Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Most Powerful People in the World

Forbes Magazine released its list of the 70 most powerful people in the world this week.  The top 10 include the heads of state of the United States, Germany, Great Britain, China, and Russia, the King of Saudi Arabia, a retired CEO, a precocious 27 year old, the Federal Reserve Chairman, and the Pope.

Forbes is famous for its frequent lists of various things.  They rank the richest, the best, and the most powerful.  They rank women, companies, men, colleges, and countries.  Their lists are intriguing to the public fascinated with the ideas of wealth and power.

The 10 Most Powerful People according to Forbes from top to bottom are:

1.       Barack Obama – President of the United States
2.       Vladimir Putin – Prime Minister, Russia
3.       Hu Jintao – President, The People’s Republic of China
4.       Angela Merkel – Chancellor, Germany
5.       Bill Gates – Co-Chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates’ Foundation
6.       Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al Saud – King of Saudi Arabia
7.       Pope Benedict XVI – Pope, Roman Catholic Church
8.       Ben Bernanke – Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, United States of America
9.       Mark Zuckerberg – Founder, Facebook
10.     David Cameron- Prime Minister, United Kingdom

For a complete lists go to:

Why do you think the readers of Forbes are interested in the ranking Forbes publishes every so often?  What do you think of Forbes’ list of the most powerful people in the world?  Do you agree or disagree?  Does anyone surprise you?  Do you think there is somebody who should be in the top ten that is not?  If so, who?


  1. kaed- WHATS UP HOMIES!!!!! I BEAT LUKE!!! AND FIRST TIME BEING FIRST HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA. ok lets get serious.. i think its AWESOME that they put the most powerful people in world because its just a cool to thing to see.. Also i agree with you mr grant when we talked about mark zuckerberg being in the top 10????? why did he put him in the top ten he should be the top 60. because i think that facebook didnt really change the world he just created some website to go to for laughs and giggles.. well maybe just a little bit more than that.. but YEAH FIRST ONE HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH :) hi mr. grant :) you should post to.. it would be cool and so we can see your ideas too for what you think about the stuff that you put down

  2. Ann- I think that people like to see what other people think about them, that's why Forbes lists are so popular. For the most part i agree with the list. Although why is Mark Zuckerburg on there??? I know that a huge amount of people have Facebook accounts but does he really have that much power in the world? compared to the pope and the leaders of nations? well i don't think he does. But for the rest of it I agree.

  3. Isabelle- I think that people are so interested in Forbe's list because they like to know what's going on in the world and who people consider the most powerful and rich. I think the list is good, although I don't know some of the names on there. No one surprises me though. Because of the power they have, of course they are going to be on the list. I think the list is good as it is now.

  4. Peter- I think Forbes readers are interested in this list because it is cool to see who has the most control over the world. This list makes sense because it handles who has the most control over the majority of the world: David Cameron, the UK, Hu Jintao, with control over ~1/7th of the world's population, Barack Obama, the US, the Pope, all Catholics, and Bill gates and Mark Zuckerberg, who are awesome. Besides, Facebook is the 2nd most visited site on the web so it makes sense that Mark's on there. I am surprised to see that Larry Page is not on there because he is also very powerful.

  5. Halle- I agree that the Forbes list is for people to know what's going on. I'm not surprised that a lot of leaders of different countries are up on the list. I think it's kind of odd that the pope is further down on the list but I guess it makes sense because to some people he might not have as much power as the president does. I think he should be higher up since he does have a lot of power but that's just my opinion. I agree with peter when he said Mark Zuckerberg is on there. Facebook has changed the world a lot and he does have a ton of power. He changed the social networking world! I think Justin bieber should be on there. he's very powerful.

  6. Angie- Almost everyone's probably interested in who are the most powerful people, Who WOULDN'T like to know? Considering that I've never heard of some people's names on the list, I don't think much of it. Of course I knew that Barack Obama and Bill Gates would be up there though. Actually I was surprised that Mark Zuckerberg was up there. I don't know what to think how he was up there. Should he be up there? I guess, fb is actually really powerful nowadays. I can't think of anyone who should be up there. I don't really think much of things like this but it's interesting to know who's the most powerful.

  7. josu- I think people are interested in in the rankings because people like to see important people being compared and ranked against other important people. I think it is about right except for Mark Zuckerberg. This list is on the most powerful people in the world and Mark Zuckerberg is not one of the most powerful person in the world.

  8. Cristina- i think that interseting that they put the worlds most powerful people in the FOrbees magizine because i think people would be interseted to see!i agree with all of the people that are listed up there because they are pretty powerful people! none of them suprise me. i knew zach zuckerburg was going to be on there, i mean he created facebook! that s is huge and im even apart of that. i agree with everyone that is on there!

  9. Ally- I think people are interested in the rankings because they like to read about who's ranked most powerful. Overall, i agree with the list. I wasn't suprised about any of the names except for maybe Mark Zuckerberg. Creating facebook is a pretty big deal, but it doesn't necessarily make him one of the most powerful people in the world. But for the most part i agree with the rankings.

  10. Sophia-I think people like to see the rankings on Forbes' list because people are always interested in other people's social standing. Whether the person cares or not about someone's social standing, they still are curious. I think the list is pretty accurate. For some people, I had no idea that they had so much power. I wasn't surprised Mark Zuckerberg was number 9 because Facebook has a lot to do with the increase of social networking. I think God should be number one but they probably only do living humans.

  11. Luke-I think that it is very interesting to know how powerful people are in the world. And how others rate them in how powerful they are. Mark Zuckerberg though I am not sure if he deserves to be know as the 9th most powerful person in the world. I mean he is important but is he really as powerful as this poll is saying?I am also fairly surprised that Bill Gates is not on this list because i feel he has made a few changes in the world.

  12. Ariana- I think Forbus lists are important and fun because it's good for people to see other peoples status and opinions. Whether or not people are interested on the exact topic of the list, most people are just curious to see who's name is on the list. Besides the names I don't know, I basically agree with the list. The only name I don't agree with, as a lot of other people said, is mark zuckerburg. Just because he invented a popular website that may have changed things a little bit, doesn't mean he should be one of the worlds most people. He honestly has little or maybe even no power, and doesn't deserve to be on the list

  13. gabby-i think people enjoy reading the forbes list because people see this and know what to strive for, what they want to be. when people see the forbes list they are inspired to become rich, powerful and the best. i think the forbes list gives motivation to many people, normal people and the richer. if someone was higher in class and was not on the forbes list wants even more to be on the list. this list also effects the media in great ways. i think these list are hard to determine who is the best or most powerful. i understand how many world leaders on the powerful list. i mean who really evens makes the forbes list? and how could they possibly judge who is the best or most powerful? i think the list is kind of ridiculous, but it still has a great impact. i have even heard songs, that have had something to do with forbes. the person that surprises me is mark zuckerberg, but it also makes sense too because of the impact facebook has had on the world. i think face is more powerful than mark. i cant think of anyone that could take his place though.

  14. Kendall- I think people are so interested in the most powerful people because they want to see who is number 1 mostly, not number two. People ant to know who, in an opinion, has the most power over everyone. I think that the list is great! its very entertaining to see the rankings. I agree with the list. Nobody really surprised me on the list. I agree with Halle and i think that justin bieber should be on there.

  15. Madison-I think that some people are interested, but I'm not. I think that all of the people on their are very powerful and it makes since that they are on it. I agree with the list and no one surprises me. I don't think that anyone else should be on the list in my opinion.

  16. Cooper- They want to see who is probably at the top most recently, basically comparing them against each other. I think it tells us who the media have chosen to highlight the most. I do not agree that Barack Obama is the most powerful in the world because he cant hold his own country together. I think Bill gates should be higher than he is because hes changed advanced technology beyond anyone could imagine. I think the list is complete.

  17. Abby- I think people are interested in the Forbes most powerful people because it is cool to see who is ranked the highest. I think everyone is at least a little curious to see who is the most powerful person in the world. I agree with the list except I think the Pope should be a little higher up. Other than that I agree with the list.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Phillip - I think that people read Forbes because they cover topics (business related) that aren’t popular, but are well written and smart. Unlike my other classmates, I believe that Mark Zuckerberg does belong on this list. He has created a site where people can communicate with each other and organize events. An example of this in action, is the Libyans rioting against their horrible leader, and organizing on Facebook. I think that the list is very well chosen. No. I can’t think of anyone that wasn’t there that should be there.

  20. Danielle: I think that people read Forbes to see who are the most powerful and rich people in the world because i guess that's interesting to some people. I wasn't really surprised that Bill Gates and the president were up there but i was a little surprised that Mark Zukerburg was up there because, i don't get how someone can make so much money by creating a website, i think he should at least be in the top 20. I was kinda surprised that Oprah wasn't up there though. :) But everyone up on that list is powerful :)

  21. Nolen-Ya its pretty cool to see the list of the most powerful people in the world. Like everyone else its surprising that the face book dude is up there but whatever. I really think that the general should be up there and all but i guess not Because whoever made this list doesn't believe the general is more powerful the the guy who made face book. ????????????????????????

  22. Marcos- So people could know who is on top and who is on bottom of the list. And also show what these people do and contribute in. I would agree because, they would show wonderful people that were on the list, that did wonderful things. And learn what they did or what they are right now. The one that suprises me is Mark Zuckerberg. I mean how could a guy be in the list for making a famous website. Maybe it was something he did good. Like a foundation. Yes i would say Pope John Paul II. he inspired people from the great things he did in life. Even though he's dead he should be on the top ten list. Like number one.

  23. Marya- I think most people are just interested in the Forbes list for seeing who is powerful in the world. Maybe it makes them want to try and become as powerful as some of those people. honestly, why is the guy from facebook on there? If you saw that guy walking down the street I don't think you would run up to him and be like "ahhhh your so powerful" or something. I don't think that I would add anyone to the list, but Obama doesn't deserve to be #1, he hasn't done anything!!!!!

  24. Atticus- I think that people read forbs because they are just interested in who the most powerfull pepople in the world are. I think its interesting but prtty much uesless. I dont think that mark z should be in the top ten because he isnt that powerfull. no I dont know of anybody else I would add to the list.

  25. Zach-People care what the media, by that i mean things like forbes, thinks. That and teh rankings of teh world are kinda interesting. Mark Z. isn't all that powerful but since steve jobbs died, he moved up.

  26. Nerea- I think the Forbs are just there for drama and something interesting for people to read in their free time because in reality they dont care about it. The facebook guy should be more towards the top cause hes invented facebook which is used all over the world


  28. I think they do it just to tell you who you should most know about and who is really ruling over the world. I agree with this for one reason only and that is that we need to know whose in charge and who is most wealthy and how they effect the economy. The on that surprises me the most is Mark Zucherburg because all he did was make a thing to talk to people on your computer and he got payed millions for it but i think its a huge waste of time and he should not be in the top ten.


  29. Brooke~ They probably do it because everyone just wants to know who is most powerful and its entertaining for people to see. I really don't understand why Mark Zuckerburg would be on there... I don't know who everyone on the list is, but most of them seem to be great country leaders. I don't know who else I would add.


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