Thursday, December 20, 2012

Newtown, Connecticut

God bless the victims, families, and the community of Newtown, Connecticut.  You are all in our thoughts and prayers.  


  1. Audrey "OZY" Worrell- I read some of the stories about the victims. The teachers and staff were trying to do anything to protect the students. I hope God will take them where they need to be. I always think how horrable it was. It really effects who you are. When I grow up I might be a teacher and I would do every thing to make them smile and safe like the teachers in this tragity did for theirs. I will always keep them in my prayers.

  2. Jacob_ All of my prayers go out to the families affected by this tragedy.

  3. Amaia-I feel so sorry for those who were killed in this tragic incident and the families that were effect by it as well. I just wanted to let them know that they are in my thoughts and prayers and will always be remembered.

  4. Sena- I feel so bad about this horrible event. All of the victims will be remembered. I will keep them in my prayers.

  5. i cant even think about how horrific it would be to one day loose a son or a daughter.They will always be rememberd and at least they are in a better place now.


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