Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Ashton Kutcher Role Model?

If you had asked me to list the top 50 Hollywood role models, Ashton Kutcher would not have made the list.  It is not that I had anything against him, I just would not have considered him.  My only exposure to Ashton is through the movies he has been in, his enjoyment in punking people, and replacing Charlie Sheen on Two and a Half Men.  All of that changed on August 13th.  

While giving an acceptance speech at the Teen Choice Awards, Ashton completely changed my mind and my impression of him.  Taking full advantage of the situation and his audience, he delivered one of the most inspirational and classy speeches I have had the privilege of hearing.  He left his audience with three things:

1.  What opportunity looks like
2.  What is sexy
3.  The difference between living a life and building one

After watching the video, what do you think about Ashton’s ideas?  Why do you think he is sharing these ideas at this moment and with this audience?  Do you have any role models?  What is your definition of a role model?


  1. This guy seriously is a super smart and thoughtful guy, and that was just brought up by that video. It is amazing how he talks about stuff that is so accepted by modern society, and is used to turn people down, and instead made it so that everyone is sexy. He so much enhanced my ideas on opportunity that it feels as though I was viewing the subject in black and white. I thought it was about just finding some money instead of using it as stepping stones to the next part of our life. I also like how he found inspiration from the Jobs movie, as that was quite inspiring to me as well. It is so right about how we live in a world where we are told to sit in our cubicle and work, when others are out building it. I think that he is sharing his ideas because so many people need to look at things differently, like how just being sexy is looks, opportunity is about money, and that your life is contained in a cubicle. Instead he tells us what it is really about, so that we may live life forward with an open mind and with the right attitude. I have a role model, and his name is Cole Oliver. He is without a doubt one of the hardest working people, not only that but he listens well, is smart, and wants to put his life on the line for America by going into the Navy. I think that a role model is someone who's life is a guideline, a way that you want to live your own life. It doesn't just have to be someone famous or rich, but it should instead be someone who you look up to and who you want be just like.

  2. I really like his ideas and think he is a very inspiring person. He really knows how to keep people interested in what he is saying. I think he shared these ideas there because he wanted us to think about things harder than we are now so that we don't just "go with the flow". I have a few role models, including family members and people I know. I think a role model should be helpful, kind, and should always be a leader, not a follower.

  3. I think Ashton's ideas were absolutely great. It was very inspirational and kept your attention until the very end. I think he is sharing these ideas at this moment to inspire teens to think differently than how the world tells you to think. Some teens live their lives the way they are told, and the few who live the way they want are often shunned. I do have have a few role models, one of them being Marshall Mathers or Eminem. Some people would not count him as a role model because of what he says and what he has done. Sure he has made mistakes, he has even admitted to them, but he isn't afraid of what he has done or said. That is my definition of a role model.

  4. Nate- Well, I think that Ashton is a very intelligent, charismatic man. He wants the world not only to know that, but that the world is just like him. The people in the audience are just like him, regardless of cosmetic features. The really sexy thing is how you use your life, and not caring about what you "look" like. Intelligence will always be superior to looks. Although that was a great speech, and that was a great guy, I still don't really have any role models besides my parents. I think growing up to be like my Dad would be perfect. He is a motivated, hard-working, and loving man. Success never came to him. He took it, and never relied on other people to do it for him.

  5. I absolutely agree that opportunity looks like work. Some people are lucky and just find amazing opportunities, but most people have to work to find them. If you want to get anywhere in life, you have to work for it and find/make opportunities of your own. It ties hand in hand with building your own life, not living someone's. I'm not the kind of person that settles when something can't be done or someone tells you it's not going to happen; I try to make it happen or accomplish it. I think it's important sometimes to not settle in life, to make change happen. On the other hand, it is also very important to know when to act and when to leave it. Obviously if there's a kid at school you hate, you can't just go up and punch him/her to "settle things". You don't have to put up with being bullied or picked on, but you have to know how to change it in the right way, a safe way in this case. I could not imagine living the same life someone else had already lived. I think you do need to build your own life and and learn how to live it, rather than following in the exact same footsteps as someone before you. You have to be different in your own way. I don't really like the comparison between being sexy and thoughtful. I understand where he was going with it, however. As a teenager, a lot of people want to be sexy, so if being thoughtful and kind is considered sexy, it's considered a good thing. I would not want to be called sexy if I were kind or smart or thoughtful. Most people would still see it as its other meaning and take it the wrong way. I think he's sharing these ideas with a bunch of teenagers and kids because those three things were what helped him become successful when he was their age. He wants those teenagers to succeed and help them start their lives. I don't really have a specific role model. To me, a role model is someone who is motivated, patient, charismatic, honest, kind, and not perfect. The list could go on and on. People often picture role models as being perfect and that's what makes them such a good example, but I think it's the fact that they aren't perfect that makes them a good example. By making mistakes themselves, they help us to learn from our own mistakes and theirs. It also helps us to understand an important lesson in life: that people are not perfect and do make mistakes.

  6. I think Ashton's words say a lot. I really like that unlike other people, he said a very heartfelt speech. I agree with msot his words. I do think that opportunity looks like work. You have to work really hard go get a good opportunity. Many people try and work all there lives for a good opportunity to come up. I some what agree with his ideas about being "sexy". I like how he thinks that you aren't sexy because of your looks, but because of your intelligence. I think he shared these things with the audience at that time because he wants to tell people, especially teens( obviously a lot of teens come to the teen choice awards) that you shouldn't just listen to the media and believe what it says but think harder and think about what you want to think and what is really true. A role model to me is someone that I can look up to and trust. A celebrity role model of mine is probably Taylor Swift. She really did what Ashton said about working for opportunity. She strived to be a musical artist and worked very hard. My role models are also my mom and dad. My parents are hard workers and they are very responsible. I really hope I can be as smart and thoughtful as him someday.

  7. I think Chris's values and priorities are 100% in order. Opportunity is work, it where you learn, make mistakes, and try again. Work is the place where you build your character. Sexy, in his terms I think is used in a great way. Like we were talking a bout in class Martin Luther king said that we should be judged by the content of our character. Today we are not doing that and I think he made a great point. His third and final point was building your own life. This concept creates individuality and confidence. If you build your own life you become a leader and stand out in society. I believe it is important to build your life because you can live it whatever way you want and you only get one shot. This video has taught me a new prospective on life, that their are people out their that view me differently, in a good way. He is a very good speaker as well, this tells people that he knows what he is talking about and reassures them that their are people on your side. He would defiantly make my top 50 list.

  8. I think that Chris's ideas and values are what this generations ideas and values should be. When he used the word sexy like it means smart and generous is exactly what it I think it should mean. Work is a experience that you never forget, and it changes your character and your perspective, no matter what job it is. The concept of building you life is a concept that I've never thought of. If you think about, people like you and me created the life and the values that we think are commonplace. What if our values were different? What if someone got the courage and drive to change our values? What if someone came up with new ideas for our generation? What if? He is sharing these ideas because he got picked for the "teen" choice awards. Teens go through a critical social life every day at school. Teens try to be what they see on magazines and on TV. But Chris is saying that the people in the magazines aren't the people you should be trying to imitate. I don't really know about role models. I've never thought about role models, but if I were to have one, it would probably be a family member. I think a role model should be a leader, compassionate, empathetic, and smart.

  9. I actually am inspired by this speech, his ideas, i believe, are the real truth, although some people dont like work, it still will make you happy. These are probably the 3 things that make you happy. Sexy doesn't mean what people think it means, sexy is being caring, loving, smart, and generous. This guy probably said this to this audience because it was full of teenagers, and his thoughtful words are telling these young teens the words of wisdom that must be learnt when you are younger. I do have role models but they are in my family, my mom is the main one because she is the rock of the family, she is the person that inspires me most. i think the definition of role models is people who other people look up to in order to follow them to success and happiness.

  10. I completely agree with Ashton, or as he called himself, Chris. We should cherish what opportunities we are presented with, and always treat them as if they are the last ones we'll get. Being sexy is being smart, smart enough to not care at all what other people think of you, to never try to change yourself to please others. We shouldn't just do the life that is put before us, we should mold the life that society wants us to have; we should spit out a life that society would most certainly frown upon, but the point is not to care, we should live our lives the way we want to live it. Ashton wanted to get out of his old reputation and show who he actually was, a man who could speak words of wisdom. My role models have been Steve Jobs (ironically) and Sufjan Stevens. Steve Jobs have influenced my life ever since I read the biography by Isaac Walter. Jobs showed me that you have to be arrogant sometimes, you have to push yourself as well as others to get to where you want to go. Sufjan Stevens has showed me that no matter what people tell me to do, I am going to do what makes me happy. My definition of a role model is someone who has put time and effort into what they o for a living and proven themselves to be the best person they can be, and show others how they can be the best person they can be.

  11. I think Aston's words say a lot. No only did he go up on stage and say a speech, but he also said words that some people will never forget. His first point really stuck out to me because you definitely have to work really hard to get an opportunity. Opportunities aren't just given to you, you have to earn them by working hard. His second point was about the use of the word "sexy". The word sexy is always taken the wrong way, but the way he put it is the way people should remember it. His last and final point was about building your own life. People need to build their own lives and not let others do it for them. You have to make the most of your life because you only have one shot at it. If you build and live your life to the fullest then that's enough. If you have individuality and confidence you will go far in life, it doesn't matter if you are famous or not. I think he said his speech to the audience about those three topics because it relates to the social life these days. I definitely have a new outlook and perspective on life now. I also have many role models, but one that I really look up to is my horse trainer Katie. She has all the aspects of being a great role model. I think a role model should be someone who is compassionate, honest, and willing to put them selves before others.

  12. I completely, whole-heartly agree with what Ashton (or Chris) said. Opportunities are waiting for us everyday. It just takes us to have the courage to actually go out and use them. Working hard means that we use the chances we have to make our lives and the people around us's better and more fulfilling. I chuckled when he next talked about how being generous and smart is the sexiest thing in the world, because it's true. People are attracted to people that make their own and others' times on Earth better. I think this is because we all have this little part in us that just craves the goodness in the world, so why wouldn't we want to be around someone that does that good? In the third part of his speech, Ashton said not to live a life, but to build one. Again this is totally true. When we are born, none of us realize that the world is infinite in possibilities out there for us. As we get older and discover the world for ourselves, my theory is either we build ourselves a box to live in and never think or act beyond it, or we actually break this "box barrier" and see the world for what it really is and see all that we can do to make it an even better place. We all should try to stretch our mind outside our comfort zone and to think outside the mainstream. We should be out there and different. I think he was sharing his ideas now with this audience because he, like other great leaders and role models, what trying to spark inspiration to the young people in the world. After all, it is the Teen Choice Awards. What better audience would there be to preach to then the future generation of this country. If we can get our young people to start thinking abstractly, then the world can really change for the better. I do have role models. An example for one is my dad. He, like Ashton said to do, thinks out side of the box and finds the opportunity in life. He doesn't just settle, he works hard for what he deserves. I think a role model is someone that you would like to follow in the footsteps of, but also build your own life. They should be someone who helps you become a better person and a better part of this world. They should inspire you to be better than you already are and get you thinking about how you can make a difference in this world.

  13. I think Ashton(Chris) speech was extremely moving. His idea about being sexy is all about being smart made sense. You don't have to act dumb to be sexy. I liked his idea about the difference between following life and building a life. Him talking about how his first jobs came as kids and how he was just happy to have a job shows that us kids these days take jobs and money for granted. His speech makes me want to see some of the movies he has acted in. I really enjoyed the things he talked about in his speech. I think he is sharing his thoughts with the audience to try and lead the young people of the world today in the right direction. He wanted to share his thoughts and beliefs. He maybe wanted to show the world that their is more to him then what we see in the movies. A role model is a person who helps show others what is the right way to live. One of my role models is Abby Wambach and Alex Morgan. They both play soccer just like me. They stuck with what they believed and never played dirty in a soccer game when they got angry or someone played dirty against them.

  14. I always looked at most actors as unintelligent,arrogant people that only care about themselves,and making more money. This couldn't be further from the truth in regards to Ashton Kutcher. He doesn't believe that he somehow deserves all that he gets. He believes that opportunity has an inseparable connection to hard work. Opportunity is something you trip over. You have to work for it. He disagrees in the way we understand the word sexy. He believes that being smart and doing something with your life is the essence of the word sexy. He believes that we should make our own life. That we should stray from the path and make a difference. He takes advantage of this moment to say these things because the majority of the audience were teens. Nowadays teens are subject to all sorts of expectations on how they should look. He wants to change the way they think. I role model is a person that you look up to. You want to live your life like theirs. My role models are my cousins in Weiser. They both graduated college and made their own way. They are now working hard and building their own lives

  15. I think that Ashton's words were inspiring. They tell people how to live their lives right and to not listen to what other people say about what is right. I think he is sharing these ideas to tell to the world that they should not be pulled into stereotypes of what you have to be like and look like in today's society. I think that the opportunity thing was really inspirational because you always have to work for what you want and it will never be handed to you. My role models in life would have to be in general people that grew up in poor environments and found a way to have a good life for themselves because it shows that they used the most of the limited resources that were given to them as children.

  16. I think Ashton's ideas were sexy. I think that he really inspired the kids and adults who were listening to his speech. I was actually watching the Teen Choice Awards and the first time i heard his speech i felt like i could do anything in the world. I think he was sharing his ideas with the audience because he wanted to inspire the crowd of people of what a normal person can do. He started out working for his dad to one of the best actors of all time. This goes to show that you can do anything you want to do. I have a few role models in my life. My parents are one of the most inspiring people I know. They inspire me to try my hardest and be the best that I can be. A role model is someone who cares for others and helps people get threw hard times. Role models are people who give good advice and protect people who need protection.

  17. I think Chris's ideas were really interesting. He really did do a great job of telling people about what it means to work hard. I think he is sharing the ideas because they are his ideas. As an actor, your aways told what to do and how to do it. It's kinda rare that an actor gets t share his ideas. It's usually scripted for them to make themselves look better. I think that this was all him, not something that was written for him. I also think that he was sharing this because thats what he believes to be true. You don't have to go taking off you clothes to be sexy. You just have to be smart. It was what he believed to be true and he wanted to share those ideas. It's kind off like us today. We have ideas and so we share them. I think that is why Chris shared those ideas. My role model is Orson Scott Card. He wrote the Ender's Game books. He wrote really good books and I love them. I do want to write a little when I get older and I like doing sic-fi. All those books were so good. My definition of a role model is someone that has a good and positive influence on your life. It has to be a good influence and you have to look up to them. If that person isn't helping you be the bet person that you can be, it's not someone that you should look up to.

  18. John-I think Ashton had a really good point in his speech. I think he inspired lots of people in the world to do more to do more in your life in order to make it a lot more fun and also better. I also think that he maybe got really inspired to tell this speech by acting in the movie Jobs. Ashton is probably promoting this speech to make people understand how to live your life and become a better person. All of his comments were really on the spot, because they were talking about how you can become a better person and how people can like you, which is a huge part in life. I have a couple role models, which of court have most of course includes my parents and a few other professional athletes and coaches. My parents have taught me a lot and that's what makes who I am today. I am really proud of what person I have came to be and I couldn't do any of it without my parents, so I got to say thanks to my Mom and Dad. The two guys that really inspire me in the athletic are Kellen Moore and John Stockton. Kellen Moore was a great quarter back at Boise State. He didn't have a lot of great qualities of being a quarter back, which include size and strength, which he didn't really have. What he does have was a really good mental capability, which always made him win because of how smart he is. That is the reason he is in the Nfl. A lot of that can relate to John Stockton and that is why also he became pro. I think a role model is someone you look up to that is someone you can relate to in your daily life.

  19. I think that Ashtons speech was very inspirational.That we have to work for opportunity. We cant just wait for opportunity to knock, we have to run to it.Or when he say that being sexy is about being kind and thoughtful, and smart. He thinks that you can make your own life. You don't always have to do what everyone says, you can always stray from the path of tradition.I think he wants to share these ideas now because I think he wants to change the way we think or live. To make the world a better place.I think in live we all need role models. We all need that one person or people who we strive or work hard to be. My role models in life would be my parents. Not only are they hard workers but they are kind, thoughtful and smart. They work hard to earn money to send us to St Joes, and they work hard to make sure that we have the supplies we need in school or food for our lunches,and breakfast, and dinner.To me a role model would be someone who is hardworking, thoughtful, kind, smart, and trustworthy or honest. They don't blab about what embarrassing thing you did, or what you got on your math test. They keep that between them and you because they know that if you share that, that would really hurt them.

  20. I think more people should honestly know about Ashton. If more people heard about his ideas, modern society would be changed in a very different way. He tells these things to the audience because he wants them to know HOW TO BE A DECENT HUMAN BEING. In today’s generation, kids are constantly exposed to “how to act.” This doesn't ever stop either, because of technology. Both TV, social media, and the news influence many people nowadays. Ashton is telling kids to be themselves and not to just follow the crowd. My role models are my dad and grandfather. A role model is a person who is able to stand up for themselves as well for others. They must have courage as well as humility. And they must also have the honor to help others in times of need.

  21. I totally agree with Ashton’s ideas. This was a total eye-opener to me, because I haven’t really thought about my future. It was always a sort of vague decision I pushed to the back of my mind. Although I still don’t know how I want to contribute to society, I know that I need to work hard. How he said hard work and opportunity are alike really stayed with me. I liked how he encouraged people to learn. When I think of my future, I get all excited at the unknown possibilities I can do. But I have to be knowledgeable first, and keep learning. I think that Ashton wanted people to think there was more to him than being good-looking. Seriously, that was what I thought of first. Also, why not at that moment? When he had the attention of hundreds of teenagers (mostly girls), I honestly can’t think of a better time than that to share his wise teachings. I do indeed have many role models, but none that I want to be exactly like. I don’t want to be like anyone, I want to be myself. I have morals I look up to in other people, like Amelia Earhart and my brother. I want to make my own way, not go down a path someone else has made. My definition of a role model is an imperfect person who does their best to be a good person.

    1. Very splendid piece of work and I thoroughly enjoyed your insight please continue writing and I look forward to many more pleasures.

  22. I think that he gave an amazing speech, especially one where a lot of teens and children are watching. He took advantage of the situation to talk about some hard hitting matters. He told the future of this world that in order to be something in this world you need to work for it. You need to work for whatever you want in life. If you don't, well don't expect it to come to you on a silver platter. I have to say I didn't really think of Ashton having this much wisdom as I had only really seen him portraying other people, but not that I do I have so much respect for him as a person and as a role model. I don't know If I really have a "role model" as I just take what multiple people have said or done and kind of compile it into one thing. I think the definition of "role model" is someone a person can look up to. Someone they want to be like.

  23. At first when I look at what was wrote I thought "Being sexy, what?!?!?" but after actually listening to his speech it has made me feel quite happy at how of such an inspirational speech that was. I men, when in this time of age people are thinking that being bad is being the best and how in life, that has caused a lot of problems for everyone around the world. He said it at the right time in the right place. The only role models I can think now besides my new found one Ashton is of my parents because of how much my parents have taught me how to be who I am. Which for both Ashton and my parents I think of them as someone I want to be like, to strive to go to be just like them. This is basically Ashton in a way telling of how to be a good roll model to your fellow peers.

  24. I think that what Chris was saying was very inspirational. In what he first said about opportunity. He said it looks like work. He went from job to job. He never quit his job until he had another one. He was never better than and \was just lucky to even have the job in the first place. So opportunity mean hard work. In his second category he talked about being sexy. His three words to describe a sexy person was, being smart, generous and thoughtful. Each of those are very fitting, but the smart one made me wonder. I think that being smart doesn't always mean getting straight A's or having a strong vocabulary. Being smart means not giving into things that aren't good for you and not listening to what society says. Being smart also means being yourself. His third one about life.. To me I think what he was saying was don't live within the walls, live with no boundaries holding you back. I think he is sharing this with the audience because he is famous and people want to get famous. He doesn't want people to get famous the wrong way, but if you want to get famous, do it the right way. Also he may be saying this because he is a role-model and he knows kids will listen to him. Yes, I do have a role-model and her name is Sara Barrilles. I chose her because she is not afraid of being herself in front of thousands of people and she is very generous and thoughtful. My definition of a role-model is someone who you can relate to and is doing things that you want to do.

  25. Throughout the entire speech I was really impressed because I never really thought that a celebrity like him would express his thoughts so greatly. I definitely have a new opinion on Ashton Kutcher. I really think he did an amazing job, that really inspired people. I think he decided to share this because I think he idnt want to be like the others and thank the audience only but he thanked the audience and he sort of showed how he worked up to get this award. I really don't have a role model but I guess I could say my parents because I get to see how hard they work for us to be able to have all things we are blessed with. My personal definition for a role model is someone who leaves a great impact on someone. An impact that leaves the person inspired, motivated, and impressed.

    1. Very splendid piece of work and I thoroughly enjoyed your insight please continue writing and I look forward to many more pleasures.

  26. I think its just his sense of humor but then again people shouldn't go around saying that sexy because people may get the wrong idea. He is to inspire people but he really isn't he is just saying be sexy when really u shouldn't have a mind set of that but I still think its funny. Yes my role model is my cousin Karina she is really smart and she teaches me a lot she is only a junior n high school but she really is a great role model she teaches me some rights and some wrongs in different situations and she is super hard working. I Love how she is always there for me and that no matter what the situation she would be right by my side she isn't only my cousin she is my best friend.

  27. I think that his speech was inspiring in some ways and in other ways, not so much. This is because he is positive speaker for most teens and some adults. The point of his speech was to tell the audience three things. One was that opportunity may look like something boring like work or school, but it can also lead to good things like getting to go further in school, helping your community, or learning new skil The second point was way is sexy. Sexy is to be kind, generous, and smart. Everything else doesn't make a difference. The third point was a to build your life, not just live it by someone's else's rules and by what you are given. Make your own decisions and build life the way you want to live. I think he was sharing these ideas because the audience was filled with teens who would most benefit from his advise. He just finished working on a film about Steve Job's and must have realized the significance of Mr. Job's contribution to his community and the world.
    I have many roles models in my life, but the two biggest are my parents, Mom and Dad. I see them almost every day and look up to them for advise and help when I am stuck and need them. I trust them and look up to them in all that I do.
    A role model to me is a person who believes in things that you do and supports you. They are kind, caring, and live life as God would wish.

  28. From what I got from this is that Chris is a rare example of good humanity that the media shows we are lacking today, this was a great food for thought speech that was showing how you can be more than what you think you are. And why did he share this with that specific audience? What I could interpret was that more than half the people in that audience were 13 year old fan girls who had a dense look on life, so he decided: "Why not? Why not tell them my life story and hope that they get a slice of information from it." Yes, and some of them include Frank Sinatra, Francis Drake, Steve Jobs, God, Jesus, The Brandenburg Family, and so forth. A role model is someone that you can learn from, let it be their accomplishments, learning from their dastardliness, or their mistakes. But each person makes a part of you, one thing I believe in is that we are all made up, and directed by a past life, that we are bonded to someone and depending on what they did in their life will effect what our life is like and what future lives are like.

  29. I thought that Ashtons ideas were very inspiring and very positive .I think he said all this because he wanted us to live by these ideas and really think about making your life better by working hard and being smart. I also think that he wanted us to get a better understanding of the three things he talked about. Ashton probably said this speech to this particular audience because they are young and can live by his inspirational words. My definition of a role model is someone who is a positive person who does great things for the world and is supportive and caring of people.Some role models that I have are my parents because they fit my definition as a role model.

  30. I think his ideas are awesome! He's totally right. Opportunity is work, not just chance. You are more likely to get an opportunity if you work hard. Take college for example. The harder you work the more opportunity for colleges you'll have. And speaking of college and higher education, he's right about smart being sexy. Being scampy and acting dumb is not smart, having a brain and your own logical ideas is smart. And lastly, you can't just live your live, you have to build one so you're actually doing what you want. Just going through the motions is not living the life that God gave you, you have to make the most of your life. I think he is sharing these ideas with this audience because, as you can with all the screaming, there are a lot of teenage girls in that audience. These days, girls think (not being sexist here) that they have to be skinny and dumb and stuff to be sexy, but that's not it. And that ties in with the rest of his speech about opportunity and building a life.
    One of my role models is Amelia Earhart, who did the unthinkable. She flew a plane as a girl, and she didn't listen to anybody tell her no. She went and lived her life and and is now known as a daring and courageous person.

  31. the first thing im going to say is WOW. that was one of the most amazing speeches of an award show i have ever heard. chris's (ashton's) words were very motivative and inspiring. his words were totally right. he is very selfless. his definition of oppurtunity was the most thought out definitions ever and he is right about every bit of it. you dont need to bearly scrounge your way through life... work for it. you can be what ever you whant if you just work for it. the second thing he talks about is being genarous nice and smart. he is talking about making the right decisions and giving out to others. he talks about being smart about everything(life, job, family) thats what we need to be living by . the third thing he talks about is being who you are and not being told what to do. he says that you need to live your life the way you want to .to make your life the way you want it to be. he wants us to be the pearson who everyone goes wow to not the one sitting in the office being bored and hating life.

  32. I think his Ideas are well thought out and respectable. he had probably learned these ideas through life and some tough problems he had experienced while going through it. I think he chose that time and place because of his audience and because of what he achieved.I do not have any role models. I believe a role model is a well achieving person who you look up to because of his/her deeds.

  33. I think that he is a very smart man and is one great speaker. Because some people don’t know what is right and wrong and what is means to be a good person. And if he does this to his fannies it will be a lot more moving.Yes. A person that can be a leader or and put the other person first instead of them self’s.

  34. I think that he is a very smart man and is one great speaker. Because some people don’t know what is right and wrong and what is means to be a good person. And if he does this to his fannies it will be a lot more moving.Yes. A person that can be a leader or and put the other person first instead of them self’s.


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