Thursday, May 5, 2011

Death of Osama bin Laden

On Sunday evening around 8:45 pm, our regular scheduled television shows were interrupted with breaking news.  The news would inspire patriotism, relief, anxiety, and trepidation across the United States and the world.  The news:  Osama bin Laden is dead.

It has been close to 10 years since the bin Laden became a popular terrorist icon and known across the country as the face and mind behind the elusive and deadly terrorist organization “al-Qaida”.  Even though he created this organization in 1988, it would not be until 2001 when he and his cohorts become a household name.  The fateful day in September would forever change Americans and our sense of security in the world. 

News of his death spread quickly on Sunday evening.  Hours before President Obama addressed the nation, people from coast to coast were spreading the news through social media.  ESPN and other news affiliates were able to capture the looks of joy and relief on the faces of those attending the Phillies/Mets baseball game.  The crowd went as far to begin chanting “U-S-A”.  In other cities, people gathered at capitol buildings, statehouses, and other public forums to celebrate the triumph of freedom and the demise of terrorism. 

In the days since we have become increasingly aware of the details behind the mission.  We have been made aware of the use of SEAL Team Six and their need for anonymity.  We have learned about the proper Muslim burial bin Laden was granted.  We have learned of the existence of pictures of the event, which will not be released.  We have learned that although the leader of this feared terrorist organization is dead, we are still not completely secure.  Security at airports, military instillations, and other public and government building are on heightened security.

What do you think about the death of Osama bin Laden?  How will this impact the United States and Homeland Security?  Although you were very young on September 11, how do you think this event will impact the lives of those directly involved and victimized by the 9/11 terrorist attack? 


  1. Aaron- Yes!!!!! First one! I think it is good for the people affected in 9/11. We have one last challege to defeat the war on terror. I remember my mom telling me about it and the people that died will be remembered forever. The people who survided will remember that day like it is present day.

  2. -jacob-

    As you know, mr. Grant and all of the other people that read my blog frequently,
    I always try to take other people's sides in arguements but I have to say that it is impossible to take a different side on this one because I don't really know Osama Binladen personally, all I know is that he is a terrorist. I mean, this guy took thousands of lives because of his "religion" and we are expected to pity him! Well all of the people that pity him must not have their heads screwed on right because that's crazy! Right now homeland security is very high and I think it will be for a while just in case people try to get revenge on behalf of Osama Bin Laden's death I hope that this changes in the future because now the leader of one of the worst terrorist groups on the world is dead!

  3. Madeline- I think it's good to see that justice has been done. That man was responsible for the deaths of so many people. For a while, security will be pretty tight, I think, in the fear of an attack for revenge. I remember 9/11, mostly because both my parents were reporters at the time. I remember my dad staring at the TV stunned, and replaying the footage over and over. For those who lost loved ones in the 9/11 attack, I think they may be glad to hear the man behind it all is dead.

  4. Kristen :)
    I think it is good because he did terrible things to lots of people ,so he deserved to die. Also he will not be able to hurt anyone else. I think it is especially good for those who lost family members in the 9/11 attack. I bet home land security is high because they think osama binladen's group might be seeking revenge on the US. I think it will directly impact those people lives by making them feel happy that they killer of their family member has gotten what he deserves. They will also probably feel grateful that more people will not have to suffer by his bad acts.

  5. Rich- I think it is Osama Bin Laden's death is good for the entire world. We are finally finished worrying about one of the most evil men known on earth. I know it is not good that we killed him, but just think about it. if we kill Osama Bin Laden we save thousands of other Innocent lives. I do not agree with celebrating his death as much as we did though. First of all we should never celebrate somebody dying (But in this situation I understand.) I was happy he was dead,but not happy enough to go celebrate in front of our capital like a bunch of crazy people.I also think this will influence the al-Qaida to attack our country again. This will impact the U.S and Homeland Securities by security really buckling down and trying to make things safer than it is right now because we know the al-Qaida will probably try to revolt so we want to do all we can to stop them from attacking us again. I actually don't remember 9/11 at all, but I know that people who were involved and victimized from 9/11 ( almost everyone in the U.S) will be happy that the man who caused so many innocent deaths and so much suffering among our people is finally dead.

  6. Ben R.
    I think that Osama bin Laden's death is kind of bitter sweet. Yes i am glad that the man who was responsible for so many deaths won't be here to kill anymore but I will still pray for his soul and that he goes to heaven. The U.S. will have to really stay vigilant so that if a retaliation occurs they can act at a moments notice. I think there will be a lot more precautions in airports and other places. I think that those who were affected directly by 9/11 will be very happy that their loved ones have been avenged and that Osama bin Laden won't be leading anymore terrorist attacks.

  7. hi how you doin? hope your having a good day today, hope that everything is going great and your in a good mood. this is Conner Charles by the way - lets just get into it now ive dragged this on for too long now right? okay i think that it is a good thing for everyone's safety. now that he is dead we can all relax a little bit, but now we also have to worry a little bit about retaliation from bin ladins followers, especially after the way we celebrated in the streets... out in public. i mean its alright to be happy and relieved but not to throw parades in the streets even though i understand that some people lost loved ones in the attacks, but we just don't think that makes us look very good to everyone else on earth. i also think that the people who lost loved ones will feel in a way kind of avenged that the man who was responsible of so many different innocent lives is now dead himself .... and thats it for me i guess... bye

  8. Gonzo- It is always sad when someone dies, even if the person is a mass murder who send our nation into a crisis. I am happy that he is dead not because he is dead, but because the amoount of terrorism from his group of terrorists will hopefully diminish because they have no leader. I think that the United States Homeland Security will increase dramatically because they are expecting some sort of resistance to avenge the death of Osama bin Laden. I think that this event will ease those people who were directly involved in 9/11. I think this because all of the people are paranoid and scared that some other freak attack will happen to the United States and they will somehow be involved again, but now since Osama bin Laden is gone, the people will not be as paranoid and therefore able to life more peaceful. I hated the dreadful day that the United States was attacked and hope that no other events like this happen ever again. I sincerely hope that Osama bin Laden's terrorist group doesn't retalitate and take more lives for a pointless reason. All in all, hopefully terrorism decreases from the death of Osama bin Laden.

  9. ~Emily T.~
    Although it's safer in the world now, and justice was served because of the number of deaths he caused, it does seem kind of weird that we are celebrating the death of someone, I know he did terrible things, but it just seems strange to me. But, I'm glad we can all relax a little bit knowing that he's gone. For awhile security will be very tight I think, because almost everyone is expecting revenge for his death. For all of those who were affected by 9/11, they will probably feel pretty happy about him being dead,and feel that he deserved it because of deaths he caused, and the pain he caused to their loved ones.
    ~Emily T.~

  10. Tim: I think that it is a good thing that he is dead because now there hopefully won't be as much terrorist activity in the world. But I don't think we should be rejoicing about his death because he is still a human and people should never rejoice when someone dies, no matter how many mistakes that person makes. I think that the United States and Homeland security will increase the security of this country even more because Al-qaida might try to do something to avenge the death of their leader. I think that those people will be very happy because the person that injured them or killed someone they know was finally killed.

  11. Bella-
    I am happy that Osama bin Laden is dead, but I'm not going to go celebrate and chant on the streets about it. It showed justice to the people who were impacted by 9/11 in a small way. I'm sure the United States' Homeland Security will tighten because maybe al Qaida will want to avenge us in some way. I'm sure the death of bin Ladan will make the people involved in 9/11 feel that justice was served.

  12. Bailey - I think its good that hes dead because now were alot safer then when he was alive. He was a threat to our country. It will make our security alot less strict and that won't be good because another terrorist might attack. These people probably hate him. It changed there lives forever. They will never forget what he did. They are really happy right now. they may not like people dyeing but he deserved it.

  13. Lauren- I think it's great that we got revenge for what horrible things he did to our country. 9-11 was a terrible event that our country had to go through and Osama Bin Laden should not have done that. I did not think it was right for people to go parading around about the death of someone. Some people don't agree with that, but I honestly think it's the right thing to do. I think we should be happy about it, but we shouldn't take it to the point where it's wrong. Even though he planned and did horrible things to our country, we shouldn't be celebrating about it. Pakistan may get even angrier with us and plan to attack our country. I think Homeland Security will be even safer, because they will be afraid of another attack planned on the United States for revenge. I think the people that lost family and friends on September 11 will be greatly impacted by this. They will probably be the happiest out of anyone since Osama Bin Laden was the one who took the lives of those people. I think it's great that they finally got their revenge on the person who killed their family/friends.

  14. Bready.yes it will impact everyone mostly the Laden fans because they will be look ing to attack us and Bomb us to. but it will also effect the people and families in 9-11. um i am yes and no about his death. i am glad that he is dead because he was the big shot and leader for a lot of bad people. also i dont like his death because like i said earlier, the people who liked Laden are now going to try and kill us even more and also because he was still a human and deserved to be punished but not by death but by like life in jail thanks Braedy

  15. Francesca- What i think about Osama Bin Ladens death is that its a good thing he wont be able to hurt anyone anymore but im not going to celebrate that he is dead because he is still a person. This will impact the United States and homeland security because now people will be more calm when going on trips and people wont have to worry as much anymore but im sure they will still be prepared just in case someone wants revenge. I think people who were involved in 9/11 will feel that justice was served.

  16. Jilly- I think it is good that Bin Laden was killed because he was a threat to many people an he killed many people too. It is okay to be happy about Osama being killed but we shouldn't celebrate and party and get to overly happy. I think even though Bin Laden has been killed they probably wont loosen up too much on security because there are always people who do crazy things out there. I think the people who were effected by 9/11 will be happy and feel like the loved ones they lost have been avenged because their killer is dead. But like I said before we shouldn't get too happy about the death of someone.

  17. Grant- I think that it is great that Osama is dead, but I don't think that it is ever god to go out celebrating in the streets because someone has been killed. Hopefully without Bin Laden Al Qaeda will fall apart. I think that even though the leader of Al Qaeda is no longer alive we will tighten security just in case of a retaliation attack, but I think that after that threat passes people will feel a lot safer traveling. I think this will make a lot of people that knew someone that died in 9/11 feel better about the death of there friend or family member. I know that my dad who had two friends die in the attacks probably feels good that Osama was killed.

  18. *Patrick O'Neill*

    I think that Laden's death is a victory for our country, even though he was just one man. Of course it will impact our country by easing us a little on the terrorist security, but we shuld not let our guard down. He is not the only terrorist out there, and there are plenty of others willing to attack our country. I thinkt hat this will impact the peoples lives touched by 9/11 by letting a deep anger our. Finally, the man responsible for many deaths has met his end. They might take it as justice, but we can rest assered that they are happy about it.

  19. Anna K~
    It is good that he is dead because it has potentially saved many lives but it isn't a good thing to be celebrating in the streets about it. No one should act that way when a person dies, even if it is someone like Osama bin Laden. I think everyone is going to be on edge because we are expecting retaliation from al-Qaida. The scary thing is no one knows even if or when it could happen. Homeland Security will probably become stricter. I think people who were directly affected will finally be at peace. The man who had planned the whole attack is now dead and gone forever. I bet they also feel relief because I am sure they don't want others to be feeling what they are feeling.

  20. sam mallane ..... I think of freedom and revenge. it is one less thing they have to worry about. I think that it will give them peace of mind. i say that because he can plan something like again because he is dead.

  21. megan(:
    I think the death of Bin Laden was great. It was definally something to take revenge on for all the horrific things he has done. he killed many many people and left families and friends devastated and without love ones. I think the US will have a sense of security knowing that Bin Laden is dead. As for homeland security i really dont know how it is going to effect it. I think that it will stay the same, even though the top dog is dead there are people under him that may take other drastic measures to carry on his work. the victims and people present during 9/11 will impact them and they will relive that day every single day of their lives.

  22. Alice C=
    To me the death of Bin Laden was a good American victory. Anyways its great and all that he is dead but its kind of weird to celebrate that someone actually died. It is not like everyday we go around being festive that someone died , right? I think that it will impact the US by kind of resting that he's dead but now knowing there might be more of people just like him out there. As homeland security I am not quite sure how this death will effect it. But I don't think it will change it greatly though. Since 9/11 happen there has been many people in our world being remember for that tragic. Mostly everyone knows what happen , some will have like they could just imagine or remember that day as if it was actually happening again. Yet others won't. It has touch many hearts to Americans and it will never be forgotten.

  23. Scott Bennett- I think that it is great that our number one enemy is dead, but he is still a human being with a soul and we shouldn't be celebrating his death but praying that he isn't in Hell. I think that the HSA should stay secure for the threat of future retaliation. I think that those directly effected by 9/11 will eventually realize that Osama is dead, but that doesn't bring there loved ones back.

  24. I think the death of Bin Laden is and will be a very important part of are countrys history i think that it is a great sign of releive for many people in our country especailly are militairy. I think this will make are scurity a little more tight because i think that followers of Bin Ladin will more then likley want to get revenge on us. I think there are many members of the Taliban right now who thinks all that he had done was the right thing to do, even 9/11. I think the families that lost loved ones on 9/11 are very glad that the man who was behind killing there loved ones and many other innocent people is now dead. I think they are hoping since hes dead that nothing a orrific as 9/11 will ever happen again. Will

  25. Taylor-
    I think that it is great that he is dead and is going to where he should be and that is not heaven. He was a really terrible guy. Now people who work at homeland security can sleep easier knowing that one terrorist is dead.This event terrified many people across the nation and people were afraid of getting attached again so meny stayed out of airplanes. But now that he is dead people now know that the man who started it all can't harm any more citizens and that he was brought to justice.

  26. I think that the death of Osama Bin Laden is a good thing. Home land security will be happy knowing that one major terrorist is dead and won't have to worry that much. When 9/11 happened it devastated the whole country and many families lost a relative or someone they knew. But now that Bin Laden is dead I think those who were affected by 9/11 will feel better knowing that the man who caused all this is now gone.

  27. Jake- I think it is great that we prevented any more terrorism but we also killed a person though. Although overall i think it was a good decision to end it all with his death. Homeland security should feel a little bit better about protecting the United States with one of the biggest threats dead. Now i think everyone in the US feels a little safer and better about their security as well.I think people that were affected by the 9/11 attack feel much better now and also feel restored. I would think that they have got "revenge" but feel bad about someone being killed for it though.

  28. Abby- i think the death of binladudin was a good thing but could also be bad be cause his group could retaliate and come back with more terrarist attacks. but if we were to keep him prisoner then they might try and take him back. i think that since we fear the revenge of binladin tghat we will tighten down on security and try to catch binlaudins followers. when was younger my friend in preschools dad was on the plane that went in to the field and he died. but im sure that she and her mother are relieved about the death of binladuin because he caused the death of there father/husband. due to all of the parades and stuff i think most of the other people are happy about his death.

  29. The Freelance Pianist - Death is indeed a very touching subject. I'm not necessarily 'happy' that bin Laden is dead, I suppose it's more of a 'relieved' feeling. However, I am very happy that the leader of al-Qaida has been 'removed from service' shall we say. However, his death will inevitably affect the United States in some way. As the old saying goesn, 'an eye for an eye'. No matter how justified, violence will always breed more violence. However, I'm sure that, at the moment, those families that were directly affected by the 9/11 attack are and wll be elated for a long, long time.

  30. Noah G. Honestly im not trying to praise the death of someone but I think that it is about time. I say this becasue they have been at it for like 11 years or 10. I thought that it was about time. I have no real adea what it will do to homeland will put it on code orange or something. I bet that voice in the airport will be on more frequently too. I also think that the poor families that were directly impacted from this even feel just the way the people in front of the white house felt. Happy and relieved.

  31. Abhi-
    I think that it is a good thing that he is dead, but I am not going to celebrate because of someone’s death. I think this will make are security a little more tight because people will want to take revenge for Osama Bin Laden’s death. I’m not sure if I had heard this on the news, but I heard them say to America “You might be happy now, but we will make you sad soon.” I think the families that lost loved ones on 9/11 are very glad that they have finally seen the death of the person that killed people they loved and knew.

  32. John- To answer the first question I'd have to say that I'm rather serene that a terrorist is dead, indeed I would normally acknowledge this as a person dieing and feel remorseful. However, due to the fact that I only know him as a terrorist (and as someone who is just either mentally unstable or completely corrupt) I'd have to say I have no complaints over it. For now I'd say it's benevolent and it will help relieve America for a brief period of time, but let's be honest, it's the terrorist NOT the actual group that has been killed off so I think it won't really matter regardless since the leader will be replaced almost instantaneously. The real question remains who this new person is. I would think that in a single thesis; this event is symbolic and a nice redemption for what has occured in 9/ll however it will never fully redeem itself as a solution for the original problem is insuperable. In other words it's like saying (in a far more bearing dialogue) the bully has done some very bad things and the person has moved away permanently yet you shall never forget the damages he/she has deliberately taken out onto you.

  33. Karina- I think that it's sort of a good thing that Osama Bin Laden died because its a lot less stressful for people and people dont need to be worrying about him. Another reason why i think that is because he ruined many people's lives by killing so many people. I dont think its necessary to be celebrating his death though because he's still a human being and no one should celebrate the death of someone. This will impact the United States and homeland security because people dont have to worry about where he is or anything and they dont need to worry about someone attacking them or something. I think people who were involved in 9/11 will feel that justice was served.

  34. Emma(:
    Okay well I think his its a really good thing that Osama Bin Laden is dead. It sounds bad saying that but all the things that he has done was way worse. Also I think people cheering for his death was a little disrepectful because even all the things he has done someone still is dead. I think having him dead is a great relief of stress for many people escpecially if you knew someone that was killed on 9/11.I think this will impact the homeland security greatly because we dont't have to worry about Alqeida(I don't think thats how you spell in but oh well) planning some terrist attack but then again even though there leader is dead I dont think thats going to stop them. The people knew someone or a loved one that was killed in 9/11 I think those are the people that should be cheering. Also I think again that the should know they don't have to be scared anymore.

  35. This is Emma again and its spelled Al Qaida

  36. i think it is a really good thing that osama bin laden is dead. i wouldnt go around chanting yes we killed someone! but i think the people who did do that had reasons behind their "madness" i mean if i would have lost a loved one i probably would do the same thing. i think the security will be tight for a while because a lot of people think that he had something big planned for when he died. but yes it is probably a great relief for many people having him dead now. i think that the people who lost someone in 9/11 are probably really happy and justified. although he is now dead everything that he did will be remembered forever and all of the victims will be remembered also. Jenna

  37. The I.C.A is cool and so is Patrick Oster-
    I think it is really good that we finnally got him but im not about to celebrate like all these other people that are celebrating. I mean come on he is still a human being!! Knowing his followers they probably will try to get revenge by attempting to kill somebody of high importnce like Obama or just try to kill more pople. Yes, because it was Osama that had planned these attacks and I am pretty certain that those who were affected will have some closure.
    The End!!
    Thanks to our sponsors:
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    Thanks again to our Sponsors!!

  38. Ben S- I think that its a really good thing that Osama Bin Laden was killed because it brought a sense of pride to the United States. And because he was a big threat to other countrys as well, not just the US. This will affect homeland security a ton because now they have to worry about threats from Osamas followers and just from terrorist threats in general because he was such a big leader. I think that the people affected in 9/11 will feel so happy and a sense of relief. But also feel like saying a few words about Osama Bin Laden that i am not at liberty to say on this blog...

  39. Jared- "computer had a virus"---i think the death of him is a great thing for the USA because for the mastermind of the 9/11 attack to be dead is a great thing for Americans who lost a love one in the attack. now homeland security wont have to worry about another planned attack by Osama. people who were affected by the 9/11 terrorist attack will feel some more peace in the world.i also feel like Americans we kind of took his death not like the American way. we were chanting in the streets USA! and to celebrate a death in the kind of attitude we did wasn't the American way. although i still think we all should feel a little relief and peace in the world.

  40. The I.C.A is so cool and so is Patrick Oster-
    Mr. Grant i had a post before but i think somebody removed it. Anyway i think it is good that we got him but i am not about to celebrate about it. I mean, he is still a human being! Knowing his followers i am pretty sure that Homeland Security will have alot of problems ahead. The familys that have been effected will most likly have some resolutions in their life but they cannot have back their familys or freinds.
    THE END!!!

  41. Anna Marria- I think it is defiantly closer for the US. It is a positive impact but we still need to keep continue on the path that we have been taking which is we can never let down with terrorism because it will always be there. The families and friends i think will feel a little better because the man that caused them terrible grief and sadness has finally been killed but they will never get back their loved ones that they lost.

  42. corrine- i thought osamas death was good yet sad. i really thought it was rude of so many people that were cheering that he was dead. i mean ya he was a terrorist and took part in 9 11 and so many people that lost a friend, sibling, parent, child, or loved one felt relief and joy that he was dead. but that really does not mean they should go out and celebrate. so ya it was good that he is dead but it is also sad that someone was killed.

  43. Kobe- I think Osama Bin Laden's death rejuvenated the attitudes of a lot of americans. We have feared terrorists because of their hate towards us. Now that their leaders dead we feel superior once more. Many people think its horrible that we celebrated a mans death. Just think of this. If Osama killed one of our leaders they probably would have drug the body through the streets, and mutilated it. We gave Osama a proper Muslim burial. This wont bring back those who died on September 11 but it we achieved this for them in a way. We never stopped looking for him.

  44. Garren- I think it is a good thing that osama bin laden died because he hasbeen a threat to our freedom, our nation , and our society ever scence he stared the al-quida terrorist group. I think our homeland security should be ready for a terrorist attack and we shoud be on gaurd so it might make it slower to get on planes and secured places. I think the victems of 9/11 will b e happy because osama himself cannot kill/hurt anyone anymore.

  45. Emily B ~
    Osama Bin Ladens death has had some big effects on our country, people feel a sense of releif and safeness but behind that there is that sense of fear that even though we killed a powerful leader there are still others that may want to take revenge. All that celebration Osamas death has probably been infiriating his followers. I think homeland security will be on high look out for exactly that type of attack. I think the effects of 9-11 on people, especially those who know some one personally who was killed will be something that they will never get over or forget.

  46. Peyton
    As much as i hate to say that anybodies death had a big affect on our country i think his affected ours greatly. Everybody was happy about the news that he was killed and some people even had parties which i think is wrong. I think it impacts the U.S. and homeland security by giving them a boost in morale. I think that this was huge for people affected by 9/11. i think it gave them a sense of payback and justice to have him finally killed.

  47. zach- I think that Binladen desrved death and that our war on terror has now won a major battle in taking out a mass muder, monster, adn all around evil guy like Binladen. And now since we killed the mastermind behind the infamous 9/11 i think that we should find some closure, we got retribution, and we now are ready if any-thing like that tries to happen again. We need closure but we still cant forget.


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