Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

It has been five weeks from Hurricane Sandy and its devastation to the East Coast of the United States.  Places in New York and New Jersey were decimated as a result of the storm and its aftermath.

The cost of the storm’s devastation is still undetermined.  These costs include rescue efforts, evacuation, structural damage and property restoration.  Below is a link which shows before and after pictures of the New Jersey Coast.

While tragedy is always horrible to read about and witness, it is also within these times we are able to witness to strength of the human spirit and the incredible lengths people are willing to go to help their neighbors. 

One such story comes from New Jersey.  Within days of the storm’s devastation, New Jersey Strong was organized as a non-profit organization.  Its sole purpose is to aid the families victimized along the Jersey coast who were victimized by Sandy.

The organization has focused its efforts on clean up.  They are gathering and deploying numerous volunteers to homes, parks, and other locations to clean up the debris and attempt to restore property to the condition it was before the storm.  While they can use money, their primary request from the public that want to be involved is manpower.  They have faced some challenges, but with concentrated focus and relentless effort, they are providing hope to many people who have lost their homes, cars, photos, and sense of security.

The focus, passion, and commitment they have shown to their community are inspiring.  This is a grassroots effort to reclaim the New Jersey shoreline, which has been an important place in their lives. 

Do you know anyone who was affected by Hurricane Sandy?  What obstacles did they face and how did they overcome those obstacles?  What do you think about the efforts of New Jersey Strong?


  1. Jackie- My father has a friend who was effected by Sandy. My dad was even in Rodchester N.Y for business during Sandy. He said that it was really windy, bu no one was hurt. I don't think that much damage was done to his friends home, but I can't imagine what others went through! People had to pick up there lives and move with maybe next to none of their belongings and are experiencing huge damage costs. I'm so glad that different organizations have come in and helped. I remember watching some of Sandy evacuation on TV and I remember N.J having to ration gasoline supplies and that some of the lines were song long that people waited for days to get it. I think the government did a great job in handling the Sandy crisis. So many obstacles needed to be faced and so many people prayed and really showed their faith in God. I think the efforts of N.J strong were great. They did so much for people who might have not been able to afford it and also helped so many people in different ways. They helped families and gave people hope. I hope that every recovers from Sandy emotionally and physically soon and I offer my prayers to the people who have lost someone in the tragedy.

  2. Jacob_My cousins were effected by Hurricane Sandy. They live on the East Coast in Connecticut. They weren't hit with the full blast of the storm but they could have had power outages and flooding. Also they could have had emergency service shortages because they were needed elsewhere. They run a catering business and they had to rotate the shifts of the employees and be okay with it if someone couldn't make it in because they needed to deal with their own problems. They had to run the business with less people. I think that organizations like Jersey Strong are incredible things. It is purely people helping people. It is incredible how much can be done if you just work together. If something like this were to happen to my family or my town, I would be so grateful for them. It is, like Mr. G said, a horrible thing when a natural disaster like this happens, but it shows the strength of the human race. We are resilient and are able to bounce back from almost anything. It shows that people are the greatest while they work together for a common good. When something like Sandy happens the people in the U.S. always rise up to help those who need it. I hope that if something like this were to happen I would be one of the people who helped others even if my home was damaged.

  3. Aaron- i am grateful to know that know one i know, in my family, or friends was harmed by sandy. well lots of cities faced lots of different challenges but mostly all of them faced cleaning up, rebuilding, and disaster cleaning up, like floods. i think that what new jersey strong is doing is just awesome. one, being it is a nonprofit organization is just amazing!

  4. Audrey "OZZY" Worrell---- I have a cousin in New jersey but I don't know how much she is effected by the storm because I don't know where in New york she is in. I think some of the major obstacls people in New York or any where in the east coast is homelessness power loss and needing of food. I think New Jersey Strong is really trying to help in every way possible. It's basiclly a group of voleenters who try to help people get supplies they need in the time of natual disasters. It's pretty cool what they do for people.

  5. Conor-My uncle Joey lives in New York City. Even though he or his wife weren't personally injured their lives have changed. A lot of grocery stores or restaurants have been severely damaged in their neighborhood. Also it takes him way longer to get to work. These aren't major obstacles but they change your ordinary life. They overcame them by going different places to eat or shop. I like what New Jersey Strong is doing. They are showing us that even if we don't donate huge sums of money we can still help by using some of our time to clean up the coast. This organization shows us that even after disaster we can come together and make peoples lives a little bit better.

  6. Abby- i have friends in Ohio who was kind of effected by hurricane Sandy. they couldn't go to school for a some time because of the huge winds and rain. the New Jersey Strong is showing us after a huge disaster that we can over come it and rebuild the houses and streets ect. also using money to help people that are injured.

  7. Emma G- My friends in Ohio who were effected by hurricane Sandy. They couldn't have Halloween because of this Hurricane. Many people had to overcome many obstacles, like school. They couldnt really go out side, and because they didnt go to school they have to make it up in the summer. I think there are many effects to New Jersey, were really bad. Their shore was destroyed. Now they have to get money to help rebuild the shore.

  8. Robert- My uncle Tim Faricy was affected by the hurricane,
    but, he was well prepared long before they knew of this hurricane. He had a military grade generator which could power his hull house and all of its appliances for a few weeks if left on and enough safety provisions to last a whole season. And the New Jersey Strong I feel like did a very good job keeping people situated in tough times and organizing for this horrendous event well. Also Check this link if you have a few minutes to spare, this is what I enjoy in my free time sometimes my brother showed me this " "

  9. Dillon - I know 8 people that were efected by Storm Sandy. My Uncle Craig and his family. They went without power for 18 hours. the way that they overcame this hurtle was lighting a lot of candles. They also went to the store and bought everyone a flash light. I think that New Jersey Strong was a great propose. I also think that if it was not for them that a lot more people would of died.

  10. Alli~ I don't think I know anyone that was affected by Sandy, and I am super happy about that. Most place had to clean up and give people that now don't have a home, their home back. I think that New Jersey Strong is amazing! If it wasn't for them everything would still be in piles, and I'm guessing that a lot more lives would have been lost, and a lot bore families would be separated

  11. Kordell Seidler
    I asked my mom and she said that we didn't have anybody effected by Hurricane sandy. The obstacles they faced were not having power for 18 hours, to over come this they lite candles, and they also went to the store and bought everybody flash lights. The New Jersey strong was for a propose if they didn't have this there would be a lot of people that died. I think what there doing is just amazing.

  12. Caleigh- Yes my cousin lives in New York. They face power outages and friend having no places to stay, so they let their friends come over and stay with them till they could go back to their houses. I thought they were great and really helped the community and they got everyone involved.

  13. Peter-I know 4 people that were affected by hurricane Sandy. It is my cousin Shannon and her family who live in Massachusetts. The faced many obsticles such as loss of power,home flooding, and gas shortages. They waited out the loss of power and homeflooding. They didn't have it as bad as some people such as those without power for a week in New York. I think that the efforts of New Jersey Strong helped out alot of families that really needed it. I am happy that these kind of organizations exist for people that need it.

  14. Natalia- I dont know anyone who was effected by Sandy. I just know many people suffered through this storm and still are. It would have been horrible to be in. I know people had to deal with losing their homes and personal items and maybe even family members or not knowing where they are or even if they are alive. They overcame these obsitcles by if anyone found anything wash up on the shore or just anywhere they would try really hard to find the owner. It wasnt just finders keepers they actually felt what the person who lost the item was probably feeling like so they helped out as much as possible. I think the efforts of New Jersey Strong are amazing orginizations like this try so hard and do so much for people in need or for natural disasters. I think it so cool what they are doing to help and it has helped thousands of people.

  15. Vincent Sengelmann~
    The people that I know who were affected by Hurricane Sandy were my two cousins who go to school in Philadelphia, Tom and Taylor. Also I asked my parents if they knew anyone who was affected by the hurricane and they said that one of their parents close friends had been affected majorly. The obstacles that my cousins had to face were: they had to stay inside their dorm room, they had to clean up their buildings because of the powerful wind that made things fly everywhere, and also had to make up the school that they had missed. They overcame these obstacles by believing that the storm was going to be over and that they couldn't do anything about it but believe. And I don't really know what obstacles my parents friends had to overcome. I think that they are being a huge help for those people who need the help and have suffered from losing their houses or even their family members.

  16. Taylor-I'm very lucky that the only person I know that was affected was my cousin and all it did was make him late for work. I'm so thankful that nobody I know was injured or hurt by the hurricane. I think it is awesome what New Jersey Strong is doing. It's amazing what people would do for others when they are in need. Some people would say, "Oh it's their problem." But others would actually do something for someone that's struggling.

  17. Matea- I don't know anyone that was on the East coast during the Sandy. They faced many obsticles like having to leave their house and most of their poessions. Would have been scary to be over there at that time because it would have been pretty dangerious. They over came their obsticals by seeing their family or getting support. also the whole city was going through the same thing so they all worked together to help. I think that the effort of new Jersey Strong was good. They have a lot to clean up, but they won't do it alone. It showed in the video.

  18. Emma- I do know people living in the east coast but they weren't effected that badly by Hurricane Sandy. However, I heard many stories of people who were and it is so sad and terrible what they had to go through. I can't imagine having to deal with the things many people are from the effects of Sandy. I think that the efforts of New Jersey Strong are great. They have helped so many people get through this huge tragedy and without it they would be struggling way more than they are now. What they have done have brought all of the people hope, which is exactly what anyone struck by Sandy needs.

  19. belle-my aunt lives in new york city and sent us pictures. her power was completely off and it sounded really scary. you can imagine that it would be horrible to have to pack your belongings and leave your home without knowing if you were coming back to it or not. people reach out and help one another and show each other that they care for each other and give people the help they need. you can't stop a natural disaster so when it happens lend a hand and help the people get back on their feet

  20. Catie-My uncle and auntn. live in New Canaan, Connecticut, and their house was almost knocked down by a huge tree. Their power was off for a long time too. They had someone cut down the tree so that they could move back into their house and also got a generator that they used for electricity. I think that the efforts of New Jersey Strong are helping many people immensely. N.J. Strong is giving many people hope that they will be able to get back on their feet and N.J. Strong is making that happen.

  21. I am not familiar with anyone who was assosiated with hurricane sandy but im sure it was no easy thing,the people who it affected must of had to climb over quit a few troubles such as finance and where to stay and all the things that they cant replace such as photo's.with their help i think that people can stay calm and know that someone is there to help them up when they are down,this not only keeps somewhat happyness withen the community but also provieds something to prevent corruption of the people to start stealing things and crimes. ((CODY))

  22. Ryan-I don't know anyone personal that was effected but I know other people that where effected in new jersey and some parts of New York. Obstacles they face where there yard was a covered with littler and other parts of house in there yards. They over came the obstacles by getting help from friends and family move the junk. I think that the efforts of new Jersey strong are very good. No madder what the disaster there is still hope there is always hope.

  23. Gabi- I do know someone who was affected by Hurricane Sandy, my aunt Sharon and Uncle Brian were. Their house wasnt dstroyed like many others, but they were without power for 6 days, 2 days without water, and the plumbing went out. They overcame these obstacles by useing a generator, coolers, ice, bottled water, and lots and lots of prayers. I think that efforts of New Jersey strong were very effective, and probely saved alot of lifes. Thy helped the people who had just lost everything, and gave them help and hope that it was going to be okay.

  24. Raphie- I don't know anyone really who was effected by Hurricane Sandy except for my math teacher who lives in Virginia, and my uncle who lives in Maryland. My math teacher wasn't really effected by the storm but the next day she had a messy yard. Also my uncle was only without power for a day. My uncle overcame this obstacle by using flashlights. I think that the efforts of New Jersey Strong are very kind and compassionate, it also showed how when times of trouble come along humans shed boundaries and help each other.

  25. Amaia-My aunt and uncle, great-grandma, and my mom's friend were all effected by the hurricane. Obstacles that they had to face was the fact that they had to evacuated their homes and they feared for their friends and they didn't want to lose their homes or see their communities in rubble. I think the hardest obstacle is that they had to watch the pain and suffering of their community and try to help it. I think it's amazing that when humans are in need, it's almost a natural reaction for other humans to come and help them. I think it really shows how strong the United States is as a country and really sends a positive message about the people that live here.

  26. Daniel The E is silent- I do not not know any people that have been effected. I asked my parents and my dad said that the people he worked with got effected. I also know how sad it was and how it damaged some peoples lives. i know they dealed with not having electricity, They lost some of their property, flooding, and not being able to live in their home or location. i think they overcame this by using flashlights, by getting away from their home if there in danger, and praying. I think the efforts of the New Jersey Strong are very helpful and awesome that they do that. They are a huge contribute to the clean up and the rebuilding of the hurricane. They have let people have their normal life back again.

  27. Sena- I do know many people who were affected by Hurricane Sandy. A lot of my family live on the east coast. My two great Aunts had no power for two days. Also, my cousin that is Miss USA had to return home from NY because of how bad it was there. But it's good that none of them were hit too hard. Well all of my family over there had to overcome the fear... They did this through prayer and being together. I think that New Jersey Strong is a great thing. They are being very helpful. Hopefully if they can make this an even bigger organization all of the damage may be fixed!!!

  28. Stephanie-I don't know anyone who was affected by the hurricane. The people who were affected were affected because of the loss of homes, property, money, and worst of all, family members. These people will remember the destruction of hurricane Sandy for the rest of their lives. They also lost a lot of memories, from their pictures or their homes. I think Jersey Strong is a great thing. These people need all of the help they can get,especially from volunteers. Hurricanes are terrible things, and there is only so much you can do to protect your things and yourself.

  29. Katie H.- I don't know anyone affected by the hurricane but I know it impacted a lot of people in the east coast. I think this was very devastating because people lost there homes and belongings that had a lot of sentimental value. I think it was great that it is great that New Jersey Strong is helping with the clean up of the hurricane. It is especially Impressive that they organized this organization so quickly and that it has been able to help so many people. I hope people who were affected by this terrible disaster are able to recover quickly.


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