Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Royal Wedding

Not since the wedding on Prince Charles and Lady Diana has there been such an anticipated nuptial event.  The April 29th wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton has experience wide and extensive media coverage across the United States. 

Every aspect of their relationship and wedding preparations has been covered in the news somehow.  If you walk up and down the aisle of any grocery store, the tabloids are riddled with stories.  Everything from what they are wearing, to who is invited, to the cost of the event has been reported in print and on the internet.

It intrigues me as to why this event is so seemingly important to the people of the United States.  It is interesting in our country, which fought against the ideas of monarchies, finds such fascination with the British Royal family.   One possible explanation is our constant need to celebrate and elevate celebrities in society.  Another is society may still have a need to have kings and queens, princes and princesses in our world.  With all the war, tension and stress in the world, we may need to take a break and bask in the idea of royalty.  Regardless, I would not be surprised to find many people I know that are planning on waking up at 4:00 am Friday morning to watch the event live.  (This would include my wife if she didn’t enjoy her sleep so much)

Why do you think the Royal Wedding is so popular in the United States?  What do you think of the British Royal family?  Is the royal family still necessary to Great Britain?  Do we still need the idea of royalty in the world? 


  1. Abby- i think that it is popular in the united states because it kind of has the hollywood tention to it and american people are drawn to that kind of stuff. it also resembles the movie the prince and me. i dont know that much about them but they seem really intresting.since Breat Britain has always had a king or queen i think that it would be werid to see them with out one. so for them i think its necessary, if they didnt have them then they might become "wobbley" or not stable for awhile. i dont thing WE do but some natiions might. i think its cool how we still have rolalty in the world.

  2. Madeline- I think the royal wedding may be so popular is because this is history in the making. Everyone wants to be able to remember it and tell their children and their children's children about the day William and Kate were married. I really don't know much about the British royal family, but I suspect I'll end up learing more about them. I think Britian does sort of need a monarchy, as thats all there's ever been. However, that being said, I think it depends on who is on the throne. Were it some ruthless ruler, I might say differently. The idea of royalty is necessary, I think, for some countries, again, because that's all there's ever been. Plus, without royalty, where would Disney be? I'm just kidding!

  3. Bella-
    I think the Royal Wedding is so popular in the United States because it's like a fairy tale. A prince marrying a princess. Everyone wishes they could live out that fairy tale. Also the Royal Wedding today, was history in the making. So everyone wants to watch it. I don't know much about the Royal Family. I would like to learn more about them. I think they are still necessary to Great Britian because that's all they have ever had and it would be different without them. I think for some countries royalty is important because once again, that is what the citizens and leaders know.

  4. The I.C.A is cool and so is Patrick Oster- I am not exactly sure why it is so exciting for americans but i am guessing that it has to do with our previous history with Britain such as the Revolutuionary war and so on. I believe that they are all ok. I have heard the queen is very nice but im not sure on anybody else. Not really in political wise but it is imortant for the people to still have their tradition still going on of having a queen or a king. In my point of veiw we dont becasue they waste the countries resources. Just look at our president. We treat him like royalty and he spends just like royalty. When the presidental family went to Hawaii they spent thousands of dollars. So that is a huge problem for the counties today in this economy.
    THE END!!!

  5. Kristen :)
    Well I think the royal wedding is so popular because here in America we do not have a princes and princesses in this country so everybody is very interested about royalty. Also because like Bella said it is like a real life fairy tale and is history in the making. I don't really know anything about the royal family but i would like to learn about them in the future. I think it is necessary for Britain to have a king and queen because they have never been without one so therefore they would not know how to live without one. I think it is still necessary in some countries because they do not know how to live without one so the country would fall apart.

  6. jared G dolby!!!!-i just think its so popular here because everytime you turn on the news or any channel(for the most part) it talks about the royal wedding which makes us Americans more interested and into whats going on about the wedding.Mr.Grant they are just such a cute couple!!! ummm i dont really think much of them because i dont really care a whole lot about them(not trying to be mean) but i dont know anything about them. i think they are still important to britian because it mostly tradition then anything. i dont think we need royalty in the world but like i said its tradition. THE END

  7. Grant- I'm not really sure why people care so much because it doesn't interest me at all. My guess would be that they like it just because of all of the hype around it, they feel like everyone is watching it and they don't want to feel left out. I think the British royal family is really interesting especially the early ones, like back in the 1500's when everyone was trying to get to the thrown even if that meant killing their brother, sister, parent or cousin. I don't think that its necessary to Great Britain because they don't actually make any decisions about what the country will and won't do, but if Parliament just decided to stop there being a royal family people in England would be really upset. I don't think that we need the idea of royalty, but in some countries with no royalty the country would break down.

  8. Garren- I am not sure what people see in whatching a day long ceremony but those are just my thaughts. I think people like it because it is on EVERY channel you turn to and because it does not happen in the U.S. They look like nice people because they always smile. I think they need to be run by a royal family because it is the only thing they know how to do. I think royalty gets too much attention to be in our world, but that is the only thing some people know is having a king and a queen.

  9. Tim: I think the royal wedding is so popular because there aren't many countries with princes, princesses, and etc. Also I think it is popular because the wedding will be expensive and people want to see all the decorations and stuff when the wedding occurs. I really don't know much about the British royal family but I think that people in the U.S. obsess over them way too much and I personally don't really care for royal family because they have absolutely nothing to do with the United States. Yes because the royal family is tradition and if there was no royal family, the people of Britain wouldn't know what to do because they have had a royal family for hundreds of years. No i really don't think we do, but other countries do because of the whole tradition thing.

  10. Conner Charles - FUN FACT!!! did you know that the royal couple are actually COUSINS... even though they're 12th cousins once removed thats still kinda wierd. anyways i think the wedding is popular everywhere not just America because it is just a happy event where young people (mostly girls) can get inspired by having a princess like or fairy tail like wedding with crowns and gold and fame ect. the royal wedding is just like the old disney movies where falling in love and living happily ever after is the theme like cinderella, sleeping beauty, the little mermaid and a lot of others. i think that the Queen and all of her grandchildren are going to be and are good people who will make the right decisions and do the right things. the generation inbetween have their morals mixed up and just can't or didn't make the right decisions, but with the exception of Diana, i thought she was a pretty good person. i don't really think that anyone's opinion on if the royal family is needed matters because its not going to change anytime soon. i think that the idea of royalty is really everywhere in the world with leaders... just like our president and first lady. we treat them just a step down from the king and queens of Britain because we don't actually consider them "royaly" but pretty darn close. they are treated with so much more care and caution and so much more nicely and given so much more than the average people in this country so i think in a way, the president and his family are a little bit like royalty. this is chocolate thunda signing off for the week and you stay classy whoever's reading this

  11. Emma-
    I think the Royal Wedding is so popular in the United States is it shows a little bit of how Royalty is like. I actually watched it but I didn't wake up at 4 I just recorded it. Also there were so many traditions in a royal wedding than just a simple catholic wedding. All the women had to wear these big funky hats and long sleeves and then the men had to wear some kind of suit. Anyways The British Family seems very eligent and kind hearted people. Yes I think everyone should have some idea of what royalty is like. I look at the Royal Wedding as something peaceful and I also think by just watching the Royal Wedding it made me think how fantastic and wonderful Royalty is!(:

  12. Rich- I think the Royal Wedding is popular in the United States because the Royal Wedding is like the inaugeration of a new president. It is giving the next leader of Europe the throne. Also the Royal Wedding is like a fairytale such as snow white or cinderella. I think the British Royal Family are kind, but spoiled people that don't do much at all to get all that they have like the palace they live in or all the money they earn. I don't think they are necessary, but they do give us a reason to watch TV at 4 in the morning and watch TV for 5 straight hours. I do not think we still need the idea of royalty in the world because it does not seem necessary because we have enough leaders in the world and the royal family doesn't do anything.

  13. Francesca- I think the Royal Wedding is so popular in the United States because it shows a little bit of how royalty is like and people are interested in how the prince didnt marry someone who is royal. The royal family seems very proper and eligant people. They also seem really polite and nice. I think they are still necessary to Great Britian because that's all they have ever had and it would be different and kinda weird without them. I think for many countries royalty is important because the president is pretty much treated like royalty and a lot of countries have kings and queens instead of presidents.

  14. ~Emily T.~
    The royal wedding is so exciting to the U.S. because as Bella said it's like a fairy tale,the prince is marrying Cinderella..royalty is marrying non-royalty,and also, it's just a big event in general,there is usually only one evry 15 years or so. And, to be honest, I don't really know that much about the royal family, but I hop to learn more. And yes, I think they need the royal family, because that's like for us not having the President,and I think the idea of royalty gives people something to look up to,like the President for us.
    ~Emily T.~

  15. Ben S.- The royal wedding is so exciting in the US because I think a lot of people in the US wish they were in the royal family and they think its so interesting to see what its like to be royalty and to see how things go on when your royal. I have no clue about the royal family but i guess i will look up on it. I think that they sill need a royal family because its a traditiom and they are carrying it on when they do this. And if there wasnt a royal family in Britain it would kind of defeat the whole point of "Great" Britain. I dont really think that we should have ROYALTY in the world but I do think that we do need to have someone of importance but not someone ROYAL. Because all people are created equal and i dont think that we should call people ROYAL when they are just a person like you or me.

  16. Jake- I think there are a couple reasons why the royal wedding is so popular in our Country. 1) Every single day there is some new report on it. 2)Some people are actually interested in it. I don't have that much knowledge of the royal family, but i would like to know more about them. The royal family should stay in Britain for a long time. It is has been a tradition and everybody can recognize Britain's royalty with it. In my opinion i think that royalty is pretty important. If we didn't have any royalty then we wouldn't have any goals to do better and to strive for royalty.

  17. The Freelance Pianist - The reason I think us Americans are so fascinated by royal weddings is because seeing a happy ending in a world where everybody wants one but just can't get one, at least not without a life of blood sweat and tears, moves peoples hearts' in a certain, unexplainable way. However, I do find it just a bit awkward because their cousins. But hey, who says cousins can't have a nice fairytale ending too? I myself think of the British royal family as just a very rich and powerful family. Truth to be told, the word 'royalty' and I don't really mix well. The idea of being born into wealth and power doesn't really appeal to me at all. And yes, I do think that the royal family is still necessary to Britain. After all, old habits die hard. And no, I don't think that we need royalty in the world. If royalty were to disappear, we would just find some other real life happy fairy ending to gush over. We've been doing it since we've walked the Earth, and I don't think we're going to stop any time soon.

  18. Gonzo- I think that the royal wedding is so popular because people are able to see what it is like to be extremely rich and want to be like that. I am sure that of all of the people who willing watched it in the United States, 95% were girls and thee other 5% were guys. I think this because I think that most girls are interested in weddings and what goes with them and guys, for the most part, think weddings are meaningless unless it is someone you know or if it is your own. I don't think a lot of the royal family because I don't keep up with them. I don't know if they do good things are bad things so my feeling about them is neutral. I don't think that the British Royal Family is absoletly neccessary because the people could go to a democracy instead of a monarchy, but I do think it is important because there has always been one and people in England probably don't know what they would do without one. I think that the idea of royality is and isn't needed. With it, people strive hard at their jobs and what they do so that they are able to have some of the things that royalty has. Without it, some crazy people wouldn't rule as kings and ruin the lives of the world. Just think what it would be like with a very cruel person as king. The world could quite posibbly fall apart. All in all, royalty is important but shouldn't been overly publicized.

  19. Bailey - I think that its really popular because all the channels were showing it live and then showing it again the next then again in an hour. People are also interested in how other countries are doing. To be born into a royak family is everyones dream in Brittain. I think all of the family is very lady like and gentlemen. I think so because of all the drama they have. Did you see how many people watched it. I dont think our country needs it but others do.

  20. Karina- I think this wedding was really popular because it kind of reminds everyone of Diana's wedding and her loss and stuff. It shows how her son's are following her foot steps. It shows how royalty is like and it's sorta like those princess movies but in real life. All I know about the royal family is how and when henry and williams mom died. That was a very big deal when it happened! Yes, I think we still need the idea of the royalty war because it's important and like Emily said, it gives people something to look forward too. The royal family can also inspire people because the royal family has accomplished lots of things!

  21. Anna K:
    I think people in the US like watching that stuff. The idea of the monarchy does fascinate us because we grew up hearing stories about princes and princesses, kings, and queens but it was never real. But here is Britain and they do have royalty so I think we are drawn to that. Another thing is that you don't get to see a normal commoner becoming a princess every day. Plus people are excited because this will be the future king an queen and a wedding like this hasn't happened for 30 years. The British Royal family are leaders for their country. I don't really think about them too much because I don't live there but my mom did so she usually tells me about stuff that went on there. The governmant is really run by Parliament but the king and queen and the family are part of a tradition which has lasted for a thousand years. So I guess I like them. Yes, I think the royals still need to be in Britain because like I said, it is a tradition and this is what seperates England from most of the rest of the world. I don't think the idea of royalty is really needed in the world. I can only think of three or four countries that still have a monarchy so I don't think the idea will spread.

  22. Patrick O'Neill: I think that the Royal Wedding is so popular here in the U.S is because its basically a fairytale in real life. We have never had a queen or king before so we find it interesting when there is a wedding of one in real life. I think that the royal family is very luckey. They have servans and everrything they want. They get treated wonderfully by everyone. I think though that we over exagerate them though. Even though it is a great tradition, they dont have much power in theri government. Just because they are the king doesnt mean they came make new laws like they could in the past. The leader of their government has more power than they do. So no, the family is not necessary to Great Britian. No, we do not need the idea of royalty in todays world. Most governments are a democrocy, so there is no use for kings and queens, except in poker.

  23. I think that this whole royal wedding thing is just a load of crap. I mean, millions of dollars are being poured into this thing when orphans are starving a africa! The royal family seems pretty nice and, from what I have seen of them and how they react the the intruding news casters that follow them wherever they go, that they could go for a much simpler wedding with maybe just 300 guests max so then they could use the taxpayers dollars and use it to go towards something better. I also think that this can go hand in hand with the excessive government spending that is going on in our governmet right now. I mean, I was watching the news a couple weeks ago and it said that the government spent over 1000 dollars to pay for the centerpieces at one of the daily meetings that the president goes to! That's crazy and when we might be cirtisizing other countries about how they run their government when we are doing the exact same thing!


    P.S.- by the way if you post your comments on an iPad, then I will do spellcheck for you!

  24. Sorry I mention that IT will do the spellcheck for you!

  25. Jenna
    i think that the wedding was a big deal in the united states because i dont know its just the hot topic or somethin.... i personally didnt watch it though because i did not want to get up at 4 and waste my sleeping time.... i honestly dont know very much or anything about the royal family but i did learn it is very disrespectful to not wear a hat to a wedding or somethin. i think royalty is necessary for them because it has just always been around and without it i think they would be "lost". also i think it is weird but cool that there is still royalty in the world

  26. Megan(:
    I think the reason why the royal wedding is such a big deal in the US is because i think its interesting to think about a prince marrying a princess. Many of us grew up with stories about princesses and their lives ending in fairy tales. I guess its more interesting when its real live stuff. I dont really pay any attention to the royal family so i dont really know much about it. I did learn that somethings you do in front of them can be extermely disrespectful, for example i heard about like the ministers wife not wearing a hat and it was a really big deal. yeah i think that having the rolatly is still nessacary this is because the rolaty is like our president. Its the same thing as us with our president its what they have always done and would be lost with out it.I think that having rolaty in the world is cool cause without it well idk its just funn

  27. ***** NOAH GOEDDERTZ SUPER BLOGGER***** The wedding is a big deal in the united states becasue so many woman wanted to see what kate was wearing. That is pretty much a fact. They also what to knwo what the new fab clothes for the next century are going to be.I watched the wedding, im not even kidding. I did not get up specificly for the occasion, but it was on and i was mad at playing xbox. I do not know a whole lot about the royal family, but i do know they have alot of cash........There really is no reason for the royal familly, but as jenna said, it is kind of neat still having a parliamentary government in the world. And another answer to the question, " Is the royal family still necessary to Great Britain?" Another answer of mine is yes, this is like the government to the. Imagine if we just suddenly got rid of our president. If he just went away. I think we would be lost. If the queen just left along with the rest of the royal family i think that all of Britain would also be lost. Another answer to your question, "Why do you think the Royal Wedding is so popular in the United States?." Well most likely because there has not been one for like 30 years or something. People just like all of the hype around it. I think the wedding is over rated from what I saw of it. From what I saw you must have to wear a hat or something. Because everyone there had a hat some of them were quite ugly there was this blue one that wasnt even on this chicks head, it was like attached to her neck or something. I personally think that it was all hype and no result. I mean its just a wedding. Mabe if I have one it would be more important to me but for know i think its overrated. Another reason could be that it is just like a fairy tale. I mean marring a princess, that would be pretty epoch haha. They royal family is kind of suspicious becasue your never really sure what goes on under ground or in otherwords, under the radar. When you think about it the queen can do absoloutly anything she wants without talking to anyone or signing anything. Your word is pretty much law if you were the queen. I mean its like jeez but i do believe i raise a very important topic. Is there anything that goes on that SHE DOESNT want you to know about. Well probable. In our own government there is probably some underground stuff. It is kinda scarry when you think about it. I also have another answer to your other question, "What do you think of the British Royal family?." I think they are cool. I also think that they are quite up tight. They need to hang loose more. And How old is the queen?? I never quite got that but I think she is like 80 or something. But in other words This has been one of my favorite topics on the blog so far. As you may be able to tell on the quantity that i am writing.I personally think that it was all hype and no result. I mean its just a wedding. Mabe if I have one it would be more important to me but for know i think its overrated. I also have another answer to your other question, "What do you think of the British Royal family?." I think they are cool. When I was watching it i think there is a very big step ladder of whos more important. Almost like the midevil times. I personally think that this whole system of government is dangerous becasue anyone could marry into the throne then just plane old take over the whole country and if they then have that worked, whos to say that they will not take over the whole world. That was why i think this government is dangerous.Another reason could be that it is just like a fairy tale. I mean marring a princess, that would be pretty epoch haha.

  28. I really think that was unfare but youknow whatever who cares what i think about the royal wedding. Jeez he is pretty much the bomb. Anyways this was an origionally typed blog post by noah GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG thanks for reading NOAH G OUT.he wedding is a big deal in the united states becasue so many woman wanted to see what kate was wearing. That is pretty much a fact. They also what to knwo what the new fab clothes for the next century are going to be.I watched the wedding, im not even kidding. I did not get up specificly for the occasion, but it was on and i was mad at playing xbox. I do not know a whole lot about the royal family, but i do know they have alot of cash........There really is no reason for the royal familly, but as jenna said, it is kind of neat still having a parliamentary government in the world. And another answer to the question, " Is the royal family still necessary to Great Britain?" Another answer of mine is yes, this is like the government to the. Imagine if we just suddenly got rid of our president. If he just went away. I think we would be lost. If the queen just left along with the rest of the royal family i think that all of Britain would also be lost. Another answer to your question, "Why do you think the Royal Wedding is so popular in the United States?." Well most likely because there has not been one for like 30 years or something. People just like all of the hype around it. I think the wedding is over rated from what I saw of it. From what I saw you must have to wear a hat or something. Because everyone there had a hat some of them were quite ugly there was this blue one that wasnt even on this chicks head, it was like attached to her neck or something. I personally think that it was all hype and no result. I mean its just a wedding. Mabe if I have one it would be more important to me but for know i think its overrated. Another reason could be that it is just like a fairy tale. I mean marring a princess, that would be pretty epoch haha. They royal family is kind of suspicious becasue your never really sure what goes on under ground or in otherwords, under the radar. When you think about it the queen can do absoloutly anything she wants without talking to anyone or signing anything. Your word is pretty much law if you were the queen. I mean its like jeez but i do believe i raise a very important topic. Is there anything that goes on that SHE DOESNT want you to know about. Well probable. In our own government there is probably some underground stuff. It is kinda scarry when you think about it. I also have another answer to your other question, "What do you think of the British Royal family?." I think they are cool. I also think that they are quite up tight. They need to hang loose more. And How old is the queen?? I never quite got that but I think she is like 80 or something. But in other words This has been one of my favorite topics on the blog so far. As you may be able to tell on the quantity that i am writing.I personally think that it was all hype and no result. I mean its just a wedding. Mabe if I have one it would be more important to me but for know i think its overrated. I also have another answer to your other question, "What do you think of the British Royal family?." I think they are cool. When I was watching it i think there is a very big step ladder of whos more important. Almost like the midevil times. I personally think that this whole system of government is dangerous becasue anyone could marry into the throne then just plane old take over the whole country. PS HAD TO POST IN 2 COMMENTS BECASUE IT WAS SO BIG WOULD NOT FIT.

  29. Jilly- I think the Royal Wedding is popular in the US because a new person is coming into royalty and I guess people here get excited because the people in Great Britain are excited. It is also a really big deal over there and a lot of people go to it. I don't know much about the royal family except I have heard about the recent wedding. I think because Great Britain has had royalty in charge there for so long that it would be weird if they just stopped. I think in some places they do still need royalty because if they don't have it then they will have to establish a voting system which could take a while. Also I think it would be weird for the people because it would be so different from what they have done for decades before this.

  30. braedy- ok first i have no idea why it is so popular in the United states of America. um for the royal family is ok. by grandpa and grandma would know more about this because they were born in England.oh and also i would be pissed if i was prince charles because he does not get to become king. Queen Elizabeth said the it is going to go straight to prince i would be bad. yes and know that do we need royalty. yes i do think that Great Britian needs a king or Queen or Prince so that some one is in charge of the public or people.

  31. david- I think the royal wedding is popular in the U.S. becuase it gives the something else to maybe look at or focus on to take away stress or get their mind off it. I think the British royal family is a long line of moncarchs who all want to rule but only one group may rule at a time. i think the royal family is still necessary to Great Britain because that is what their whole government is based off of. I think for some they may need the idea becuase it has a rather long history but to mei dont really care if we do or dont.

  32. Alice :)
    I think the royal wedding is popular in the United States because it is something new. Not everyone gets married into royalty. And usually it is not a big wedding, like any others. It is also people find it entertaining about other people, they find it entertaining mostly women and fashion designers to see the new princess crown, dress, the design, practicably everything; that might compare to their wedding. What I think of the British Royal Family is that they kind of do and don't have something to do with our lives. But if I was ever in the family I would totally love my life Not saying I don't love my life right now, cause I do. So I really starting to answer the other question I honestly think that we can that it is kind of and kind of not necessary of the Royal Family. I mean since we are humans we do want something to entertain ourselves. Which also answering the other question. We don't really need anything royal in our lives. But since it has been going down for centuries we been use to it. And since we are humans again, we have to have something new, more drama to fill that entertainment. And that is just the way we are going to be.

  33. Aaron- I think it is a big topic because not everyday you get to see a royal wedding like in the Midd,le Ages. I dont really care, but it seems to be messed up because of the Prince Charles and Dianne thing. I watched the Queen shake hands and greet her family she greeted Charles and skipped his current wife on purpose. it was like his wife went to greet her and Bam ignored her. I guess so it would be weird not to see England without a King or Queen.

  34. Kobe- I think the Royal Wedding is so popular in the U.S. because when we look at all of the expensive jewelry, and fancy clothes we put ourselves in that situation and imagine us with all of those crazy things. I think it is a good thing to have royalty in the world. Because when you thing of kings and queens you think of stuff being very formal and proper, and i think it is good for us to see people with very good etiquette. I think the royal family is a good thing for the people off London because their is a member of the royal family that almost every generation can relate to. With our presidents one president might be loved by the people in the fifties and 6 years later those people might hate the current president.

  35. Abhi-
    I think because we don�t have royalty here, we just have the president and his wife. The idea of any kind of royalty, king, prince, queen, princess, whatever has always excited the American people. Also, people think it�s so interesting to see what it is like to have royalty and to see how things happen if you were royal. I don�t really think much of the British Royal family� and I think that people around the world are obsessing over this royal wedding too much. I do not really care much about the wedding. I think the royal family is very important to Great Britain because they have had royalty for a long time and if they didn�t have anybody royal to rule they would not know what to do. No, we do not need royalty in the word, but some countries need it because it is there tradition and they have been doing this for a long time.

  36. This is Will
    I think the royal wedding was really cool. I think that that stuff is so popular in the United States is because its History and tahats what are country is made of. and thats were are country came from so thats huge in our history. I think that the royal family is really really cool because its original and very old and has a lot of history in it. yes i do think the royal family is necessary because it shows the importants of leaders plus it's really cool and everyone loves the Royal family in Britian. yes we do need the idea of a royal world so everyone wont go crazy and not be civilized.

  37. Anna M- i think the royal wedding was so popular in the US because it is such a dramatic change and it is different from what we are used to. i think they are interesting because their is so much history. The royal family is not really needed anymore because they don't have much power but it is tradition. Yes because it is what defines England and separates them from the rest of the world.

  38. John- I think the reason for the royal wedding to be such an event is because even though there is no longer a monarchy with the Prince himself established as England's government, it's still like a celebrity event. Unlike some people, this couple can be traced down from generation to generation. So yeah it is because of the emphasis on pop culture today, but also because in a way you can say it's a historical event. The only thing I would bother thinking about them is how terrible it must be for every move they do or that someone in their family line does or has done will affect them and ultimately be known to the public. Also, I think it's nice that we can say the groom has King Henry the eighth as his ancestor. No I really don't think it would matter if the royal family line fell off the face of the Earth. However, it would definitely blow over the controversial topic and something to use as entertainment or social phenomenon, but I really think that fiscally no one will care less. Honestly I don't give a flying fig over royalty, I just think people use royalty as an excuse to keep up with tradition. If anything benevolent, I would say it would be good for them to help establish an example of chivalry, since it's practically met its demise.

  39. Ben R.
    I think that the Royal Wedding is so popular in the U.S. because people like to see the royalty and how fancy their weddings are. People in the U.S. like to look up at people who are very important and watch what they do and like watching royal events. I think that the British Royal family is pretty cool because they must have a pretty cool history. I think that the Royal Family is needed in Great Britain because the people look up to them and they are the only leaders in Great Britain. Yes I think we still need the idea of royalty in the world because it gives people hope that someone is in charge and it allows people to look up to someone.

  40. Taylor-
    I think it is so popular in the U.S. because we dont have royalty in the U.S. we have billionairs but we dont have kings and queens.I really don't care about the british Royal family that much and I think the news over covered it.I think the Grreat Britian family isn't needed there because there are plenty of other dgreat rulers that can take charge of the country.I think people want royalty because people who are not royal get to look up to them but that is not nesssisary for our world today.

  41. Peyton
    i think the wedding is so important in the u.s. because people usually like weddings between famous people. i dont really know anything about the royal family. i think its necessary to have the royal family because its tradition and its always what theyve done. i dont really think we do need royalty in the world because it makes people feel like they are less important than another person because the other person is "royalty"

  42. Lauren- I think the royal wedding is popular in the United States, because we don't really have royal weddings or any of that stuff here so people are interested in it. Also, the royal wedding is kind of like a fairy tale story that we read when we were little so it's kind of fun to hear about it and watch it. I don't really know much about the British Royal family, so I can't say much about them, but I honestly don't believe that there should be royal families in this century. I don't think it's a good way of choosing who your leader should be. There could potentially be better leaders than the king and queen out there. I think royalty is really cool, but I don't think it's necessary anymore. Only in some parts of the world, they still have royal families and such while the rest of the world doesn't.

  43. Sam mallane....... well it is populare in the states because there are a ton of people with nothing better to do with there lives. i think of movie with a king and queen. to me it is pretty pointless. no because the have no power.

  44. Scott Bennett- I don't realize why it is so popular in the U.S. but I think its because we used to be a part of the British Commonwealth and still feel slightly attached. I think that the British royal family is pretty messed up with all the scandal they have had. I think that the royal family is necessary to the U.K. because they stand as a moral booster even they do politically almost nothing except advice the parliament. The idea of royalty, I think should go away, because it says that no matter what some people do they can never be the king or queen.

  45. corrine- i think the royal wedding is very popular world wide, especially Great Britian. it is an uplifting event that brings joy, and gives them hope for the future. its a designers dream to design for the royal court. so everyone was going crazy to try and make the prefect dress. kates dress was inspired by grace kelly. the carriage that prince william and princess kate rode in following the ceremony was the same coach prince williams parents rode in on their wedding day. it was very fun to watch. and it inspires so many young and old girls to want to be a princess.

  46. Emily B -
    I'm not really sure why this wedding has attracted so many people in the US, but it probaly has something to do with the fact that it seems unreal and fairy tale like. I do t know that much about the royal family but having a royal family is kind of a fun thing to think about, princes and princeses, it's a different idea than the one we have here, our democracy government make life run smoothly for us , for the most part


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