Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Earth Day 2013

April 22 marks the 33 Earth Day in the United States.  The idea for a day dedicated to the environment originated 7 years earlier by Senator Gaylord Nelson.  He was concerned over the lack to awareness and regulations of the pollutants being released into our world. 

Now more than 30 years later, Earth Day and its organizers have increased public awareness of pollutants, identified and promoted “green” acts, have leveraged our schools and communities to enhance the knowledge and dedication of our youth to the cause, and countless other accomplishments. 

The Earth Day website ( is tracking personal pledges to commit “green” acts.  The pledges include recycling grocery bags, unplugging appliances, recycle paper and plastic, and buying more local food.  While each of these acts may seem futile on their own, the impact of the collected group across the globe will have a significant impact on our environment, especially over an extended period of time.  To date the website has over 1 billion personal pledges.  

What do you think of Earth Day?  What are some additional ways we can support Earth Day at school and in our community?  What are things you do at home?  Are there any additional activities you would be willing to commit to at home to support “green” living?


  1. Taylor- I think Earth Day is a great day to tell others that we need to do more to save the Earth, but I don't think one day is enough. Some people only do things to save the world on Earth Day and do nothing on all the other days of the year. We aren't going to do anything to save Earth if we only try once a year. I think Earth Day is a good way to start habits to do all year round instead of only on Earth Day. Ways we can support Earth Day are to start recycling clubs or plant a tree clubs or any club/organization to help Earth. The only things I've done at home is plant a tree in Kindergarten that's somehow still alive and recycle. I could start to use grocery bags for trash bags instead of buying new ones every time we run out. I could also start taking shorter showers to save water.

  2. Catie- I love Earth Day because it comforts me to see how many people care about our earth. I think that we can support it by paying more attention to it and organizing events where we do activities that help Earth. We could also teach the students about Earth Day in school. At home, we make sure to recycle all recyclable materials. I could start taking shorter showers and start reusing things.

  3. Jackie- I love Earth Day and I love the Earth! At school I think that would could have our own school community garden and that at school on Earth Day the older classes could go out to a local park and help pick up litter or go to the river and also clean. I think our community as a whole could also try to buy more "green" products and I think that the business that sells them should donate some of their product and lower the price of it. If their goal was really to help the Earth, they would lower prices so people would be more inclined to buy that product. At home my family recycles a lot and we have our own garden that we grow fresh fruits and veggies in. We also use conservative light bulbs and also use refillable bottles for drinks. I would really be willing to do so much for the Earth. I would love to work with the river sweep and also be apart of a community garden. At home I think I will try to conserve water more and also to plant lots of flowers.

  4. Stephanie-I think earth day is great. The earth does a lot for us and i think we should appreciate it more. At school i think we should recycle even more and try not to throw away as much food. I think we should pay more attention to the earth and take care of it every day. I think at home we could start using reusable bags at the stores and not take the plastic ones.

  5. Vincent~ I think that Earth Day is great! I think that it is a great way for people to get together to celebrate the Earth. I also think that it is a great way to bring up awareness to the problems that we are having with the Earth. I think that we can support the Earth in our school and in our community by doing things like reducing, reusing, and recycling. I also think that we can use less things like fuel and stuff that will hurt our environment. At home we do things like recycling and reusing. I think that we could focus more on creating a safer environment and researching and looking for new ways to make the Earth "healthier".

  6. Conor- I think Earth Day is a great way to promote keeping the Earth clean. Earth is the only planet we can live on. If we mess it up everything will die. Some things that we can do to support the Earth are turning off the lights when we leave classrooms. This would cut down on energy. We could also start recycling more things other than paper. Along with this we could also reduce and reuse. Some things that my family does at home are recycling, riding out bikes,and using reusable grocery bags. Some things that we could start doing are using reusable water bottles, I could start taking shorter showers, and we could also pick up things that people littered. If we did this maybe we could make the world better for future generations.

  7. Abby: i think Earth Day is a great day to inspire people to clean the earth around them.some ways to help the plannet and the community is to throw away trash and recycle things like cans and paper. things at home that people can did is use less electricity. other things that we can do to help the plannet is grow plants like trees. also insead of driving cars we can ride bikes.

  8. Jacob_I think that Earth Day is a great thing for our planet. It is a day for people to remember the great place that we live. We remember many days for heroes and things that have happened that are great changers of history but we don't really see that the Earth is the greatest "hero" of all. If the Earth wasn't here then we wouldn't have anywhere to live. And if the Earth is the greatest hero of all then isn't God the real hero behind it. Since God made the Earth and everything on it then we should really be thinking of God on Earth day and thanking God for this wonderful place we call home. For us at St. Joes it is easier than most to see God and in him the beauty of the Earth. At school I can help get people to recycle and not throw away recyclable stuff. I can also be a role model to younger kids and then they will start emulating the actions that I take and other classmates take to keep the earth clean. At home I can do a lot of things. For one I can recycle everything I can. I can also reuse the blank sides of printed paper that I didn't need. I would be willing to do a lot of things to promote "green living". I would plant trees and bushes and advocate for the protection of nature. I would be willing to use less power by turning off lights and not using as much water.

  9. Sena- I think Earth day is a very important day. It reminds us that the Earth is a gift to us and we need to take care of it. I am glad it was made and I think it makes an impact on people. We can show our spirit by collecting the recycling bins in both our neighborhoods and schools! At home you could remind your siblings and parents about the importance of conserving the Earth. Also, you can organize a recycling area in your house!!! In addition I can continue to take short showers, always recycle, and make sure to use items such as plastic bags!

  10. Kordell Seidler

    I think earth day is one very important day for every body. I thin we can have more community service with our class. Like what we did at that farm. One very important event in our community is rake up Boise. You help out clean our environment. The things i do is rake up boise and help out family and friends. We can go around and recycle like what Mrs. g said in class, she said that i had an recycle bushiness when she was in her school.

  11. Emma Sabala- I think that Earth Day is a very important day. It reminds everyone how important it is to keep our enviornment healthy and clean. We can show that we care on this day by recycling for houses in the neighborhood, going to parks to pick up trash, or go into the city to pick up trash. Those are all things that I think the school should do for a day off of school to pick up Boise. It would make a huge impact on the city and make our enviornment more clean. The things I do on this day is pick up trash in my neighborhood and in the city. My family did start recycling last year, which I am really happy about because it makes me feel like I am making a difference, which is true.

  12. Belle-I think that earth day is very important to our world today. We need to preserve our earth for the next generation. This is the only planet we can live on so we need to save it. Take shorter showers and reduce reuse and recycle. We need to treat the earth better than we do now or we will have nowhere to live

  13. Dannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn the man- I think earth day is a a great day for our country and makes us realize the importance of our world. I think it is a day where we can realize how amazing the world too. I think i can help support earth day at school by picking up trash around the city, reduce, reusing, recycling, turning off lights and water when I'm not using it, and planting plants and trees around the school and community. All of these things i am willing to do.

  14. Gabi- I think that our earth today is okay but it could be better. And we are getting better. But with all of the industries and toxic waste and garbage in our air, it is hurting our earth. We need to take care of the earth because it is our home. We have no where else to live. We are possibly and most likely the only plant with living things. So we need to take care of our planet. In schools we should be recycling. Reduce reuse and recycle. That is also something that you can do at home. And other simple things like turning off the lights can help save energy or recycling paper instead of throwing it away, can help save the earth.

  15. Niko

    I think that Earth Day is an amazing day both for our country, and the Earth. It is also a great day to keep the health of our environment in check, and I feal that St. Joes should start a garden, in which they can grow good foods for the environment, and when the crops are ready for harvest we should donate it to our local Corpus Cristi. Some ways we can celebrate Earth day is to reduce, reuse, and recycle. The ways that I help the environment are; take shorter showers, turn lights off, and pick up trash when I see it around the city.

  16. Amaia- I think that Earth Day is a great way to raise awareness that we need to improve the way we effect our envirnment or else we are going to destory our only home. In our community we can educate people in ways to improve their ways of life to have a more positive effect on the envirnment. At home, you can practice the three R's: reduce, reuse, and recycle. At home we already commit to unplugging all appliances we don't use and we try to take shorter showers and turn off the water when we take showers.

  17. robert- I think Earth Day is a great way to help remind us what we should do, not on one day, but most days. And to help in our communities we should remind people or participate in events promoting earth day. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle is a great way to incorporate being green in our homes. But people usually only recycle, which isn't enough. Turning off the lights and not running the hot water forever are two "green" things I personally need to work on in my home.

  18. Ozzy Worrell- Earth Day helps a lot of people realize what we have done to the earth in the past. It makes us aware of the things around us. I thimk we need a couple more orginazations that help keep the enviroment clean. We could "unplug" once and then, recycle more, reuse countainers-bags-or any other item that can be used more than once, walk-ride bikes or other moveing thing that doesn't polute the are. There are a lot of things that I can List to help the enviroment. At home I could start reminding my family to recycal things that are recycable and to reuse things that can be reused. I think Earth Day should be every day. I like Earth Day a lot.

  19. Ryan- i think earth day is a good a idea to a point. Its great that people are finally realizing that we need to do something and not just leave or trash and other littler just lying on the ground. I think that you can over do it though, If you take to the point where everything has to be recycle reused and reduce your never going to make it in this world today. There are simple thing that you can do like turn of the water when your brushing your teeth, take shorter showers or bathes. You can also turn off lights and unplug things from wall when not in use. I will commit to do these little thing i just sue suggested. These little things seem like a small thing to do but if everybody did it it will save to earth a lot.

  20. Emma G- I like the idea of Earth day. It makes people think about saving the only earth that we have. One way we can help our earth is recycling. It does pollute our air and helps things by being reused. We can also plant more trees and stop cutting them down. I think that we should celebrate earth day at our schools even more than we did this year.

  21. Matea- I like Earth Day because it is a full day about the Earth. Sone people don't realize that the earth won't always be here. That is why i like Earth Day, to remind us that the earth really is important. We should celebrate Earth Day more at our school to support the day more. I recycle at home to help the earth. I could plant more plants and trees at my home and reduce and reuse more things at my home.

  22. Natalia-I think Earth Day is a great day to have because it really reminds people how important the Earth is and that we really need to keep it clean. I think at schools they should have a recycling progam like us. They should also talk about Earth Day at schools and come up with good ideas to help the earth at their school. At my house we have a basket where we put anything that can be recycled in it and take it out to the recycling bin every day. At home i could also take shorter showers and use less water whenever possible.

  23. Peter- I think that earth day is a great way to reduce reuse and recycle. Earth day can support our community by helping throw away trash on the streets and recycle so there is less trash in our landfills. You can reduce reuse and recycle at home. I will take shorter showers.....MABYE.

  24. Aaron- I think earth day is a great way to remember that we need to do the three r's. I think there are many ways we can celebrate it. Such as riding bikes or walking more. At home we have a special recycling bin, just like at school, and we recycle anything that can be recycled.

  25. Caleigh- I think its very important to have because I think we've learned a lot more from it. Having like a huge recycle thing where everyone in the community comes and brings there recyclables. Then we have a speaker or watch a movie or something. We recycle our cans and newspaper and reuse or plastic bags. Reusing bottles I will probably do in the summer.

  26. Katie H.- I think that Earth day is great because it reminds us that we only have one planet to live on and we need to take care of it. I think a good way to support Earth Day this having a march or a festival where people can learn about being green and they can bring their big recycling bins to recycle. At my house we recycle and we also reuse plastic shopping bags as trash can liners. My mom also uses canvas totes for groceries when she shops so that we can minimize the number of plastic and paper grocery bags that we use. I would reuse some cool bottles or something to make a cool craft.

  27. Dillon - i think that earth day is a great day that helps us remember that we only have one place to live and i we dont take care of it we will have know place to live. I think that at school that we could use less paper. I our house we can recycle every thing that we can. I would suggest that on ranches to move cow that they use horses rather than four-wheelers.

  28. Raphie- I think that Earth day is a reminder that if we don't protect this Earth we won't be able to have it anymore and that it will be destroyed. It really gets people into a mindset that protecting the earth is one of the most important things we can do. Some other things that we can do to support Earth Day in our school is by getting everyone involved in a fun Earth Day activity like going to a park and spending the day in nature. I don't do anything "green" at home really. I have tried to get myself to recycle before but I am really lazy when it comes to things like that so I guess I am going to become less lazy and start recycling more often.

  29. ~Alli~ I think it's a great way to get the word out about being green. I think that at home we could try to be less wasteful and maybe even start a compost. At school and in our community we nee to be more thoughtful about what we do and how it affects our planet. I have been putting different kinds of plants in my backyard to stay green.


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