Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Holidays of May

May is full of holidays and special days.  Throughout the month you have May Day to Memorial Day.  There are holidays for mothers, workers, and teachers.  It can be a festive month which also marks the end of the school year.  From start to finish, below are some notable special days:

May 1 – May Day

Celebrated as the unofficial start of spring, festivals and parades are common across the globe.  The use of flowers and the May pole are traditions.

May 1 – International Worker’s Day

To commemorate the 1886 Haymakers’ affair in Chicago, over 80 countries observe the 1st of May as a national holiday to celebrate the workers.  The Haymakers were able to secure an eight hour workday and improve the safety and treatment of the workers.  Over the years the activities have been led by socialist, communist or anarchist groups.  The original intent was to recognize the rights of the workers and their safety and financial security.  Unfortunately, the day has also been full of riots and destructive parades.  In Seattle this year 17 people were arrested for various reasons including the destruction of property when someone through a skateboard through a Walgreen window.  8 police officers were injured as they attempted to break up the anarchy.  These often violent protests have occurred in many places annually. 

May 5 – Cinco de Mayo

Possibly the most misunderstood holiday.  Most Americans assume Cinco de Mayo is the celebration of th.  Cinco de Mayo is not even a national holiday in Mexico.  It is primarily celebrated in the province of Puebla.  In 1862 the French decided to invade Mexico and make it a territory.  Before the French made their way to Mexico City, they met a ragtag group of Mexican citizens which fought and defeated the superior troops. 
Mexico’s independence.  They are all wrong.  The national holiday in Mexico recognizing their independence is September 16

While the town of Puebla commemorates the day, it is not a big holiday throughout Mexico.  The commercialization as well as a tie into the Civil War has elevated this holiday in the United States. 

May 7th – National Teachers Day

It is not a national holiday, but more of a day to recognize the people who take on the profession of educating the youth of our country.  I personally do not need a day of recognition.  Working with all of you each day is all the thanks I need. 

May 9 – The Ascension of Jesus

40 days after the resurrection of Jesus, we celebrate His Ascension into heaven.  The description of the Ascension can be found in Luke 24:50-53 and Mark 16:19.  A more detailed description can be found in Acts of the Apostles 1:9-11.

May 12th – Mother’s Day

Circle this day on your calendar each year.  Our mothers do more for each of us than we could ever imagine.  They are your biggest fan.  They work tirelessly to provide you with a great life.  They are selfless, generous, caring, and deserve to be celebrated every day of the year.  Make certain to give your mom something special to let her know how much you love and appreciate her.  Make sure you give her a hug and tell her you love her. 

May 18 – Armed Forces Day

This is a day to thank the members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps for their patriotic support and defense of our nation.  The day was initiated by President Harry S. Truman.  

May 19 – Pentecost

This is a Catholic holiday celebrating the gift of the Holy Spirit to the disciples of Jesus. 

May 27 – Memorial Day

The national holiday was originally designated to honor the men and women who have died in defense of our country.  It started soon after the end of the Civil War to recognize the price paid by both Union and Confederate soldiers.  It has since been expanded to all men and women who have given their lives in defense of our country.  People have taken this time of remembrance to honor any loved one who has passed, regardless of military service.  Loved ones visit cemeteries and bring flowers or other mementos.  The decoration of our national cemeteries is remarkable.

As you can read, May has a holiday for everyone.  Which May holiday do you enjoy the most?  Do you have any special traditions with any holidays above?  Were you surprised by any of the holidays?  If you could create a holiday, what would it be and why? 


  1. Taylor- My favorite May holiday is probably Mother's Day. Usually we don't do anything too special for Mother's Day. We give my mom presents and then she chooses somewhere to eat dinner. If I could make a holiday, I would make International Pancake Day because I like pancakes. Or I would make a Daughter's and Son's Day so that we can get even more presents than we already do. :)

  2. Caleigh-I like Mom's day the best and being able to see all my family members. For mother's day we go to a brunch at my sisters or have one at my house and bring all the family members over. I forgot about May day but I think its cool. I would probably get out of school day and we would take like a day off of school for no reason I would like that one!

  3. Natalia- I like Mother's Day the best probably. We don't do anything too special we just give my mom a card or present and then take her out to dinner or something. I dont know what holiday i would create. We already have so many and i dont think we really need anymore. I maybe would do what Taykor said with Daughters and Sons day.

  4. Ozzy- My favorite holiday would probably be National Teachers Day because I really like learning a lot. I didn't know that they had a workers day and the Ascension of Jesus and an Armed Forces Day. I really didn't know we had those kind of days. Um I probably didn't know that Pentecost was in may. I don't really have any special plans on those special days unless they are celebrated in school. I would probably wish there was a National Math and Science Day or Theater Arts Day in May. I would love that.

  5. Jackie- My favorite May holiday is Mother's Day. One tradition I have is that I bake my mom breakfast in bed. Otherwise, we don't have any special traditions for any other of those holidays. I wasn't really surprised by any of the holidays. I think they really all have to do with tradition and all traditions can either be alike or different. If I could create a holiday I would make a Family Day where everyone can spend the day together as a family and stress having quality time with your family. I think that it would be fun and that everyone could benefit from it.

  6. Catie- I enjoy Mother's Day the most because it makes my mom feel really special which makes me happy. We always go out to eat and give her gifts on Mother's Day. None of the holidays above really surprised me. If I could create a holiday, it would be Free Plane Ticket Day so that you could get a free plane ticket per person round trip to wherever you wanted to go and you could stay there for a week.

  7. Jacob_My favorite of these holidays is Armed Forces Day. My family doesn't have any special traditions for this day but I always remember the soldiers serving for our country and pray for their safety. I am very fortunate to know an incredible person named David Tumanjan. He is a Marine Corps. I am so fortunate to know him. On Armed Forces Day, I will call David and thank him for his service. I did not know that Cinco de Mayo is not the celebration of Mexico's independence. I think that we have enough Holidays.I think that people take advantage of of holidays. They take it as a day off and don't respect the day for the reasons they were made. If I could then I would find some way to encourage people to honor the holidays.

  8. Jacob_My favorite of these holidays is Armed Forces Day. My family doesn't have any special traditions for this day but I always remember the soldiers serving for our country and pray for their safety. I am very fortunate to know an incredible person named David Tumanjan. He is a Marine Corps. I am so fortunate to know him. On Armed Forces Day, I will call David and thank him for his service. I did not know that Cinco de Mayo is not the celebration of Mexico's independence. I think that we have enough Holidays.I think that people take advantage of of holidays. They take it as a day off and don't respect the day for the reasons they were made. If I could then I would find some way to encourage people to honor the holidays.

  9. Conor- My favorite holiday out of these choices is Memorial Day. I think it's great that we honor our fallen troops. They have done so much to protect our country. They have died for that cause. The least we can do is give them a hoilday to remember and honor their service. I didn't know that there was an international workers day. I think it's cool that we honor the hardworkers. I think its unfortunate that people try to ruin it. If I could make a holiday it would he Family Day. We would spend the day as a family just hanging out or doing stuff together. That would be really fun.

  10. Emma Grant- My favorite May holiday would have to be mothers day. I like getting up and making my mom breakfast and giving her presents because she does alot of us and its just a day to recognize her. we dont do alot for mothers day besides having breakfast together as a family which is usually pancakes and giving her presents, but i really like to do something nice for my mom.

    1. i wasnt really surprised by any of the holidays above but i didnt know that we had an armed force day. if i had to make a holiday, it would have to be family day. We have a fathers and mothers and kids day is all the time so i think it would be good if we had a family day. Family day would be all families getting together and just being together all day.

  11. Kordell Seidler

    My favorite holiday is probably mothers day. The reason I like it is because my whole family except my mom wakes up and we make diner for her. Mother I think should be thanked because they do everything for us as a family. Since every day is a kids day then it would be cool to have a family day. We get our family together and do things as a family.

  12. Matea- Mother's Day and Memorial Day are my favorite holidays in May. for Mother's Day we sent my great-grandmother flowers and we go visit my grandma. My family gives my mom a work-free day. I was not suprised by any of the holidays. If i could make a holiday i would have a full day of wrold peace. Everything would stop and eventually people would realize that we can stop fighting and live in peace. That would be a really good holiday.

  13. Belle -my favorites are Mother's Day and Memorial Day. For Mother's Day my family always finds something to make our mom we go to my grandmas to make cards. And Memorial Day is a big deal in my family and have always liked how we celebrate it. I don't know what holiday I would make but I think may is just full of celebrating !

  14. Vincent~ My favorite holiday would have to be either Mother's Day or Cinco de Mayo, but I like Mother's Day a little more. I like Cinco de Mayo because it sounds pretty cool and sometimes we have tacos. I like Mother's Day because I love to give my mom the love that she needs and I am so glad that they have a day designated for that. For Mother's Day I usually wake up early and make my mom breakfast in bed, then we do different things throughout the day that my mom wants to do. Yes, I was surprised to see that there were that many holiday's just in the month of May. I would make a free sports ticket day with all expenses paid......I would go watch the Heat WIN the playoffs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Stephanie-My favorite holiday would have to e Mother's Day. My mom does a lot for my familt and i dont think we could survive without her. We dont really have a special tradition for Mother's day but we usually do somthing nice for her and go out to dinner. I was surprised to see so many holidays i may.I didnt know there were so many. I'm not sure whar i would do for a national holiday. We already have so many holidays, and i dont thin we really need anymre.

  16. Emma Sabala- Even though there are many holidays in May, my favorite May holiday is Mother's day. For this holiday we usually go to my grandmas or out for brunch with my entire family, then go for a bike ride and a dinner that my mom doesn't have to cook. Also, the weekend before Mother's day, my family is in charge of this huge Basque Mother's day dinner where all of the Basque mothers go to from Boise. This is really fun to be a part of and watch everyone enjoy something my family put together. It is also fun because I get to spend quality time with all of my relatives. I have to say that I wasn't surprised by any of the holiday's listed above because I have heard of all of them. If I could create a holiday, I would create National Emma Sabala day where everyone would be forced to give me nothing but complements and do whatever I say. :) I would enjoy this because I would be in charge for once.

  17. Peter- The holiday that is most memorable to me is probably Memorial Day. This day is about all the soldiers that fought for our country. No, we do not have any special traditions for the month of may. If I could create a holiday it would be Cinco da burrito. You would eat Mexican food all day that day.

  18. Amaia- I like Mother's Day the most. I know I'm not a mom so that's probably a little wierd, but I like it because my whole family gets together and we go to brunch and I get to hang out with my family all day. That is our tradition for Mother's Day. Some of the religous holidays I never really thought about so that was kind of suprising. It was be National Kids Day because I feel like there's only holidays to celebrate the adults in the the family.

  19. Abby: my favorite may holiday is probably mothers day because it shows how much we care about our moms and appreciates all the things that they have done for us. my families tradition for mothers day is we always get her coffee and a huge bouncey ball. if i could make any holiday it would be national free day. and it is when we get to do whatever we wanted and wouldnt get in trouble for it nd everything would be free. but we cant hurt or kill anybody.

  20. My favorite holiday is Memorial Day, because we get to really remember and think about the ones we have lost in our lives. For this, my family usually goes to the cemetery and pray for our loved ones.

    If we were to create another holiday, it would be called; national sports day where everybody would show off their favorite sport!


  21. Daniel- My favorite holiday in May is Mothers day because i like to thank and appreciate all my mother does for me and my family and show her how much i love her. We usually have brunch with my family or just spend time with my mom. We go to my grandmas house too. We also have a basque mothers day dinner for all the mothers that my family hosts. i was surprised about the cinch de mayo and i didn't know it was celebrated for that. If i had to make a holiday it would be national dodgeball tournament. WHere there would be a 5 teams representing a country and playing dodgeball i would also like a day world wide paintball war that would take place outside and have two teams.. l would also make a day where everyone had to turn off there cell phones of TV....That is how you should spend one day

  22. Robert- Cinco de Mayo is possibly my favorite Moliday (see what i did there?) I enjoy going out to a nice dinner with my Mom on Mother's Day. I wasn't particularly surprised by any of the holidays since I've been celebrating them all for 10 years of my 14 year life span. And if a holiday was created it would just simply be sleep-a-day. You can tell my creativity is at an all time low being tired -_-.... Basically everyone shuts there mouth and sleeps for a day. Completely non-efficient is how I like it.

  23. Ryan- Probably my favorite holiday in May would be Cinco de Mayo, because its a way to have a family gathering and eat, drink( of cores for people over 21) and just have fun. The only special traditions that i would have would be on mother’s day and my family will go to some restaurant and have a celebration after mass. That one that i was surprised about was the international workers day. I have got to say i have never herd of the day before until to day. If i could create a holiday would be called national relaxation day. Where all you did was sit around the house and relax or go play if you wanted to.

  24. Aaron-My favorite would have to be memorial day because we remember all the people who have fought for us. My family doesnt really have any special traditions. I wasn't really surprised by any of the holidays. If i could create a holiday it would be Teachers day where we appreciate all the teachers of the U.S.

  25. Gabi- My favorite holidays in May are probably Mother's Day and memorial day. I didn't know that there was an armed forces day in May, but that is a cool holiday to have and great that we recognize those people. On Mother's Day we usually go out to dinner wherever my mom wants to go and you usually get her cards and a present. For Memorial Day we always hang our flag outside of our house. The only holiday that I didn't really know about was armed forces day, but that is a really cool holiday that we have.

  26. Katie H.- My favorite May holiday is Mother's Day. It's a great day to recognize all of the things that our moms do for us. For Mother's Day, my family usually goes out to eat at a nice restruant or we make dinner for my mom so she doesn't have to cook and we get her cards and presents. I didn't know that Cinco de Mayo was celebrated for that reason because before, I thought it was Mexico's independence day like a lot of people probably do. If I could make a holiday it would be National Dance Day even though that is already a holiday, but everybody would get the day off so they could dance all day. I would make this holiday because I love to dance.

  27. Sena-My favorite holiday is mothers Day because my family always goes out together and does something fun. This year we are going to a Shins concert. I am very excited and I hope my mom will love it. I had never heard of the Holiday "Ascension of Jesus" I found it interesting that it was a holiday. If I could create a holiday it would be National soccer day. I love soccer and I think it would be cool if everyone from all over could come together to play!!!

  28. Dillon - my favorite holiday in may is Cinco De Mayo because it is my birthday. On Mothers Day we always go to church with the whole family. I was not surprised by any of these holiday because i knew about them all. If i could make a holiday i would make a hunting day because i love to hunt.

  29. Raphie- I don't really celebrate any May holidays. Sure I will go out to eat with my mom and thank her on Mother's Day but my favorite May holiday has to be Cinco de Mayo. Not for any particular reason I just think it is a really cool holiday. I was really surprised what Cinco de Mayo was about though I knew it wasn't Mexican independence day. If I were to make a holiday it would be National Food Day where all restaurants turned into a all you can eat buffet for $6.99. The price is reasonable enough for companies to not take that large of a hit and keep people coming in stores.

  30. ~Alli~ The holiday that I enjoy the most is Memorial Day. I have a lot of Army in my family; no one has been killed, but some of their friends have. It gives us as Americans a chance to look back, honor, and remember. On Mother's Day my mom and I watch 80s movies all day. I was kind of surprised at May Day because its just the beginning of another month, it doesn't really need its own holiday. My holiday would be Past Day where everyone dressed up in stuff that people wore the year they were born.


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