Tuesday, September 9, 2014

September 11, 2014

Thursday marks the 13th anniversary of the attacks on the United States in New York and Washington, D.C.  While truly tragic, it was also a day which demonstrated the incredible will and strength of the human spirit.  There were as many stories of heroism as there was destruction.  We witnessed countless acts of bravery and selflessness.  And these are only the stories we know.  Many of the incredible stories forever died with the victims.

The following is a brief timeline of the day’s events.

At 8:45 am, the first plane crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center.  The crash instantly killed hundreds of innocent people and trapped hundreds more above the 110th floor.  While emergency crews sprang into action, a mere 18 minutes later, a second plane crashed into the South Tower.  It was evident to all, this was not a coincidence, the United States was under attack. 

At 9:45 am, a third plane crashed into the Pentagon.  The jet fuel caused a devastating fire causing a small structural collapse. 

15 minutes after the Pentagon crash, the South Tower collapsed.  It was less than one hour from the time the plane crashed into the building to when it fell to the ground.

 At 10:10, the country became aware of a fourth plane wreck.  United Flight 93 had left the Newark airport late.  40 minutes after departure, terrorists took control of the plane.  The passengers on the plane, aware of the events of New York and Washington, decided to take action.  They overtook the terrorist and in the process crashed the plane into a Pennsylvanian field.  All aboard were killed instantly.

At 10:30, the inevitable occurred.  The North Tower of the World Trade Center collapsed.  While the nation watched in awe, the brave firefighters, police officers and other city officials continued to respond to their call to duty.  Due to the devastation created when the Twin Towers collapsed, four other building would fall to the ground during the day. 
As the day concluded we began to hear the devastating carnage from the day.  In New York City approximately 3,000 people were killed, including 343 firefighter and paramedics, 23 police officers and 37 Port Authority officers.  In Washington, DC, 125 military personnel and civilians were killed at the Pentagon in addition to the 64 people on board the flight.  An additional 45 people were killed in the Pennsylvanian field from Flight 93.

Since this day, the world has changed dramatically.  For example, we have increased security at airports and ball games.  We are much more aware of extremist groups and their acts of terror.  Likewise, we have built a new building at the site and commissioned a museum so that we never forget what happened. 

Do you think the world is safer or more dangerous since September 11th?  Why?  If you could lead the nations of the world, what would be your plan to achieve world peace?  Details please…..


  1. I think the world is more safe ever since the September 11th attacks because we now know more and we have also put more security in airports and public places. I think we did this so that we can keep each other and ourselves safe. If I could lead the nations I would probably put more security places, try to bring as many nations together as I can, and try to just create as much peace as I can.

  2. The world has been a lot safer and more uptight around certain policies, and security mesures. Ever since the attack the airport security is so much more intense, in the sense that it takes more time, more effort, and more money, to process people through. If I had the chance to make world peace, I would ask all of the militias, angry groups of people, and countries that are going into war or thinking about it, Then I would see what they want and try to compromise for what they want and give it to them, if they are not satisfied I would just say that you need to be taken away, or out of society.

  3. I do not think think that today's world can be described as "safer". There have been quite a number of dangerous attacks since 9/11, such as Sandy Hook Shooting, the Boston Marathon bombing, and many others. I think the appropriate term would be "stronger". We are stronger. American flights are much more secure and we have much stricter policies about what you can and can't bring on board. Yes, it gets annoying but I think we are better safe than sorry.
    If I were leading the nations, my plan for peace would be very detailed. I would negotiate with other country leaders and come up with a fair solution. If countries were fighting over land, we would discuss the appropriate boundaries. If they were fighting over power, I would help them come to an equal balance. I know that there are a lot of people that are upset with this world; I just want people to be heard. Everyone deserves a chance to be at peace, and I would like to be that chance for people.

  4. I think the world is more safe after the 9/11 attacks. We have more security in airports and places open to the public because of these attacks. The US and other nations became aware of these types of terrorists after the attacks, and leaders of countries have been trying to keep their people safe and secure by adding more security to places. If I could lead the nations of the world, I would ask the terrorists, mobs of angry people, and overpowering military what they are doing, how is it benefiting the country, and why they are doing it. From there, I would try to compromise with them to see if I could meet their needs in any way.

  5. I think the world as a whole has gotten more dangerous but the US has become accustomed to fit the danger with intense background tests and increased security. If I could lead the nations of the world i would do the best I can but it would be a known fact that I could not bring world peace, it is an unachievable wish made by those most desperate or in need of a good pageant answer. Humans were created to fight and, instead of an extremely controlling government which will eventually become prey to its inevitable downfall, I would rather stay away from political concerns altogether, but if I was forced into the world of politics I would make each country have a very strict self governing system and limit out of country contact.

  6. I think that the world is less safe because has gotten tired of fighting the war. As were slowly retreat the terrorist keep on gaining more territory and gaining confidence. I don't think the is peace is gong to happen considering their main reason is to destroy our culture so I don't think we can make a peace treaty.

  7. Yes I do think the U.S.A. is safer but if we take these safety measures to far then we are just being control freaks over the American citizens. First I would launch all the Nuclear missiles into outer space and dentate them in outer space and when that was done I would destroy all evidence on how to split an atom. When that was done I would celebrate good times come on!!!!!!!!

  8. The world isn't exactly a very safe place, but it is safer than it was before 9/11. We have advanced security and technology that absolutely helps find criminals and sense weapons, but they can't stop all the crime in this country. If I ruled the nations of the world then I would make peace between everyone by finding reasonable compromises between the nations and finding reasonable compromises between the government and the people in countries like Iraq, Afghanistan, and so many more. I would not tolerate the government promoting violence to its citizens and would give the people more freedom in the violent areas of the world; this would allow more peace between the government and their people and with other places like the United States and Europe. I believe that controlling the amount of power that the government holds in some countries will definitely help promote peace locally and worldwide.

  9. I think the world has become a safer place since the attacks on the Twin Towers because of the precautions we take against terrorism. If I could influence all the nations I would set up rules for terrorism that would control them (just as the Geneva Convention controls war crimes). I would make it so that there would be no killing of innocent citizens or destruction of buildings.

  10. I think that the world is a safer place since 9/11 because security has increased because of the chance of a terrorist attack. However, I don't think that people feel as safe as they did before 9/11. The small chance of a massive assault on the US is in lots of movies and shows nowadays and that plants a seed of fear, so we don't feel as safe.
    To attempt world peace, I would heavily invest in a defense system that could block missiles and prevent enemies from trespassing. I would encourage peace and discourage violence. I think that I would make clear that if you hurt us, we will hurt you 7 fold. I think that would discourage belligerence against the US.

  11. I think the world is a safer place. we have changed our world allot since then before.However, I don't think that people feel as safe as they did before 9/11. The small chance of a massive assault on the US is in lots of movies and shows nowadays and that plants a seed of fear, so we don't feel as safe. this is what i think about the attacks.

  12. I think the world is safer place after the 9/11 terrorist attack. We have increased our airport security and have had less plane incidents. On the flip side of that, I don't think people feel as safe after the terrorist attacks. Even with all the security we have and all the safety equipment we have, that day will always be remembered for the rest of our lives. In conclusion, I think the attacks made our country safer, but made our citizens scared. That is what I think about the attacks.

  13. In my opinion, the world has become a little bit safer, while America itself has become MUCH safer. Like you said, we now have much tighter security and we have more of an awareness of terrorists. We have also done more to find and stop terrorist groups and extremists.
    If I were in charge of the nations, I would start by making peace treaties between nations that are currently at war or under the threat of it. After that, I would start very careful searches for terrorists and try to imprison them, not necessarily kill them. I would try my best to stop any and all killings and murdering, though it would be EXTREMELY hard. It would be hard to get all the countries to even get along in the first place, but I would do my best.

  14. Ifeel like parts of the world have become safer. Take the United States, the country is safe in my opinion. You can never get rid of gangs and violence, but you can crack down on it. Thenyou take the countries in the middle east.... These people in these countries need a mental institution. Terrorist groups in these countries are destroying world peace for absolutely no good reason. I feel that if you are bugged by what other people do or what religion they are then go do your own thing but don't ruin it for everybody. These `countries in the middle east are corrupt and dangerous. And the terrorist groups are going to attempt to get into the US. We as the US are giving these people to much confidence and I feel that it is time to stop it. These countries have problems to solve but I think that if we give them time they will be fine.

  15. I feel like the world is safer because people have become more aware and are trying new defense methods. The government now knows what to do in case that should happen again. My plan would be to go to the countries that were having problems with and actually talk to the person in charge. See if theirs something that's upsetting them and get it out of there way so we are fine between each other. We have to just step of peoples backs then they might be able to fix there problems without us intruding.

  16. i believe the world is getting safer by the minuet. there are way more security in everything from museums to sporting events. we have especially upgraded airport security and stuff like that. we still have to be aware that as we get smarter terrorists groups also get smarter. now im not saying the U.S.A inst doing there part but the middle east seriously needs to figure things out, i mean there has been non-stop violence over there. overall i thing the the U.S.A is doing fine but there is still plenty room for improvement and we need to always be on our toes and be ready for anything.

  17. I think since 9/11 our country has gotten safer, now we take more precautions at airports. Now there are machines that can detect certain things that you are carrying and there are more police officers. If I was the leader of all nations I would make it so that there is one massive nation and not separate countries, but I would make it so there are separate states with one governor in each state.

  18. I think that the world has become a safer place after the 9/11 attacks. Because of them we know have many more machines to check people before they are allowed into public places. For example people are not allowed n planes until their luggage is checked and they get a full body scan for any kind of weapon. If I were to lead nations, I would try to increase the security as much as I could. More security means less problems. I would also try to achieve peace. If people had agreements less of these things would happen. I would look at both sides of peoples arguments and problems, so that agreements owuld be met, and less problems would happen.

  19. Our country has definetly become safer since the events that took place on September 11. I think that it would be a great idea to make all the leaders of the world live a day in the lives of any other world leaders that they are fighting. Of coarse they would not have control of what happens in that country so that nothing destructive happens but they could see what lifestyle that live and how it affects decisions, wars, and countries

  20. I think that the world has become more safe of place since the attacks on 9/11. But I think that we have become to comfortable since the attacks and aren't as aware of terrorists as right after the attack. But we also have great technological advancements since 9/11 because we know have machines that check people and there belongings before they can get into planes. In order to bring peace to the world I would try to end world hunger. Also I would try to get all the nations to come together and make peace. I would also promote that people be accepting of others.

  21. I think the world is a safer place since 9/11 because we have started a war against terrorism and the whole world is safer without terrorist. If i were leading a war i would have small different communities. If one person in the community committed a crime against anyone else the whole community would be punished. The community would stop any terrorism because they wouldn't want to be punished.

  22. I think that the world is safer since 9/11 because we have done things to fix the damage and we know more about terrorism and how to stop it. We should be aware of the world around us and help in as many ways we can to prevent bad things from happening. There have been some terrible incidents like the Boston Bombing and the issues in the Middle East, but we have done many things to help fix the hurt after the bombing and are trying to do many things to help the crisis in the Middle East. To have more peace if I was a nation leader, I would try to instill laws that protect the well-being of everyone in the community and do as many things to teach people how terrible terrorism is and how we can try to stop it. I think that through all the terrible things that have happened we have become closer and stronger as a nation.

  23. I think that the world if safer after 9/11 because it made our country stronger and more aware of terrorism and how to control it. 9/11 brought our country closer together as one to face challenges that we go through. If I were leading the country to peace I would try to compromise with other countries before going straight into war. If al of the countries try to compromise instead of being violent and going to war then i think that this world would be alot more peaceful and a better place to live.

  24. I think the world is safer since 9/11 because we are more aware of the type of things terrorists are capable of doing. Also because we can kind of have an idea of what to prepare for. If i could lead i would work on security around the world. I would have more security in airports and have them more aware of things and check and be more alert.

  25. We are more aware. We may not be 100% safer since the 9/11 attacks, but we see the world with bigger, more educated eyes. If anything, since the first terrorist attack of September 11th there have been attacks even more frequently than before. In America there have been bombings, burning, threats, shootings, and attacks; but we have learned from these tragic events. We stand together strong, and we have gotten a lot stricter on airport and large event security. However since 9/11 people are less trusting and we see the world as a tragic, dangerous place. The major question in all of this chaos is really: Where does security and safety of the public end and privacy of the people begin?
    If I were to lead the world I would educate people. I would make it my job to make sure everyone knows how hurtful and wrong terrorism is. If the world were having wars and/or problems I would want to make sure I take the most informed, educated answer possible. I would try and make sure that even though there is so much social media these days, and everyone likes to make their own opinion without thinking; I would keep everyone as well informed as possible. This way even if I wouldn't be able to solve all the worlds problems directly, I would leave behind a smarter, more educated generation (who hopefully would continue to educate all future generations) that will be able to negotiate and make compromises with more education and high morals involved.

  26. If I said that the world is more safe because of 9/11, I would be lying. We are safer in airports and the security, and with gangs and guns and things like that, but we did not all of a sudden start becoming more safe because 9/11 happened. 9/11, though, did contribute a lot of ideas to security and safeness across the world , but other things happened that provoked more safeness, such as Sandy Hook. Now, schools are putting in more security. Did 9/11 contribute to that? No, but it did contribute to other things, as I said earlier, like airport security and safety.
    We are definitely not more safe, and we especially don't think so when things like Sandy Hook, the Boston Bombing, or even bomb threats because we lose hope. We lose all our courage that we have built up inside and we start thinking and realizing that we aren't as safe as we are made out to be. Things tragic like that happen, and we mourn and we are sad, but we have faith and courage that things will get more safe.
    So, my answer is kind of. In a way, we have been more safe since 9/11. That doesn't mean I am happy that it happened, but there you have it- the silver lining.
    If I was a leader I would tell my people that we may have differences and problems with others in the world, but that doesn't mean that we can go and hate everyone. It simply means that we need to see everybody's good side and try to make peace with others. Make allies, not enemies.

  27. I do think the world has become safer since 9/11 because we have become aware and have done things to fix the damage. we have advanced security and technology and this has helped us find criminals and keep us safer. We have also advanced a lot in airport security.If I have a nation i would put more security places so everything would be safe and try to bring nations together

  28. I don't know what you mean when you mean " the world", so im gonna take that literally, not just the U.S. The world is definitely not a safer place because the Middle East just screams at you MURDER and DEATH. That is a confusing topic. The U.S. has improved a little bit in safety. Not so much schools and other public places. One thing is that it would also be bad if everywhere you went there was security.

    If I lead the worlds nations and tried to bring peace among them, that would be impossible, but if I absolutely tried then I would help compromise by each person giving up something that the other country wants. I would try to help them to forget about their ego but to care for each other.

  29. I think the U.S is more safer from September 11, 2001 because it has made us get better security, technology, etc. We have also been more cautious about checking peoples backgrounds and passports at the airport. The US has also gotten stronger as a whole. If I was a world leader I would make better security. I would also try to compromise with other countries, so we wouldnt have wars.

  30. I think that the U.S. is safer since 9/11. It has made a huge impact on security, technology, and airports are safer but it has not has made us 100% safe. Sandy Hook was not prevented because of 9/11 and there are still gangs, people, with guns, and lots of crime. 9/11 has made us safe in airports and on air planes, and has made more security but not tons safer over all. I would try to bring us to agreeance and compromise so that everyone id heard and has a part. i think that this would help creat peace.

  31. I think the US is safer ever since the attack on September 11. Many more places have higher security due to advanced technology. Like in airports, they make you take your bags off and walk through a scanner. With the better security, it has made the US a lot safer of a place but that doesn't mean bad things still don't happen. If I could lead the nations of the world to bring world peace, I would make the people more educated. With educating the people, they will know what is going on and why terrorism is bad. Education of the people could also lead to compromising with each others differences and it would be a step to having world peace.

  32. I think that the world has become more safe. Specially in the US. In other counties over seas I think that it has become more dangerous because 9/11 sparked a fire in some people to do the same thing. If I could lead nations my idea to have world peace would to be try not to start any major wars. I think that I would have my country argue verbally and not physically and this is how I would achieve world peace.

  33. I wouldn't say the United States has become much safer after September 11. I mean, in terms of security, the United States has become more safe because of the technology and intelligence we have. For example, the airports have tried a lot harder to make sure anyone boarding the plane is safe. But there has been many shootings and dangerous situations in the United States recently. If leaded the nations, I would want to bring world peace. The way I would do this is teach the other countries that wars are not right. I would teach them how to compromise with each other. World peace is so important and we need to step up and offer ideas of how we could achieve it.

  34. i would say that the U.S. has become safer since because we will never forget what happened that day. We have all become aware and prepared if another attack took place. If I was a world leader, I would work towards peace by taking action and raising awareness throughout the world about all of the horrors of death and war. i would advertise tragic interviews of families that have lost their loved ones to these horrors. This way people would see what was going on and hopefully they would take action themselves and spread the word. i would also ask people to start raising awareness for things like bullying and fighting and the difficulties that war and sorrow creates.

  35. The U.S. has indeed become safer since 9/11. No one will forget what happened and use it as a reference to make our country a better place to live. If I were a world leader, I would try to make everyone aware of the problems the world faces concerning the well-being of people around the world. The safety of the U.S. wouldn't be the only thing I care about; there are more people who struggle and need more help than Americans do, so they would be a priority as well.

  36. I really don't think that the US has become safer since 9/11. If anything I think we have became more scared of the country's around us, but given that, I think we have made efforts to make the United States safer. If I was world leader I would try to make people more aware that stuff like this can and might happen again. Hopefully that would bring the attention that we need to be a safer country. I would make sure that our military was paying really close attention to any threats that might come from other countries .(Not saying that they are not doing that, I would just make sure.)

  37. I kind of think that the US has become safer since 9/11 I think our safety precautions have been reinforced and we have a general idea of what to do in case of that big of an emergency. However, I think that we have been a little more worried about what the countries around us could potentially do.


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