Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Catholic Schools Week

This week is Catholic Schools Week in Boise and across the United States.  It is a time to celebrate and appreciate the opportunity to attend a Catholic school.  Catholic schools have a long and interesting history in our country.  Almost simultaneously Catholic schools originated from Franciscan missionaries in Florida and Jesuit in the middle colonies.  As the United States progressed from colonies to states, the school’s needs and objectives evolved.

In the years following the American Revolution, the country, being predominantly Protestant, structured the schooling and curriculum on the teachings of the Protestant Church.  This was at times done at the expense of the Catholic children looking for and education.  In response to the threats of prejudice, Catholic Church leaders decided to start their own schools to ensure a proper education founded in the beliefs of Catholics.

Between the 1830s and the 1960s, the number of schools and students increased.  By around 1965 Catholic schools in America reached its all time high with more than 12,000 parochial schools.  In addition, close to 50% of all Catholic children attended a Catholic School.  In 2006, the number of schools is about half of that and the percentage of Catholic children attending Catholic schools is closer to 15%.  Although this may seem like a significant drop, about 40% of all Catholic schools have a waiting list for incoming students and the needs in suburban areas continues to be high.

In Boise, we are truly blessed to have 4 parochial schools and a Catholic high school.  It seems appropriate this year’s theme for Catholic Schools Week is “Faith, Academics, Service”.  We are lucky to be part of a school which embraces our faith as we establish high academic standards and promote a community focused on providing service to others.    

What do you think about your Catholic education?  What would or do you say to people about St. Joe’s?  What are your favorite things about the school?  What would you like to see changed or improved on in the future?


  1. Jackie- I really do love my Catholic education! I feel that I am more than well prepared for my life ahead and that Catholic education gives me good morals and goals to keep me on the right track during life. I tell people that I love St. Joe's. It's like my home away from home and I love all of my friends there. The teachers are great and I feel like I learn a lot. My favorite thing about st. Joe's is the education. I love all of the programs we have and I feel like I'm am pushed to my full potential. One thing that I would like to see changed in St. Joe's is a few more fun activities. I wish that there was a day each quarter that we dressed up in something cool like, fav. disney character, 80's, all of your sports gear, and other cool stuff. If it was just on 1 Friday each quarter it would be so much fun. I really would like to see St. Joe's loosen up a little. Over all though, I love St. Joe's ad I'm going to be so sad to leave there.

  2. Belle- i am really lucky to have such a great education. if someone asked me about st joes i would say that i have made friends i will have forever, have an advanced education, and i would recommend it to anyone. some of my favorite things about st joes is my class because they are more like family to me than friends or classmates. and i love them. what we have as a class you can't get anywhere else its really great to know that no matter what you have people who know and care about you . our education is hard but really prepares you for your future and so i am soooo great full for that. somethings i would like to see changed would be just having thing get changed up a bit. like instead of having the same activities and rules that we have had for the past at least10 years would be good. and i think i agree that we just need to not be so tight on little things that happen. but st joes is where i have grown up and has been a HUGE part of my life so i owe a huge thanks to everyone there who has helped me along the way! i do love st joes and its going to be a sad day when we have to say goodbye...:)

  3. Conor- I think my Catholic education has really helped me. It has helped me enhance my faith and it has made my education better as well. When people ask me about St. Joe's I tell them that it is a good school and I am challenged academically. I also tell them that the teachers are very helpful. One of my favorite things about St. Joe's is the academics. I went to St. Mary's for a while and I wasn't being challenged, but at St. Joe's I really have to try to keep my grades up. One thing that I would change about St. Joe's is having free dress once a month. It would be a good way to have fun at school.

  4. robert- I enjoy my Catholic school education but since I have not participated in other schools my lack of knowledge in the differences between the two are lacking. One I know is more Community based but expensive. The other being more base curriculum activity and less expensive. Both can be enjoyable but the public school one can also be a nightmare which tends to happen. So I'm content with St. Joes to Bishop Kelly being my only schools. And i personally would advise any one to go St. Joes whether it be for the academics, community or religious reasons. my favorite things include the ideals of the staff and the level of freedom achieved when reaching the 8th grade. For example Mr. Yanci being the funny teacher he was discovered a new word which he didn't know the meaning of but was said often around him. He decided not to care and laugh with us about the whole thing. But still he is strict as he should be since he is responsible for the children of the future. Umm... Improvements to be made. I don't know at this point. after 9 years of watching the school grow i feel like it's going for the better and should continue doing what it's doing.

    1. Many <3's to be had at St. Joes.
      The thoughts of Robert Faricy

  5. Matea- I think that my Catholic education is very good. I love every day that i come to school and enjoy the people. It helps me grow spiruatly and academicaly. It is a really fun school and i am very grateful to go to my school. I already say to people that my school is fun and that they should go there or to a Catholic school. I say that it is fun and the teachers are nice and funny too. My favorite things about my school are the people that go to te school. The teachers actually care about you because it is a small school. That way you know that you are guaranted a great education. I also love my friends. Every day they make it way more fun. I don't know of any improvments of St Joe's, it feels like a home and nothing is better. I will miss St. Joe's when i go to high school.

  6. Taylor- I think I'm very lucky to have an education at St. Joe's. I've heard terrible stories about other schools and I never have anything bad to say about St. Joe's. I've learned more about being Catholic in religion class than I ever would have if I hadn't gone to a Catholic School. I'm very glad I actually know a few things about my religion instead of only practicing it and not knowing what I'm doing or why I'm even doing it. My favorite thing about St. Joe's is how close everyone is in each class. We're all friends and nobody hates anybody else. I'm really going to miss the people in my class that aren't going to Bishop Kelly. I really don't think anything could be improved. This school seems perfect to me.

  7. Gabi- I think that my education at St. Joes is amazing. I have learned so much in my 7 years at St. Joes. If someone were to ask me about it I would say that I love my school. And I wouldn't want to go anywhere else. I love my friends, teachers, and education. My favorite thing about St. Joes is my friends, I have made friends here that I will have for the rest of my life and I will never forget them. We are like a family and I love them all.

  8. Amaia- I think my St.Joe's education is more amazing than I realize. What I would say about the parents, teachers, and students of St.Joe's is that we are a dedicated group of people that value eduaction, religion and good moral values. My favorite things about St.Joe's are the relaionships I have formed with my classmate and teachers due to the class size. Also, I love it because of all the fond and incredable memories it holds within its walls for me. I can't think of anything I would like to see change in the school because I honestly think that I have had an absolutly perfect expirence there.

  9. Dillon - I think that catholic education is a privilege. It is a privilege because not every one in the world has the opportunity to attend catholic school. Catholic schools are special because not only do you get and great education you also get a great understanding of religion as well. If someone asked me about St. Joe's I would tell them that it is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Even though there is more homework than most other public schools it is worth it because all the people coming from St. Joe's say's that it prepares you for high school so well that freshmen year is almost a step down since 8th grade year. My favorite thing about the school is how much one-on-one time you get with the teachers because I came from a public school where it was pretty much every man for himself. At St. Joe's every student gets the one-on-one time that they need. I really do not know what I want to see in the future because it is already so great that I could not ask for any more.

  10. Emma Sabala- I think that my Catholic education is way more special and important than I realize. It is an amazing opprotunity I get to treasure when so many people don't. What I would say to people outside of St. Joe's is that it is educates you on an extremely advanced level and you get the perfect challenge everday. All of the teachers prepare you perfectly for the life ahead of you and you develop such strong relationships with the teachers and all of the students surrounding you. I enjoy all of the relationships with my new friends and they are relationships that I will always treasure. I also enjoy that everyone always has smiles on thier faces at St. Joes and knowing that St Joes is a place where I can pracice my religon is always a great thing. One thing I would like to have that probably will never happen is free dress. Not like public schools but something like BK because personally I don't enjoy looking like everone around me but other than that I think St Joesph's is an amazing school to attend.

  11. Jacob_I feel very lucky and blessed to have to incredible opportunity to go to Catholic school. I believe that Catholic education is very good because the teachers care about their students. The parents of the students attending Catholic schools really care about their child's education because they pay a lot of money to send their children to Catholic schools. Because they pay lots of money they want their children to get the best education that they can get.
    I would tell people that St. Joes is a great school. The teachers really enjoy teaching and want their students to succeed. Students at St. Joes are not only serious about their education but are able to have fun while getting it. Although I have many favorites things about school here are a few. I love the friendships that people can establish at school. They kids that go there are really nice and the friendships that you make will last a lifetime. I really love the way that teachers can teach about God. In public schools teachers can't teach about God but at our school they can. It really helped me and others students deepen their faith and strengthen their faith. I think that Catholic schools are a great program and they have been perfected over the years to fit all of the learning styles of the students attending. I think that I would like to see more special education classes offered for people with mental illnesses. We can always be more loving and accepting although I think that we do an exceptional job of that right now in our school.

  12. Dan- I am so lucky, spoiled, and blessed to have a catholic education. I don't realize what i have at st joes that others don't have: the teachers, learning about God, the supplies, friends, education, and athletics. to a person i would say that st joes is the best kind of school you can get. All the teachers care about us and give us an amazing catholic education. and how close we are as a school that others don't have. my favorite part of the school is being with my friends and teachers and all the great times and memories i have had. I know i will be very sad day when its graduation. I can't imagine being at another place after going to school here for 9 years. It will be hard not seeing all the teachers and school. I think we can add really nothing. I do not request anything needed for our school i think it is just right and we don't need anything for this great school.

  13. Raphie-To me my catholic education is critical to the building of a strong character and good person. It helps people retain open minds learning about all walks of life. I say to people that I love St. Joe's. The people at St. Joe's are kind, compassionate, and great people. The teachers make class enjoyable, and learning about God strengthens me in my faith. My favorite things about the school are the people here and the moments we share together. Also the teachers are great at what they do and make school fun. The thing that I would like to see in the future is a increase amount of electives to be offered. Coming from a public school with nearly 50 different electives in all three grade levels I expected more electives to be offered. But all in all I love being a St. Joe's Brave.

  14. Ryan- I think that chatholic education is very imporant for creating a close relationship with God. I would say to people that St.joes is a wonderful school with great teachers and a wonderful teaching ethnic. Thing that i like to see change in the future is maybe better desk.

  15. kordell seidler
    My catholic education is really good i think that one of the things i really like about st. Joes is my friends. Friends are a big thing for a catholic school. They help you when you are down. There really isn't anything to change in our catholic school, but the probable the biggest things are the desks.

  16. Natalia- i think my catholic education is amazing. we learn so much about our religion and life lessons. I am very thankful that i have the oppotunity to go to a catholic school. i would tell people that st. joes is the school to go to. The teachers are amazing and you learn so much and it is the best opportunity you get to go to a catholic school and have amazing teachers. im not sure what i would like to see other than not having a uniform.

  17. Emma Grant- I really like our catholic education. In our catholic schools they teach you about jesus. We get to learn religion. I say that people at st. joes are very loving, friendly, and into there religion. The teachers love there jobs and love to teach us. My favorite thing about st Joes is the teachers. They are so nice and understanding. I see our uniforms changing over time at st. joes.

  18. Sena- I am very thankful for my Catholic education. Although there are some bad things (dress code) it has made me a better person. Also, I am more prepared for high school than if I went to a public school. I say that it fun going there. All of the people are very kind, the teachers were great, and I get to express my religion. My very favorite thing is the close knit community. I know basically everyone at St. Joes. Also, I have lots of friends and I know them all very closely. In the future I would like to see more relaxation with dress code. I find it ridiculous that we have restrictions on our sock color. I still really enjoy Catholic school though!

  19. Katie- I am very lucky to have a Catholic school education. It has helped me a lot especially in academics and i feel like I get lots of opportunities to do my best. I would say to people who are thinking about coming to St. Joe's that this school has lots of teachers who are willing to help you with the challenging academic standards here. The only thing that I would like to change is the dress code. I think the of shoes and sweaters that you are aloud to wear are really boring and they shouldn't be so strict about it. But other than that I really enjoy St. Joe's.

  20. Aaron-I feel very lucky to have a Catholic education. Most kids would say that they are perfectly fine with just a public education, but for me I wouldnt ever give up my Catholic education. I would say that St. Joes is a VERY good school. My favorite things are the teachers, and the students that I am friends with. I think this school is very good just the way it is.

  21. Peter-I personally aren't Catholic but even though i am not getting this education has helped a lot. I would tell people if they asked me,that i feel like i learn a lot more at catholic school, than i would if i didn't go to catholic school. I am challenged a lot more and have higher expectations from my teachers. My favorite thing about St. Joe's is the extracurricular activities there are here. I play basketball and hockey. I think that we should not have uniforms and just have a dress code.

  22. Vincent~I think that Catholic education is the best. You get a great education on the academic side and also a great religious education. I think that Catholic schools are the best way to get prepared for high school. I say to people that St. Joe's is a great school and that it is the best school is Boise, Idaho. I also say to people that St. Joe's has lots of great teachers and is the best place to be educated in Idaho. My favorite things about this school are the teachers, friends and the great academic and religious education. Something that I would like to have changed at St. Joe's is maybe free dress or having more things that bring the school together like assemblies and fun retreats. But having that said St. Joe's is great and it will be a happen but sad day when it is time to leave.....................................

  23. Caleigh- I think it brings a lot more thoughts and ideas that can't really be said in a public school and it gives more of an open thought to everything. I say that it give more of a community sense and a higher of education. I like the experiences you get like community service and class sport and science days like when we went skiing and science Olympiad. I think its really good right and I don't see anything wrong

  24. Ozzy Worrell- St.joes perpares you for Bishop Kelly really well. Its teachers are really nice and are really exepting. I really like the math and Mrs. Russell this year because she makes it easy enough to understand. I don't think I would change anything because St. Joe's is already really amazing. I'm just lucky I get to go here and have an education that is provided for us.

  25. Catie-I think that my education is wonderful and very preparing for high school. I say that everybody there is like family and very nice. My favorite things about the school are my friends and the academics. I would like to see the rules changed in the future. Some of them are just ridiculous and not needed.

  26. abby: i think my education is very helpfull and caring and it is helping me prepare for high school and collage. i say that catholic schools are very friendly and that our classmates are very close because most of them have been in the same class together since kindergarton. my favorite things about catholic schools are the friendship. i have already made great friends and i will make even more at bishop kelly. i would like to see more independence when it comes to rules like dress codes. i would love to be able to wear different colored shirts and pants not just red white blue and tan.

  27. Stephanie- Catholic schools are great schools. I am very fortunate to go to a Catholic school. The edjucation is better at Catholic schools and the teachers really care about you. I think St. Joes will really prepare me for the rest of my life. Teachers at St. joes really push you to so your best no matter what. My favorite thing about St Joes are the people you meet. Everyone in our class knows eachothr very well because some of us have been here for nine years. I dont think St. Joes need to change anything, I think the way hte school is handled is very good.

  28. niko

    sorry this is late

    i love having a catholic education, even though some people might despise it over the years. i know that i am well prepared for high school and even college. i really like the teachers at st joes, and i feel that i know them well. i also feal that st joes gives you activities that you can do out of school such as basketball, tennis, football, and volleyball. i also feal that st joes has changed so much in the past 9 years. and i am greatfull for that.


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