Wednesday, September 5, 2012

September 11

Tuesday of next week marks the eleventh anniversary of the attacks on the United States in New York and Washington, D.C.  While truly tragic, it was also a day which demonstrated the incredible will and strength of the human spirit.  There were as many stories of heroism as there was destruction.  We witnessed countless acts of bravery and selflessness.  And these are only the stories we know.  Many of the incredible stories forever died with the victims.

The following is a brief timeline of the day’s events.

At 8:45 am, the first plane crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center.  The crash instantly killed hundreds of innocent people and trapped hundreds more above the 110th floor.  While emergency crews sprang into action, a mere 18 minutes later, a second plane crashed into the South Tower.  It was evident to all, this was not a coincidence, the United States was under attack. 

At 9:45 am, a third plane crashed into the Pentagon.  The jet fuel caused a devastating fire causing a small structural collapse. 

15 minutes after the Pentagon crash, the South Tower collapsed.  It was less than one hour from the time the plane crashed into the building to when it fell to the ground.

 At 10:10, the country became aware of a fourth plane wreck.  United Flight 93 had left the Newark airport late.  40 minutes after departure, terrorists took control of the plane.  The passengers on the plane, aware of the events of New York and Washington, decided to take action.  They overtook the terrorist and in the process crashed the plane into a Pennsylvanian field.  All aboard were killed instantly.

At 10:30, the inevitable occurred.  The North Tower of the World Trade Center collapsed.  While the nation watched in awe, the brave firefighters, police officers and other city officials continued to respond to their call to duty.  Due to the devastation created when the Twin Towers collapsed, four other building would fall to the ground during the day. 

As the day concluded we began to hear the devastating carnage from the day.  In New York City approximately 3,000 people were killed, including 343 firefighter and paramedics, 23 police officers and 37 Port Authority officers.  In Washington, DC, 125 military personnel and civilians were killed at the Pentagon in addition to the 64 people on board the flight.  An additional 45 people were killed in the Pennsylvanian field from Flight 93.

How do you think life in America has changed since September 11th?  Besides what you just read, what else do you know about the day?  Do you think the day should be remember as a tragedy or a triumph? Why?


  1. Stephanie- I think life in America has changed for the better since September 11th. I think when we were attacked it helped peaople in America relize that no matter how good our secuirity and our government and our army is, we can still be attacked and suuprised by other countries. I think it made people more aware of what some people in other countries have to worry about every day. I know that the city was left das rubble and they found people days after the disaster. I know many families were left without a member of the family and some kids even became orphans. I think this day should be remembered as a tragedy because it was such an aweful time in history and I would have been so scared.

  2. Emma Grant- I think that since then, we have become more cautioned. Our airline security became way different. They check for everything now. They don't even let you bring shampoo on board. They don't want this to happen again. I know that 9/11 was a very scary time. Everyone was shocked and didn't know what to do when the plains crashed. Many people died instantly. Everyone on the plains where calling there family and loved ones saying this is it, i'm going to die! No one on the plains survived. I think that it was a tragedy and a triumph. Tragedy because many people died and now they have to live without there loved ones. It was a triumph because now we can live from our mistakes. We can now remember all of the people that died to save others. We respect all of the police and firemen that went into the burning buildings on 9/11.

  3. Dillon- I life in America has changed almost in every way possible. It has changed in airport security the most and in military protection on the major cities in America. I know that my dad was in a hotel in Washington DC when it happened. The picture that was on the news was the same picture that he saw looking out of this window because the cameras that filming for the news was on top of the hotel. I think that the day should be remember as both a tragedy and a triumph. It should be remember as a Tragedy because of all of the families and friends lost loved ones. It should be remembered as a triumph because these people were trying to tear our country down and held together and fought.

  4. Amaia- I think we relized that we were not indestructible, and I think we all made an effort to make ourselves as a nation even harder to penetrate. For awhile we were all very scared because want we thought could never happened had and that made us wonder what else could happen. Now we aren't so much scared as we are more cautious in almost every aspect of life as an American citizen and as a nation as far as defense goes. Besides what I just read I know that on September 11 there were great acts heroism aside from tragedy. I always associate this day with tragedy because of all the deaths and terrorism but I can see how you could remember it as a triumph because even though something we weren't in the slitest prepared for happened we banned together as a nation and helped those in need and quickly got though that hard time together.

  5. Jacob_ I think that life has changed drastically for people since September 11th. Security is much stricter and people are more cautious. I know that people were jumping from the towers because they couldn't get down the stairs. I also know that they passengers of the plane headed for the white house was crashed in a field in Pennsylvania by the passengers. They were heroes because they stepped up and took over the plane so that it couldn't hot the capitol. I think that it should be remembered as both a triumph and a tragedy. A tragedy because so many people died and it was a horrible time in history. But a triumph because the nation came up and banded together right as soon as it happened and helped the country get back on it's feet.

  6. Catie- I think that we have all become much more cautious since 9/11. The air security is a great example. You can't meet the pilots and you have to go through a ton of security before boarding. I know that besides people dying, there was also people who found the will to live and put others before them and risked their lives to get others out. This day was both a tragedy and a triumph. A tragedy because people lost their lives and died horribly and a triumph because we learned our lesson and conquered the disaster. We didn't sit there acting stunned and terrified, we went to work and made sure that this would never happen again.

  7. Aaron- i think that times have changed very much. it is definitely harder to get into an airport with even 4 fl oz of shampoo. things have become wayyyyy stricter. i know that it was a very scary day. i think it should be remembered as both. tragedy because many people were killed. but triumph because it opened our minds to thinking about more strict security.

  8. Taylor- America has gotten stronger and more united since 9/11. Many people died, but it made us want to fight for our country more than ever before. The only other thing I know about September 11th is that all of the airports shut down and there was silence for a long time during the day. I think it should be remembered as a triumph and a tragedy. It should be remembered as a tragedy because many people were killed, but it was triumphant because it made The United States closer. Now we will do whatever we can to make sure something like this never happens again.

  9. Ozzy Worrell- Life changed after 9-11 by what we think and worrie about each day. We think more about what can happen at any given momment. All I know about 9-11 is that 18 people in and above the impact zone got out of the south tower before the tower collapsed, there was one other time when terorist tryed to bring the twin towers down but failed. I think it was a tragety becouse a lot of people died when the planes crashed but it was also a triumph because we came closer and we finally made a plane to capter the tarorist who followed the bad guy who wanted this to happen to us.

  10. Vincent-I think that life in America has changed dramatically since September 11. It has made a some stuff harder like the airports security. I don't know a lot about 9/11 but what I do know is that there was a lot of courage from other people to help like the firefighters and the police and even the people the were stuck in the building that helped other people to get out of the buildings. There were a lot of people who risked there lives to help the other people there. There were people who jumped out of the buildings and people who made it out without any harm. I think that it was a tragedy and a triumph. A tragedy because there was a ton of people that died and mourned for the dead during this time. It was a triumph because we learned what to do after that happened and made sure that it wouldn't happen again with better security and stuff like that.

  11. Jackie- I think life has changed a lot. The security we have now is extreme, like the airport security. I know that so many lives were effected and it scared people horribly. Airports were almost vacant in the months to come after the tragedy. I think it should be remembered as a tragedy, because so many lives were lost and so many people were effected. It also might be a triumph, because in the end we didn't let this ruin our nation and we all became more close. :)

  12. Sena- I think a lot of things have changed sense 9-11. Pretty much everywhere that is in public now has security. It makes things a lot safer but it may be a bit to dramatic. Places like the airport, work offices, shopping malls, and many places in New York and Washington DC have major security systems. I know that many firefighters were injured/killed. They had so much courage. I also know that the man who had the idea of doing this to us was killed. It was him and many other people that made the day 9-11-01 known throughout the world. The day should be remembered in both a tragedy and a triumph. Yes, many people were injured/killed and many places were destroyed. Our country was united and we became stronger because of it...

  13. Conor - I know that many things have changed since 9/11. The security at airports has gotten stricter and we as a country have been more cautious sine then. I don't know very much about 9/11 but I know that people were jumping out of the twin towers because they couldn't find a way out. I also know that the passengers on flight 93 saved the White House from getting destroyed. I think 9/11 was both a triumph and a tragedy. It was a tragedy because over 3000 people died. It was a triumph because it taught us that we can over come any thing. 9/11 was a sad day for everyone involved but we can look back on it now and see how far our country has come that disaster.

  14. Abby: i think America has changed a lot since 9/11 like the airports. They have been very cautious about what goes on bored and what people put in there suitcases. I no that on September 11th that a lot of people died by being a hero like the man who found out that the plan he was on was going straight to the White House. he took the plan and went straight to the ground. i no that everyone died on that plan but a lot more was going to die if that man didnt do anything. i think this day is both a triumphs and a tragedy. tragedy because a lot of innocent people died that day and that a man so evil can hit three buildings that was so important to America. Triumph because of how many people saved others and didnt just think about themself.

  15. Emma- I think the US has changed since the 9/11 incident in ways such as our security systems and how high tech they are now a days compared to what they used to be. During the time of 9/11 the terrorists were able to sneak weapons onto the planes. If anyone were to try to do that now they would easily get caught from our high standard security systems. On this day I know that we lost many innocent people. Some people saved the lives of many such as the couple of men who took over the plane headed for the white house and crashed it, risking their lives to save many others. We also lost many fire and police men risking their lives as well. I think that 9/11 was both a tragedy and a triumph. A tragedy because of how many innocent peoples lives were killed and how someone that sickening would think of doing something like that but a triumph because all of how aware we are of everything now and that all of the heros will always be remembered.

  16. Belle- I think 9/11 was a time in America where we came together and mourned together and became better and more connected. But also it was something that should have NEVER happened. Things that came out of 9/11 was security, faith, and a sense of pride in America. I think it should be known as a triumph and a tradgedy because after 9/11 so many family's were destroyed because their loved ones were murdered. It was a triumph because it showed everyone that we are strong that our people were willing to risk their lives for other and also we improved so much of the things we do today to protect our countrey.

  17. Alli~ I think 9/11 helped America come together and show who our true friends are and to show the support from others. My friend's dad was supposed to be on flight 93 but, he missed his flight due to a long wait in security. That was the 1 time that her and her family were happy that the line was so long.9/11 should be known as both a tragedy and a triumph because so many lives were lost that day, but it also brought our whole country closer together in its time of need and dedication.

  18. Gabi- I think life in America has changed alot since 9/11, we are alot more secure and protective now. Polic, security, border border patrol, all of it has become way more advanced. I also think it was a wake up call for America, we didnt really think that anything or anyone could get past us and attack our country, but someone did and it changed us. Besides what I just read i also know that the terrorists had been planning this for years, they went to flight school and got there pilot liscenses. Then they waited until they were all flying on the same day and around the same time, is was a perfect plan. This day was a tragedy because of those who lost their lives, but it showed us who real heros are. they were the ones who knew they werent going to come out alive, but that didnt matter. They were willing to give their lives for someone else to live. This day also made us stronger together as a country. We proved to every other country out there that when disaster strikes we come together to save eachother and stand together. 9/11 is a day where we should rember those that we lost but also the heros who came when they were needed and how we are stronger as a country now than ever before.

  19. Raphie-Since September 11th, 2001 America has changed drastically, in the way we think,speak,and act in this great country. From our own security becoming more technologically advanced and secure, to the way we act together in a time of great need, we have become more secure and more caring and compassionate. I don't know very much about 9/11 since I was only 3 years old when it happened. But what I have learned over the years from certain programs and the 9/11 museum in New York is that 9/11 was a tragedy that changed the way we live, and was a time when all nationalities came together as one. I believe that 9/11 can be seen as both a tragedy and a triumph because even though thousands of good people died for no reason, we came together as one to care and provide for each other no matter what race, what ethnicity, or what nation we stood as one country united.

  20. Daniel Sabala- since 9/11 the US has changed a ton. first they had to make the security in airports much more complicated and much more tighter so no one could get anything dangerous on. and soldiers were sent to find and possibly kill osama bin laden. besides the top information i know that they had been planning this attack for a while and many innocent people were killed which held to emotionally hurting those peoples families. i think it should be known for a tragedy and a triumph. tragedy because it killed innocent working people and made our country scared. a triumph because as a country we got through this and we became a stronger and more protective nation.

  21. Kordell Seidler- Life in America has changed a lot since September 11. They started making security at the airports. I know that a lot of people died that wasnt in the buildings. I think the day should be remember as a tradegy. Because there was a lot of people that died in 9/11.

  22. Ryan-I think that life in Ameria has changed a lot since 9/11.The security has become more strict.
    If you go to an airport now you have to go through full body security.I really dont know that much more than what was said in the blog. I think that thi day should be remebered in trimph. Even though we celbrated it in a tragedy.

  23. Natalia-i think life since 9/11 has changed so much. We have gotten more/better security and we are now more prepared if something like that were to happen again. i know that so many people lost their family. people lost one of their parents working in the twin towers or siblings or parents who were firefighters trying to help and save peoples lives.I know that many firefighters had lots of courage and risked their lives for other people. I think we should remember it as a triumph and a tragedy. It was a tragedy because thousands of people died and the town was left a mess. It was a triumph because since 9/11 the u.s. has gotten much better security and our coountry has gotten better because of 9/11.

  24. Captain mm(peter)=I think that america has changed alot since 9/11. The big difference it that we have alot more sicurity around the U.S.A. Aports had no biusness after 9/11. Alot of people were hurt of this tragety.I think 9/11 should be remembered as a tragety because so many lives were lost and soo many familys were affected.

  25. some things that i have noticed is the huge affect on airport sicurity and it is a absalute pain to get just about anything on the plain.other than the horror stories i have been told about all of the people falling out of the building but i would really like to just forget about this day but it was also a tiny bit good because it shows that even if we get knocked down we can always rebuild it and stay strong.

  26. Caleigh- I think we have come together more as a country. also we have made huge efforts to amp up our security. I know that many people gave up their lives to save others. I believe we should remeber it as a tragic triumph because with in the lose of hundreds we rose frm those ashes and became a greater crountry as a whole!

  27. Katie H.- I think life in America has definetly changed since 9/11, especially in security. I think its great even though it takes a lot more effort, but it is keeping us safe. I know what happened in 9/11 was very dramatic and scary and i think it gave America a big shock. I think that day was both tradgic and triumphent. Tradgic, because of all of the lives that were ost and the destruction caused and triumphent, because it pulled us together as a nation and has made us more aware of things like this.

  28. Matea=^)- America has changed from September eleveth by our security system. Now our airports are much more strict in what we bring on the plane. Also, we realized that we need to be more careful about our enemies. I know that a lot of lives were lost because they were to high up in the Twin Towers. There was a lot of panic in America that day. People were jumping out of windows to their death or they died from the smoke and fire. A lot of families were changed forever after that day. It was terrible. I think this day should be remebered as both a tradgety and a triumph. It was a tradety because so many lives were lost and it was a very depressing day for America. It was a triumph because America still stayed strong after that attack and we have become more aware of this like that. It showed our enemies that nothing can bring America down.

  29. Robert Its my birthday Faricy- I think that security is overdone and there have been many accounts for sexual harassment and stuff that would make people uncomfortable with how the security works today. Isn't there somewhere that we have have human rights or something like that? But i guess somewhere a line has to be drawn so we can keep what happened from happening. I know that my uncle was to work in the tower the day it happened but the train had a major delay and traffic problems in the streets, so he ended up not able to make it for work, and then the plane crashed. I think this day should be remembered as a both a tragedy and a triumph cause this Isn't right for it to happen to such good people who got into work that day, and a triumph for the people who survived that can share their story and hardship with others to learn and grow stronger in a way that makes us human. Now I'm not gonna do all those emotes like this :( or stuff cause this is a serious matter that needs to be addressed each anniversary of 9/11


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