Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Beatles

What kind of music do you listen to?  What is your favorite genre?  Regardless of your preferences, the odds are you favorite band, song, or performance was influenced someway by the Beatles.  It was 50 years ago on February 9th that this band from Liverpool, England performed on the Ed Sullivan Show and changed the world forever. 

The Beatles are the greatest selling band of all time.  They have more number one hits in the United Kingdom and the United States than anyone ever.    You can see and hear the influence of the Beatles in most music today.  They were not afraid of experimenting in different genres or with different instruments.  They were the first to perform a stadium concert.  Each album was a unique experience with a different sound.  John, Paul, George, and Ringo each contributed in their own way to the sound and success of the Beatles.

For having such a huge influence, they had a surprisingly short career.  After less than a decade, the Beatles broke up in 1970.  The pressure of being forever and always linked to one another proved to be too much.  Most fans were anxiously awaiting a reunion which unfortunately was made impossible after John Lennon was killed by a crazed fan in December of 1980.  George Harrison lost his life in 2001 after battling cancer.  The remaining members, Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr, continue to perform and contribute to the musical world.

What kind of music do you listen to?  Why?  Do you like to listen to music?  Why is it so appealing?  Can music change the world?  If so, how? 


  1. I really don't limit myself to one type of music, mostly because there is so little music in the world that I like. Whether I like to listen to music or not depends. If you mean turning on the ratio and listening to whatever is on is a no. But when I go on my phone and listen to Luke Nemec's limited awesome music collection, then yes. Music ca definitely change. If you listen to the 50s and then listen to the 80s, you will see a big difference. It changes by the intrests that are occuring at that time.

  2. I don't really have a specific kind of music that I like to listen to, if I like the song I will listen to it. I don't really care what type. If i had to chose it would probably be some sort of rap/hip hop thing but i don't really know. I like to listen to this type of music because i don't like sad songs, I like the upbeat hip hop songs. I like listening to music because it changes your mood and makes you think about things you wen't necessarily thinking about. I think music is appealing to most people because it is a different way to express emotions instead of just talking. I think music can change the world by bringing us together and changing the pop-culture of the time like it has over the past decades.

  3. I really like a lot of different music genres, depending on how I'm feeling or what season it is- in the summer I listen to country, if i need to get ready for a game then its rap, and if I just want something to listen to, then some kind of low key pop. I love listening to music. This is because I love hearing the words and the way that it makes me feel is like nothing else. It can really be inspirational or calming. I think the world can be changed by music, I mean, look at Bob Marley! He brought two countries that were at war together for his concerts and his music. He really brought peace and harmony to so many people by his music.

  4. I listen to all types of music. I don't like only one genre. I don't really like rap, but there are a few exceptions. I also don't really like country, but there are also a few exceptions. It really just depends on the song. If I drive with my dad to school we listen to modern music. If I drive with my mom we listen to the 70s and 80s, which again there are a few songs that I actually like. I like to listen to music. I think they're kind of like memories. Sometimes when I hear a certain song I can remember where I was the first time I heard it and what I was doing. For example, the first time I heard the song Bad Day by Daniel Powter I was in our friends' cabin in Whistler, Canada, for vacation in 2005. Other songs remind me of things I miss, like my beach house; I hear a song on the radio and it makes me think of my old beach house because I heard it when I was there once. I think that's what makes music so powerful. One song can mean something different to each and every person who hears it. I wouldn't say that music can change the world, but I definitely think it can bring people together, or bring people apart depending on the people's experiences.

  5. Since I work as a radio station DJ, I must have a wide variety of music. That being said my over 500 hour library is filled with many types of music. Nevertheless, there are about 20% of these songs on that playlist I completely loath; and I own these songs because it is my job to. My personal taste in music varies dramatically but stays fairly consistent in the characteristic of having originality. I find it inane to listen to a song whose melody and chord progression has been produced a million times; that being said I despise pop music for its unoriginal and its unintelligent use of lyrics and musicianship. I feel that lyrics should be an extension of poetry and meaning rather than a subject of "hitting the club" or "girl u so beautiful". Songs like any other form of poetry should and ought to have a clever wordplay rather than common word that is a disgrace to music and the people who believe that music should be an extension of intelligence and philosophy; music should be for those willing to understand the impact it leaves on people rather than desensitize themselves to complete blather. Music is art and should be reserved and appreciated by those willing to understand the complexity and symbolism that it presents. I love to listen to music, I feel that it is an outlet for many of the stressful events that happen during the day. Music is appealing to me because it not only offers a tune, a beat, and rhythm to think about but it also gives me a philosophy, a new viewpoint of which to look upon the world. Many times a few lines in a song have drove me to achieve better in life such as the following: "Desperate measures lead to death" "Words are our futile devices" and "Leave the riches and take your bones". I don't think that the world is ready to be changed by music. Music has changed my life, but this has only been achieved through me being open to the ideas that both the lyrics and musicality offer. Many times both of these characteristics of music have been too much for my fellow peers to obtain; whether it be a 25 minute song, or a song in Icelandic. Nevertheless, if one believes that one can be transformed by inept pop, so be it, but I feel that there is more intelligent and impactful music in this world that could have a greater effect on a person if they would be willing to accept and learn about the meaning and symbolism behind the many complex but original music that I have listened to.

    If you disagree or are interested in my extremist viewpoint please listen to these artists and please offer feedback or an argument.
    Sigur Ros
    Jose Gonzalez
    Lewis & Clarke
    Sufjan Stevens
    Brett Dennen

    1. that is long........

    2. Wow............

    3. Liam, no that's too long!! :)

    4. OMG!!!! G= gosh

    5. Yep, I am definitely not reading this. Too long...

    6. Music is one of the few things that I can speak for very strongly about, it is only suitable to have this lengthy of a post

    7. Oh gosh you guys must be scared of reading.
      Interesting post Liam, it brought up a good point of view from you, and I agree music is a powerful art. Artists make better musicians than entertainers, because they do what they want, not what other people want.

    8. Another point needed to be made. Many individuals are under the impression that they can manipulate and rearrange pop music to make it sound like it has poetic meaning, but the fact of the matter is that (generally) pop has not purpose in society. It completely mocks originality through musicianship as well as so called "poetic" lyrics. I pity those who have not realized that music is meant to be savored and understood by those willing to understand ACTUAL meaning behind music. Frankly I don't care if people listen to pop, but I really don't consider a person of music if they admire pop as their paramount of music.

    9. Correction, this point does not only apply to pop, but also is applicable to many of the modern inane music that one encounters. Basically anything concocted to suit the needs of the people through corporate record producers in order to create the most lucrative song.

  6. Like pretty much everyone so far, I like a lot of different types of music. The music I like changes every so often. I really don't care which genre I listen to as long as it's not country. That's the one genre I can't listen to. I love to listen to music because it can be fun to listen to, or have a message. It helps me concentrate (even though it sounds weird) because its kind of like background noise and that, for some reason, helps me concentrate. Yes, music is powerful. You can put your beliefs and ideals out there, not through speeches, but through song. Of course, not all songs have a message, but they are fun to listen to anyways.

  7. I listen to a variety of music, mostly oldish rock, a little country, and a lot of the "popular" songs that have been coming out, but not the weird ones (you know what I mean.....). I really just listen for songs on the radio that have a good tune or meaning, and then I usually download those songs. There's a wide variety on my playlist. I love listening to music, especially before a swim meet race or skiing competition. Having good tunes to pump you up is one of the main reasons I find music appealing, but also because it helps block out the noise of my siblings and is a good way to make chores more fun. I think music can change the world. This is a bad example, but Justin Bieber has made a lot of people go crazy over him. I'm sure a lot of people would jump off a cliff if he asked them to. In a way, that's changing the world, as long as you magnify it.

  8. I listen to different kinds of music, but mostly I listen to electronic, dubstep, or alternative music. Like Avicci, Skrillex, Zedd, Martin Garrix, or Radiohead. I kind of like that music because it just appeals to me the most. I don't really know why though. I guess I just like those electronic sounds. I think that Music can change the world to promote peace, revolution, and to inspire people.

  9. There is not really a certain genre I listen to. The only genre of music I really do not like to listen to is classical. I mostly listen to my music because it is motivational. I am not sure why it appeals to me. I do think music can change the world, because a lot of music conveys the artists opinions on things. An example of this would be Bob Marley, who wrote about peace in some of his songs.

  10. I listen to all kinds of different music. It usually depends on what I am doing or what I am in the mood for. Like when I am getting ready for a game I listen to rap, but some people listen to country like my friend Kyle and think its funny because it actually gets him pumped. I also listen to pop and the usual radio when I am driving to school or other places, I listen to Bob Marley music when I am on a boat. I usually listen to rap and pop on a regular basis. Yeah I like listening to music because it sometimes helps me relaxe and gets my mind off things and other times gets me pumped for a big game, it just depends on what I am doing, I also think music is really soothing to the mind. Yes, I do think music can change the world because it can bring people together to listen to the same music and change the environment b and surroundings by brining peace to each country and one another throughout the world

  11. I like to listen to a lot of different music. But my music that I find myself most listening to is Country with a little hip-hop. I like listening to country because it actually had a meaning if you listen to the words. While hip hop these days is just, music. It has no meaning or story behind it. For example like Thrift Shop, there is no meaning behind it other than he's got $20 in his pocket. I love to listen to music I usually listen to most of my music when im hanging out with Lily. But I do listen to it a lot on my own as well. Before I go to bed I turn on my radio to 104.3 and jam out to country before i go to bed. I also like listening to music when i'm doing something very stressful like homework. That way the music just kinda calms me down. I definitely listen to the music most when i'm doing khan though. I think music is so appealing because it makes you want to get up and dance. IT makes you forget about everything else but the music. Its also kinda fun having your own few favorite songs with a friend or just by yourself that really mean something. I don't know if music can necessarily change the world, but I do believe that music can inspire someone to change the world.

  12. All typed of music are great. My specific type of music I like is country and rap. Both are great types of music and I love both of them. Kenny Chesney to Kid Kudi, I they are both great. It also depends on what mood i am in. I like to get pumped before a game I usually listen to rap but if I am just cruising country is more of my preference, but that is just my opinion. I also think music is great example of who you are as a person. Music is more than just a beat to get you happy. It describes who you are and want to be, I feel like music is one of the most important things in this world to keep us stable. I like this kind of music because it helps me relax or get going. It helps me forget about the situation I am to help me get going on the day. Music already has changed the world, it impacts everything you do in your life, it also has inspired new genres of music to help people expand there opinion about what music should be. Whatever genre you like we all love music and it helps people state who they really are.

  13. I listen to whatever I feel like at the time. I don't really have a certain genre I like, and if you tried finding out what type of person I am by looking at my music choices, you'd have a hard time I'm telling you. I like classic rock, 40s music, nineties stuff, rap, SOME country and pop, alternative, punk rock, basically everything except dupstep or bands like One Direction or Selena Gomez. I love to listen to music and dance to it with my sisters or a cat, whichever one can tolerate me at the moment. I listen to it before I go to bed, when I wake up, when I read, when I work out. There's a song for every emotion and event, and when you can find that special artist that just gets you it's really awesome. I think that music can change the world, because it causes us to become inspired. Then we change it. Music can help us, but it's us that changes it. Yeah that sounds better. I think that music can only get us a little way there, and then we need to do it ourselves.

  14. I normally listen to lots of different kinds of music. I like alternative, pop, and country. I also like the softer kind of music that is kind of sad. I feel like it kind of soothes me. I basically like all the inspiring music because it encourages me and motivates me. I love to listen to music. I listen to it when I do homework because it drives me to keep going and I also won't focus on the difficulty of the homework. Music just motivates me! Music can change the world if it sends an inspiring message. It can change someone's ideas about things or give new ideas to people. It is truly inspiring

  15. I listen to lots of kinds of music. The kinds of music that i listen to mots today is pop and classical. I listen to mostly pop in the car and I play clasical music on my violin so I listen to that because it helps me if i listen to what the piece is supposed to sound like first. And i also listen to Classical at dance. Yes, I like to listen to music. I think that music is appealing because I listen to it a lot and so I think that I get used to listening to it. Yes, I think that music has changed my world because it is a way for people and there friends to connect.

  16. I love music! I listen to a lot of different genres including oldies rock (you can thank my parents for that), pop, country, and some heavy metal songs if I'm in the mood. I've never really enjoyed rap, but Macklemore is my exception. I think I listen to some many types of music because I have a lot of different moods that I swing back and forth from. If I'm feeling down, I listen to slow or romantic songs. If I want to get pumped up, I'll jam out to almost any fast and fun song there is. My heavy metal side comes out when I'm in the middle of an intense workout and am frustrated. Music just seems to have an effect on me similar to a drug. I have this sort of high that I experience when a great songs comes on. I also think music is a sort of freedom in which you can express yourself and what you are feeling. I think it can totally impact the world. For one think, it can make normal, calm people turn into crazed fans. Music can inspire people to go make something out of their life. I think that is what the Beatles really did: they were fresh and inspiration. I love the Beatles!

  17. I listen to lots of different types of music, depending on what I feel like at the time. I usually listen to music when I do homework. I like music because it puts me in a good mood. Music is appealing because describes feelings that we can't describe with our regular words. I think music can change the world because it inspires people. Music units people together to have fun and sing and dance along.

  18. I listen to a wide variety of music, but mostly it is alternative, rock, and sometimes a little rap. I listen to these types of genres because the way they sound just helps me when I do an activity, like I only listen to rap when I do my math or khan academy, and I listen to rock songs on my way to a sports game to get me pumped up. Its weird but its how my mind works. My genres of music appeal to me this way because it just helps me stay focused and complete tasks. Also, I do believe that music can change the world because it has a way of putting ideas and other things into the world in a way that people like. It also has the power to make people react strongly to things and can set the mood for any occasion. If music couldn't change the world, then you wouldn't hear it everywhere you go. It wouldn't be in stores, restaurants, or even your own home.

  19. I really don't have a specific type of music I listen to. I normally just listen to the stuff playing on 103.5 and stuff. I like to listen to music because it makes me happy and energetic. I like to run to music or practice soccer to music. I think music is most appealing because it can speak to people in different ways. I think music can change the world because all the cultures have their own types of music. It is also a way for people to express themselves. I think music is also good because it is a creative outlet for people.

  20. Nate- Well.... I can listen to mostly anything as long as it isn't annoying to me or realllllly shallow (modern pop music and a lot of today's rap). I listen to everything from 80's and 90's hip-hop to Eminem to grunge, metal, art-metal like Tool, power metal like DragonForce, some electronic music like M83, and rock (mainly the Red Hot Chili Peppers... but I'm disappointed because their super bowl performance was horrible). I listen to most of what I listen to because either 1. As a guitarist, I can see and respect the work that went into it, or 2. It just resonates with me. A lot of what I listen to is just what I feel like listening to at that moment. Music is appealing because of how global it is and how it can get you to think. A person may not like poetry or art all that much (like meself), but when they listen to music, they are partaking in that whole different world in a way that they like, and can relate to. It just opens up a lot of stuff, both good and bad, that you wouldn't think about normally. I think that, just like in a conversation with someone with an opposing viewpoint, music cannot change anything by itself. However, it can get you to think about things, and that thinking can change anything. Music has changed our culture completely. We have entire groups of people devoted to types of music, and we when we stereotype people, what is one of the main things we attach to them? The type of music they listen to. Music is a huge part of American culture, and through celebrities we obsess over and competitions we see, music holds a big power over us.

  21. I listen to A lot of country and some pop or hip hop. I like country because I just like the sound of it really they have really good music and its fun to dance to I guess! Yes I love to listen to music it helps me to relax or when I'm upset it helps me to feel better or even when I'm mad or stressed out it really helps. I guess it could I mean it helps me in this big world I live in. I think it would help to make the world a better and happy place.

  22. I listen to several different types of music depending on what is going on. Befor football, basketball, and baseball games I like to listen to rap because this gets my adrenaline pumping and gets me pumped. Before games, I also like to listen to country. Country is far different from rap. Country music tells a story. These stories can have a plethora of meanings. This doesn't mean that this is all I listen to. I also enjoy mariachi bands as well. I like listening to music because music can take you to a place that word cannot. Music can make you feel thing that you never thought you could. I don't think that music can change the world, but I do think it can change lives.

  23. I listen to a lot of music. I normally find myself listening to country with a little bit of hip-hop or pop music. I love listening to country because it tells a story. When I listen to pop music I am normally just enjoying listening to the beat not the lyrics. I don't think I ever stop listening to music throughout the day, which Adriana thinks I am crazy. Music not matter what genre, with the exception of hard metal rock, puts me in a good mood. That is why it appeals to me because it puts me in a good mood no matter what the circumstance. The genres I listen to just depends on mood. I don't think music could change the world, but I do think it could change someone's day from being bad to becoming a great day.


  24. My favorite kind of music is punk pop, alternative, and rock. I like this music because you can hear emotion dripping from all the members of the band. The pain, the fear, and you feel a connection. A connection that can only be felt by music that you love. From screamo to pop everyone has a connection. It's what they love. It's a way for them to let out their emotions in a positive way. That's why I find it ridiculous to think that people will bash a band or an artist because they don't like them. Someone likes them. it's their outlet. A way for them to express themselves and when they get judged for it, it just doesn't make sense. And I find it odd the way people insult bands and artists (unless they have done something illegal in which you are justified as long as you are pointing out that they did something illegal not just because their music "sucks") by saying that they don't make real music. What even is real music? Because I don't know. All I know is I like a certain genre of music. I listen to it all the time. I’m listening to Ed Sheeran as I'm typing this.
    I do feel like music can change the way the world is. It shows the children of today that they aren't alone (Like we saw in Macklemore and Ryan Lewis‘ Same Love or A Great Big Worlds It Will B Okay) or they have someone that loves them for being a fan, or even just something they can dance to after school. Even if a phrase is overused or new and profound, it belongs to someone on an emotional level. I know the bands that I listen to (Panic! At The Disco, Fall Out Boy, All Time Low, Ed Sheeran, Kansas, One Direction) are just as important to me as Eminem, Little Mix, Taylor Swift, Sufian Stevens are to others. I feel like if we just say, "Only you can go like your music and I’ll go listen to mine.
    But I also think it has the power to change it in a negative way. It can promote rape culture like in Robin Thickes Blurred Lines. He uses demeaning terms over and over. I know you want it, I know you want it. Even the title is implying that there are blurred lines in consent. This is a way music can negatively impact society.
    In all I think that music is a way that people should express themselves. From bubblegum pop, to hardcore rock, it’s a way for people to understand that they are going to be okay. They hear someone telling them that they love them and they write songs for them and just... be there when they feel like they’re alone.

    1. I was thinking that, too. For every song, whether WE think it's good or bad, like our opinion, someone loved it, and someone took time and effort into creating it.

    2. I think it's odd because people become scared to share their music taste in fear that they will be judged. That's not what music is supposed to be about. It's about creating a happy feeling in yourself.

  25. I don’t listen to only one genre of music, but enjoy all types. The only type of music I extremely dislike is dubstep. It has no meaning and just consists of electronic notes mashed up together to create a “song”. Music can be very relaxing and can help block out the worries or stresses of life. I personally don’t care so much for the music for the song, but I pay more attention to the lyrics. Some songs (except many modern day ones) tell a story in the lyrics. I like listening to song’s lyrics because music artists can link theses lyrics to their music videos, which can show and tell the whole story of the song to the listener. I love listening to music, but I’ve been listening a lot less lately. People like music for different reasons. It can bring friends together if their favorite artist is coming to town. People may listen to a certain type of music right before they play a sport to get pumped up. And still others may listen to soothing classical right before going to bed. I think music can definitely change the world, for good or for bad. In today’s world, if a song is very controversial, it will suddenly gain a lot of attention from the media. If well-known and respected music artists start putting bad messages in their songs, kids will think this is the only way to look “cool” and will spiral down a long dark road. It could also help in promoting peace in a few ways as well.

  26. I love listening to music. I actually do not have just one specific genre I listen to. I really will listen to any music except for country. It really has never been appealing to my ears and I'm not a total fan for teen pop or whatever, you know like one direction and those guys. I really love listening to music mainly because it really just puts me in that state of "chill." I actually do believe music could change the world because music is probably one of the only things that brings people together.

  27. I like listening to all kinds of music. I don't have a specific genre that I listen to but I do really like pop if I had to choose one. I listen to music because it makes me feel like myself and to let me relax and just listen. There are many types of music that appeal to people and it really influances them to do amazing things. Music is really appealing to me because like I said it puts me in a relaxing state. Music is changing and has changed the world in many ways. In the olden days the drummer and the bugler in the wars kept all the soilders in tact. If there was no drummer or bugler then the whole army would be discombobulated. but as i said there are many ways music has changed the world. it keeps the whole world in peace and corridnation. music is everything in the world

    -Brian Bodine

  28. In my opinion, music is like art, and to art there are many different varieties that can appeal to others. Many like, others hate, it's just what the beholder finds as to their liking or not to their liking. But now the goal of the generations onward is to make something different to the pop around them like in art people must find different inspirations to make art that is original. The songs today is just a bone thrown over and over to a dog where we want something new. The problem is the ideas of what is "new" has been to most instances bizarre or out of fit. The songs I really find enjoyable are the songs of artists not listened to often by the public now but what was before. I still have some songs I love like Around the World by the old Daft Punk and Perfect Day by Lou Reed. I like the world from before in music because ideas were fresh back then instead of grabbing a copier for music with some different words and calling it "original". I still enjoy music but only the music that other people have forgotten about since it is truly original. Music however is still changing people today in the world causing enough influence to change a nation. People bring open arms to music and that is what I love about it. I will use an example that happened about a year ago. Zach Sobiech was diagnosed with cancer in May 2012 and was told that he had around one year to live. Instead of sitting in a hole he fought back and even wrote a song about it called Clouds (which if you haven't already listened to then I highly recommend it) and sparked the research to try to help save Zach. Sadly he did die a year later but his music still inspired people to fund money to help others in need. If you show heart in the music you write anyone can change a nation. That is why it is so appealing to those around, it shows a change, a new idea from a group, as music expresses ideas to an infinite amount and that is really what it does. It spreads the message to thousands in a new way, so music itself is a way to speak what you want to speak. That is why it is appealing to me and others and thus makes me want to see it grow and become more new than before. Maybe in the future, hopefully there will be new art in the form of sound.

  29. I listen to Alternative songs because I can relate to them more. There's a certain feeling you get with music that just 'clicks' with you. It makes you feel good and the music that I usually listen too generally go into the Alternative category. Yes, I like to listen to music. Especially when I'm feeling down, the right song can always make me feel happy once again. But music can also do the opposite, listening to a sad song sometimes makes me feel sad too. :( It's so appealing because it's so magical and theirs a song for every person and emotion. The experience of listening to music is magical because it can touch your soul. It brings people together and can even tear them apart and that's how it can change the world.

  30. I listen to a lot of hip hop and rock and Japanese music. I really love hip hop because of rappers like Eminem. Some of his songs that I like are "Toy Soldiers" and "The Real Slim Shady" ("The Real Slim Shady actually is one of those songs that you don't really want to know the lyrics to) Hip hop music is actually really good and a lot of the rap songs that he does actually has a point and it isn't just about drugs and girls. Hip hop is tied to a lot of bad stuff like drugs so I feel like not a lot of people are open to even giving it a shot. But it's actually really good. I like rock music because it's one of those types of music that's just so raw. I love groups like Evanescence and Hollywood Undead. Hollywood Undead is one of those music groups that have a couple really good songs like "Lion" "Can You Hear Me Now?" and "Young" They involve a lot of rap solo's and drum/guitar solo's and on occasion screaming. A couple songs are typical songs about drugs but the good songs make up for their bad ones. Evanescence is another rock group that I really love. It's main singer, Amy Lee, is the face of the whole band. she has this kind of haunting look that draws you in. Her entire first album "Fallen" is amazing. I have it on my phone and I listen to it all the time. Her songs are so amazing and the music is something I can really connect too. I don't really mind the whole rap/guitar/drum/screaming solo's so the music is a little easier for my to listen too. Japanese music (or J-pop) is my own little music genera. I can look up translations but those kind of ruin the experience for me. I don't have to know what they're saying, the music and the way they sound is enough for me. A couple songs I like are (and yes these are the names given to them) "Again" and "Gloria" by Yui, "Let it out" by Miko Fukohara, "My Song" by Iwasawa, "Period" by Chemistry. Not many people in America listen to this kind of music because (well let's face it) no one really know or cares. I urge some of you to look up the songs and their English translations because this music is actually really beautiful and you don't have to understand what the musicians are saying to understand the message.
    If you haven't guessed yet, I love music. I've connected to music since I was little. It started with opera's and musicals and then I gradually moved into today's music. Music as always been an outlet for me so what I listen too usually depends on my mood. I listen to hip hop and rock because I like it but I'll listen to the occasional country and pop song depending on how I'm feeling. I've been taking piano lessons for a while so music is kind of embedded in me and a must have in life. I like to listen to some music that isn't that popular so my musical world is actually pretty broad.
    Yes, despite what others have said, music can change the world. I have a personal belief that music is a gift for the soul. We can use that gift to influence others. Like songs on the radio. Depending on your likes and dislikes, that the station that you listen too. But think about this. As long as those songs have right beat, tune, and key to them, you probably won't care about the lyrics and just sing along. A prime example of this is "Blurred Lines" by Robin Thick. It has a good beat, it's catchy, and it's in an appealing key. But when you walk down the street singing "I know you want it, but you're a good girl" are you really thinking about what that means? The writer may not have intended it that way, but it's still not good. So, if we put that stuff out there, it influences us in that way. (I'm not saying to get rid of all music like that, i believe in the freedom on expression and music and to each their own) But what if we put out songs about peace like Bob Marley did? That would really make a difference.

    1. Another good song by Eminem is "Sky Full of Lighters"

  31. I listen to mostly rap because it can pump me up but also be chill a lot too. I listen to music most of the time if I'm not doing anything that requires a lot of concentration or if no one is talking to me. I like to listen to music before basketball because it gets me in my zone. Music can change the world because it can start trends and change lives and inspire people to do something.

  32. I like to listen to many different types of music; some are rap and some hip-hop. This type of music appeals to me because it helps me get pumped up and get excited. Yes I love to listen to music, it is like an art. I feel that music can change the world by influencing people in a positive or negative way. I fell music can make you feel happy or put you in a bad mood Yes because music can mean something and influence people to do things. I feel that music can change the world; we all have songs that mean something to us. People might feel Patriotic or have great memories from a song or group. Music should always be part of our life, without life would be so dull.


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