Monday, February 3, 2014

Black History Month Controversy

February is Black History Month.  It has been Black History Month for decades now.  In school and in the media we spend time discussing and celebrating the contributions of African Americans to the Americans society.  It may come as a shock to some of you that the idea of Black History Month is not inspiring, but insulting.  It is ridiculous and unnecessary.  

Below is a video clip from Morgan Freeman explaining why he feels the month is ridiculous.  

There are a number of African Americans that agree and disagree with his opinion.  Regardless, he does bring up interesting points.  Black history is American history and if we ever hope to truly reach a society in which race does not matter, should we still be separating Black history from the rest of history?

That being said, without Black History Month, how much would we know about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., or Rosa Parks?  By dedicating a month to the contributions of African Americans, teachers and students discuss and commemorate the lives of people who have greatly shaped the fabric of American culture.  Without this focus, we may miss the opportunity to the educate ourselves on these great Americans.  

There are others who criticize not so much the idea of Black History Month, but the fact that it has been boiled down to the contributions of a limited number of African Americans.  Black History Month has evolved into discussing the lives and times of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.. Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman, and Frederick Douglas.  While these individuals have greatly influenced our present day society, there are so many others whose addition to our world needs to be recognized.  

Below is another video questioning the need for Black History Month.

After watching the videos, what do you think about Black History Month and have your thoughts changed?  Is this something that we should continue in society?  Do we need to expand or modify the way in which we commemorate the Black Americans?  


  1. My thoughts have changed dramatically about black history month, I never really thought that it was almost racist to have that month. We remember that blacks were less than us during this moth and I don't think that that is right at all. I thought I was weird how some of the people in the interview almost thought black history month was insulting. Now that I think about it, it would be insulting to have a Cuban history month or a Catholic history month. I do not think that this is something that we should continue in society because it is remembering that we were oppression blacks. I do think it will go on just because it has become a major part of our traditions. I think black history month should remember the way that they fought, not how we treated them, it should remember what they overcame.

  2. I've thought about Black History Month as kind of racist before but never to the degree that Morgan Freeman speaks of it. I don't think we should continue it in society. We still celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as part of our history, not just African American history. I like how the woman in the second video mentioned that this month should be time reflected on the struggle. However, I also feel that Black History Month is just a reminder of the terrible things that happened and seems like a way to make up for what people did. I think we should modify the way that we commemorate the Black Americans, but I don't want that to sound like we shouldn't commemorate them at all.

  3. I would say that my ideas of Black History Month have stayed consistent; my idea being that Black History Month was created with good intention, but throughout the years as racism has become less dominate in the civilized world it seems that the need of a Black History Month only ostracizes that specific race. I feel that in order for true equality to be attained, all people in society should be normalized; so in other words: no, I do not believe that a Black History Month is completely necessary. Please, understand this may seem naive and bigoted to many, since I have grown in a fairly un-racist school and community. Furthermore, I feel that Morgan Freeman has a point in saying that in order for racism to recede, the target race of bigotry must be normalized rather than idolized; and when we admire a person (regardless of race) we should appreciate them as a human being for what they accomplished, rather than focus on their race and only seem to commemorate them when Black History Month comes into being.


  4. To me, Black History Month was about learning what black Americans went through. For awhile, I've wondered if certain things, like African American TV channels, awards, and dating sites, are necessary in today's terms. Morgan Freeman has a good point, and no I don't think we need to expand the way we commemorate African Americans. If African Americans want all their own stuff, then why not other races of America, too? I think by creating these things it makes races more divided. There are more important things to be worrying about than if African Americans should be celebrated for a month. Morgan Freeman is right, African American history IS Americas history, and we should be learning about it anyways. I think that we've turned this month into something even Martin Luther King Jr. didn't want, and that's races not being treated equally.

  5. No actually my thoughts on Black History month have not changed. Even before these videos, I felt that Black History month shouldn't be there because it is actually quite ridiculous. Like they said Black History is American history. We don't need to have certain months to learn history about certain races, we should be learning about it all the time and about all races. No, this is not something we should continue, society has changed and so have people. They have become less racist. Yes at one time there was a need for this month but I dont think there is anymore. Yes we need to modify the way we commemorate the African Americans. This has actually been the hardest blog post for me to write. It is easy to see both sides of this argument but hard to figure out a compromise.

  6. I thought that black history month was cool to learn about African-Americans in the past, but after I saw the videos, I had a different view of the month. Morgan Freeman gave a bunch of good reasons why Black History Month was ridiculous, and I agreed with him. I don't believe that we should continue this, because I think that having a month for African-Americans can be offensive and say that Black History is only worth a month. We need to modify this but it would be hard to make a compromise about this issue.

  7. My beliefs on this national holiday have not changed a bit, and there are a few reasons behind that. The main reason for me is because the African Americans in this country went through a tremendous struggle. This holiday, therefore, celebrates the people that helped them get through the horrible events that they went through, as they deserve a day of appreciation. Therefore, we should continue this wonderful holiday. I personally think that the way that we are currently celebrating this day is right on cue. We should have all the parades, speeches, and teachings about this day, as it is an event well worth celebrating

  8. My opinions have always been kind of the same. There shouldn't be a day a week a month, devoted to one race. How are we going to stop racial division? Stop talking to people as their race. Saying that it gives teachers a month to talk about the history is irrelevant, we should be talking about it anyway. Why is Black History month one of the only times it's taught to us? Do people feel like if they get it out in one month they don't have to talk about it anymore? No. Children should be learning about black poets, activists, politicians, leader, creators all year. And we shouldn't limit it to one race.
    I believe that if we make the idea that the history of all the discrimination against people due to their color, religion, sexuality, identity should be taught, not only in a month, but all year.

    1. In addition I feel like even in Black History month we don't learn a whole lot on other influential Black people. In my experience we have talked about the same few influential black people. It almost makes it seem like they're saying, "Here's a month that you will learn about the same three people that you have learned about forever. I am 99% sure that most of you have not heard of the following African American people who were very influential: Fred Gray, Garrett Augustus Morgan, Frederick M. Jones, Benjamin Banneker, Richard Spikes, Madam C. J. Walker, Judith Jameson, Richard Pryor, Sojourner Truth, Jimi Hendrix, Amiri Baraka, Sarah Vaughan, Ntozake Shange Inventors, writers, people we (or at least I) have never learned about. Why would we devote a month to a race if we only learn about a few people?
      While we're at it why don't we have a woman's rights month. Just think about way back when when it was legal for a man to beat his wife as long as it was smaller than his thumb. Deprived of education and the right to vote. No matter the color of their skin they we're treated less than a man. Be submissive was their policy, so why isn't there a month for them? Why isn't there a month for other races? I don't know just my opinion, but it seems pretty messed up that we haven't gotten so far that we can just accept things happened in the past that we should be reminded of (we should never forget what happened so it won't happen again) but not told off for something our ancestors may or may not have done. It's 2014 and I don't think that people who aren't racist should be healed against something that they had no control over. They can't just go back in time and tell there ancestors not to do something. It's illogical.
      I believe that it's time to us to move on, but never forget the people that were beaten down because of their race. I believe that one we move away from the idea that we need to apologies for something current generations have no control over the work will be a better place. Uh, ya I just felt I had to add something.

    2. That was longer than I thought...

  9. Now that I have actually seen another side to it, I do think that Black History Month is a little bit ridiculous. I do not think I would really want a white history month or a Catholic history month. It seems to single out races. I do think we should try to get away from doing Black History Month because it does not explain the history well. I think that we should commemorate their history as a victory in freedom. Not just as Black History Month.

  10. I've never really thought about Black History month from the viewpoint of black people before. I've always just thought it a good way to celebrate them, or just didn't think about it at all. But what they said is true. Why are we separating Black History from American History? And why are we separating just a few blacks out? Truly, if we really want to make that part of history a non-racist one, I think we should just add it into our own. You know, put it in with the American Revolution and the Civil War. That's where it really belongs. Really, we shouldn't stop appreciating the blacks, but we don't have to have a whole month, b/c that makes it seem even more racist, almost. We are singling out the time they were prejudiced against; we don't have a White People History Month, now do we? I mean, we have the right idea in trying not to be prejudice anymore, but we shouldn't single it out and say, "here have a whole month about how you fought and........." We should make our apology more subtle.

  11. I think Morgan Freeman was completely correct about the black history month/holiday, and how white history month doesn't exist. I agree with Morgan's thoughts about how black history is American history. You dont hear people say that white history is American history because in that sense it would be racist. The month for black history symbolizes recism and should be taken out because we are only selecting out a few african Amreicans and not caring about all blacks which ,to me, seems racist. This month/holiday should be renamed to American History Month...

  12. I definitely have changed my thought about Black History Month. I have never thought about Black History Month as being an insult but it makes sense now. I can tell why Morgan Freeman is mad. African American history should be American history. Now that I have a different view on Black History Month I think it should be taken out. Not that incredible people shouldn't be recognized for what they did,but there is more African Americans that should be remembered other than just the really well known ones. I completely agree with all that Morgan Freeman had to say. I think everyday people should remember what African Americans did for us and how o respect them. It now doesn't make sense in my mind to have Black History Month. We should remember and respect all that the African Americans did just like we do for all the American leaders. We are all one and equal. I think we should either change the meaning of Black History month or maybe just don't have it. This controversy could go either way. I really hope all African American leaders will be respected and commemorated 12 months of the year.

  13. The video that I just watched really changed my mind on how I thought about Black History Month. Morgan Freeman has a really good idea about it, and i think he has thought about it before. I can tell he was a little upset about Black History Month and I can see his side of the argument. I think Black History month is good to have in the society, although it is very strange to think we don't have a White history month. It sure changed my idea about it. I think we should modify the way it is contributed into the society. Even though it has worked for a while it wouldn't hurt to have a change in our society every once and a while. This blog really changed my feelings about Black History Month and how we should honer the great African Americans that have contributed to our society. ;)

  14. My thoughts on black history month has changed a little bit. I think it makes sense how some people want to get rid of it. It does seem racist in some ways. I also think we should rethink it because it is offensive but is also a time to remember and honor the important African Americans who helped change our society. I am not so sure we should keep up with black history month. It seems to me as more offensive than nice. I think we should absolutely rethink the way we treat black history month and African Americans. I think we should either get rid of black history month or reshow the way people think about it. We have to listen to everyone and make sure to not offend the people we are honoring.

  15. The notion of Black History month being racist has crossed my mind once in a while, but never to the extent noted in the videos. It truly shows a whole new side to whether or not we should keep the month called “Black History Month”. I feel that we should commemorate African Americans in a different manner, instead of focusing a whole month to them. If we continue specify a month to a single race, it singles them out from the rest of the races. One such way is just celebrating some of the memorial days of their lives (the day the “I have a Dream Speech” was given).

    If we are unable to get rid of Black History Month (which may be the case in today’s world), we should then create many other months similar to Black History Month. We eventually may have to create a White History Month or a Hispanic History Month, where we would learn about these cultures and important people of their heritage. Then there comes the question of “What will we do if we have more major cultures than months?” It would seem that America is not welcoming to different cultures. This finally raises the question, “Is there any hope in this at all?” It seems that anything you do, it will end in a bad state. Honestly, it may not be worth all the effort to finally end up in the same place. I feel we DO have to do something different, but I’m not sure exactly what…

  16. Nate- Well.... I think that this is a huge overreaction. Black History Month was created with the intent of remembering the horrors of what happened to black people, and now everyone is saying that its racist. Well, perhaps it is, but it really was not intended to be that way. I can see how some people could think that Black History Month is defining black people as different from the rest of America, therefore labeling them as deserving of their own month. But at the same time... isn't this kind of trivial? If people really want to stop racism, complaining about Black History Month probably should not be the first place they start. I mean sure, we can discontinue it, but people have to understand that it was not created as a way to subliminally insult black people. The purpose of the month is to commemorate African American people on their achievements! However, if we stop Black History Month, that's it. No more congratulating African Americans. That would be dividing our two races, apparently, so there would be no replacement to Black History Month.

    1. Not saying that we are two different races though! We're all human.

  17. My views haven't changed despite the videos. The month was made to remember and honor all of the heroic blacks that gave their lives up to fight for their rights. It is something that we should continue to do in society because we have to remember the past and all of the horrible things that were done to the blacks. I think that we should keep the month just the way it is because little kids should know what happened to the blacks and we should not forget our history.

    1. I like your conviction. You obviously have a solid position on the issue. Good for you.

  18. My view of Black History Month have changed but at the same time stayed the same. I can see their point in staying that having a month set aside for just one race can cause an even large divide and that we should stop judging others just by their race. But in all honesty, wouldn't the world be pretty bland without differences in people? Our race is one way that we live out our individuality. I know we shouldn't judge others and it is awful to be racist, but it is almost impossible to look at someone and not see what they look like. That is one of the reasons we are all unique. I think Black History Month, just my opinion, is a few weeks set aside to celebrate our overcoming of differences between the people that live in this country. I think this is how we should start looking at it. We shouldn't just celebrate a few important African American figures, but a whole race that rose from adversity and learn to live in harmony with other despite differences. We should commemorate our uniqueness and our heritage.

  19. My view hasn't really changed. I understood that some people would take this as racist, but I never really payed attention to it. I really don't think that this is necessary, as we already honor African Americans who have fought for equality. If we hadn't done a blog on it, I probably wouldn't have even remembered that it was Black history month. Of course, me saying this as someone who is not black is sounding very racist, but that's my opinion. I feel that Black History month isn't something that is needed. I mean, sure, it's a nice thought, but the public really doesn't pay attention to it. It was put in place to try and get Americans to realize the importance of what African Americans have fought for for centuries, so I know where people who defend it are coming from. But I really don't feel that a whole month dedicated to it is necessary. It feels kind of patronizing to black people as a whole. I think that we should all make an effort to understand and appreciate what African Americans have gone through, regardless if there is a month for it or not.

  20. After seeing these videos my I look at Black History Month differently. Before I thought it was a good thing. After all that the African Americans had to go through, it is the least we can do. But after seeing the videos. I realized there is another side. If we believe that we are all equal, why do we have to dedicate a month to only one group of people. Some may take Black Hiistory Month as if we are saying that blacks are beneath whites, and in turn need their own month. Why then do we not have a month for any number of things. I don't think anything will change nor should it. The person who comes out in saying that Black History Month should be stopped, they will be called a racist. There are far more people who believe it is a good thing. Black History Month was created in order to remember the achievements of African Americans, not pity them. We are all people. There is nothing that can change that.

  21. These videos were really interesting because I never saw Black History Month in that sort of perspective and how it offends some famous African Americans. I always thought of the month as a way of recognizing the black citizens of America or any country and what they have done for the country or for their race. I didn't think it could offend people. I definitely have a different look at the month. I think that now watching these videos I've realized that we are all equal and we shouldn't be having different months for different races and none for other races because then it shows we're not equal, like what Morgan Freeman said to the speaker, that he doesn't have a month dedicated for him and why their would be one for him. I like the month. I mostly think that the month is a good thing because it educates people about the month and what it's for and also why their is a month and who were the people that made this month and what it is today. I stand by what I said before watching the videos and how it's good in our society and I don't think a few African Americans can change that. I don't think we need to really explain it because everybody knows and they don't need to be told over that why this month is Black History Month, I truly don't see in what to explain because I think every black citizen deserves this month because of all the segregation that had happened and is still going on today.

  22. My ideas on Black History Month are going back and forth. I understand how people could look at it as an insult, but I feel that it is something we should keep in our society. I know it may seem like we are marginalizing Black History Month by giving it its own month because Black History is indeed also American History. But I think it is something we should keep in our society so we can learn from it. It may seem like an insult to some people but to others (including me) its a good opportunity to reflect the stuggle for freedom. Although we do the same thing every year by talking about the same people, they deserve all of the recognition they can get. They risked their lives so that they can have the freedom they have now. For example Martin L. King Jr., without him prejudice, racism, segregation and many other horrible things might still be happening to this day. I dont think we ned too expand what we do for Black Americans. Well, yes I do but considering that other people dont like Black History Month then we should respect that and just celebrate Balck History Month the way we normally do.

  23. After watching the videos my views on black history month did in fact change, but not completely. My views towards Black History month before understanding the controversy of the whole celebration was that this month was to recognize those significant people and that this month was a good thing. Now after watching and seeing the other side my views have changed in a few ways. I believe that we shouldn't be viewing them as black people we should be viewing them as people because when we say black or white we still have this separation of race attitude. Therefore my view on the celebration of month is not completely wrong but I see that this month shouldn't be called black history month because first of all it doesn't make sense mainly because if we really wanted to show the equality in the United States then we would accept "black history" as American History and that's that. The month if anything should be called American History month just at least to show some gratitude towards these many incredible people. So I do believe we should have this month so we can show our gratitude to all Americans, including blacks, Chinese etc. these people are who make up the phrase Americans. People who all are equal and the same.

  24. My thoughts on black history month changed after watching these videos. At first I thought that people would be honored to have a month for learning about their race, but then I realized that it makes all other months white history month and one month for black history month. It would be like having a catholic month. Where people respect and learn about the catholic faith for one month and then when the months over they don't have to respect or learn about it anymore. I don't think black history month will be taken off the calendar for a while because whoever finely says there is no black history month while be considered a racist for the rest of their life. Like he said in the video, to get rid of racism we must not talk about it. Even if they do decide to get rid of black history month we should still go back and learn about all blacks. And try to learn about more than the same ones every year. Because they all should be resignated.

  25. My thoughts really have changed. I honestly never thought it was racist to have a month for black people. After watching those videos, I think that it is a little racist because we take an entire month just to think about how black people were below us and how horribly we treated them and how they had to fight for rights that they already should have had. I think that we should learn more about the strides that black people have made and a little less about how white people were some of the worst people on the face of the planet. I think that we need to stop dwelling on how they were treated and focus on how they are treated now. I'm not saying we shouldn't learn about it, we should, but we should just think about that. Black people have made great strides, like being able to vote and being able to get the same pay as a white person, shouldn't we focus on that?

    1. I never really thought much about black history month until watching these videos. I am kind of stuck between the two ideas. I dont really think anybody meant for it to be insulting. I can understand why they would think that though. We dont have a white history month! It is also very educational because it admires all those people who were brave enough to stand up for their rights or who really impacted the world in any way. We dedicated a month to them honoring them for all the struggles they faced. I now see how black history month feels throught their eyes. I think that we should keep this month but just change how we think of itspeak

    2. Sorry my comment ended weird... I didnt mean to say speak at the end of the last word. Any way, I also think that we should honor these black people honored every month, as well as the designated month

  26. My opinions on Black history month are a bit skeptical, if you look back at our history as americans we treated African, Indian, American, Middle Eastern, Asian, (some) European and Latino people horribly. We hated everyone who wasn't us, much like the arian groups today. We even slaughtered the Native Americans just because we didn't like or understand them.
    It is in some ways made from guilt. We wanted to tell a certain group of people we persecuted that they were special. and in any way it can seem special or insulting. I mean it's good to have a time to reflect on influential people of a race, it's good to show that we're understanding and sensitive to others. But what's not good is when term racist gets thrown around a lot, and even supported that a certain group of people are immune to being racist. The other day I was talking with my friend (who is African American) and in the course of the conversation he started calling our friend who is Japanese all sorts of insulting slang for asian. So I stopped him and said "hey, cut the racist talk, okay?" to which he retorted with
    "What? I'm not being racist."
    and I tried to explain how insulting and prejudice what he said was. and he replied, word for word;
    "Hey shut up. I can't be racist, I'm black."
    Just think about that. Think about what he said.
    The bottom line is that we as America were arrogant and racist, but thanks to the help of many people we are all better people because of them.

  27. After watching the videos my thoughts did change about Black History Month a little bit because I liked it when I was little because I thought it was cool that a whole month was dedicated to African-American Heritage. Now, I think that some of the more famous African-Americans that are recognized during this month like Martin Luther King Jr. are kind of repetitive after hearing the same thing year after year. Asking whether or not we should continue this in society today is kind of a touchy subject. The nice answer would be to say yes and move on, but it doesn’t really matter to me if it is continued or not. I know it might sound rude but it is my honest opinion and if it makes people happy to have it then I’m happy too but if it is decided to be stopped I won’t cry my eyes out over it. I think that Black History Month should just fit in with regular history. Maybe then we could expand on ways in which we commemorate Black Americans.

  28. Yes my thoughts have changed dramaticly after watching this video. I have never really thought about having a certain mounth designaited to Blacks and there history is almost racest. Even thought it may be a bit racist I think thatnwe still should celebrate Black history mounth because there where alot of people that gave up there life for there freedom. I think that we should remember and honor thoes people who faughf for there rights to be free in this country. But I do think that we do need tonexpand on the ways that we celebrate this mount and not just treat itnlike it is any other mounth . I think that wenas a country and also in our smallncountrys should celeberate Black History Mounth in a special way.

  29. My thoughts have changed a little after watching the video. I never really thought that morgan freeman's opinion about that time would be so negative. Im not sure if we should continue black history month because some people still value it. But on the other hand, kids should be taught about these African americans in school. So it its all based upon opinion. I think we don't need to change the amount they are beu=ing honored.

  30. After watching the videos, what do you think about Black History Month and have your thoughts changed? Is this something that we should continue in society? Do we need to expand or modify the way in which we commemorate the Black Americans?

    My thoughts have changed a lot after watching the video. I have always thought the same things and learned the same things every year but now I see a different side to it. Yes we should But at the same time I don't know I feel like we should think about then everyday not just one month so in a way yes but then again no. No They should be treated just the same as we white people are treated they aren't any different they are just like us.

  31. my thoughts have changed because i thought that everyone thought that black history month was very important.but now watching the videos i see that there are more than one way to think about this month.Yes i think that it is very important to keep things in our society because if we did not we might just forget about it.we need to make black history month a time of grieving,because most people now and adays think that it is a holiday.When it should me a sad time.


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