Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Extreme Sports

Felix successfully landed this jump on October 14, 2012

Since the dawn of time, man has been pushing the envelope of what is humanly possible. Through the advancements of technology and the imagination of men and women, every day people accomplish tasks prior generations would never had imagined.
In the past two centuries we have flown through the air, traveled under the sea, and landed on the moon.  As people and as nations we have challenged the laws of physics over and over again.  Sometimes we have done this in order to advance society, other times we have done it simply because nobody thought we could.  As the bar of human accomplishments continues to rise, people are more and more fascinated by these incredible physical acts. 

The most recent extreme event is the jump of Felix Baumgartner.  Felix is an extreme athlete from Australia.  He has spent a majority of his life skydiving and BASE jumping from recognizable landmarks around the globe.  He set the world BASE jumping record when he jumped from the hand of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro.  He was the first man to skydive across the English Channel.  His most recent event is now scheduled October 14, when he will attempt to skydive from an all time record of 120,000 feet.

The Red Bull Stratos project is unlike any project ever before.  Felix will take a helium balloon 23 miles into the atmosphere.  Once he reaches the height 120,000 feet, he will open the door, step to the edge and jump.  He is expected to be the first man to break the sound barrier reaching speeds around 620 mph.  Attached is a CGI video.

What are your impressions as you watched the video?  Would you ever be willing to perform extreme sports (with the proper training and conditioning, of course)?  Why or why not? Why do you think mankind is fascinated with taking things to the extreme?  


  1. Taylor-As I watched the video, I was very surprised on how far up the balloon was going. I read about Felix in the newspaper this morning and it said that he called it off twice because the wind was too strong. The video was amazing and I can't believe the courage that some people have. It's incredible. If I had the right training, I might try extreme sports, but only if I knew I was going to survive, but I guess I would never know unless I did do it. I think we mankind is fascinated with taking things to the extremes because some people want to be remembered as a daring person. Some may be curious on what it's like to do something extreme.

  2. Aaron- i am very surprised on how hight the elevation is and how fast he is going.i would definitely do extreme sports. it sounds very exciting. i think mankind is fascinated with going to this extreme because they want to see how hard they can push themselves.

  3. Jacob_I was really interested in how he was able to go so fast without dying. It would be really cool to go so high up and see the entire world. If i had the proper training and equipment than i might do extreme sports. I think that people do extreme sports because they give you a thrill.It is dangerous but that is what gives you the thrill, the idea that you could die is pretty crazy but sort of exciting at the same time. It think that mankind has taken to the extreme because we are seeing how far we can go. We are seeing if the sky is the limit or if we can go higher because of technological advancements. I think that if we keep advancing than one day people will be jumping off of spaceships and going through the atmosphere. That would be really awesome.

  4. Catie_My impressions of the video were that the guy was crazy and that I would probably cry if I had to do that. I would NEVER EVER want to do extreme sports because it's just too scary and I would definitely chicken out. I think that mankind likes doing this stuff because they love the thrill and they love being the best.

  5. Sena- My impression of this video is that it is probably a very stupid thing to do. Yes, it does look fun but is the amazing feeling worth losing your life? I think that it would have been terrifying. At first I thought it was fake. I think that it would be incredible. However, I wouldn't actually do it (if I was alone) I think people are very curious and think it entertaining. People love the thrill and want to do the coolest things...

  6. Alli~ My first impression when I was watching the video was super scary! At first I thought it was a Red Bull commercial, but then I kept watching and I think that it was insane. I might be wiling to try extreme sports but i don't think I would ever get to do anything that crazy, but I do want to go skydiving when I get older.I think people do those kind of things because they love the rush and they want to live there lives with chance and to the fullest. And some of them just want to be famous and remembered.

  7. Ryan- My impressions on this video was that i thought it was cool but a bit idiotic. From jumping that high you could easily kill yourself if you don't pull the shoot at the right time you have maybe about a couple of seconds to pull the shoot or its either a hard pull form the shoot deploying or pulling it to late and hitting the ground. I would totally do extreme sports it sounds very exciting to do its sure excite ding to watch so i can imagine if i was the actually person doing the extreme sport. I think that mankind likes taking the extreme because humans try to push every thing to it limits. From jumping of 3 steeps to jumping from 1000 feet people love to watch and do extreme sports.

  8. Matea- When i watched the video i thought, " Is he crazy." That would take so much courage and bravery to do something as wild as that. I would never do something like that. I wouldn't do that even if i had the right equitment. I wouldn't do that because i don't really want to do extreme sports. Of coarse man-kind loves taking things to the extreme, without daredevils in the world we would be boring. Even if we had crazy ideas like that we wouldn't have people that would do it. It is up to the daredevils with what they want to do, if that's what they want then they can do that.

  9. Vincent- As I watched the video I thought that it was fake. I couldn't believe that someone would have the courage and even think about doing that. I would never want to do that, that was crazy. I wouldn't do that because you would have the risk of dieing and that wouldn't really be something that I would be interested to do. Mankind is interested in taking things to the extremes because they font wasn't to keep doing things that are just out of the ordinary they want to do things that give you an adrenaline rush.

  10. Jackie- When I saw the video I thought it was fake. He is absolutely crazy! I don't think I could ever do something like that. the video was really cool and interesting though. I think I would do extreme sports with the proper training. I think it would be fun and interesting to do. It would give me something to work forward to. I think mankind is very curious. I think we are always trying to say how far we can push the limits. I think we think of it as reaching our dreams, making the impossible possible. NOthing or no one can say no. THey want something that is going to make us feel unique and amazing.

  11. Emma G- I was very surprised at how fast he was going and how high he was going. I would be so scared to go up in that. I would never do these extreme sports but I am a little curious of how it would be. The sudden rush, and adrenalin. It would be crazy, but fun at the same time that you will want more.

  12. Abby- when i watched the video i was amazed and was shocked by the crazy and daring stunts people do. i dont think i would ever do this because one i am very afraid of heights i dont even think i would bungee jump or sky dive. i think people are doing these extreme stunts is because you only live once so you got to make count.

  13. Caleigh- I was impressed by how high and brave he was to do this. Ummm..... No (unless it was something amazingly mind blowingly cool that i love) becuase i don"t wanna die, I mean a thousand things could go wrong even with all the training in the world. I think we are because we don't wanna see the same thing over and over and over again. We want to be impressed and we want to impress others to. Its all about one-uping the last.

  14. Stephanie-I was suprised how fast he was going and how brave he was to jump. ki would never do this because i would be too scared and probably mess everything up. Im not a huge fan of falling like you do on a zip line and I would probably pass out. I would also not do it because it is dangerou and if somthing went wrong I would not like to die.I thimk people do extreme stunts becaue they are amazing and I also think people do them because aamericans are very competative. I think peoplle try these things to be the best and when somone does somthing cool you want to do somthing cooler and you want to be the best.

  15. ((CODY))
    I though this vidio was awsome but at the beginning i was a little bored because it kind of just showed a man in space at about 20 different angles.I would love to do exteme sports (like the hardcore man that I am) and get paid for it because i would love to go around the world doing extreme stunts.i think that is is because man always wants to go further and explore more to know everything and to (I think) to show off what people can do

  16. Conor - At first I thought the video was just a made up ad to get people to buy Red Bull. His baloon and capsule looked like they were from the future. I would never do extreme sports like that. It may be cool to look at the world that way but if something went wrong you would die. I also wouldn't do it because even if you don't die you will get injuries that might give you brain damage. I think we are interested in extreme sports because we want to set new records or be the first one to do something. Another reason I think we do these kinds of things is because we like the adrenalin rush we get. Even though I like to watch extreme sports I would never do them. It would be fun until you got majorlly injured.

  17. peter- My first impression when i watched this video was this guy is insane. Ya i would be willing to try to fo thing if I worked and worked at it. I think that with the proper training and conditioning, anything is possible. i think man kind is drawn to extreme sports because humans are fasinated by thrill. this video proves that humans are capabale of going to extreme hieghts.

  18. Kordell Seidler- The impressions are insane. That guy is cazy to do thaty i would back down from doing that or puss out. I would maybe do an extreme sport maybe. I would do it because it would be cool or fun. People always want attention or be the coolest thing ever.

  19. Katie H.- My first impressions of the video was that these people are INSANE!!!! He could've died! He was going sooooo fast it looked like you were watching a snow flake fall from the sky. I would never do that, because there is a big chance of death and I would like to live for a long time. I think people a so intersted in stuff to the extreme, because it's so uncommon and it's usually something they wouldn't do or be able to do.

  20. Danny Sabala
    - my impressions when i watched this video is what is he doing.. i thought it was fake and was just going to say like "red bull they give you wings" but then i looked it up and it was real and was happening on my bday. I would maybe do that but this man is AMAZING PROVING TO EVERYONET HAT ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. i think man kind is willing to do things this extreme because of their anxiety and they want to be recognized \.

  21. Emma- After watching this video, I was very scared for the Felix. But he also gave me motivation to try different things. I think it would be so cool to do some sport to extreme but I would definetly want to be ready and prepared with the training I would need. I would never try something this extreme if I wasn't 100% positive that I wanted to and could. If I were to achieve something like this it would definetly make me feel very great about myself! I would definetly be proud and think that it would bring an amazing feeling. I think that man kind do these kind of extreme things because they wanted to be noticed and want to acheive something great.

  22. Raphie-After I first saw this video I was amazed and watched it again to make a decision on whether this is guy is just naturally crazy or certifiably INSANE. I was also amazed at how far technology has come 200 years ago we were fighting with muskets and dreaming about the depths of the ocean and space. Now today this man isn't doing his trip to the edge of the stratosphere to make a discovery but to skydive! I would want to preform an extreme sport if I had the proper training and equipment. I would want to do it because I love to test myself and see how far I can push myself without breaking. I believe that mankind is so fascinated with taking things to the extreme because we always want to be the greatest and remembered for what we do.

  23. Gabi- After watching this video i was amazed at the couarge of those people. It was really cool to watch something like that. I think it would be so cool and so fun to do an extreme sport, but you would also need alot of training and courage. I would only do it if i was completly confidentnin myself though. If i was able to do it though i would be really proud of myself. I think that mankind is fansinated with this stuff because we get bored and think of ways to take stuff to the next level an aleays want to be the best. We also want to know that we can do it and what we are capable of.

  24. Natalia- my thoughts are that these people a pretty crazy but have lots of courage to do crazy things like that. Im not sure if i would be willing to do an extreme sport i do like to do crazy things but once i get started doing something i get scared so im kind of yes and no. I think mankind is fascinated with this stuff because its crazy things that not most people do. They think its cool and it inspires them to do crazy things and shows them that almost anything can happen so they jst go for it and everyone loves it and thinks its the coolest thing ever.

  25. Ozzy Worrell- I think they are just down right crazy for doing really extreme things but then again I also think it's pretty cool. I could do it if I wasn't so coutious and afraid of things. They just do a lot of weird crazy stuff in their lives that they think is extremly cool. I would todally understand.

  26. Dillon - After watching this video my jaw was at the floor. That is amazing. You have to have a lot of guts to do something like that. Yes I would do it if i had proper training. if you had all of the equipment that the only thing you would have to get over would be the incredible fear of that height.

  27. Amaia- When I first started to watch this video I thought it was a joke for a seccond and then when I realized it was really I was fascinated that someone was willing to put their lives on the line to preform such an extreme stunt. I personally, would never be able to do something like that because A. I hate hights and B. I would never put my life on the line like that. I think mankind is absolutely fascinated by things like this. It's human natured to want to do the things people say just can't be done, do it, and prove them wrong.

  28. belle- when i watched this extreme stunt at first when the air craft thing was rising i was totally thinking well he is gonna die but the when he jumped out and i realize what amazing courage this man has. The fall was crazy and I thought he was going to completely fall to the ground and to see how fast he was going and how fast he was spinning was really intense. It was really cool how he started talking through the free fall; how can you speak while falling?? It was really brave that someone would do something like this and put their life on the line to break a world record and set new heights for mankind.


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