Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Black History Month

Since 1976, the United States and Canada have recognized February as Black History Month.  The idea to dedicate time to the contributions of African Americans was originated in 1926 by Carter G. Woodson.   His vision was to increase the awareness of people and communities to the significant additions African Americans have made to the overall history of the United States. 

His vision has grown since 1926 to include an entire month where elementary, junior high and high school students take time to learn about notable figures and accomplishments of African Americans.

Black History Month’s annual celebration has come with its fair share of criticism.  From questioning the need to dedicate an entire month to a single race to complaints about the month chosen being the shortest month of the year, the opinions are as varied as they can be outlandish. 

Regardless, the idea to educate ourselves about the historical influence countless African Americans have had on our country and communities is with merit.  It is a time to dig past the dates and names to attempt to put yourself in the shoes of a race of people who have struggled to gain an equal footing in the United States. 

Without Black History Month we may be familiar but not as cognizant of the incredible feats of Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks, Jackie Robinson, or Maya Angelou.  The contributions African Americans have made to the fabric of the United States are without question. 

Throughout the history of the United States which African Americans have inspired you and why?  The person you choose can be as recent as Tiger Woods or as old as Frederick Douglas.  They person can be real or fictional.  Which stories resonate with you?  For example, Rosa Parks, Jackie Robinson, or Muhammad Ali.


  1. Rosa Parks has always inspired me.I chose her because she went against the normal and stood up for not just her but for many others. Her story is the one that really stood out to me. I always hear about her every year and each each I get more and more inspired. And with what I said above with how Rosa went against the normal. This goes for her time and for ours. In our time, we should follow in her example and stand up for ourselves. This is something I have to work on more and by reading and hearing about Rosa, it helps me a lot.

  2. I like the story of Jackie Robinson. I didn't really know much about him before I saw the movie 42. It was awful how he was treated, but he was still persistent and fought for the right to play pro baseball with people of any color. I also like the story of Matthew Henson. He is believed to be the first person to put a foot on the North Pole, not just the first African American. He was the man-servant of Robert Peary, and even though he was Peary's servant, he cared enough to save his life during an aborted expedition. I think it showed a lot about Matthew's character if he saved someone who probably wouldn't care if he lived or died.

  3. The most inspiring person, in my opinion is Gandhi. This is because I have heard a lot about him and have even read a book about him. In a lot of ways, he is a lot like Martin Luther King Jr. They both sacrificed a lot and dedicated themselves to what they believed in. Also Ruby Bridges was a very inspiring character to me when I watched a movie about her as a kid.

  4. I like the story of Rosa Parks and Ruby Bridges. Rosa Parks stood up for what she wanted peacefully. Ruby Bridges never said anything rude or mean to the people even though they threatened to hang her and poison her. I remember watching the Ruby Bridges movie. The part I remember most is when the cops where bringing her to school. She broke away from the group turned around on the steps facing the people and started to pray for them.

  5. I would have to say that the most inspirational African American that I have ever come across would have to be Martin Luther King Jr. His movement of peaceful rebellion to reshape the American knowledge on racism was very smart, humble, but also showed equanimity. It would have been easy for him to start a violent protest after his fellow colleagues had been sprayed with fire hoses, sentenced to jail, beaten unjustly, and been the victim of vulgar and offensive language. One would feel that it would be very hard for someone who had been oppressed for so long would have the courage to stay loyal to one's values and continue to stay peaceful; that is why Martin Luther King Jr. was a great man, we honor him during Black History Month.

  6. I would have to say that the most inspirational African American for me is probably Jackie Robinson. This is because he is a pioneer for not only Baseball but for all sports. He stayed true to his cause and who he truly was the whole time. Although he is the most inspiring to me, I find Rosa Parks' story to stick with me the most. This is because she took the most courage (in my opinion) because she took so so so much courage to do what she did

  7. The one who inspired me the most would have to be Rosa Parks. She refused to give up her seat to a white man, even though she knew the consequences. She stood up for her rights, and she was remembered for it. Rosa Parks knew what could happen to her, and how she would be treated, but she refused to give it up anyways. She was very inspirational to me and to many others throughout history.

  8. Martin Luther King Jr. and Ruby Bridges are my biggest in Florence that are African American. I admire their bravery and determination to make the word a better place. Ruby Bridges was able to shape school systems across the nation at such a young age and MLK was able to control all his rage and hatred in to being one of the most peaceful men in the history of the world. I think Ruby Bridges story sticks with me the most because of how young she was and how much insane courage it took for her to do that.

  9. I think Rosa Parks is the one who has most inspired me; her story and her person itself. She was a black woman on a bus, and instead of giving up her seat, she firmly decided to stay seated. A black woman. Back then, woman weren't exactly equal, and without color even being involved, she should have be subservient and not disobeyed when ordered. Just like a normal person (which she obviously was, but just wasn't considered one back then) she said she wasn't going to move for a white man to sit down. She was tired and hungry and just didn't feel like moving (you know you have those days) for a perfectly capable white man. What she did was heroic and awesome, especially for that time period. Go Rosa Parks!!!

  10. Even though there are so many African Americans to honer, i think the best is Jackie Robinson. What he had to go through to get to his goal and change history forever. The hatred, sorrow, agony, and suffering he had to deal with was just incredible to think about. He persevered, and eventually defeat what was fighting him all along. His accomplishment of being the first African American to play in the MLB was incredibly difficult. I saw the movie 42 and it was really inspiring of what he did. I really appreciate all that he did for equality. Go Jackie Robinson!!

  11. To me the most influential African American would be Martin Luther King jr. At the time he was focused on African American rights, but his message can focus on todays troubles as well. Most of you know that gay rights and female rights are a big thing for me and I feel like MLK's words can show people that everyone deserves a chance. He showed the world that you shouldn't blame someone for being born the way they are. I believe that one day children will learn about the mistreatment of other just because of their skin tone, sexuality, or gender and be horrified , just as we were when we first learned about it.
    MLK went through so much for his people and the moment that inspires me is his speech. The speech that saved so many, the speech that spoke for the men and women who died trying to regain equality. I do believe that another change is coming, people are starting to see that the world is a different place. I think that if Martin were alive today he would be horrified at the treatment of people and I have a feeling he would try to stop it.

    1. Ruby Bridges inspires me the most. Its amazing how a little girl like that could stand up for her beliefs and pray for the people threatening to hang her. She never yelled back at those people, she just prayed for God to forgive their sins. I watched the movie not too long ago. I like how the teacher stood up for her in front of the other teachers and said Ruby was no different than anyone else. At the end, Ruby was playing with all the little white boys and girls. It was a big risk for her parents to send her to school, but look how remembered she is now.

  12. I think there are a lot of influential Americans such as Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Jackie Robinson, Gandhi, and many more. I think my favorite story out of all of them would have to be Jackie Robinson.He was an under rated baseball player who played for a minor league team that was an all black league. He was probably one of the fastest baseball players ever, he was amazing at stealing bases, and was really consistent in his batting. The position he played was usually a shortstop or second baseman because he could get a lot of ground because of his speed. Eventually after a view people watched him from the major league he got moved up to the Brooklyn Dodgers, a major league team. He then showed everyone how good he was even with all the racism going on about him. He will go down as one of the best baseball players ever, and one of the best stories ever. I watched the movie 42 on him and it made me really like him. Another person I really liked was Muhammad Ali, who was a famous boxer that was one of the best ever and he could fight anybody, my Dad met him at a restaurant once and he said they talked for a long time, he also said he was the coolest guy you could ever meet. I like both of these guys stories and I think black history month is really cool.

  13. There are an unlimited amount of inspirations African American figures in our society. Such as the president. I don't know much about where he stands politically, but one thing is for certain. being the first African American president is something pretty special. I also think that he story of Jackie Robinson is very inspirational. He played in the Negro Leagues. He was seen by a scout and was selected to be the first African American baseball player in a strictly white game. He made the path for several other athletes from the negro leagues to go pro like Satchel Page. I think Jackie's story is the most powerful because he fought in the army. In the army he was taken to court for not giving his seat up to a white man. He was later discharged. When he came home, after fighting for his country, he was still treated as inhuman. We need to know that we are all equal regardless of our skin color.

  14. Well, it's not all that surprising, but I think that Martin Luther King Jr. would have to be the most inspirational African American to me. He risked jail, prison, and even death for his dream. At the time, he was up against impossible odds (the majority of America vs. him and his nonviolent protesters). Yet even when things looked hopeless, King kept on going, and eventually prevailed and won rights for African Americans, although at the cost of his life. The way he always stayed peaceful really resonates with me. Almost any other person would have resorted to violence after having the same things happen to them that Martin Luther King had happen to him. That's a role model to follow.

  15. I think that the most inspirational black person would either be Martin Luther King Jr. or Nelson Mandela. They both are two of the bravest people in the worlds history. Being arrested so many times they both kept on peacefully fighting for their rights. They later became to be recognized as two of the bravest people in the world. The whole story of Mandela and King resonates me and I will never forget Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela.

  16. For me the most inspirational African American would either be Ruby Bridges or Jackie Robinson. Although I am not a big fan of baseball the movie 42 really hit me. I was shocked at how many peple cared that much about one African American playing baseball with white men. He had a lot of pressure he had to deal with. Whether it was having racist comments hurled at him or worrying about the safety of him and his family. I don't know if I would have been able to handle that kind of intesity and it would have taken all of my will power to not punch the next guy who commented on my skin color, but overall he was just an average guy who liked the game. And he didnt let anything bother him, look where that got him today. The other most inspiring African American is Ruby Bridges. It was a huge risk for Ruby to be sent to go to an all white school. No one respected her, and they looked upon her as if she was another "thing". What hit me the most was the fact that when Ruby was being threatened to be hung or poisoned, she never said anything back, but prayed to God and asked him to forgive their sins. It was shocking to me seeing adults yelling threatenng comments to a little girl. It woul be like my parents yelling threatening comments to the 2nd graders as they were walking into school. It's just not right, how could those people live knowing they just scared a little girl for life. Those day to day threats she would hear are threats she will never forget. No 2nd grader (or however old she was) should be used to people telling them that they will be hung or piosoned or beaten. That is something that I will never be able to wrap my head around. I dont get how people could be so cruel. But even though it being Jackie Robinson or Ruby Bridges they both stood with what they loved doing. They woke up every morning and took the racist comments or threats and they didnt let them get in their way. And they will now both be remembered forever.

  17. I think the most inspiring black person was Jackie Robinson because he broke the black barrier in Major League Baseball. Another person that I felt was inspirational was Nelson Mandela. After most people went to jail for that long they would have given up but Mandela came out of jail ready to die for what he believed was right.

  18. I think that Jackie Robinson has inspired me because I am a softball player so I already love the game of softball and baseball. Also, it was inspiring to know that no matter what happened he always went out to play on the field even if there were people in the stands booing him. I think it takes a lot of courage to do something like that. I also like the story of Muhammad Ali because he was so good at boxing which is a tough sport. I like his quotes “It’s hard to be humble when you’re as great as I am,” and “If you dream of beating me you’d better wake up and apologize.” There are more that are just as good, I just chose these ones because I thought they were funny and it shows how even he knew he was the best.

  19. There are so many african american people that have inspired me such as Martin Luther King Jr. ,Rosa Parks, and more, but I would have to say that Jackie Robinson. He inspires me because he played baseball on the Brooklyn Dodgers as the first black man to play on a major baseball team. he was vey courageous because of all the mean white men, women and even children that would make fun of him and throw things at him. The movie 42 gave a great impression on how the life of an african american was back then. how they treated Jackie was cruel and disgusting, and people should never be treated that way... There are many people in the world that inspire us but this month we need to remember the ones that earned their freedom.

    White History Month???

  20. I think that the most inspiring person to me would be Rosa Parks because she was a black woman who stood up for her and other African Americans rights . She wouldn't give up her seat on a bus when a white asked her to. She was brave enough to do what others wouldn't do. Her story teaches us that you can fight peacefully not violently.

  21. The one that inspired me was Marin Luther King Junior. His peaceful protests really taught me about how violence isn't always the answer to our problems. I've always heard stories about how he had told people not to act out on being violent, I think that that is so amazing that one man can inspire so many people to fight for their rights without bloodshed. Even though the Civil Rights Movement did involve a lot of bloodshed, it was nice to know that there were still people trying to stop or prevent bloodshed.

  22. The history of the United States has a dark past toward African Americans in many ways. I feel that almost every story of African Americans inspires me in some way or another. Although it has taken a long time for this equality to take place, it has really impacted the way people think in a few ways. One story that really resonates with me is the story of Jackie Robinson. I watch baseball every once in a while, but when I saw the movie “42”, I really realized what he went through. Against all odds and people, he managed to become a baseball legend, during a time period where segregation was still in full swing. Nelson Mandela also had done a lot for the black community, and was like another Gandhi. He stayed nonviolent no matter what others said, and he kept fighting even till a few months ago.

  23. There are many important African Americans that have made a big different in our world today. I think that the most infused person would be martin Luther king, he was a amassing man he made protest that were none violent and spoke to the world through his speeches and with the speeches he was the most influential African American in the world in his time. I think rose parks because she was just a lady that was able to so much and stand up for what she thought was right, (or sit down for what she thought was right).

  24. There are an unlimited amount of inspirational figures of every race, throughout the world and time. Like Nathaniel I can't choose just one. black history month is a time dedication to those who went against the prejudice and oppression of the ages. What they all did took more patience, bravery, and dedication than any of us could imagine. Publicly or personally. Everything they have done inspires me and should be immensely respectable to anyone who has a chance to learn about them.

  25. I think that Jackie Robinson is the most influencial to me. I watched the movie 42, and I really enjoyed it. I never really enjoyed serious movies, and I thought that I did a really good job sitting through this whole movie because it was absolutely amazing. I love baseball and a good underdog story, but this one was actually true, and that made it even more inspiring to me. Even though he wanted to get mad at the other players and people, he didn't. He had a great manager guy that gave him good advice. He proved to everyone that black people can make it in sports like baseball, and others, just as well and even better than some white people. He got his point across peacufully, and was never too cocky with how good he was.

  26. I feel that funnily the same as keelie. I saw the movie about him and I don't think I could stay that strong through everything and take all the hateful words. He was so strong and all he wanted to do was play baseball and he didn't let anybody stop him nit even when people said rude words to him. I love the movie on Jackie Robertson its so inspiring!

  27. Martin Luther King Jr. has always been an inspiration and an important role model to me as soon as I was taught about him. He had a wonderful way to gain support for pro-African American rights while using no violence, with I think is an amazing feat. I mean to have his own holiday in the U.S. shows just how much he has done for us a country and a world. In fifth grade, we learned a lot about the fight for civil rights, and the movie "Selma, Lord, Selma", which was about slavery in the South and included M.L.K. Jr., really struck me. It was one if not the first time I had seen the true horrors hate can bring out of others. I was terrified when the bomb in the church set off, when the police used tear gas on citizens, when crosses were burned on African-American yards, and when M.L.K. Jr. was killed. I never understood why and how humans could be driven to such cruelties over something as insignificant as skin color. It still confounds me today.

  28. There are many African American's that made a change in the world. I think the most influential African American in my opinion was Jackie Robinson because of all the characteristics he held during really tough times. He didn't let people change his game just because he was a different color. He had to prove himself in so many ways. He kept his cool through bad words, criticism, and many other things. I don't think that there are many people that could deal with what Jackie had to go through to prove himself. He not only wanted to prove himself but he wanted to prove to all the people who were against him that he could play in the big leagues. Watching the movie 42 really put me into the perspective of what an average African American's struggles were like daily. Jackie was treated horribly and nobody should ever have to go through what Jackie had to go through. He had so much will power and strength to be the better man in so many cases. I don't think I would ever be able to be courageous with so much pressure and intensity on my back. There really are no way to put all the amazing things Jackie did into words. He is a role model for all ages. There are many other African American's that did many courageous things and should be credited with a lot of respect.

  29. Many African Americans have inspired me. The Africans that have inspired me most is Ruby Bridges and Marten Luther King Jr. Ruby Bridges has inspired me in many ways. One of the biggest things for me about Ruby is how young and brave she was. I think that it is do amazing that a little girl could have that much courage and bravery when she was so little. I don't even have that much courage now and I am older than she was when she went to an all white school. Ruby stuck through what her and her family thought was right. I am astonished that she stuck with her beliefs even after she was threaded to be poisoned and even killed. Marten Luther King Jr. was an outstanding man. He was quite courageous that he a major supporter in the Civil Rights Movement. God must have been watching over them both the entire time that they stood up for what they believed in. They are both astonishing people that I think should be remembered for the fest of time on Earth as well as all of the other people that also some support on the Civil Rights Movement. The story that resonates the most with me about Ruby Bridges is when she went to school and she had body guards all around her as she walked down the side walk that helped kept her safe. I think that it is remember that a person is a person no matter how small and that we do not need to underestimate others because of race, intellect, or any other thing that make others different from us. The story that resonates with me about Marten Luther King Jr. is when he marched for the right to vote. I think that Black History Month is one of the big parts in our year and in our society.

  30. Out of the many African Americans that have come and gone the most inspirational one for me was Ruby Bridges. The main reason why she inspires me the most is because her story in general sets this model of bravery, something I've always struggled with and this young girl stands strong when in reality a young girl of that age could not put up with so much struggle and fear. Therefore Ruby Bridges has always been so inspirational for me. In her story she shows that there should be nothing stopping the education of children whether it's because of race, differing political ideas, or cultural differences. The story that resonates with me would have to be Martin Luther King Jr. in a way because I see myself always preferring to resolve things through words not violence whenever I'm in conflict with my sisters. So Martin Luther's words have always been stained in my mind and have been actually quite a habit of thinking and acting. I always take a moment throughout the moment of appreciation towards all of those who had the abundance of courage to stand up for what was right to make a better America for the people of today.

  31. During history there was one man I remembered that sparked an idea in me was Nelson Mandela. Whether it was the stories I heard on the television during his time of death or rather the impact that he put on freedom of speech I always thought about the great impact he put on this entire nation. Knowing that even in jail for such a long time he could continue to push his ideas that shows that no matter where you are or how you are your voice can spread to anywhere no matter what the circumstances are. It takes true feeling of wanting to change the world in order to keep such an idea in his head for such a long time without rest for justice.


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