Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Most Powerful People in the World 2012

Last week Forbes Magazine released its annual list of the world’s most powerful people.  Whether or not the people on the list care one way or another about the list is irrelevant to the fact that the subscribers to the magazine are fascinated with the results. 

Each year they analyze who is up, who is down, who is new, and who is no longer worthy of the list.  Ironically we have a tendency to take the list as fact.  The list is put together by highly informed and educated individuals registering their opinions.  There is not a mathematical formula or any other tool used to measure personal power and influence.  It is based on the educated opinion of the lists contributors. 

There was little movement in the top ten this year.  The President of the United States is still #1.  President Obama is followed by the Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel.  Below are the top ten.

1.       Barrack Obama, President of the United States
2.       Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany
3.       Vladimir Putin, President of Russia
4.       Bill Gates, Co-Chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
5.       Pope Benedict XVI, Pope Roman Catholic Church
6.       Ben Bernanke,  Chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve
7.       Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al Saud, King of Saudi Arabia
8.       Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank
9.       Xi Jinping, General Secretary Communist Party, China
10.   David Cameron, Prime Minister, United Kingdom

The complete list can be found at:

What are your impressions of the list?  What criteria would you use to judge people’s power in the world?  Given your criteria, who should be included on your list and why?  


  1. Aaron- i think that most of this list is correct but i think they should judge powerness by a different standard. i think that they should judge who is the most powerful by who has contributed the most to the society of the world. i think barack obama should be included in this list but i don't know who else would. i would have to research some people.

  2. Ryan- The list is a little bit of the same, It doesn't change very much. Usually the president of the U.S is first then then the russian president is in the top 5. I would judge these people by how much are they respected or how high there place is in there country. I would also judge them by how much they made a difference in there country.There is no one that i think that should be on the list the people that i think that should be there are there.

  3. Sena- My impressions of this list is that it is reliable. I do believe that many countries look at us for information, help, fashions, etc... Because of this I think it makes sense to be in this order. However, it doesn't seem to have changed much in the past year. I would use the criteria of what they have done. Have they been helpful? How much have they done? On my list would include Barrack Obama, Vladimir Putin, Michael Bloombergm, and the pope. Those are the only people on the top 20 that would be on my list.

  4. Jacob_ I think that the status of power has changed a lot over the years. As a kid when I heard the word power I thought of Kings and ruling monarchs. I think that over the years most nations don't have total monarchs that make all of the decisions. I think that power is given to a person depending on how much power the country. Like the President of the US. He doesn't have complete power over the nation but the nation is the most powerful on Earth so he is considered the most powerful person. I think that he is just a representation of all the power that the U.S. has. He is considered the most powerful person but really the country he just stands for the most powerful country. I think that the criteria for judging people's power should be how well they lead their country. Although some powerful country's have monarchs the ones that are represented by a head and really the power is in the people is the most powerful in my eyes. I think that given this criteria, the President of the U.S. should still be at the top of the list. However, the rulers with absolute power that lead their people well and help make their country become strong should also be on the list because of what they did for their country. But if there is a tyrant in place that has huge amounts of power in the country they should not be listed because it is not in the best interest for their country that they rule.

  5. Matea- I think the list was correct. Power is a strong word and is a very powerful thing to have. So we should be careful of some poeple that have to much. I would judge people's power by how educated they are and how giving they are to the society. I don't know who could be on the list that already isn't.

  6. Emma- I think that the list stated truth for right now, however it has changed from the past and I do believe it will change again soon. Power is something that everyone has to be careful about and this order seems correct. I think I would judge the amount of power a person has by how they have effected the community and how educated they are. Knowing that, the people on my list from the top 20 now would be: President Obama, Pope Benedict XVI, Bill Gates, and for everyone else I would have to do some research on.

  7. Jackie- My first impression of the list is that it is really only an opinion. I would judge them on their followers, what they have done for the world, and what impact have they had on it. I think that the list has the right names to it and I don't know who else I would include on the list. Maybe I would include some of the Nobel Peace Prize winners or someone who is a big humanitarian. I think that the list was very accurate this year and I wouldn't change much on it.

  8. Taylor- My first impression of the list was that it was pretty accurate. However, I think the Pope is more powerful than Bill Gates but that might just be me. It really is only based on opinion, which doesn't make sense to me. I think power should be based on how much you can change a person's ideas and feelings toward something. It should be based on how much you influence people and how much they react to your choices. I think the people on the list should all be there, they are just in the wrong order (the Pope and Bill Gates should be switched.)

  9. Conor- I think that the list is a good way to see who has the most influence on the people. I also think that the Pope should be ahead of Bill Gates. He is head of the largest religion in the world while Bill Gates is chairman of his foundation. I think Bill Gates is a good person, but I think the Pope should be ahead of him. I was also surprised to see the head of FIFA on the list. I think power should be based on influence. It should be about how many people you help or you are the head of. If I made a list I would have President Obama, the Pope, Angela Merkel, and Bill Gates on it. I think they are all good people and they have a lot of influence on people.

  10. Catie-I think that the list is as accurate as it could be. I would use influence o judge how powerful people are. If someone has a lot of influence on people than they obviously are very powerful. Influence can leave a legacy behind that people will remember while money cannot. If I made a list; Barack Obama, Angela Merkel, the Pope, Oprah, and Bill Gates would be on it because they all have great influence on people and they are already leaving behind a legacy that will be remembered greatly.

  11. Peter - I think that the list is very interesting because it shows what kind of people have power in this world. I think that beautiful people should top the list of the World's Most Powerful People. Such as me. Just kidding. I believe that charitable people should top my list, as they give a lot of good to the world, and good people should have the most power. Bill Gates gives a lot of money, so he would top the list. The King of Saudi Arabia and The Pope do not give away a lot of money, so they would not be on the top of the list. Barack Obama, Bill Gates, and people who give away money would top my list.

  12. Gabi- I think that the list is pretty accurate, but it is also very interesting to see who are the most powerful people in our world. I think that I would judge people by how much of a postive influence they have, and how many people believe, trust, and follow what the person is saying. Because without people to support and listen to them their power is pretty useless. Given by what i said i think that President Obama would be in my list and the pope, and other leaders from different counrtys who have a postive influence on their country

  13. Dillon - I think that the list is kind of weird in the order. I think that the pope should be in front of Bill Gates. Just because someone has a lot of money that should not mean that you are in the Top 10 Most Powerful people list. I would judge people by the influence that they have on the world. I don't think that Money should come into play because someone could win the lottery for a lot of money and be in the top ten' even though they cold not even be a good person. With what i have said i think that President Obama is still # 1 but Bill gates should not be on there. i also think that the pope should be hire up on the list. He is in charge of the biggest religious group in the world he deserves a hire spot.

  14. I think the list of the most powerful people is interesting. It's interesting to see Who the most powerful people are. I agree with President Obama being number one, but I think the Pope should be higher than Bill Gates. It makes since that all of the leaders are involved in politics but it would be nice to see their names in something other than politics, like community service awards. I'm not sure who I would add. The only think I would change is switch Bill Gates and the Pope

  15. Vincent~
    I think that the list is very interesting in a way that it is all of the people that are the most powerful are the rulers or presidents. I think that it is kinda correct but I also don't really know about all of the most powerful people and what it takes to get there. I think that they use money, resources, and how much power you have to manipulate and control people. But the way I would judge them was by how much they could manipulate the people and also on how much they can use their wisdom and knowledge to help and lead others. I think that some of the people got on the list just because they had money. From my judgement I would expect to see the President, the Pope, and the people who meat the criteria that I have said.

  16. Amaia-I think thier theories are quite accurate in my opinion. I think the U.S. President will always be at the top of the list as long as the U.S. holds supremecy over the rest of the world.n I think it's sad that Bill Gates is above the Pope. If I had to make a list like this, I think I would rate my people in order based on their amount of money, influence on people, and their influence on people with power, as well as their own power. I think if I had a list, I think I would put the U.S. President as number one becuase he is essencially in charge of the most prosperous and powerful country in the world. Next I would put the Pope because he is in charge of so many people all over the world.

  17. Dan
    - I think the most powerful peoples list is done well. I agree with most of the changes. I would base the most powerful people from their leadership and the amount of respect they have.Also the amount of control they have. Today it is mostly based on money because that is what our world is like. i don't think that the Bill gates should be that high. He has tons of money but doesnt have as much of a control and power over some people like Benedict III

  18. Robert- The list for the most part is done well but it is based mostly off of money and social status. Don't forget there are still unfound WMD's around the globe, they could bring whole nations to their knees metaphorically speaking. No real list can really show the most powerful people. Hey Hitler controlled a whole nation through media to almost obliterate a whole human population. That is horrendous. With most power the leader either induces fear or the opposite social prowess and compensating for the needs of all parties 3rd parties or major ones. This doesn't always happen but that is usually the case. GG no re

  19. Raphie- I think that the list is for the most part very accurate in the rankings. The major thing I noticed about the list was that the rankings were based on the amount of influence in the world. I believe that the list is very well done and if any changes were made at all the would be in the rankings of some of the members of the list.

  20. Natalia- I think the list is pretty well done and acurate. If i made the list i would put the people who have more or better leadership and influence on our world. Like Barack Obama has a lot control and power and he deserves to be on the list. I dont think it should be based on wealth. I think most of the presidents/rulers of countries that have influence on the world or popes should be put on the list because people with wealth dont really influence the world but people with power like presidents influence the world so much all of their choices either affect the world in a good or bad way.

  21. Katie H.- I think the list is pretty accurate because all of those people are strong influences in the world. I think that the people on the list should be people who are great leaders and have done great things that have impacted a lot of people. I think for the most part these people on this list do that so I wouldn't really change anything. The only thing I would change is the Pope should be above Bill Gates.

  22. Emma Grant- I think the list is correct because those are the most powerful and well known people in the wold. I think that people on this list should be people who are well known and inspirational people in the world. I wouldnt really include anyone.

    1. I think that the list is about right. If i had to add someone it would probably be a famous doctor or someone that helps people. If i know that someone is a good person and is very inspirational, then i will probably listen to them. I really wouldnt want to change anything on this list because all of these people are very inspirational and very important people.

  23. the list is a bit boring,all it has is presedents and maybe 1 man by the name of bill gates wich is also above the pope.i would judge people by thier influence not by thier money,and yes i know that if you have alot of money people think that you have power but still,they at people magazine should judge how much people respect list would consist of people such as obama,the pope,and yes,mr grant((CODY))

  24. Audrey "OZZY" Worrell- Umm the list to me like someone didn't put it together right because I think the Pope should be first. I just don't agree with some of the list because some people who are lower on the list should be higher on the list. The critiria for me would be what does he/she tell people, what people listen and if it were inspirational that person speeches or what so ever is.It should be on there traits on which if they are kind or not. Based on my critiria I would put 1. Pope 2. My dad 3. Mr. grant.

  25. Abby:i thought a lot of the order was wrong in my opinion. I would have thought the pope would be first but i can see how that would be offensive to some people. i also think there should have been more girls and because there is only one and i think there is a lot more girls who are powerful. i think to be in the most powerful is when you have done great things for the people and to the world. not by how much money you have or being popular. my critiria would be (1) the pope (2) Obama (3) Bill Gates

  26. Kordell Seidler- The list didnt change from last year, the president is usually the person that has the most power. I would judge these people by how much power they had and maby respect. But some people judge these people with who has the most money, like Bill Gates. There is one change i think that the pope should switch with bill gates. But in all i think they got it all good for now.....


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