Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Martin Luther King, Jr.

On Monday, January 21 we are remembering the life and teaching of Martin Luther King, Jr. throughout the United States.  While we each may enjoy a day off of school, we do not want to lose the purpose of commemorating his life and his impact on the United States and the world by taking the day for granted.

Martin Luther was born in Atlanta, Georgia.  He was the son, grandson, and great grandson of Baptist ministers.  While he initially was reluctant to accept his inherited occupation, during his time at Morehouse College, Dr. King began to learn how to use his devout Christian beliefs and his natural ability to gather people to promote the ideas of social change.

As his life continued, he actively engaged in the promoting the civil rights of African Americans and the social changes so long overdue.  While the civil war ended nearly 100 years prior to Dr. King, it was not until the 1960’s that America began to recognize the equality of African Americans. 

The teachings of Martin Luther King are as relevant today as they were 40 years ago.  Even though we have taken great strides as a country, we still hear and see acts of prejudice and bigotry in our society.  While we strive for equality and tolerance, we know there is still hate in the world.  Dr. King would encourage us to seek out acts of hate and intolerance in the world and find peaceful solutions to promote the human spirit.

In addition to Monday being a day for remembrance, it should also be a day of action.  A day dedicated to doing something to promote humanity and discourage intolerance.

The following is a link to the King Center.  The website includes many interesting and thought provoking ideas, including a biography of Dr. King and the history of the holiday.

What do you think Dr. King would think of our world today and the changes the country has undergone?  Can you think of situations in our world today where intolerance and prejudice exist?  What actions are you willing to take to promote the human spirit and the ideas of tolerance, acceptance and forgiveness?


  1. I think that Martin Luther King Junior would be mainly surprised at the changes we have undergone as a country. For one example, in our country other races have just as many rights as white people. That didn't use to be the case when Martin L King JR was alive. I think prejudice still does exist. We can still be sexist and many people's beliefs is that white people are better than white. But we are all equal in my opinion. I know many people who are racist, crude, and sexist in day to day life. I think there are still many things we can do to follow what Martin L started. I think our country as a whole needs to unite and stop being prejudice. I mainly do not know why people do this. But I think we need to put a complete stop to it. SENA

  2. Aaron- i think that if Dr. was still alive today he would think some things were good about our society and some things werent. i think some of the good things were that it is pretty peaceful at the moment, there is no more slavery, and that there is not a MAJOR decrimintion between certain races. but i can think of certain things and times that we are racist and descrimatory. for, it can be as simple as the person your sitting by on the bus, to many other different things. i think that as a WORLD we need to unite and accept peoples differences and be happy with who we are and who others are. although we can do a BUNCH to stop all these bad things i think that nobody can quite match up what Dr. did.

  3. Gabi-I think that Martin Luther King Jr. Would he proud of our world today because we have grown so much from his time. Now we have don't have seperate bathrooms, schools, restruants, and so much more. Today we still do have prejudism and racism like some people don't get jobs because if their race. I think that everyone should be treated fairly and people should pretty much take whatever steps are necessary to make sure that everyone is treated fairly.

  4. Jackie- I think that Dr. King would be very proud of today's society in the ideas of black and all race equality. I think that in every day life everyone at sometimes is either sexist, crude, and prejudice to everyone without even realizing that they are. There are so many different examples whether it's jokes or just by something that we watch. I'm willing to go to what I think,big measures, to promote equality. I think that everyone should have equal chance as any other person does, in work, athletics, and school. I think that everyone should be treated equally and fairly no matter their skin color or nationality. I think that everyone should take the necessary steps for equality.

  5. Conor- I think Dr. King would be proud to see how far our world has come. African Americans and women are treated equal. We even have an African American president. Even though we are leaps and bounds ahead of where we were in the 60s we still have some prejudice. In some countries women are treated terribly. They're not allowed to vote and they have to cover their faces. I don't think Dr. King would like that. I think that everybody should be treated equally. They shouldn't be looked down on by their race or their gender. If I found out that someone was being prejudice I would tell them we are all created equal. If we all did this Dr. King would be proud.

  6. Taylor- I think Martin Luther King Jr. would be happy that there has been an improvement. He would be overjoyed to see that we elected an African American president. I also think he might be a little dissapointed in the fact that we haven't eliminated racism completely. I hear random comments from people being racist and I feel bad that I don't do anything about it. I think a way to show my acceptance for all races is to tell the people that are being racist to shut up and tell them that everyone is equal in the nicest way possible.

  7. Jacob_I think that Martin Luther King Jr. would be impressed by the world we live in today. The work that he did to get African American rights has really payed off and I think that he would like the way that the country treats African Americans. I think that he would be especially pleased that the President is African American. It would show him how far our country has come. Martin Luther King Jr. didn't think that just African Americans should have equal rights, I think that if he were to come to today that he would work for the acceptance of other people. I think that he would work for more acceptance and equality for gay and lesbian people. He would try to make this already great country even better. I think that there are still areas in our country that could be improved. Where prejudice and intolerance do exist today. As I mentioned before, gay men and lesbian women are not as accepted in our society. Also transgender people. My uncles are gay and I would be willing to do a lot to help them be accepted.

  8. Matea- I think that Dr. King would be proud of our country now. We have gone from making people slaves to being our friends. Our country has done a lot to make everyone be treated equal. All of that i think has payed off and now it made our country what it is today. There are places where people are still treated unequal. There will always be something out there that is toxic to people. If we didn't have all the bad things in the world, then what would there be. We wouldn't feel happy or sad because we wouldn't know what that felt like. So in a way it is good for us to feel that so we also feel happiness. You can't have happiness without sadness. I will call people out for treating someone unequal and i will comfort those that feel that they can't do anything. We all have the right to feel happy.

  9. Stephanie- I think Martin Luther would be very impressed with the changes in America. We have come a long way as a country. I think people in are country are still prejudice against same sex marrage or aginst gays. I think all people are equal and should be treated equally. i also know some people in America sont think that black and white people are equal and so those people have issues. If I heard someone being rasist agianst another, I would tell them that we are all people no matter what we loook like or how we feel about people.

  10. Kordell Seidler-
    I think if Dr. King was still alive today he would think that some things were good and some weren't. The good things were sometimes peace. But I think people are prejudice against gay marriage. all people are equal to me, I have this one friend that is different from one another and I treat him as i treat my friends. i dont think he is different from anybody. If i heard anything said to my friend i would be very mad and i would say something. I would tell that person that we are all born equal. (I have A Dream)

  11. Raphie- I think that Martin Luther King would be proud of how hard our country and other countries have worked. To equalize the rights of all races, nationalities, and genders. I also think that he would be proud of all the barriers we broke down to work together as one kind. Although peoples rights are becoming more and more equal, intolerance and prejudice still and all ways will exist. In media, on the internet, even in public places these things still take place. Even though these things will all ways happen and take place action can still be taken to try to rid the world of it. By being kind, telling people to stop, not partaking in the intolerance and prejudice, tolerance and acceptance can be broadcasted to the world.

  12. Amaia- I think he would be suprised and very pleased with the amount of improvement we have done as a country over the last few decades. I think he would be inthralled and shocked at the fact that we had a black president. The only thing I can think of that I had witnessed that involved prejudice or intolerance is in religion. I haven't personally seen any race related prejudice or intolerance. I don't think I'm a prejudice person. I have no problem with any religion, race, ethnicity, or partner preferences. I would happily voice my opinions about it and stick up for anyone being persucuted for something that they can't help or have the free will to do.

  13. Emma G- I think that he would really be impressed by how people treat the darker colored people. People arent as racists and one sided as they used to be. We have a black president! I think that the only thing that is prejudice is religion. People are judged by there religions all the time. I'm willing to stick up for people that are different to show people that everyone should be treated equal and right.

  14. Catie-I think that Martin Luther King would be very surprised with where we are right now. We have matured very well over the past years and don't treat people the way we used to back then. We try to treat people with respect now. In some countries like Iran or Iraq, women are treated very unfairly. And in China, baby girls are very undesirable and sometimes killed. I am willing to become part of an organization that works to help kids and women who are treated unfairly and give them an education.

  15. i think that he would be very pleased with the progress that has happened throughout the years.Things in this world are not perfect yet, there are still people out there that do not like other races beside theirs and there are still people that think that same sex marrige is awfull,not saying they are bad people its just there opinion.I think that the small things could really pay off to help such as just sticking up for people when you see that they are being showed racism or being sexist.((CODY))

  16. Emma Sabala- I think the Matin Luther King would be really pleased with the amount of progress this country has established over the years. I don't think he would be able to believe that we have a black president. The only thing that I have witnessed is religon involving prejudice or intolerance. Therefore, I have not witnessed any race related intolerance/prejudice. I am definitely not a prejudice person. I have no problems with anyone who differ from me in any way and if they needed it, I would be happy to stick up for them for something they were being perescuted about that they can't help.

  17. Abby: I think Martin Luther KIng would be very happy and surprised at what has changed over time with the rase of our country. There is still racism but we now dont have different bathrooms and different schools we are all together. I would instantly stick up for the different race and i think people should stop judging people by the color of there skin because we are all the same and thats why i think Martin Luther is a great romodle because he spoke what he thought was right and it changed amarican history forever.

  18. robert faricy- Martin Luther and all of his supporters knew that the change would be made but slowly, without violence or harsh words. Many places still suffer from the problems provided by intolerance and prejudice, it still occurs in our country just not on such a large scale. I attempt to promote the human spirit, tolerance, acceptance, and forgiveness through the actions, jokes, and things i personally think. This is what makes me as a person but some people refuse to think well and decide instead to become and remain a disgrace to the society no matter where it lay.

  19. Dan- I think everyone would be surprised of how advanced we are in everything in our world. i think martin luther king would be very happy of how we treat each other better than before and Barrack Obama is our president. yes i think prejudice exists in our world. i think everyone is equal and has the same rights as any other person. i am willing to stick up for that person if they are hurt. Some people in this country still are very racist and judge people from their looks.

  20. Katie H.- I think Dr. King would be very proud of the way our country has improved since the 1960s.Ther are still some racist in this country, but now it is very rare and their are laws protecting the rights of all races. Of course there is still prejudice in the world, but if we all do a little to try and stop it, we can make a difference. I would stand up to anyone who is racist, sexist, etc. and tell them to stop judging others.

  21. Ryan- I think Dr.king would be proud of what we've accomplished since his death. His dream of white and black children being in one school has been accomplished in almost all over the united states. Situation where segregation might still be around would be in the southern sates of the us and maybe other countries. Things that we could do are not judging other without even to get to know them.

  22. Natalia- I think Dr. King would be proud of how our country is now. There are some things he might not be proud of but we have changed so many things that i think he would like our country now. I think there are many situations in our of prejudice and intolerance and many of us dont recognize it. I would be willing to do many things to stand up to those who are prejudice, racist,bullying, etc. I dont think its ok to do anything to anyone no matter what. They dont derserve it and i would stand up for the person recieving whatever the person is doing to them. We can all do things to stop all of this but most of us dont and we need to in order for this to stop.

  23. Niko

    I think that dr. martin luther king is soooo happy about what we have accomplished today. there is still bad things going around the world as of today also. people get suspicious about other people being out of your place also. for example, i heard a story of how a group of middle easterns were pulled out of seccurity to be checked over. by the time they got out they had missed their plane. i would always stand up for these people

    sorry its late

  24. Peter-I think that if Martin Luther King Jr saw our world today he would be amazed and very surprised. In our society we place African Americans as smart,fast, and good at sports.I think that there is a little prejudice in our country but not near as much as there is these days. I think that everyone should be treated fairly because everyone is human and just because of the color of your skin does not change anything.

  25. Vincent~ I think that Martin Luther King Jr. would be proud of our world today because of all of the changes this world has undergone with racial segregation and all of the other changes that it has made. I also think that he would be upset because some of the things that he was fighting for have not completely been changed or fixed. Even though we have made those accomplishment there are still people who are prejudice. Some people in other countries get treated very poorly especially woman imparticularly. I am willing to fight for acceptance and tolerance and go out and speech what I have to say to make this world a better place.

  26. Belle- Martin Luther king Jr would be very proud of the changes we have made in the world today. we believe that we are all equal. people really listen to the messages he put across and changed a lot that needed to be changed. but some people just don't get over the fact that they aren't above others, and that is just arrogant and they need to get over it.that is something he probably wouldn't be very happy with. but people have to struggle to do whats right and work to get it

  27. ~Alli~ I think that Martin Luther King Jr. would be proud of our country today, and also kind of surprised of how much equality we have. There is still a lot of prejudice in our world, most are either sexist or racist. But MANY people just think were all humans, no matter what we look like on the outside. I think that everyone is equal! if someone insults something/someone that i believe in then i will stand up for them! Everyone deserves equality, and karma can be pretty mean sometimes.

  28. Dillon - I think that he would be happy with the black rights improvements because african american people have they same rights that white people have in america. Yes, i think that there is still slaves and segregation in our world to day. i mean this is our only black president that we have ver had. Obama. i am will to do almost anything to make every thing peaceful and for everyone to be equal.

  29. Caleigh- I think he would pleased but not satisfied because we still have a lot of racists in our country. Yes a lot like how we still have slaves in parts of the world. I would be willing to have anything we could do to fix the problem just not war because i think that causes more problems than fixing.


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