Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Boston Marathon

On Monday the city of Boston celebrated Patriot’s Day with its annual running of the Boston Marathon.  The Boston Marathon originated in 1897.  In that year they had somewhere around 15 participants.  Since then the number of participants has swelled each year.  It has become one of the largest marathons in the world and is one of the six World Marathons Majors.

Boston has always considered its place in history with pride and honor.  The first battles of the Revolutionary War took place in Lexington and Concord, miles from Boston.  In order to commemorate the enormity and symbolism of the birth of the United States and its independence and liberty, Boston has designated the third Monday in April as Patriot’s Day.  As part of the city’s celebration, the annual Boston Marathon is run on the same day. 

I imagine it was difficult for the first planners of the race to envision what the race was going to become.  With 15 participants in the first race, they would have had no idea the numbers would swell to over 20,000 annual runners.  In 1996, its centennial race, the Boston Marathon set the world record for participants with 38,768 entrants, 36,748 runners and 35,868 finishers.  In 2013, there were 23,336.  Those runners came from 92 different countries and every state in the Union.  In addition they represented 35 official charities and numerous causes, including Sandy Hook Elementary.  Not to mention the 500,000 spectators who come to celebrate human achievement by cheering on the runners.

We all know how the race ended in 2013.  3 dead and 175 injured.  Unfortunately, senseless violence has become a part of our lives.  Whether it is terrorist actions using explosives or mass shootings in schools or other public forums, we have lost our innocence.   

It would be easy for us to live in fear or paranoia and become untrusting of our society.  That is the evil trap we have to avoid.  I believe we have to focus on the selfless acts of heroism and the countless stories of ordinary people doing extraordinary things to help each other get through these times.  We have to continue to find the good in our neighbors and try to inspire the world through our Christ-like behaviors.  It is not easy. 

Do you think there has been an increase in the amount of violence in our society?  What do you think is causing people to turn to violent acts?  What do you think we can do as a society to decrease acts of violence?  What can we do for Boston to help the city and its people recover?


  1. ~Alli~ I think there is an increase in violence. It may be because we're starting to accept it as part of our natural lives by seeing all around us almost everyday. I thing that to decrease violence we need to support those who feel like nobody cares about them and we need to stop being so critical about everybody around us. There aren't bad people, just good people that make bad decisions. Obviously we can raise money to help those recovering in the hospitals, but we can also support Boston as a country, so that the person/people responsible know that they're not just dealing with a city, they're dealing with the whole country.

  2. Taylor- I think violence is increasing in our society because there are people out there that don't know what they're doing and they might only be seeking attention. The media today inadvertently glorifies the person that did something wrong. The media talks about them for days and weeks and even sometimes months. Most people see it as being known for something horrible and why would anybody want so many people hating them. Others see it and think wow they are really famous and everybody knows their name and who they are. I could do that or even something worse and be just as famous or more famous than them. Everybody will know me. These people don't care if others know them as a killer, they just care if people know them at all. Some people will go to extremes for fame. They don't care if it's good or bad fame, they just want some kind of attention. To decrease acts of violence, I think we need to tell people that what they're doing is wrong. Everyone has a moral compass that guides them to do good. These people's compasses are broken but they don't know that. We also shouldn't show hate for these people. Maybe if we told them that what they did was wrong and forgave them, they would change. It would be a hard thing to do but I think if we all just tried, it could work. I think that all we need to do for Boston is show our support for them and pray for them. They are probably all very scared right now and we should comfort them.

  3. Robert- Yes there has been a definitive increase of violence in our society. Nowadays all of the news channels broadcast basically only violent acts. That's all we ever see anymore, in video games, movies, TV shows, news, and in our day to day lives. We see violence. It has become like a third nature to expect to see violence today. I believe that if we wish to decrease violence we need to decrease the number of channels showing it. We have let it become something that just happens. Violence shouldn't just happen. It should be a rare case. And as the population grows and governments strengthen the laws. It will only get worse as people act out because they can. And to help Boston, Money and donations to the hospitals and homes housing the injured and foreign people would be a nice idea but all or rather most of us being 13-14 years old prayers help too.

  4. Conor - Even though I am only 14 I think there has been an increase in violence. Compared to the generation before us we have had way more mass killings. This is terrible and we have to figure out a way to stop them. I think that people resort to violent acts because they want to get back at people for bad things that happened to them. As a society I think we can have stricter gun control. This would take away some of the mass killings. It could even take away some of the single shootings as well. We can help Boston overcome this tradgedy by standing behind them and supporting them. We can show the world that they aren't messing with one city but with a whole country.

  5. Jackie- I really do think that violence has raised extremely! The amount of violence in our society today is very worrisome. I think that just the access we have today is making things more violent and also our media. I have to admit that I do love action packed movies, but I think that it has numbed us so we don't see those images as inappropriate or scary. I also think the access we have to the internet and it's information is a factor. I meaN someone could just google on how to make a bomb and they could do it. I think that the government needs to monitor the internet much more and the information given out on it. Maybe it is time that we time some things off the internet like that. Maybe the government needs to put restrictions on those things. I think as a society we need to limit the amount of violence we watch on TV, read, and video games. I think we need to recognize mental illness more and not be afraid to ask for help. It's time America starts looking at the signs more and not ignoring them because of those things that we have ignored, Sand Hook has happened, the theatre shooting on Colorado, and now the bombing in Boston. If these aren't proof enough then I don't know what is. I think to help the city recover we can offer up prayers, maybe do fundraisers for the people who can't afford the treatment they need from their injuries and to also raise awareness of mental diseases. I think we can also make videos to show our support to Boston and above all, will them to keep moving forward and build stronger after this incident, rather than crumbling and letting it consume us.

  6. Aaron-I do think there is increase in violence in this society we live in. I don't know why but I just know that there definitely is. I think as a society to reduce the amounts of violence we can stay strong as a whole and possibly reduce the amount of violent things we own, such as video games, guns, and tv. I think to help Boston there is only one thing we can do. That is pray to God

  7. Kordell Seidler

    I think there has a been an increase an amount of violence in our society. I think why this is happening is that movies, video games, and mental illness people. We can make that there isn't violence video games and movies. And some of this is because of the internet. It said that these guys got the bombs from the internet. Well sports is one really big thing. Like the Boston Celtics and the Boston Red Sox. Sports changes everything. sometimes it can.

  8. Catie- I think that violence has definitely increased in our society. I think that people are turning to violence due to being brainwashed into believing something or having a mental illness. We tend to ignore mental illnesses because we don't think highly of them so we don't take care of people who have them or give them the care they need. I think that we could pay more attention to healthcare for people with these illnesses. To help Boston, we can raise money to pay for the hospital bills and damage done.

  9. Katie H.- I definetly think that there has been an increase in violence in our society. I think that a lot of people are desensitized to violence through video games, movies, and T.V. It is probably also due to mentally ill people getting a hold of weapons. Our country needs to start addressing mental illness and get care for people who have it. We could also ban a lot of the violent video games, movies, and T.V. that is out there. To help the people in Boston we could donate some money to help the families who were affected by this terrible act of violence.

  10. Vincent~ Yes I do think that there has been a major increase in our society from the Sandy Hook incident to the Boston Incident and all of the stuff in between. I think that there are many different reasons that are turning people to violent acts. One of the reasons I think is the lack of concentration on mental issues. Another one I think is to becoming effected by death and other violence do to video games and other violence that occurs in our society. I think that we could pay more attention to mental illnesses and be aware of things in our society that might make us numb to violence or death. I think that we could help Boston by sending not only money and resources to help but also love and hope to all those who have been effected by this tragic event.

  11. Stephanie-I definatly think there has been a major icrease in violence. The increase could be caused by a lot of things. I think it has increased mostly because of what kids are exposed to at an early age. This would include inappropriate movies and violent videogames. The videogames show kids that it is ok to kill people and it implies that it could be fun. Another reason for the increase in violence, could be Americans not paying enough attention to children with mental illnesses. I think to help control the amount of violence in AMerica we need to get rid of all of the bad sows and games and not expose children to that kind of violence.
    I think to help Boston, we could set up charities and send moey to the Boston hospitals to help pay for all of the victims expences. I also thing we should pray for them to get better.

  12. Jacob_Since the time that I was young I have heard about the tragedy of 9/11. I never really realized the affect that kind of tragedy has on people. When my family and I were driving to California last summer, I heard about the shooting in the movie theater in Colorado. This was the first tragedy that I had really been aware of and learned about since September 11th. It seems that over the last year since that event there have bean so many acts of violence. The mall in Oregon, Sandy-hook, and now Boston. It seems that in this last year the violence in our society has gone up dramatically. I think that people turn to these violent acts for many different reasons. I don't think that mental illnesses are being thought of enough in this country. Although these issues are being addressed and helped in the country, there are still a lot of issues. Kids with mental illnesses could be made fun of and want to get revenge. There are so many different situations that could befall a person and drive them to commit a senseless act such as a shooting. Also I think that bullying is a reason people do acts of violence. There could be kids who have anger bubbling under the surface for a long time. Even if they are great people and they are well liked, they could still be simmering about wrongs committed against them many years in the past. I cannot even begin to think or know how it must feel to be a person who commits this type of crime. I have a mother and father who love me and talk to me about the dangers of the world. They teach me how to live my life and there is no way that I would even consider doing something like this. There are a lot of things that might cause someone to act out in a dangerous and deadly attitude, but I cannot even scratch the surface of these reasons because of the love and care I have received in my life.
    I think that as a society we can do many things to help decrease and hopefully end the violence in our communities. For one teachers, coaches, dance instructors, any adult around children should watch for signs of violent and aggressive behavior. If they see this in children then that child should have special attention put on them. They should not be reprimanded but shown love. If they find people in their lives that genuinely love and care for them than they would probably start to see the good in life and not grow into violent young adults and adults. I also think that parents need to realize the affect violent video games and movies have on their children. There is so much violence on the television that it is very hard not to be exposed to it. Over time we become desensitized to it and violent acts don't seem so violent anymore. That is why I think that television stations should be more strict on their rules for what movies and TV shows are allowed on their stations.
    There are many different ways to help out the victims of the Boston Marathon Tragedy. For one we can send funds and supplies. We can help recovering patients with prosthetic limbs learn how to adjust to life without real legs by paying for special instructors. There are a lot of things to do but by far the most powerful is the easiest to do. We should pray every day for the people of Boston. God the almighty father will hear our prayers and answer them. We need to have faith in him and trust that whatever he plans for us will be good.

    Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Psalm 23:4

  13. Amaia- I think there has deffinately been an increase in violence. I think a mixture of things is contributing to the fact that there is more violence in our society such as desensitization from movies and video games also I think a lot of people see it as a way to get attention or gain fame. I think we should show that as a society we will stand strong even when these tradgities happen. Also I think if the media sent more time talking about the lives that were lost and how citizens stood together in these hard times and less on the people who committed the crime and how terrible they are for doing it, then people won't see it as a way to gain fame anymore. I think the way we can help Boston is honoring the lives that were lost and send our prayers for those who were injured.

  14. Emma Grant- I do feel like there is an increase in violence. Everyday you hear about something different. If it is just a robbery or a bombing it is still violence. I do feel like people are becoming even more violent these days. Everyone i have talked to says it is because they were mentally sick. I totally agree with that. You couldn't not be mentally sick by bombing boston or killing kids in a school. I think in our world we take insanity very lightly. I do think that know a days we should test more often. I also think that TV shows are causing violence. Little kids who dont have the caring parents think that TV shows are the way to go and they dont know right to wrong. Then they grow up thinking that these things are okay. All of the gun tv shows or shows about killing people are not okay to put on tv. They are scary and also give mental people ideas. If we decrease the amount of Tv violence and focus more on helping people we will be more successful. I think that in order for Boston to heal is if we try to help them. Many people were harmed by the bombing and 3 people were killed. That is not something that you just forget. They just need to live there normal lives and tell these people that they can move past the horror. If we can show boston that we are with them then i think they will get over it easier.

  15. Ryan- I think there has been a defiantly increase in violence. Its because of whats on movie, games T.V. show etc. Also a big issues that increases the chance of someone doing something like this is mental side either they have a disorder or have a really bad way of expressing angry. What is on the media well react to how the society acts. If theres violent stuff on T.V shows and movies there a higher chance of having a violent community. I think the only way to stop this probable would be limiting the amount o f violence in movies or games or having a stricter age limit. Like you have to be a least 18 to watch a R rated movie with an adult. I think that the biggest thing that we can do for Boston would be to pray for them. Or you could go down there and try to comfort them, but that probably wouldn't be the smartest Idea.

  16. Dan- I do think there has been an increase in violence over the last couple of years. But I am also very fortunate for the time period I am living in as a kid. During our grandparents time as a kid they had to be with World War II and go through hard times in the US. It is sad what they had to go through or watch or hear. I think violence is caused by revenge, mental disorders,fame, advertisement, or just people that are terrible. I think violence is part of our world. I think we can decrease violence by acting as one. We can also help people with disorders and cut off gun control or weapons. I think is just us and everyone that can decrease violence. I think we can pray for Boston and do everything we are doing now. We can also let them know that we are with them as a country. Violence shows how terrible people can be but it can also show us the good people in the world and the heroes.

  17. Ozzy Worrell- 9/11,the theater shooting, Sandy Hook shooting, Boston marathon bombing. Increase in violence? Yes! The increase of violence is really bad the past couple of years. Video games and shows/movies are a major part of the problem because they have violent sences making them less sensitive to the real life violence. Then there are mental disorders, power; advertisments and other things contributing to this problem. The only way to stop violence is help those people who might have a mental disorder, limit the power of others, and mabe less violent scenes in movies and shows plus video games.

  18. Natalia- Ever since 9/11 i think there has been a huge increase in violence especially in the past year or so in the U.S. I think it also has to do with people having mental problems and it not being treated and others its just because they are terrorists or something. We need doctors to start treating people diagnosed with a mental problem right away. Otherwise violence will increase even more. I think we also need to watch what we all put out on the internet, in movie, TV shows, video games, etc. I think that has a huge impact on people creating violence. There are video games where all you do is shoot and bomb people which is showing kids that its ok to do all of that when its not. We need to pray for everyone in Boston that they stay safe and pray for those who were injured that they may recover and for those families who lost someone and for the people that died that they go to heaven.

  19. Matea- Yes i think that our society has become more violent. Htey have become more violent beacuse we are watching too many violent games and other bad influences cause violence. Drugs and alcohol abuse are factors that lead into violence and other terrible thigns that can happen from those things. To decrease the acts of violence we should not show children bad and violent images. As long as we keep the children not violent then we will have a better future for our society. There is also another problem, mental health of some people of our country area factor of violence also. It is not just what people, see, hear, and are around but some poeple don't know what is right and wrong and we need to help those people. We can supply metical aid to the people in Boston, and most importantly we will support them and make them feel that they are not alone. That everyone in the nation is helping them.

  20. Abby: i do think there is an increase on the amount of violence in the world.i think it has increased because of the amount of violent games have increased and violent moves. i think to decrease the violence we could get rid of gun conrol. and lower the amount of violent games. we could raise money for the boston people and for the help to build back the buildings. we can also send medical supplies and food for all of the injured people. also we could send doctors to boston to help all of the other people who need it. the violence needs to stop because it is starting to frighten a lot of the citizens in the us.

  21. Peter-Yes, I do think there is an increase in the amount of violence in our world today. I think that the reason there is an increase in the amount of violence in our society is because the thought of the world ending or because people are playing to many violent video games and there is also and increase in the amount of drugs in the United States. I think that we should work harder to stop drugs and not to sell violent video games. I also think we should stop guessing when the world is going to end. I think that there isn't much we can do about Boston but pray for the injured.

  22. Sena- Yes I do think the amount of violence has increased in our world. I believe the main reasons are that people have mental illnesses and diseases that aren't being treated. I also think that one bad thing that happens is setting off a chain of unfortunate events. As a society I think we need to unite and stay strong. Also, we can't ignore mental disease. For the people in Boston, we need to show that we support and for for them. We can write letters and especially pray!!!

  23. Raphie- I do think that there has been an increase in violence lately in the world but I don't really know what is making people do such acts. I think that we here in the United States overlook things such as mental disabilities and mental estrangement too much. In fact at schools today we treat them with too much leeway as if they were not excepted to do anything. I think that they should have some leeway but still be treated the same as other kids and be required almost the same as others. I think that the only way society can decrease acts of violence is to one decrease the amount of violence in both movies and on TV shows. Too help Boston out I think that we can only stay strong with them, pray for them, and comfort those who have been injured or hurt by the atrocity that occurred during the marathon.

  24. Emma Sabala- I do think that there has been an increase of violence in our society today. I'm not really sure what would make people behave in such a cruel manner, but it may have something to do with how they grew up or where they come from. Some people in different countrys are taught differently then we are and obey anything there 'leader' tells them (good or bad). I think that we need to be pay more attention to those mentally unstable or ill because they can't help it, but may do violent things and we don't pay enough attention to that. I also think that the amount of violent in TV shows, movies, and video games is way to high. A lot of kids are watching things they shouldn't be and getting horrible ideas from watching the horrible things they are watching. I think that what we can do for Boston to help everyone recover is to stay by their side and continue to stay strong, pray for them, and maybe look to raise money for those injured by this terrible tradegedy.

  25. Gabi- I do think that there had been and an increase of violence in our society, and it needs to stop. I don't understand why people have to act this way. There has been so much violence lately. I think that the cause of all the violence is like movies or video games that are violent. As a society I think that we need to put a stop to violent acts. We need to work together instead of all of the fighting. We all need to work together to help Boston. Boston has to come out of this tragedy stronger to prove that we can't be defeated. And even when people try we are going to stick together to stop the violence.

  26. Caleigh- Yes I do but not as bad as it could be. There has been an increase but I hope that this is the peak before it falls. I do think its some of the more violent video games and some of the hatred that we have. Not as many violent images in our entertainment. Have prayer and send money for the relief efforts.

  27. Dillon - I think that there has been a little increase in violence in our society, but the media has become so advanced that we know everything that is going on in the world with just a click of a button. I think that all the medication the some people are on and terrorist people. i think that we con help the mentally ill. For the people of Boston we can PRAY!!!!!!!!


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