Thursday, November 17, 2011

Idaho's Death Penalty

On Friday, November 18, 2011, Paul Ezra Rhodes is scheduled to be put to death by lethal injection by the Idaho Department of Corrections.  Rhoades is a convicted murder of three people in 1987 and has been serving his time on Idaho’s Death Row since his sentencing in 1988.

If Rhoades appeals are rejected he will be the first person executed against his will in the state of Idaho since 1957 and the second person executed since 1994. 

Rhoades was found guilty of gruesomely murdering three people in eastern Idaho between February 28, 1987 and March 19, 1987.  He was arrested shortly after the crimes were committed in Welles, Nevada.  The police found the murder weapon in his car while Rhoades was playing blackjack in a casino.  He was tried for each crime separately.  In March 1988 he was sentenced to death for the murder of an Idaho Falls teacher.  In May of the same year he was sentenced to death for the murder of a convenient store clerk in Blackfoot. 

His convictions and sentencing have been reviewed and affirmed by the Idaho Supreme Court in 1991.  His appeals to the U.S. District Court, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, and the United States Supreme Court have all been denied.  His attorneys filed an appeal as late as November 15, 2011 with the 9th Circuit claiming the process used in Idaho, if not performed properly, will result in cruel and unusual punishment, violating his rights protected by the 8th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.  His appeal was again denied.

When I investigate the legal rationale for having the Death Penalty as a sentencing option, I find two reasons; deterrence and retribution.  The courts believe if a person is aware the death penalty is a possibility if they were to commit a capital crime, they may reconsider.  The courts also believe a criminal must understand how unacceptable their actions are within a civilized society and should be punished to the fullest extent of the law permitted within the Constitution, which is death.

Catholics have opposed the death penalty in nearly all cases.  The belief of the church is only God has the ability to take a life. 

Do you agree or disagree with the ideas of deterrence and retribution for capital crimes?  Do you think the death penalty is a deterrent for capital crimes?  What do you think of the death penalty from a moral viewpoint? 


  1. Madison-It pretty much goes against the persons unalienable rights in the Declaration of Independence to kill them!! Thats messed up! However, he did kill three people and that isn't right either. If the person is seeking revenge, it might not stop bad crimes from occuring. I think you can't be very emotional if you are the one giving the injection. I would never do that. I would feel too guilty afterwards even though he did many things wrong.

  2. Cristina- i dont really know if i agree or disagree with the death penality. i mean yes of course poeple want him dead but i mean its not really the catholic thing to do.i agree with the death if the crime is like killing 20 poeople even though im still ify about if i agree wiht that.i mean he killed 3 people whivh isnt right at all. yes the death openality can be nessary but i think its better if you spend all your life in jail because you would feel the guilt. i think of the death penality though a moral veiw point is bad. i would never, ever have the job of being the killer. it would just hurt me to bad

  3. Peter- I agree that the death penalty deters murders and that it's good retribution for murder. If you go out and kill three people, you lose certain rights (you should lose all rights). You should be killed if you kill. From a moral viewpoint, death penalty is wrong, and I agree that all murder is terrible. But if someone killed my family member, I would kind of want them to get death penalty. He could have avoided the whole situation by--shocker-- NOT KILLING PEOPLE! He doesn't deserve to die? How about the people whom he killed.

  4. Ann- I don't agree with the death penalty, murdering somebody for murder doesn't make sense. Its kinda like two wrongs don't make a right. instead, we should keep him in solitary confinement and make him live with his guilt. Killing people is wrong. No matter what they did. And in some cases keeping them alive is more punishment.

  5. Isabelle- I think Paul deserved the death penalty. He put three families through something they will never recover from. He had no right to murder three innocent people in a gruesome way. People must be punished for their actions and death was the right one. Prison these days is alot better than it used to be. They get to have three meals every day and occasionally go outside for some fresh air. This man does not deserve those things. I know Catholics believe the deaty penalty is wrong, but so is murdering innocent people. If something like that happened to my family, I would want justice. This man's death brought closure to the families. If your don't won't to die from the death penalty, then don't kill people!

  6. Ariana- I definatley am against the death penalty. I don't think anyone has the right to take away someone elses life. I know that he murdered three people, but he still shouldn't die! Like ann said, two wrongs don't make a right. Catholics are against the death penalty, so shouldn't we be? I know that if he killed one of my family members that I would be mad, but I wouldn't want him dead. I don't understand why it had to be this guy that wa killed, instead of all the other many people that have comitted several murders. The death penalty is defiinalty something I am totally against. I think it is wrong no matter what way you are looking at it.

  7. Kendall- I disagree with the death penalty. I think it is very wrong. I think that it is wrong that he did kill three people. And we are punishing him for killing people, but if we kill him for killing people we are just hypocrites. I am completely against the death penalty. I think no matter what their crime was they still do not deserve to die, they deserve to live with the guilt. Again with morals, i still think it is wrong. Yes what he did was very wrong. But two wrongs don't make a right.

  8. Angie- I think that they should get rid of the death penalty. No one in life deserves to die. We are all given life and no one should have the right to take it away. No matter what you did, you don't deserve to be killed. I think that this goes completely against God and the Catholic Church. I'm sure that He gave us all life for a certain reason. The death penalty is cruel. Man shouldn't be able to be given the decision to kill someone or not. We've made many mistakes in the past. We shouldn't be given the rights to take away someone's life. Everything is up to God. We weren't created to kill each other. Everyone should be given the chance to ask for forgiveness. Yes, what he did was so terrible. But we're supposed to learn to forgive, no matter how hard it may be. We shouldn't take someone's life away. Only God should be able to do that. It's already terrible that he killed three people, but now because of that we kill him? It just doesn't make any sense to me. I find it hypocritical. We're saying he shouldn't have killed people and now because he did that we're killing him. But it's too late now.

  9. Halle- I don't believe in the death penalty. As catholics we are told to not kill and we need to respect that. God is the only person to judge us and He is the only one to be able to take a life. Nobody deserves to be killed for the wrong things they have done regardless of the situation. I think the death penalty is a deterrent for a capitol crime but being in prison for the rest of your life is also an equal deterrent. I absolutely think the death penalty is wrong. Any way you look at it, this man was murdered. It isn't right for us to judge him for the wrong things he has done and take his life. But he also is at peace now and doesn't have to live with the guilt of murdering three people. He is most likely happier not on Earth. I agree with angie when she said it is hypocritical. Something good will come of this because everything happens for a reason.

  10. Sophia-I can see both sides of the story. I mean, sure it's wrong to kill someone and people should be punished, but is taking a life a suitable punishment when you are punishing that person for killing others? It's kind of hypocritical. Also, though, I can see why people would want him to die for what he did. I like to believe that if someone in my family was murdered I would find peace with it eventually, but I don't think I would. I think I would be angry and wouldn't be satisfied until the person that killed my family member was dead also. Though, only God can choose when our time has come and I think that's important to remember. I want to believe that this guy felt bad for what he did, but if he can kill 3 people, I don't think he has a conscience. All in all, murdering is horrible and disgusting and murderers shouldn't be in this world. I know we're supposed to love all of God's creatures, but I don't love Paul Rhodes.

  11. Ally- In this case, I don't believe in the death penalty. Yes, Paul Rhodes did a terrible thing, we can all agree on that I hope. But taking his life isn't teaching him anything. I think the better option for someone who has done something like this is to let them sit in jail for the rest of their life. I think the death penalty completely goes against what we as Catholics believe. Only God has the right to make the choice of when you die. It doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever that we killed Paul Rhodes because he killed 3 people. Talk about hypocritical.

  12. Atticus- I completely disbelieve in the death prenatally. Like Ally said yes he did a terrible thing but I think that it is kind of hypocritical that they would kill him for killing someone else. The sixth commandment even said, “You shall not kill." So as Catholics it is what God told us...NOT TO KILL...even if they killed someone else. If they need to be punished God will take care of it. Also I just think that killing people are wrong in general even if they did the same thing.

  13. Danielle- In this case, I agree in the death penalty. As a catholic it is a terrible thing but in this case he might have deserved to die because he killed these 3 people. He ruined these families lives and they will never be fully recovered. Just the thought to know someone you love was murdered is terrible. Like Isabelle said, I know that catholics believe the death penalty is wrong, but so is murdering innocent people.

  14. Luke- I think that the guy that committed the crime of killing 3 people is completely wrong. However, he committed this crime 27 years ago and I believe he is probably a completely different person now. I do not disagree with the death penalty, but i think it is a horrible way to end your life. Just image waking up at 7 am Friday morning and thinking to yourself in 40 minutes i will not be a living human being. I think the biggest torture is that you know its coming.

  15. josu- I disagree with the death penalty. What he did was very bad, but you shouldn't kill that him with a lethal injection. Instead let him live his life in prison thinking about all the pain he caused to the victims and their families, and then let him die in prison. I think that is a better punishment because he would break down in prison and still die, but not a death by lethal injection. Of course the families of the victims wanted him dead, he should undergo the same pain their loved one faced. I think the government uses the death penalty to make criminals think twice about doing something because there is a serious consequence if they do. God said we shouldn't kill so we shouldn't kill even if that man has done so.


  17. Phillip- I do not agree that the death penalty is a good deterrent or retribution for capital crimes. The death penalty is not a good deterrent for capital crimes. If you are crazy enough to kill a random person, you wouldn’t really care what the penalty is. From a moral viewpoint I think the death penalty is horrible. It is not moral to kill someone, even if they committed a serious crime.

  18. Cooper- I agree with the death penalty because when you take a life not on accident but on purpose and without conscience the bible says "an eye for an eye." If someone gets killed in your family you would probably want that person dead. Yes I do because I think it would make them think when they are going to be executed. From a moral standpoint it would be very terrible to put someone to death, otherwise the families of the victims suffer for their life.

  19. Nolen-the death penalty is never a good thing but sometimes it has to be done. The death penalty is bad but I think that spending your whole life in jail is way worse. I feel bad for the family members of the victim going through that pain but you shouldn't which that that person was dead. As for the guy that killed three people here, I don't know if it was me I would just put him in jail for life.

  20. Nerea-I think that guy had every right to be killed because he took away three other peoples life and it wasnt a clean kill either he butaly murdered them. Also being in jail is not fair because he shouldnt live since he took away three people life and you have to think of the victims family to.

  21. Abby- I agree with the death penalty in this case. Why should we let someone who murdered three innocent people have a punishment of just being locked up in jail, which really does not seem so bad. Think of all the pain he has made friends and family of the victims go through. He also kind of set himself up for the death penalty. If he didn't want to be put to death than he probably should not have gone around killing people.

  22. I agree because that man had no right to kill those people and he should have been put to death. i think the victims family should have felt like they did. I think it depends on the situation and what you think should be done about the crimes. I feel very bad dor the victims realatives but i think they should move on this was a whole three years ago and i think that we need to just forget about the things that happend

  23. gabby- i am completely against the death penalty, i think that it is completely wrong. though i do think it was very very wrong what he did and he should pay for what he did. but killing him, i agree that only God should be able to take away life. i get that the families of the ones that were killed would want to see him dead. i think he should just stay in jail for the rest of his life. wouldnt the families think hes going through more pain in jail, and wouldnt he get that what he did was really wrong. and he would pay for it if he stays in jail.

  24. Marya- I think that the death penalty is totally wrong. he killed three people, so he should be locked up for life! they shouldnt have him killed, that just makes them murderers too. its really messed up that people wanted him dead. staying in jail forever would be a whole lot worse than dying. he would have to suffer everyday in jail. i think that he didnt need to die. i feel very bad for the families and friends who lost their loved ones, but he didnt need to die too.

  25. MARCOS-I agree that the death penalty was right. The guy needs to pay for his actions. He needed to pay for all the years that he was living. Those three people could have been alive right now. Yes he deserved being arrested and getting executed. He deserved all the things he did wrong by killing those people.It can't be very emotional unless the family of theat person are. Which is understanable that you don't want to see that person die. But he had to pay for his actions. And death is what he got.

  26. Zach-I dont know what i feel about the death penalty, my faith says that all life is sacred, but it also that retribution or derserved punishment, is also ok. Life is an unalienable right, but do your rights cease to apply when you inflict on someone else's rights. He killed 3 people so he inflicted on their right to life, does that mean that his rights are gone as well? I just don't know what i think on this topic.

  27. Brooke~ I don't know if i agree with it or not. He did take the lives of three other people, but killing him too... the expression "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" could be taken into effect here. What if the guy who got the death penalty's family wanted revenge on someone else or something now... i dont know but I think the man spending his whole life in jail would be more of a punishment and a better way to handle this.


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