Wednesday, September 11, 2013


The problems in Syria are not getting any better.  After two years and 100,000 lives, the sides are further apart than ever before.  While the international community has resisted the urge to get involved, the government regime headed by President Bashar Assad may have crossed the line forcing the United States and other countries to engage in some military activity.

On August 21, 2013 the government regime elected to use chemical weapons on Syrian civilians, including children.  The use of these weapons has been outlawed by the international community.  President Obama has plainly stated if the Assad backed military uses chemical weapons, the United States will respond.

On September 10th President Obama addressed the nation.  He spoke to the people of the United States about the evidence indicating the use of chemical weapons and his desire to conduct a targeted military strike against the Syrian military.  As per his address, he considers it a matter of national security.  If the United States does not respond with decisive military action, it will leave the door open to other governments and organizations to use chemical weapons.  He stated that he will not commit any ground forces or long term air strikes.  Others are not entirely convinced.

Many members of Congress are concerned about United States involvement in the Syrian civil war.  They
are concerned about the effectiveness of any military action as well as the potential of engaging our military personnel in a long-term, difficult to win scenario. 

To complicate the issue even further, there are the Russians.  The Russians are backing the government led Assad regime and have warned the United States about potential retaliation for military actions taken against Syrian military.  The Russians are trying to deter the use of force and are negotiating with President Assad to turn over chemical weapons to the international community.

Have you watched, read or heard anything about the situation in Syria?  What do you think the United States should do?  Please provide reasons for your opinion.  


  1. I have watched a little bit of the news that involved Syria. It was one of the saddest things I have seen, there was a young boy holding his father's body who had died because of the use of chemical weapons. I think the United States should do something. We need to let Syria and other countries know it is not OK to use chemical weapons, and to do so will come with consequences. If, however, Russia's diplomatic take on the situation works it would also be good because it is a way out that does not involve violence.

  2. Nate- I have heard some, admittedly not a lot, but some things about Syria. Personally, I think we should stay out of it. We can't be the world's police forever. If they use chemical weapons, that's awful, but honestly it's not our problem. With Iraq, we had the threat of nuclear weapons and terrorists, and the horror of 9/11 fresh in our minds. With Syria, we have no reason to intervene in their civil war. No one helped us in our civil war, why should we help anyone else? Let's be honest. If our positions were reversed, Syria would never help us. As I see it, we should just stay out. Once and if the threat comes to us, we'll deal with it.

  3. I have watched a good amount on the Syrian subject, and it interests me a lot, so whenever anything is on about it I am watching it. It absolutely disgusts me whenever I watch it though, because it seems insane how a person could even think about chemically bombing people who are just trying to make it equal and just. I do think that this has gotten out of hand ten fold. I think that we should just stay out of it in some ways, as it could cause a lot of debt to be put on our country, but we need to be the big brother so to speak, and stop it without going to war. If I were to sum it up, I think that we should negotiate with the Syrian President, but not send troops over to clean up a super messy situation. Also, if we were to send troops there wold just be more lives lost

  4. I have heard quite a bit about this, from the news, and from my parents. I really think that Obama shouldn't have stated that the U.S. would go in if chemical weapons were used. Now, we are pretty much obligated to do something. I honestly think we shouldn't do anything yet, and let Russia try to negotiate with Syria. But really, if the Syrians were smart, they could just give 50% of their weapons to Russia, and just say that that's all of them. They could hide the rest of them. I wish we could stay out of it, but Obama said we'd take action, and if we don't, that will mean that we bluff a lot, and other countries will take advantage of that. Syria's called Obama's bluff, and we are basically stuck between a rock and a hard place.

  5. I have heard a lot in the news about the conflict with Syria. On TV, newspapers, and the most from my parents. I think the United States should just stay calm and do what they think will work out our problems, for us and for them. If we can i think we should just get out of there and forget about it, but that is my opinion. This topic is very interesting to me also. I am very sad that the world has come to this, this topic reminds me of the song by John Lennon. Mr. Grant knows what im talking about. I think we should stay out of it, but Obama says other wise. The clean up with this whole mess is what i am very concerned about. All we can hope for is peace in the world and pray to god that we can get threw it.

  6. I have heard a lot about this mostly from my parents and some from the news. I have not read anything about it. I think we should stay out of it because they don't want us involved and because we have done things worse than using chemical weapons, like using atomic bombs. Also, it is not our place to try and solve conflicts everywhere especially when they don't want us there. If we get into a war we will lose more lives and cause more deaths.

  7. I haven't watched any news about Syria but have heard bits and pieces on the radio. I do not think our military should get involved. It is terrible that innocent people are dying, but the more we get involved, the more people will die. If we get involved it will start a war, not to mention it would be on their turf so they would have the advantage. The U.S. is in debt as it is already. I don't mean for this to come across as heartless, but it is not our fight.

  8. I have heard some things on the radio about the issues in Syria. I don't really know too much about it, but I heard some of President Obama's speech and what he said about not wanting the military to go to war with Syria. He said he did want to do something about it because the human rights are being violated in Syria but just not war. I think that we should do something about it, but just not go to war like Obama explained . Syria is being very heartless because they don't believe what the leaders believe. I think they have no right to do that.

  9. I have heard a little bit how we think it is a great fan-freaking-tastic idea to start a third war, but whatever. I think that the U.S. should do what they should do once the have the expendability, but right now it is not smart, the logic behind it is nothing combat wise but dastardly brilliant in profit and foreign relations. mostly cause a good amount of Detroit is no better than Syria right now, but you know what, who gives a notice to it, at least Syria has a rebel force that can scavenge military grade weapons and gear while parts of America are being untreated and left to rot. Nations are like bodies, if you get a shot to the gut but you are so focused on getting back at the assailant then sooner or later you are going to die. But I am getting off track.

    What I see is that obama and what he is doing makes no sense whatsoever, or has a secret super cool plan that we just can't understand right now, but as far as I am concerned I do not care, too many unspeakable atrocities are occurring in our nations and all we are doing is hoping to wish them away. And if Russia decides to attack us because of our dense logic in government; "Так и быть, это был риск, который мы приняли, и теперь это наша собственная ошибка."

    1. just curious, what does that last bit mean?

  10. I have heard much about Syria's problems but nothing in major detail. I am aware of the use of chemical weapons and the execution of the syrian civilians. I have watched little bits of it on the news but nothing to broaden my knowledge on the subject. I think it is funny how Russia is asking for the chemical weapons that the syrians supposedly don't have. I believe that it is our responsibility to protect the syrian people. Its just like we learned when we were little being a bystander is just as bad as being the bully. we need to stand up for whats right.

  11. I have heard some about what is happening in Syria. Not enough to have a major belief on it but, enough to know that things are going down.I don't understand why Russia would be asking for chemical weapons if Syria claims that they don't have any. I think it is sad how Syria says that they have used these chemicals weapons on children and civilians. I think we should do something. I do not think that the United States should do nothing while kids are getting blasted by chemical weapons. We need to step in. If we don't more people will be getting harmed by these weapons. In this case it is better to do something than nothing.

  12. I have heard about it a little. I definitely don't think we should get involved unless it harms us though. We always stick our nose in where it doesn't belong, and I don't think the U.S. has the right or the need to help Syria. They will figure it out on their own. If they do send out chemical weapons and it harms us, then we can send troops over, but there is no need to risk the lives of our soldiers if it is not our fight. I think President Obama should rethink and not get involved. For once, we should be self-centered and think about us and our problems, not the problems of other countries.

  13. I have heard a little bit about the situation in Syria. I think that we should get involved because even though it is not affecting us in America at all it is killing a lot of innocent people in Syria. I've seen pictures of little children dying because of chemical weapons and I think that we should intervene because we are the powerhouse country of the world and we have to make sure that people follow the rules that have been set down about chemical weapons.

  14. I haven't heard that much about the situation, but I do know that the people in Syria are having a pretty hard time and I think our country or any country should do something about it. I think our country help them, so not let a lot of innocent lives get taken from the Syria people. I also think Syria as country should do something because they can't just depend on other country's to help give the people care and support by providing a lot of needy things, the country needs to do most of that kind of stuff. The USA should only help these people if it doesn't involve them getting harmed.

  15. I havent heard a lot about the situation in Syria, but I have heard enough to know that what Syria is doing is wrong. I've seen terrible pictures of children and people dying because of the use of chemical weapons. I think that the US should intervine a little. I dont think we need to go all out and just atack them but I think that we should try to cut out the use of chemical weapons. I think that we dont need to start sending troops until they go overboard on the uses of chemical weapons(even though that once is too much), or if it starts hurting us.

  16. i have seen very little in this subject, but i have heard quite a bit. I know that the Syrian government have decided to use chemical weapons on their citizens. With what i have heard and what i read at the above i can concur that what Syria is doing is terrible. They are killing people, innocent people with no way to defend themselves. I a definitely do not enough of whats going on to make the right decision. I do think that the United States should intervene. Maybe what is happening in Syria could start to affect us in the long run. But if we do intervene lives of our own could be lost as well. I think the United States should wait until our own safety is imminent before we send in troops. We have our own problems, and we can't continue to act as if we are perfect and need to help everyone else be more like us.

  17. Yes, I have heard about the problematic issues currently in Syria. Mostly I listen to the news about the problems. My heart was most upset when I heard about the children dying because of weapons. I also hear my parents get into passionate discussions over the matter, sometimes Bailie will join them but I leave my opinions to myself. This was the most I actually read about the topic, though. Because I am fourteen, I do not understand these problems in the most mature or reasonable way. But what I fully comprehend is that children do not need to die or become seriously injured for any reason. That being said, I feel that we shouldn't let these uses of chemical weapons continue. This is Syria's civil war, though, not ours. I want America to fight its own wars, not intrude on others. If Syria doesn't think that it's doing anything wrong, I don't see how American intervention could fix them. I think that they are not handling this in a way that will prove productive. The best I want to believe America can do is try to get the chemical weapons away first, so lives in Syria can feel a little safer.

  18. I have watched a few video's of people stating what their opinions on the situation in Syria, but I have not watch a lot on the subject. I do think we should get involved at this point. Things have gotten way to out of control, with segregation, and chemical weapons, and people torturing their own children. It's a terrible situation and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. There are also a lot of rebel groups that need to be under control because some of them like each other some of them hate each other some like al Qeada and some of them like democracy. this is not Star wars there is no rebel alliance, there is only a huge mess. So yes at this point the US needs to get involved and try to sort things out for the people in Syria.

  19. I have heard about Syria through friends and family, but I have yet to see any of the videos filmed in Syria. The situation there sounds terrible, and I feel that people killing people (children even for this matter) is completely wrong. But I do not see the point of the US getting involved militarily. I feel that if we attack Syria it will arouse another war. But it appears that negotiation has yet to work with Syria, and so since we are not creative or smart enough to talk Syria out of killing their own people, I can see the pressure that the president faces and respects his decision for attacking Syria.

  20. I have watched many conversations about the war in Syria. I have also heard over the radio many times about the war in Syria. To tell you the truth I have absolutely no idea what the United Stats should do. I do agree that the things that they are doing in Syria is horrible, but so many things can go wrong if the US intervenes. This thing could start a whole new Iraq war. But there must be something done. I have heard that Assad said that he will not use the chemical weapons but i think he is lying.

  21. I haven't really heard much about Syria actually. I've only ever heard about it in our prayers and in church. I think our government definitely should step in. I know that chemical weapons are terrible, using them on men is bad enough. But using them on children, who had nothing to do with it,innocent children, should not be murdered in cold blood for political reasons that they don't understand. The government should step in and try to confiscate the weapons peacefully. We don't need to stomp on in there and go to violence straight away. If we do, we might start a huge war that could be avoided. We need to try these things peacefully, we shouldn't start a war. Peace is something that we need to maintain, especially with other countries.

  22. I have heard a bit about Syria in recent news, and I've had several people explain it to me. I do not think it is a good idea for us to start a war with Syria. First off, we are just ending the war in Afghanisan, so why plunge into a new one? Why not wait and let things settle down in our country first. Second, we don't have the money to afford another war. We are in serious debt as it is. Here's an idea: let's get out of the money pit we're already in! Next, it's not our problem to deal with. This is something between the Syrian government and rebels. This is not a national threat, it's a civil war going on in the Middle East for crying out loud! The last time we meddled in some other country's business, we were bombed. Lastly, I don't think the President has a very thoughtful plan yet. We need to know what we are doing before we go into war.

    But to contradict what I said above, I also see that it is very, seriously wrong that the government use chemical weapons on the people. That breaks international law. I think what American should do is non-violently stop the use of chemical weapons, but should allow the uprise otherwise. After all, it's really not our job to stop the fighting.

  23. I've heard a a little bit about the situation in Syria. My parents just told me the "basic situation" and told me to keep Syria in my prayers. personally i think that we shouldn't start a war with Syria I say this only because I don't feel that it is really our part to say what they should do and not do. I think though it is terribly wrong that Syria has said that they are to use chemical weapons on the people. The only thing I see that the United States do is to sit down and somehow talk them out of this idea. Plus another reason why we shouldn't be in war is because I don't see how that would benefit us in any way. Instead we should find another way to handle it.

  24. I have heard just a little bit from my friends and family about Syria and the problems that they are facing with their government and the Taliban. I think that the United States should stay try and do as much as they can while still being at home. I think this because the more people that there are in one place the more congestion and dangerous it is. Another reason why I think this is because the more people there are in Syria by the Taliban the more people become targets concluding to more unnecessary deaths and destruction there is in Syria. But when there is no way else to help out when we are in the United States still then we should just send a few troops over to help. This is what I think the United States should do to help Syria that would benefit both the United States and Syria the most and be the most logical strategy to me.

  25. I’ve heard about the Syrian situation for a long time now. I have two sides to the debate. It is not the United States war to get into. No U.S. citizens have been killed on Syrian ground (as of yet). If you do deploy forces to the area, it doesn’t seem to have any point whatsoever. BUT--> Obama said that there is a red line and Syria has crossed it. If we don’t take action, what does that say about the U.S.? That we back down from the commitments we make. Syria was toying with us the whole time. They knew that the U.S. wasn’t ready to actually send forces there immediately. And we fell for the bait, hook, line, and sinker. So here’s my stand on it. I DON’T want the U.S. the get into another war, but we may HAVE to for the reputation of the U.S.

  26. I have heard a few things about the problem with Syria, but just from what my dad has been telling me. Some of the stories I have heard are really sad and very cruel. Innocent people are being killed by chemical weapons for no reason. I absolutely think that the United States should take charge and let Syria know that killing innocent people is a HUGE problem. At the same time the United States needs to be careful with what they are dealing with. I think we need to warn Syria, but not go all out and attack them. We need to start and send troops or any help to the citizens who need us, but be careful at the same time.

  27. I have heard only little bits of this, but I am glad I read more about it. I think that the United States should act on their word and if Syria continues to use chemical weapons on its own people and doesn't turn them over to Russia, I think America should act. We shouldn't hurt the whole country or people. I wish people could just talk it out and decide civilly. But that is not entirely how society works today or has. We should not respond with violence because war doesn't solve anything.
    I know that that is not how other people think, but I would like to tell you my point of view. We should act with violence, but with our words and negotiate. But that seems utterly impossible at this point.

  28. Have you watched, read or heard anything about the situation in Syria? What do you think the United States should do? Please provide reasons for your opinion.

    Yes I have heard about some chemical weapons used and the Taliban. and how people are getting sick and dying from the chemical weapon. They should help and we should find out more about the chemical weapons like why are they continuously doing them and why they would do that to other people. I think we should find out more about who is doing it because they could be really dangerous and may come to the U.S and that would be really bad. but also we need to know is it one person is it a group of people is it a lot of people involved I mean how much people on with this its really bad. and the Taliban they are killing there own people we need to find a way to stop them also and I know we are trying but still is the Taliban doing it or the Taliban and a group of people.

  29. i have heard alot about the issues in Syria, mostly from my parents and the news. i think its just stupid what they're doing. why? is the question that pops into my head whenever i hear about the things happening in Syria. i think the U.S.A. should go over and put a stop to this because if we dont help than they're just going to keep killing innocent people. we should not go in and shoot every "bad guy" we see but negotiate.

  30. I havent heard anything about syria, mainly because i do not watch the News daily. I think that it is best for the US not to get involved just yet but keep a close eye on syria. If they start using chemical warfare or something that will endanger thousands of human lives, then we should step in.

  31. I know a little about this. The president should help these people but not get into another long war. He should also talk with other nations and keep watching what happens.

  32. I have heard a little about the problems in Syria but not all of it until today. We should help out the entire people can because if we don’t help them even more bad things can happen to this poor people. If w don’t act now it might just too late!!!!!!!

  33. I have only heard of a little bit of the problems about Syria and still do not grasp a full understanding of it. I do know that apparently we were obligated to go where if there are chemical weapons used by the Syrian government. But I think that if Syria is proven to have used chemical weapons then it is our duty to defend those who need protection from others.


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