Tuesday, October 2, 2012

2012 Presidential Debate

This Wednesday is the first of three presidential debates before the November election.  If you read the news, both candidates are claiming the debate is critical for their election and at the same time trying to downplay expectations. 

Downplaying expectations seems to be a critical piece to debate success.  Trying to get the general population to not expect much from you in order to, ”wow” them at the debate has proven to be an effective strategy.  It seems very backwards to me, but that is probably one of many reasons why I am not running for president. 

The debate will be televised on all major networks and seen by millions of voters and future voters.  While many people know who they are going to vote for, many do not.  The debate is a tool that puts the candidates side by side in order for people to compare. 

The first televised debate took place in 1960, but it was not until 1976 that the debates have become a regular and critical part of the election.  The effects of the 1960 debate and the obscure campaign laws deterred candidates and networks from sponsoring presidential debates.

 In 1960 a young and energetic candidate from Massachusetts stole the show and won the election in the first ever televise debate.  John F. Kennedy looked poised and comfortable when he challenged the favored Richard Nixon to a debate.  It was not only the appearance of Kennedy, but Nixon displaying nerves and sweating which made many people question his leadership ability.  You can understand why all future frontrunners refused to debate until it was no longer an option in 1976. 

The campaign law which required equal television time to be given to all candidates found a loophole which made debates a possibility in 1976.  The candidates were up for the challenge, but also had little room to refuse.  While the debate in 1976 did not swing the voters in the same way as 1960, it did provide Jimmy Carter the opportunity to display his presidential qualities versus incumbent Gerald Ford.

Sitting presidents and incumbents have used the debates to address the public’s perception and neutralize criticisms.  Future President Ronald Reagan used the debate in 1980 to ask the American people if they were better off today than they were four years prior.  This question helped to convince many voters to move away from President Carter.  He used the debates in 1984 to show his humorous side and make a joke out of his age, which was polling as a concern among voters. 

While the debates have proven effective, they have also gone to the point of absurdity.  Polls following the debate measure likability, personality, persuasiveness and other characteristics.  They have fact checkers and analysis which measure everything including the number of nouns and verbs used by a candidate.  For an example of what they measure you can check out the site concerning the 2008 debate.

Lexical Analysis :  http://mkweb.bcgsc.ca/debates/

Why do you think the televised debates have become so important in American presidential politics?  Do you think the way a candidate looks should be a reason to vote for or against somebody?  What do you think is the best way for voters who are undecided to choose a candidate?  The debates? Newspapers or news television? Or some other way?


  1. Emma G- I think that televised debates are getting more important because of who we want to vote for. Obviously we cant make it to the live debate because it is either not in our state or region, or its sold out. We wont to learn more about our new presidents and what they stand for, so we watch it on T.V. I dont think its a good idea to vote for someone because the way that they look. You have to know if you want to vote for them, listen to them talk, you want to know if they are a good candidate to vote for. I think, if you aren't sure of a candidate, then you should not vote. There is a lot of stupid people out there, making wrong decisions on a candidate and it ends up horrible. The debates should be on television, because everyone watches T.V. and you know that a bunch of people will be watching. Newspapers are different, because not everyone reads or gets the newspaper.

  2. Aaron MICK- I think they have become so important because you need to know who is going to be running your country. NO i do not this is very mean. i think they should pay attention on the speeches and choose who they want based on their values. the debates on tv because you can actually watch everyone.

  3. SENA- I think that the debates are very important because people want to make the right decision on who they will vote for. If you do not know the person that is in your party and just want to vote for him because of his general beliefs, that is not a good way to vote. I would say don't judge a book by its cover. However, I do not think that this means that they can slack off, or look unprepared or look like a bad worker. I think his appearance is important but not so much their looks. I think that whichever presidential candidate is more similar to you is the one you should vote for. (By similar I mean beliefs on things such as war, gay marriage, etc...) The debates should be on both TV and the newspaper. Many people watch TV but don't read the news. Other people may do the opposite. So if it is on both then no one will miss it. Then there may be more educated votes.

  4. )@)CODY(@(
    I think it is because the average person will not attend the big conventions where they here the speeches so they rely on the television to get the information they need to vote, altho this is the wrong way,people still rely on this method.No not at all people should be judged by the speeches they give and their thoughts on subjects you think is inportant.If you are really undecided about wich person to choose i think you should go online and research each canidate but not just once make shure you check with other websites to make sure that the information that you have gatherd if correct.I do not think that you should use the newspaper or the news because both of them are becoming more and more byest in the information they give,so i really think that you should just use the internet,although the internet may be byest you can still look at more forms or websites to make sure you are correct,in the newspaper and the news you cannot do this and this is why think the internet is the best choice

  5. Jacob_I think that these televised debates are an opportunity for people to see all of the people running for President pitted against each other. People will note how well each candidates speech is written and presented. I also think that people rely on the televised debate to say that they are "in the know" about all of the political things happening and that they are the source of presidential campaign knowledge. I think that the way a candidate looks can be a reason to vote for or not to vote for them. Just like in 1960 one of the candidates could be sweating and nervous and look not composed while the other looks like a natural leader. I also think that if a candidate has a certain feature in the physical make-up that makes them look kind of "weird", this could be a reason some people wouldn't vote for them. They might not want our nation represented by someone who looks "weird". I am not saying this is OK but I am saying that it could be a factor for some people. I think that the best way for an undecided voter would be to go out and find some facts about each person. Whether this is going out on the internet and looking them up or some other way it doesn't matter, they would need to find out some true things about each candidate that isn't slanted in one direction from the media. I also think that they should listen to the debates to see what the ideas of each candidate is and if they sound like something that they would like done in the country.

  6. Abby- i think Televised debates have become more important because not everyone would go to the debates so they would just watch it on T.V. and also you can watch the presidents elections and the presidential speeches. we also watch tv to see the candidates and there speeches and if we didn't hear there speech how would we no who to vote for so thats one reason wy they are shot on television. i think the best way to choose the candidates is to look them up on google then watch their speeches and know what they are like. i think news television because if you are lazy or your right in front of the t.v. you can watch them and see there debates.

  7. Catie-I think televised debates are more important now because people aren't always able to come to the actual event and because people want to try and figure out who's best to vote for and who will take good care of our country. I think that looks shouldn't be what your whole decision is based on but I do think that the candidate should dress respectably so that it looks like he cares. I think the best way to figure out who to vote for is to watch the debates. They put all their ideas out there and tell you about all the ways that they can help our country.

  8. Jackie-I think televised debates have become so important to people because the people who actually can't go to the debate are able to see and here it also. Looks I think are so important. I personally wouldn't want someone giving a debate in a full suit or just casual wear, but someone who is dressed in a business suit; someone who looks cleaned up nice and presentable. I don't think that looks should be all of why we make that decision, but at least has some weigh in it. I think that the best way to figure out who you would want to vote for would be reading about the candidate, watching the debates , and listing pros and cons to each party. I think that news papers and television are both great ways to put that parties name out there and to get more voters. The debates are nice also and even short radio broadcasts on popular channels would be great too.

  9. Taylor- I think the debates on television are so important because many people don't like to go places to watch the debates because it's too crowded or they're just lazy. It's way easier to turn on the TV than to drive to see it in reality. I don't think it matters what a candidate looks like, it just matters if they have valid points or not. It does matter how they present themselves, though. If you look nervous and not ready to be President, then obviously people won't vote for you. So I guess looks do matter to a certain degree. I think the best way for undecided voters to vote is to research the person and watch debates that they may have missed.

  10. Caleigh- I think they are important becuase people can sound really good but can look really bad. Not at all because some people might not vote for someone based on their race and not for what they stand for. Make a list of pros and cons for each candidate and pros for what you believe in that the candidate also does and what you don't and which ever one is closer to your opions vote for.

  11. Natalia-I think televised debates are so important because not everyone can go to the debate but they would like to see it so they watch it on tv. I dont think it matters what the candidate looks like at all. If a candidate is a different race voters shouldnt just vote for the other candidate because they are different they should vote on the person who will help our country more. I think a voter who is undecided should go back and watch the debates read the news articles that are about the candidate and learn more about them and then it will be easier for them to decide.

  12. Gabi-I thinks that televised debates are important because there are a lot of people who don't go to the debates and if they don't then they can watch it on television. I don't think it matters what the person looks like, it's like the saying don't judge a book by its cover. They could be an an amazing president but wee wouldn't know if we didn't vote for him/her because we didn't like how they looked. If a person is undecided I think they should watch the debates and read about the candidates in the newspaper because they need to know who they are voting for and why they are voting for them.

  13. Conor - I think televised debates are becoming more important to people because lots of people cant go to the debates because its sold out or its no where close to them. If it wasn't on TV people would have to read about it in the newspaper and the story could be slanted. I don't think you should vote on a candidate based on their looks. Someone could have really good ideas, but they might not dress the way you like them to. I think the best way to choose a candidate is all three of the choices. The debate is important because you can form your own opinions. Media is equally important because you get to see what other people think. There equally important because you have to get all sides of the story before you make an important decision.

  14. Dan- I think presidential debates have become so important in America because it gives each American the opportunity to see who wants to really help the US and change it a positive way. By watching the debate you can see why the each president disagrees with the other person who is running and they explain why their idea is better and theres is not. i think the way a president looks should both help you vote for them or not... if they look terrible and smell bad it should tell you that they are lazy but you should listen to their ideas and what they have to say. i think undecided voters should definitely listen to the debate and also get things from the media and people to make your final decision............ (+ _ +)

  15. Ozzy Worrell- I don't know why they are so important but if I had to quess it would be because it's on a telavision and you don't have to go buy tickets and you can record it to help you dicide later.I don't know how to say my next answer to the next but I quess how they do there speech is a big part of peoples dictions like if they are nerves or not.I don't looks are important it's the promises and fullfillment that is important.

  16. Robert Faricy- Cause some people just wanna watch the world burn!..... Jk. all jokes aside, ummm.... Because some people want to watch somebody else screw up, and since this is such a big deal for the United states of America. The pressure is on. No I don't care for looks i care for amount of swag in their step. and of course if they are confident. flip a coin? it's even. both sides no right or wrong what could go wrong?!?!?! Insert winkey face-----> (here)

    1. it MAY.... Also be hard for someone like me who has never had such a responsibility to even compensate for the fact that he has in fact, never voted and in his current mind shouldn't be allowed to vote.

  17. Kordell Seidler- I think that the people dont like going to see the president talk so they watch it on there television and so they dont spend there money on going to see the president talk because they can just watch it on there television. I dont care for looks i just care if they can speak out in public really good so they dont be an embaresment to our country if they screw up/mess up. all of those ways are pretty good to vote for but some people may considerate the religion that the president has.

  18. Stephanie - I think that televised debates are important because not every person can make it to see the presidants speak and their opinions about the United States. People have to know who theyre voting for in order be a good voter. If you know who youre voting for but you dont know why than that can be a problem because the person elected might not be the right person for the job.
    Absolutly Not! Someone should not be voted by just the way they look. Someone could be really odd looking and be perfect for presidant and someonr else could be really nice looking and they dont deserve the position at all.
    If someone was going to vote but didnt know who i would not tell the to watch the t.v. or read the news because they are both usually favored to one person. The news might say good things aboout someone and terrable about the other and same with theth t.v. I think they shiukd just make the decision on what they believe.

  19. Ryan-I think that televising the debates is important because more people will pay attention to it. I say this because people will rather site at home and watch the depute then driving or flying all they way to wherever its being held. I think that it shouldn't madder what a candidate look like but thats all that people see sometimes. Humans are naturally going to judge someone so that comes into play about on picking you want to win. I think that best way for people to truly look past on someone looks is to close their eyes and really focas on what they are saying. Instead of just blanking out and not paying in attention because they look this servant way.

  20. Raphie- I think that the televised debates have become so important over the past years because the debates are hard to get to and most people don't want to travel to see them. Also the presidential debates are coming straight from the people who are running for president and are somewhat unbiased. I think that the way that a person looks should be no reason to vote or not vote for them after all you aren't supposed to judge a book by its cover. I think that the best way for a undecided voter to choose who they are going to vote for is watching the debates because the debates are coming straight from the people running for the presidency and show their ideas and personality.

  21. Matea=^)I think that telivison debates have become more popular is because it is to far to travel for just a little while. It is also easier for those that work so when they come at the end of the day they can watch it.The way a canidate looks should not determine your vote, but it should have some influence. I mean you don't want a Presidant that looks like they didn't clean themselves for a long time. Presentation is a huge factor in how you want to be represented. But that doesn't mean that if they aren't has wealthy that you should not vote for them, they may be the best leader ever. I think both ways are the best for both debters and voters. Both of those resources could have different sides and might favor one canidate over the other. So I think that both would be the best, use every resource that you have.

  22. Katie H.- I think televised debates are becoming more important since in this day and age, people are more likley to watch it on something like t.v. or watch it on thier ipad, etc. rather than read it in the paper. You shouldn't vote for someone, because of what they look like. All I have to say is don't judge a book by it's cover. I think the best way to decide who to vote for is to do research in the different types of media and compare what you here and then form your own opinion based on what you think. You can't always trust every source, because they could be biast.

  23. Emma S- I think that televised debates are becoming more important because many people can't make it to the real debate but they can still watch it on televison. Also, many people are lazy with reading so instead if the debate is on t.v. they will be more fascinated because you can hear the actual voice of what the people are trying to say. In no way do I think that you should vote for someone just by seeing a picture about them or hearing different things about them from others. I think that everyone needs to actual hear what the canidates are trying to say and see who they would rather see in charge and who has better ideas. If you don't hear for yourself then you are just being lazy. If I were to be able to vote I would watch and read about the debates just so I could get as much information as I could from the canditates themselves. So I would choose to read what ever comes out and watch whatever is on.

  24. Dillon - I think that televised debates are important to this country because you don't have to be there to watch it. You can simply sit on your couch and watch every move that they person makes. Since some people have a pack schedule or are just plane lazy they can watch it to. I think that looks is know reason to vote for someone. It should all be on what they want to do with this country and what ideas they have. I think that if a voter dose not know who to vote for they should use all of those things. but most importantly i think that they should go back and listen or watch all his or hers speeches and debates.

  25. belle television debates are very important. people have to know who they are voting for. watching the speeches and debates helps you know the candidates better and lets you see how the do under pressure or speaking in front of large crowds. if you know the person you are voting for then you know what they want to do for our country, how they want to change it, and what improvements they will make. this can help you decide on who to vote for. televised debates also are more interesting they keep you more engaged then a newspaper or article online. so watching the speeches and debates will help you pick the best candidate to vote for to be the next president.

  26. Amaia- I think televised debates have become so important in America because quite frankly, as a nation, we are lazy people, which means that we don't want to have to find out who our canitates are. Then you have to read about them, and then you have to throughly ponder who you think would be the best president based on their pros and cons. With televised election, all Americans have to do is watch and the broadcast basically does all the hard work for us and now all we have to do is decide who to vote for. I don't think the way somebody looks should determine your vote, but I do think how they compose themselves and there manners and such should help you make your decision. I don't really think one is better than the other, I think it's just important that you get your imformation from all different places.

  27. Vincent- I think that television debates are very important today because television is worldwide so that way everyone can see them so that they can get more people to vote better than just the people that went to the event. NO! i don't think that the way someone looks should result in the voting. I think that people should vote on what the people do or say and not on how they look. i think that the best way to vote if you are undecided is to do a little more research and if you still haven't made your decision then go with your gut.

  28. Peter-I think the presidential debates are very important because it really shows what the canadates stand for and also every one who has a t.v. can see it. It also shows how well they think on there feet and how they react to criticizm. No,I was watching a show that said canadates with skinnyer faces have a better chance of winning. Look at the pros and cons of each canadate and look at what they did in the past. If they did very well in the past then the should be the one that you vote for. You could also talk to someone that is trust worthy to help you make a non bias oppinion. I you still can't make an answer then do what your friends do.Like my mom always says if your friends are jumping off a cliff you should too.


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