Monday, September 24, 2012

Teacher's Day

September 28 is a Confucian Holiday celebrating the birth of Confucius. It is also celebrated as Teachers' Day. While many confuse Confucius ism with a religion, it is actually more of a philosophy. Confucius was not a priest or a deity, he was a teacher.

Confucius was born around 551 BC in the small state of Lu. He was born into an aristocratic family, although there is debate as to whether he had any money or not. During his life he served many influential people and his teachings became not only fundamental to Confucian philosophy, but to the general Chinese philosophy.

The 6th century BC China was a time of political and social disintegration. Battling officials trying to gain control led to a period of great moral decline, when integrity and principles meant little to ruling classes. Confucius was disgusted by this development. At the time, he was a widely unknown teacher. He attempted to revive society by re-introducing the great moral teachings of the past.

At the cornerstone of his teachings was the belief that ethical considerations should be the guiding principle of government. He did not accept the idea of a strict legal system. He believed the primary task of a ruler was to achieve the welfare and happiness of the people. The ruler should be a role model by monitoring his personal behavior. His strong ethical behaviors would influence the people's behaviors. Customs and voluntary adherence would be the best way to achieve and maintain an orderly society.

Confucius never wrote many of the quotations we see today. After his death, many of his disciples gathered and compiled his teachings. Here are a few quotations:

"Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves."

"Forget injuries, never forget kindness."

"He who will not economize will have to agonize."

"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand."

"Respect yourself and others will respect you."

Throughout history, we have seen many teachers influence the world. Jesus, Martin Luther King, Jr., Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Buddha, and Confucius have significantly changed the world and redefined the way many of us view right from wrong.

Who are the teachers in your life that have influenced you the most? What qualities do they have that make them an effective and influential teacher? If possible, please provide a couple of your favorite sayings learned from your teachers.


  1. Aaron- Mr grant you have definitely influenced me the most. but some other teachers that have are probably mr yanci. you both have qualities that make you very effective. one of those is that you are both leaders throughout the school. and i dont know of any sayings that i have learned from any of our teachers

    1. Jacob_There are many teachers who have influenced me. You, Mr.Grant, are one of them. You taught in such a way that made me love history. It used to be my least favorite subject but know it is one of my favorites. I love Mrs. G's saying A Drink is a drink is a drink and Mr. Yanci's Peter, shut it! I think that qualities of a teacher are many but one of the most important is wanting your kids to learn. They are not teaching for the money because they are not earning as much as other jobs would they. They are teaching to educate the next generation.

  2. Peter-The teachers that have influenced me the most are Mr.Grant and Mrs.Mantooth (at Riverside). While they have very different ways of teaching, both are effective in making me a better student. The biggest area Mr. Grant influenced me on was the importance of hard work. Mrs. Mantooth was a funny and awesome teacher. I tried hard to make her happy. One of my favorite sayings from Mr. Grant is "PETER KNOCK IT OFF!". Mrs. Mantooth liked to say "Try, try,and try again.

  3. Taylor-Ok, since all of the people before me and probably many after me are being suck-ups, I will be one too. MR. GRANT! YOU ARE THE MOST INSPIRATIONAL TEACHER I HAVE EVER HAD!!! I love how wrong you think Pocahontas is, and now I know how wrong it is and you have made it my favorite Disney movie now. Other teachers that have inspired me are Mrs. G. and Mrs. Sharpes. I always think of Mrs. G. when I hear about a young person hurting themselves because she always talks about how our prefrontal lobes aren't developed. I think of Mrs. Sharpes when I might do something bad because I think of what she would think of me, so sometimes I don't do certain things because of her.

  4. Jackies- There are a few different teachers that have really influenced me through out life; Mr. Grant, Mrs. Violett, and MY MOM!!!!!! These people have bought me to never give up and sell myself short. Mrs. G also has bought me so much. She starts my day out really good by just a simple smile or a "how are you doing today" question. ONe of my favorite sayings that my mom says is, "There is no shortage of idiots in the world" and "Love yourself because they people in life that matter don't mind and the ones that mind don't matter." My other favorite isn't a quote but when Mr. Grant gives me that one look like, "you really think that's a smart question?" I don't know what I would do without my teachers.

  5. Matea=^)A lot of teachers have influenced me in my life, Mr. Grant is one of them. Mr. Grant is a great leader and very nice. Mrs G is another teacher because she is always positive. Those two teachers can help you do great in school and are nice. I don't really know any sayings from any of my teachers.

  6. Amaia- Well everyone else said Mr.Grant so now I kind feel it's required so um....Mr.Grant because he is never sarcastic and he loves to hear our stupid questions and our stupid answers and most importantly he NEVER gets mad at us. I don't think I have a favorite quote by Mr.Grant but my favorite expression is when he stares at you for a minute after you say something stupid and then covers his face with his hands and stays like that for a minute. Other people that inspire me are my nana because she gives such good life advice and she will talk to you about whatever and you can ask her anything. Another one is my dad because he's always there for me and my favorite quote by him is "don't wish your life away."

  7. Emma G- A lot of teachers influenced my life, but the ones that stick out are Mr. Young, Mr. Yanci, and You. These teachers have helped me so much over the years. They are serious but also ready to have a little fun during it. I don't have any quotes from Mr. Young. You: (don't really have one but you stare for a while then shake your head) Mr. Yanci: Peter Shut It! I know I will and have only stayed with these teachers for a year, but they put memories in my head that will last forever.

  8. Sena- The teachers who have influenced me the most are mr. Grant, Mrs. mcClure, and my teacher from my old school mrs.Miller. They all have different ways of teaching but they relate to the students and have fun. All of these teachers have helped me learn so much. You just give that one look. It is like are you serious.And i like how when we ask questions like is pocohantas real? You dont yell at us! Mrs.Miller- I love how she isn't afraid to yell at conor!!! The teachers who have influenced me the most all give their opinions. I like that!

  9. Kordell Seidler= The teachers that influenced me was Mrs. Betts. The qualities that they had were being really funny, nice, caring and also alway gave us a little of homework. She never had a quote that she used but she always said that " You better finish your homework mister".

  10. belle- so many teaches have influenced me. mrs Barbra mrs mcclure mrs g mr grant mr yanci mrs Russell mrs baccay and mrs sharpes mrs johnson and mrs phillips i know a looongg list but they are just all so important and don't get to be recognized enough. mrs phillips was my pre school teacher and has been sweet to me my whole life she is part of my family and one of the best person to go to to lift your spirits.mrs barbra my kindergarden teacher who taught me what was in mccdonals food and taught me times tables. mrs sharps who still influences me today and started my life here at st joes with camp learn a lot and learning money.mrs baccay who was a huge part of my life with her songs, beautiful voice and her reading us stories after lunch and the way she taught math that helped me so much. mrs johnson who was such an amazing teacher and the cinnamon bear. mr yanci and his funny sayings hand motions and hilarious tricks which makes class so much fun. mrs Russell who is just a magic maker with math.mrs g and her calm voice and off topic rants. mrs mcclure who really got me passionate in religion. finally mr grant!!!!!! he is such a great part of my life from 5th grade where he helpfully took us on and made it a lot easier than it could have been. hi funny look when we ask a stupid question and having funny arguments with him and my long struggle with my glasses haha but over all thank you for leading me to get contacts they have helped me in my life in so many ways. also my dance teachers for giving me passion and pushing me so hard and giving me great role models. thank you to all the teachers who have change my life forever.

  11. Ryan- The teachers that influenced me the most would probaly be Mrs.Baccay and Mr.Yanci. The reason why I think these teachers influence me the most is because of how they thought of things.Mrs. Baccay puts new idea on how to learning things. Mr. Yanci, would listen to me and work out what would be best. I don't remember a lot of sayings from them.But Mrs. Baccay always had everything backwards.

  12. Raphie- The teachers that have had the most influence on me would probably be Mr.Dix from Hailey Elementary School and Mr.Swanson from Wood River Middle School. Both of these people are both great teachers and great people, they always have a sense of humor and are great leaders. Mr.Swanson is one of my best friends dads and he was my football coach, he doesn't really have any quotes but he would always tell us a story if we brought up something that reminds him of his childhood. Mr.Dix was my math teacher in 5th grade and my art teacher all throughout elementary school, Mr.Dix taught me to love math and he also taught me that math is part of everyday life and we need it for a reason. Mr.Dix had lots of quotes and was a really funny guy he would tell us scary stories or stories on how he thought things began. One time he taught us about the bubonic plauge because we were making castles in art class. Both of these men are great people and great teachers and have helped mold me as my own person.

  13. Vince- There are many teachers that have influenced me over the years such as: Mr. Grant, Mr. Yanci, Mrs. McClure, Mrs. Russell, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Sharpes and many other teachers. These teachers all have different traits that make them effective and influential. Some of the traits are they are great leaders, they are very nice, they are strict when they need to be, they have fun ways to learn that help us to learn better and soo much more. Some quotes from other teachers that they have said are "Awwwww are you kidding me" by Mr. Grant, "You guys knock it off" by Mr. Yanci and "A drink is a drink is a drink" by Mrs G. And that is about it i don't really now anymore sayings.

  14. Catie-The most influential teachers in my life are Mr. Grant and Mrs. McClure. They both teach in a way that makes me love their class and they're both hilarious. My soccer coach Brad is also one teacher that has influenced me. I love how he always says 'Put that in your pipe and smoke it!' and how you can hear his laugh from the other side of the soccer complex. I also love how Mrs. McClure pronounces some of her words funny with her Irish accent. And Mr. Grant who taught me that laying around in your jeans is bad and nasty.

  15. Emma- I have had many teachers from a few different schools who have influenced me. From St. Joes all of the teachers I have had have been very influential and give different advice that makes me a better student each day. I don't have a favorite because they are all great in many ways such as being kind, funny, strict at the right moments, good examples of doing good things, easy to talk to, and many more things. I have learned so much just by the short period of time I have been attending St. Joes and am very with the student I have become from all of the advice the teachers have given me. Some actions teachers have are scratching your head when you get mad, Mr. grant, Pulling on your hair back when you get frusturated, Mrs. McClure, coming over and staring at you tell you are quiet, Mrs. G, Telling you to get out, Mr. Yanci, and there are many other different things the teachers do to make them the teacher they are.

  16. Conor - There have been many influential teachers in my life, but Mrs. Miller from St.Mary's is the one that sticks out to me the most. She was my kindergarten teacher and she taught me how to read and write. She also stole my lunch and put plastic food in it. In second grade she always pulled me out of class to come listen to her teach her class. I had her for the last time in sixth grade and she taught me there if I think about something long enough I will find the answer. Some of her qualities that Yves made her a good teacher are shes passionate about learning, shes funny, she helps you understand things, and she is always there for you when you need her. Mrs. Miller dident really hve any quotes that stick out to me, but one is "Conor, hurry up! " My favortie quote from Mrs. G. is, "We're all family. " Without teachers we wouldn't learn anything and we wouldn't have good role models to look up to.

  17. Gabi- I have a lot of memories from all my teacher, they have all really impacted my life. Some that i really remember are Ms. Baccay, Mr. grant, Mrs McClure, Mr. Yanci, and Mrs. Rollison. Mrs. Baccay was an amazing teacher she just had and amazing teaching method. I remember all the Idaho History songs and plays. But one of my favorite memories was when she stood up on a table and told us that was she was pregnant, she was just one of the best teachers ever and i will never forget her. Mr. Grant has been with us for ever, he filled in for Mrs. Violette in 5th grade and he has been with us ever since. he knows our class better than anyone else. one of my favorite memories in his class was when he had bellspolsy and Niko came into class late so he didnt know what had happened and he looked Mr. Grant and in the middle of class he just looked at Mr. Grant and was like what happened to your face, it was so funny. Mrs. McClure is an amazing science teacher, but she is also a religion teacher, we always have the best conversations in her class. I am always so excited to go to her class because i know it is going to be fun and its never just a boring class where you sit and listen to the teacher talk the whole time. one memory i have in her class was this year in the middle of science Robert was singing I think and I dont really know what happened, but i just remember Mrs. McClure laughing do hard that she almost started crying. Mrs Rollison was an amazing art teacher class was always so fun with her. it was never boring you always knew that something fun would happen in her class, like when she bought a harmonica necklace and played it for us in class. And another teacher that really has had an impact in my life is Mr. Yanci, he is our homeroom teacher, and like he says we are like his kids and he is really protective of us and i love that. Being in 8th grade is fun and I am really glad he is our homeroom teacher. These are just a couple of many teachers that have impacted my life and I will never forget any of them.

  18. Natalia-some of the teachers that ahve really impacted my life are mr grant, mr yanci, mrs russel, and mrs mcClure. mr grant told us never to memorize things to know them. mr yanci is a fun teacher that helps us learn things in different ways. mrs russel explains math really well and helps us out alot. mrs mcClure has fun things on the smartboard to help us learn new things.

  19. Robert-I would say my parents and brother cause they taught me who and how to be what I want to be in life. They are all smart and talented, and have their different personalities that make me who I am today. Not saying all of their personality quirks are good or fun to deal with. Um I try not to keep sayings but memories instead. I would list a few but im tired enough as it is and wouldn't be able to sit in this chair and write the good and bad memories I have had. Mrs. Baccay is my favorite teacher in school btw. Yes Mr. G, the memories in your class are good to. :)

    (/*o*)/ __ _I___I_ SO TIRED!

  20. Katie H.- All of the teachers at Stjoes have all impacted me with their own personality and subject. They have all been really helpful and I don't know what I would do without them. favorite teacher quote:"You guys are a very special class"- Mrs. G, Mrs. McClure words,and "Really, are you kidding me?!"-Mr. Grant. The other influential teachers have been my dance teachers,Jeff, Cathy, Eliza and,Lisa. They are all good at what they do and have different teaching styles that are good in their own way. I really want to be like them and be a great professional dancer. Favorite teacher quotes: "If you don't close you're ribs I'm going to clamp them together!"-Jeff, " Di da da da da da da "- Cathy, " Don't act like ballerinas when you do hip hop!"- Eliza, and "What was that?!"-Lisa

  21. Dan-the most effective teachers in my life would be Mr. Yanci, Mrs McClure, Mrs Russell, Mr Grant, mrs g, and my coaches in sports and parents. These people make me a better person by educating me, being great leader, caring about us, trying to do whatever is right for me ,supporting me, and making me the person I am today. Some quotes are "dan go take a mental brake for all the hard work you have done."-mr grant..... "O Lordy Vincent since you don't understand Vince will daniel please teach everyone how to do this since you are the only one with an A."-mrs McClure....... "the assignment is due thurs no actually Monday never mind let's move it to next Friday"....... These people will always be recognized when I am older telling stories about my childhood

  22. abby- i think the most effective teachers that taught me is Mrs. McClure, Mrs. Russell,Mr.Yanci and Mr. Grant. also teachers from St. Marks, like Mrs. Judy, Mrs. suza, Mr. A, Mr. Hopkinds, Mr. Young and Mrs walters. i also have my coaches that influence me like my soccer coach brad and my basketball coach todd little. they influence me and push me to be a better student and also a better athlete. they also teach me to be a leader and to get ready for high school then collage. i dont really have any quotes from the st. joes teachers but as for my coaches and teachers from st. marks i can tell you a lot. for instance i have a lot of teachers and coaches that have the same quote. Hey Emma. Oh shoot i mean Abby. i will never forget these people who infulenced me to be a better person athlete and student.

  23. Dillon - The teacher that has influenced me the most is Mr. grant because i am around him all of the time and he teaches me a lot. mr. grant is strickt and if you don't get it done dose not care. this forcese you to get your work done and get it in on time. Peter nock it off Mr. grant

  24. A teacher that has influenced me alot over the years is my big brother,he has (mostly) taught me right from wrong and when to speak and when to not,he has taught me so many inportant lessons in life,he is the best teacher i could have(besides you of course mr Grant).He is very effective as a teacher mostly because he is my brother and i look up to him.((CODY))

  25. Alli~ A teacher that has influenced me most was probably my kindergarten teacher at Peregrine Elementary in Meridian. She always taught us to have as much fun as we could whenever we could, and to laugh it off, don't get mad.She helped me meet my best friend that I have today. When we did a play she kept telling my friend and me to be the best watermelons we could be.

  26. Stephanie- The teachers that have influenced me the most over the years would have to be my parents, and mrs. Sharpes, and Mrs. Baccay. Mrs baccay really influenced me because she was such a fun teacher and she and mrs. Sharpes both made school fun! I loved teh way mrs. Baccay taught math and i love how Mrs. Rusell teaches it to. I dont remember any quotes but i remeber all of the songs Mre. Baccay taught us.


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