that's popular today except for country. I think music can change people and make them think but I don't know about if it's powerful enough to change the world

  31. corrine- i love bob marley i think hes an inspirational musician. i believe that music can change the world. i think in some cases if i didnt have music to cheer me up when im down, or get pumped up for a game i wouldnt be so happy sometimes or ever be pumped up. i think marleys messages through his music were so great. music makes life full and not so dull. it makes so many people laugh, dance, just have a great time. then there are others who hate music, they think its stupid or they get headaches from it some how. yes some songs these days have more raps in them, but so many of those songs send good or bad messages to kids.

  32. i have listened to Bob Marley before....but not often. it is just not my type. i do think that music can change the world because it can be really inspiring and stuff. i listen to more recent music or old music, it depends on my mood. i dont think there is anyone out there trying to change the world now but if there was no music then how would i get myself pumped before games? that is mainly what i use it for personally.

  33. EMMA(:
    I dont really listen to Bob Marley that much. I have heard a couple of songs. Its not the music I would listen to everyday but I think in each and every one of his songs there is a different saying that he is trying to tell all of us. I do think music can change the world. It brings people happiness and some songs are very inspiring and makes you want to be a better person. I listen to a variety of music because there is so many different styles and good singers out there that you can't just listen to one. There isn't anyone singers that stands out and wants to change the world like Bob marley wanted to do.

  34. Lauren- I don't listen to Bob Marley's music but I've heard some of his songs. I think some music can change the world if the message is strong enough that it impacts someone's life. Music has inspiring words that can maybe motivate people to do something they have wanted to do. Eminem is one person that sings about life and stuff, but Bob Marley is probably the one that has changed the world the most through his music.

  35. Abby- i havent heard bobv marley's music yet. but i wpould like to. i have a rosta braclet!!! i think that muic can change the world. it has an influence on all of us. in odays music music most of the time the influeces are bad and pormote bad things. but not all artist do that. i listen to anyrthing but the 60 70 8- 90 but everything else is fine. i listen to muic today because i like the beats but for songs that i dont like i always try and find one thing that i like about it. by doing that i respect more music and enjoy it more. i think that all of the artist try and change the world through there messages. they all want to leave there mark on us and they use music to doo it.

  36. Kobe- I have and do listen to Bob Marley quite a bit. His music always makes me feel happy. I do think music can change the world. Music can influence epode to do good things, and unfortunately bad things. I listen to all kinds of music except for maybe bluegrass.... Im not really a banjo person. I think all artists try to change the world, but in different ways. Not all of them are telling us to love each other and be peaceful.

  37. Abhi-
    No, I have not listened to Bob Marley’s music, but I have heard it is good. Yes, it changes our attitudes and influences people. I usually listen to Hip Hop and Rap. I just like this kind of music because of the way it sounds. I doesn’t make much sense, but it I hard to explain. Yes there are artists today trying to change the world. I don’t know what names to say because it is hard to tell.

  38. Jake-I have never really listened to bob marleys music unfortunately. I think music can change the world because everybody hears it everywhere. I usually listen to either rap, hip hop or more modern music, but I really don't know why. I have not heard to may artists trying to bring peace to the world but I think someone needs to step up.

  39. Taylor-
    When I was in Jamaica I listend to it all the time. I kind of liked it because of its layed back feel. I like up beat music alot more though.Yes I think music can have a big impact on the world. It can also bring people together. I listen to the music that is popular in Boise and is always on the radio because that is what is just there. I cna't think of artist right now that are tryinjg to change the world but there has to be someone out there.

  40. Garren- I have heard acouple of his songs and they were alright. Its music that calms you down. I think musicions can change the world because if they are popular than people listen to their lyrics all of the time. I like a lot of hip hop and rap music because it has an up beat fealing. I think Lupe Fiasco he raps for the kids that live in the Ghetto and dont want to be there. He also raps for the kids that are scared of life because they live in scary places andhace seen scary things.

  41. -jacob-

    I have listened to some songs written and sung by Bob Marley. I think that music can change the world and can change everyone's attitude and the way that people look at things. When I hear people talking about an inspirational song about peace in the world I think about waka waka by Shakira. It really inspires me to be kind to all people and not to care about their race or religion. Right now there are no people in my genre of music that seem to inspire people or to try to change the world but some artists sing about how people should feel better about themselves because everyone is good at something.

  42. Emily B ~
    Well I've listened to his songs before, because my dad is always listening to them. His songs arent half bad really, listening you can really tell they were written to inspire. I'm not quite sure if music itself can change the world..... but it deffentally has the power to influence people and change their perspective. Now a-days music has gotten a little less inspiring but I guess some people try, like some of Katy perrys songs, but still hers aren't quite there.

  43. Aaron- Yes i have heard it and he did change the World. It is ok, it isnt my style. He has created his own genre and transended music. I think it can change the th world because of the infulence on kids, which will affect our generation in our decisons. I like to listen to rap and rock and roll, mostly because of the beat. I dont see anyone right now.

  44. Peyton
    i have listened to his music and i think it was actually pretty good. yes i think music can change the world because music is huge in our culture and it greatly affects people all over the world. the music i listen to is mostly rap. i think some people are trying to change the world through music and one person comes to mind is the rapper lupe fiasco. in almost every one of his raps he raps about the problems in the world and how to make them better.


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