Thursday, September 13, 2012

Constitution Day

The government created by the Constitution was not our first government after the Revolutionary War.  Our first government was created through the Articles of Confederation.  While they were created by incorporating the ideas which were instrumental in the call for independence, they were ineffective at a national and global level. 
State representative met in Philadelphia, PA in May of 1787 to discuss revising the Articles.  Through considerable debate and negotiation, the delegates decided to start over.  What they came up with has guided our government and our country for more than 200 years.
The Constitution begins with the Preamble.  This single sentence sums up the ideas the people had about the government and its role in society.  It reads:

  We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

After reading the Preamble, summarize the sentence in your own words.  Based on its content, what concerns did the framers of the Constitution have about the role of government?  Why do you think it has continued to be relevant after 200 years?


  1. Jacob_ The people of the U.S.; to establish a better place, want Justice, and have the power to smooth tension between states defend the U.S. provide welfare for the country establish the Constitution of the United States if America. They were worried that someone might try to overthrow them. So they gave the government the power to squash rebellion. This is still a factor today because in the country today there could still be a big revolution and the states attacking the other states to try to gain control.

  2. Ryan- The people of the U.S. need this to have a better place by having justice, supporting the safety of people and helping people stay healthy.I think that the framers where concerned about that people wouldn't listen to them and take them over this would lead to a uncivilized nation. This still have lasted this long becuse it keeps the goverment on the same path.

  3. Aaron- they are responsible to take care of they're people by keeping them healthy and giving them shelter to live in and giving them food. they were afraid that other countries might gain more power and take them over

  4. Taylor- The people of the United States need to be responsible enough to make this country as good as it can be by helping others in need, being equal to everyone, and making sure they are doing whatever they can to help unite the people of the United States. The framers were probably concerned that people might not respect the government and want to have all of the power to themselves. It has continued to be relevant because it has important points that Americans today should remember to follow.

  5. Conor - The people of the United States have to have responsibility to do the things to make our country a better place to live in and to keep the other people in good condition. I think that they were scared the people might uprise, that another country was going to take over, and that the people might forget about tje Constitution.It is still relevant today because our forfathers gave us a good foundation that we could build on. Free speech is a good example because it is the same today as it was in 1787. Without our Constitution our country wouldn't have lasted 200 years.

  6. Jackie-People have the responsibilities to their country. The Constitution was insuring that, and saying we have a right to tranquility and justice. They had concerns about justice and keeping the peace, I think. I also think that it is now relevant still because that's how we started out and that is what our leaders before us wanted to live by. That America was a place of justice, liberty, and freedom. I think that our constitution has shaped who we are today and what this country stands for.

  7. Robert- We the people that live in the United States have constitutional rights to protect, serve, and better our country for the long run. We as a country in whole respect our elders and leaders that have helped to keep us alive and well in times of hardship so we attempt to follow in their footsteps.

  8. Dillon- I think that the framers were trying to say that every one has to do their own part and every one has a chance. the concern was we dont want to have a dictator like england but we dont what to have everyone one running wild. So they were trying to figure out how to do that. this lasted for 200 years because everyone has a chance to do what they want in their life.

  9. Abby- i think the framers were concerned of what the people would do they either thought they would be OK with taking responsibility to there country or they also thought that they might rebel and have an uprising. i think in the past 200 years has grown tremendously with our freedom to do whatever we want.

  10. Sena- All of us that live in the United States have many responsibilities. We have freedom and justice, but we must do what is best for our country. We (the people living in the US) must make our country better in many ways. The framers probably thought that the people may try and take all of the power and over rule the government. I think it has continued to be relevant because many people still want to have all of the power. We don't want to be in a war with our own country.

  11. Kordell Seidler- I honestly think that the farmers were concerened because of the people. I think threw the past 200 years we the people have grown a lot of are laws and the rights and our freedom. Without consitution we wouldnt have a good economy/ community and they would last up to 200 years.

  12. Stephanie - all of the people in america have responsibilities.we need to take care of eachother and of our country. The framers may have thought that the government people would take all of the power and rule america

  13. Natalia-everyone in america has responsibilities and if they do what they need to do then our government will become better. i think the framers were worried their power might get taken. i think it is still relevant today because it was something good to follow and they didnt want to forget about it. it was an important thing in history and our government shaped around that and that is how it started to form.

  14. Belle- I think that people some times take for granted what we have. We need to be responsible and do what we need to do. If everyone did what they should america could be a lot better. Its relevent today because it helped America become what it is today

  15. Amaia- In my own words this sentence says "This Constitution is being formed to better our nation in providing freedom, liberty, and everything that we wish to stand for providing a free and fair life for all, and this Constitution will continue in order to protect what we started this country for in the first place." The farmers probably had concerns because hypothetically this would insure freedom, justice, and rights to slaves which means that all that cheap or free labor that they were gaining from the slaves, if you abided by the Constitution, was now illegal. I think it has continued over the past 200 years because what was written in the Constitution was mostly basic human writes and a general understanding of how a perfect society or nation should be ran. It's not like the laws or amendments were written only for that time period.

  16. Katie H.- I think that that sentence means in order to establish a better nation for everyone to have freedom, we all have to be good citizens. We all have to follow the same rules and do our part fro our rights and the rights of others. I think the Founding fathers were concerned that the government would over rule the people like in other countries at that time. I think we have come a long way in 200 years, because 200 years ago we still had slaves and women had little to no rights. I think its good that we have kept using the same idea of democracy that we had 200 years ago instead of throughing it out the window to create a who new system.

  17. Gabi- In my own words I think that it is saying that we are all equal and should treat eachother as equals. In order to protect ourselves we need to have laws to abide by, but we will all work together to keep our freedom. I think the framers were worried about their power getting taken away and everyone getting equal rights including their slaves. This has stayed relevant over the passed 200 years because we are the most dominant and pwerfull nation and we want to stay that way and the constitution and the way our government is run helps us stay in the position of power that we are in.

  18. Ozzy W- My own words: That men and woman are equel and deserve same amount of freedom. The Framers wanted justice and equality for slaves, woman, children and men. The people in Amarica didn't want the europeans to take there justice and freedom. We still stand strong and we are the leaders of the world.

  19. Dan-in my own word I thinks that this is saying that to be a successful country or be the best the united states must live in justice, be free, stay away from war, take care of our responsibilities and keep our country equal and fair. I think that the people were worried that another country might take over the us and the people would start ignoring the constitution. It has be relevant today because countries our still willing to attack other states and be the best!!!!!!

  20. Raphie- I think the Preamble of the Constitution says that to make as best a government as we can, we have to treat each other with respect,kindness,and care. We also must protect our nation and are rights and freedoms. I think that the framers were worried about other nations attacking as well as seditious acts in our own country. They also wanted us to not take our freedom for granted and to treat others with respect. I believe that it has stayed relevant for over 200 years because it is become more than just a writing it has become a way to live in America it has also helped us through some of the toughest times.

  21. Vince-I think that in order to the best country we can be we need to establish justice, ensure tranquility, provide the common defense and more so that we can be number one. i think that the people were afraid that the other country's might attack the U.S. and also that they might forget about the Constitution. I think that it is relevant today because people today still use the Constitution and without it it would cause a lot of uproar.

  22. Catie- I think that the preamble summed up in one simple sentence means that we, in order to have a fair country and government, need to respect people's rights and give them as much freedom as possible without giving them too much. I think that the framers were concerned that the government might have a little more power than needed. They did a good job of making sure that the government wouldn't become a dictatorship or wouldn't make stupid laws that don't make sense. We have a brilliant government today because they did such a great job of writing the Constitution.

  23. Peter-I think that it means that we all have responsubillites that we have to go by and if we do than our country will be a better and smoother place to live, work, and play. It also says we r all made equal. I think they framers thought that people might get mad and go against it. I think that the constotution has molded our country to what we are now.

  24. Emma- This Constitution was written to secure a better country in which justice, peace, and support for defense and are needed to insure security and prosperity. Framers of the Constitution were concerned about the role of the governement and people being treated equal and represented fairly. The Constitution keeps our country honest and in check and has proven to work successfully.

  25. Emma G. The Constitution was made to keep peace. They didn't want war. We have been keeping a stable government election for a long time now and that's why we keep the Constitution. We vote for someone every 4 years so it doesn't seem like we are having a ruler/king. I'm glad we have the Constitution, i think it has been very successful.

  26. Matea- This says that we need to be more peacful and have justice and be respectful to the people and the government. The framers were worried because they didn't want people to think that they had too much power. I think it has continued to be relevant because it helps us in hard times and keeps us heading in the right way.

  27. (CODY)This says that to be able to work together we have to form justice to respect the people around you and the officials and to provide for the people in need and support them with money.This also makes sure that other countries do not over power us.


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