Tuesday, April 2, 2013

North Korea

The United States is taking recent threats by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea seriously.  The DPRK, or North Korea, has communicated it is a state of war with South Korea and the United States.  Kim Jong Un, the 30 year old leader of North Korea, is threatening to attack United States bases in Korea and in other places in the Pacific. 

Kim Jong Un is using the recent military exercises conducted by the United States and South Korea as a catalyst to rally his nation behind the idea of being the victim of the aggressions of their neighbors and America.  The propaganda deployed by the North Korean government is shocking but effective with the people of North Korea.

The threats from North Korean’s head of state is nothing new.  Kim Jong Un’s father and grandfather have been saber rattling about the United States and South Korea since the armistice was reached in the 1953, ending the fighting of the Korean War.  While the threats are nothing new, the variables have changed.  Kim Jong Un is young and unpredictable.  His inexperience in world affairs concerns leaders in our state department and Pentagon.  In addition, North Korea, while still lacking the necessary technology to launch an attack on the United States, their nuclear and warfare technology is far more advanced than it was a year ago.

While the United States and South Korea are preparing for potential attacks, they are trying to figure out what North Korea wants and how they can put an end to the rhetoric.  The recent statements from Kim Jong Un can be for a number of reasons including:

1.        An attempt to coerce the South Koreans and the United States to provide additional aid the North Korea

2.       Demonstrating North Korea’s resentment and anger towards the United Nations about recent sanctions against North Korea due to their unauthorized nuclear weapon testing

3.       An attempt to distract the North Korean people from their current economic struggles and give them some national issue to rally behind

4.       A desire to show strength to his people and over compensate for his lack of age and experience

The most tragic part of the story is the plight of the people of North Korea.  Since the government controls access to information, the people do not understand the realities of the world outside of the DPRK.  They truly believe everything they hear from the government and the lies about the United States.  These are people who are starving.  They lack the basic needs of survival.  Instead of the government investing in their people, they continue to invest in warfare technology.   

What do you think about the threats from North Korea?  How should the United States respond?  How should the United States respond if North Korea attacks South Korea or a United States base in Asia?


  1. I think that the threats from North Korea is kind of scary. North Korea does not like the united states and they might come for us. I really don't think that they will get that far though because of how poor they are. I also think that the threats from North Korea is stupid. They dont think that we could kill them or stop them and they are so poor that we will take them over. I do think that the United states should respond because it is affecting all of us. North Korea will come after the united states after so i think that we should help to stop them. If North Korea does attack South Korea or the united states base in Asia, i think that we should go to war with them or at least talk to them and make a peace treaty. I dont think that we should jump right to war but if that needs to happen for them to stop killing and attacking other places then i think that that should happen.

  2. Abby: i think the threats from North Korea is terrifying. i think the USA will take a stand and become friends with North Korea i also realized that north korea is very poor and they are using almost all of there money on weapons. i feel like the north korean people could suffer because of all the money going to waste. i really dont think that they will get that far and if they do america has a great navy so korea will be no match to the U.S. i think it would be really stupid to attack south korea wich is one there own country and also south korea has a lot more money then them and probably a lot more weapons and armies. the same in asia.

  3. Dillon - I think that the threats from North Korea need to be taken very seriously. If North Korea threats become so aggressive that we think they are going to act on them. Then we may have to take military action. If we do take military action than we need to be prepared for a long bloody war. I think that the U.S. should respond by laying low and not causing and problems, but to be ready at any minute. If North Korea does act on these threats than we have to act military action and save U.S. citizens lives.

  4. Sena- I think the threats from North Korea need to be taken seriously but I don't see it as terrifying. I know that we will have other countries on our side and our military will protect us. It is a somewhat scary matter though. I think we should respond peacefully and talk to them. If that doesn't work out we should prepare for a war with them and be constantly ready. If they attack other places we should help them out. That way we can have more people on our side.

  5. Aaron- I think that the threats from North Korea should and are being taken seriously but they shouldn't be seen as very threatening or terrifying. North Korea hasn't yet attacked us and it is very unlikely that they will. This is because even if they were going to attack us, they don't have the means to reach us. They do not have the technology to send a nuclear missile at us. And even if they were going to attack South Korea, then China or us would step in and make sure that it wouldn't happen. Wherever North Korea attacks we should make sure that it is not successful.

  6. Jacob_I think that the threats from North Korea should be recognized as a threat. Just because the weapons probably wont be able to reach the U.S. we should still take it seriously. The U.S. should show that there cant be a threat to us and that if there is a threat that it will be handled with. If North Korea is able to threaten the United States without being "reprimanded", who's to say that another country could develop more high powered weapons to attack the United States with. If North Korea were to attack South Korea or a U.S. base then the U.S. should respond to it as an act of war. They should take any attack as an attack on them. If North Korea were to attack, I'm sure that the world would turn against them even more than they already are and North Korea would be in a lot of trouble.

  7. Katie H.- I think that the threats from North Korea should be taken very seriously. Even though they may not send bombs here to the U.S., there are still U.S. military that could be harmed or affected by these nuclear weapons. I think the U.S. needs to be prepared for an attack just in case. They should maybe try to negotiate with North Korea with the help of South Korea and the United Nations to stop this before it gets violent. If North Korea decides to try and attack south Korea or a U.S. base in Asia, then they should try to end it peacefully and only use weapons if they absolutely have to.

  8. Matea- I think the threats form North Korea are very bad. A threat like that is very dangerous and not to be joked around with . I think we should respond peacfully. If we go violent then a war will start for sure. We need to peacfully make an agreement. I think that no matter what happens we can not fire at them. That will just make things worse. We should not fire any shots or hurt any of them.

  9. Gabi- I think that it is kind of scary that North Korea is threatening to attack us and South Korea. I think that even though there isn't a very high chance of it actually happening it should be taken seriously because we never know what could happen. I think that the US will be careful and watchful to see what North Korea is doing. Because the people there do need our help. If North Korea were to attack anybody I think that we should be there to help them. And try to stop North Korea before it gets any worse.

  10. Conor- I thinks that the threats from North Korea are scary. They are threatening to attack both us and South Korea. I think the US should stop giving them money because instead of feeding their people they are using it to build nuclear weapons. We need to tell them that this has been going on too long and it has to stop. The US has to work with the United Nations. The whole world has to work together to stop North Korea. We have to stop them from bullying us into giving them money. We are letting them do this to us and it has to stop. If they attack either us or South Korea we have to fight back and prove that they can't so this to us anymore.

  11. Jackie- I think that these threats are terrifying. I think that the ruler would have the stupidity to launch a nuclear weapon on another country. These threats are extremely nerve wracking. I think that the United States should respond very cautiously as to not anger the leader. I think that we should make N. Korea very aware at the danger that it is putting its country into. I think that if we were attacked or S. Korea that we should be careful in our moves, but quickly and efficiently shut down N. Korea with the help of other nations.

  12. Niko

    I thing that these threats from North Korea are terrifying, although they really aren't a huge threat. From what I have heard, they are all bark but no bite. Their leader is very crazy! He brain washes people into thinking that they are the top dogs in the world, and that they are defeating America. But truthfully they are actually the low man on the totem pole trying to gain a fearsome reputation. The US needs to stop giving them money, and they need to put an end to their threats.If they ever try to attack us, we need to fight back and show them that they can't do this anymore.

  13. belle- well i think that the treats from north korea are very scary, i think to us should be watching them very closely because if the leader is crazy then he will do crazy stuff that most normal people would never even think of doing. one of the worst things is that the people of north korea are kept in the dark the believe that others are the bad guy because thats what knowledge is put in their heads by this crazy leader. i think that the us should stop giving them what they want and start to put them in their place and show them that they can't treaten us. their people are starving and it sad they need to prioritize that the people of their country are way more important than a nuclear war under a crazy leader. i believe that these treats are very real though and i think we do need to notice them

  14. Robert- I think the threats are poor on NK's part. Nothing good will come out of this dispute. How should the united states respond... they should continue doing what they are doing negotiating with the other countries to remove the movement of luxuries and necessity's to North Korea. If North Korea launched a front against the us or other foreign country we should definitely and swiftly eliminate them. Otherwise they might just attempt to take out as many country's with them as they fall through the use of nuclear weapons

  15. Kordell Seidler

    The threats from North Korea are very terrifying. But I he plans to Nuke us it wont get here and we can shoot them down. The United States should just go with the flow and maybe try to make an negotiation with them. But we can shoot it down and it wont reach us, so OBAMA is most likely not worried. If he does attack then it will be a huge war against us and them. It would maybe be another Vietnam war or maybe a world war.

  16. Catie- I think that the threats from North Korea are ridiculous, especially considering that they would never be able rally an attack by the U.S. We should respond by trying to make peace with North Korea. I think that we should respond by making a nuclear attack of our own like we did with Japan.

  17. Stephanie - I think we should take the threats from North Korea seriously. I dont think they can hurt us, but we cant be too careful. I think we should settle this conflict peacefully. There is no point in going into another war. But, if North Korea does attack an United States base or South Korea, I think we should go to war and settle the disagreement.

  18. Natalia- I think the threats are kind of scary and crazy. i dont know if i really believe them though. i think the united states needs to be prepared for anything especially the worst, them attacking us. We also should try to solve the problem instead of just letting the problem get worse. i think if North Korea attacks anyone we should help and i know we would because the only country really we arent at peace with is North Korea and i also think other countries would help us out as well if we were to be attacked.

  19. Emma Sabala- I think that the threats from North Korea is very scary and isn;t something we should just let pass by our shoulders. Yes, many of the US's abilities have improved since 911, but that doesn't mean that North Korea kind find away to make there threat happen. They have an insane leader who could be planning things we don't want to know but things we should so that we can be prepared. I definitely think there leader is capable of doing something horrible but I know that if the US were to step in and do something about it that he wouldn't have a chance to. If North Korea were to do something to any place I think that the US should step in and make North Korea notice what kind of leader they are following and stop North Korea from whatever they would attempt to do.

  20. Ryan- i think that the threats coming from north korea are shocking and scary. Shocking because Declaring to go to war with the U.S or china is kinda interesting to me. U.S has one of the biggest army and fire power. its scary because of the worry of the it actually happening. I don't think that U.S should do anything till north korea truly wants to go to war.( by firing a missile at U.S) I think that U.S should consider stepping in but slowly. All that U.S wants is they to not go to war and not have nuclear weapons cause it could go extremely bad for not just North korea but for the whole world.

  21. Amaia- I think the threats from north Korea are dumb on their part. Do they really think they can bomb the world super power and not get themselves completely inillated as a result? I think the U.S should tell Korea that if the U.S. even hears about them planning to fire on our country, we will do everything in our power to reduce them to nothing. I think we should show them just a preview of what we will do to them if they try and bomb us and I think the U.S. should take down Kim Joug Un.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Vincent~ I think that the threats from North Korea are a little scary because the person threatening us is a crazy person but also at the same time i think that it is kind of a joke and that they are doing it just to scare us. I think that the United States should continue to do what they are doing and tell them that if they do attack that they will respond and that they have allies to help them take them down. I also think that they should not worry to much about it but stay cautious and on the watch for what they are going to do next. I think that they shouldnt go to the extreme and attack them right away but place threats in them and move forces closer to kind of tell them that they are going to stick to their word and follow through will their actions.

  24. Raphie- I think that the threats from North Korea are nothing more than empty threats. The threats are just little threats from a inexperienced leader who is essentially a pathological liar believing that he is actually that powerful. I think that the United States should continue to negotiate with North Korea but not take them seriously. If North Korea does attack any US bases or South Korea or any other of our allies we should not play mr. nice guy anymore. We should keep our allies safe and show that the world is tired of their actions and that they need to stop believing their own lies and learn to act in accordance with the rest of the world.

  25. Caleigh- I think honestly they are just that threats nothing more and that we should ignore them because all they want is attention and money so that they can be number 1 which they never will be. I think that we should attack back or just show them not to mess with us and maybe have other countries come in and say you know what most of the world is already against you when you attacked it made it the whole world against you.

  26. Audrey "OZZY" Worrell- The threats can be harmless. I think we should stay on our thoes incase they attacke South Korea, one of our bases in Asia or some other country. If they do attack some where we should just take down the weapon with one of our weapons and pertect the surviving people, the rest of the land and what ever is left but I don't know. We should just be ready to protect others and not exactly ignore the threats but watch them carfully.

  27. Dan

    - I think the threats from North Korea can be threatening to people but i think it is dumb that an unexperienced leader and poor country is talking about attacking the most powerful country in the world. i don't think the US should worry about anything but i just think they should just try to get North Korea back on our side because we don't want a country against us and take it serious. i think if North korea attacks south korea we should attack but if North korea attacks they'll pretty much have every country against them.

  28. Peter- I think that the threats from north korea is stupid because if they did shoot a missile at us or south korea we would just shoot it right out of the sky. The US should just wait it out because I really doubt that they will actually do it. I think it would be soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo stupid for them to attack any country because then the whole world would turn against them.

  29. Taylor- I think the threats from North Korea should be taken seriously, but I don't think we need to worry about it. We know that they can't hurt us and if they somehow find a way to, we are very prepared and have many other countries on our side. We should definitely pay a little attention to North Korea, but it isn't a huge concern at all. I think the leader of North Korea just wants attention. If North Korea attacked South Korea or a U.S. base in Asia, I think that the United States should fight back and we would probably easily win.

  30. ~Alli~ I think that the threats are scary because you don't really know if it's really gonna happen. We need to be prepared for if it does happen. And if it does we need to respond ASAP!


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