Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Scotland's Vote for Independence

On September 18, 2014 the citizens of Scotland age 16 and above will be heading to the polls to vote on whether or not they will remain part of the United Kingdom or become an independent nation.  The implications from this vote can have long term and far reaching impacts on Scotland, the United Kingdom and Europe.

This vote, some would say, has been in the making for about 300 years.  This is the length of time Scotland has been part of the United Kingdom along with England, Wales, and Northern Ireland.  Over the past three hundred years, these countries have become dependent on one another economically and militarily.  But many feel the relationship has run its course and it is time for a change. 
If Scotland chooses to become independent, the work and questions would increase.  There would be many decisions and issues to resolve including what would be their currency, what to do with the United Kingdom’s national debt, and how Scotland will go about establishing a national defense.  Additionally, a “yes” vote could be the inspiration to many other groups to politically fight for their sovereignty, such as the Basque and the French Canadians. 

Recent polls are predicting the vote to be extremely close.  The approximately 6% of undecided voter will be the deciding factor in the election.  What the poll indicates is there are just about as many people in Scotland who would like to remain a part of the United Kingdom as those who would like to be independent.  The opinions of the people have much to do with the age of the voters, where in Scotland they live, their education, and careers.  It has been a long a contentious debate. 

What do you think about this vote for Scotland’s independence?  If you were voting, which way would you vote and why?  What are your thoughts about 16 year olds voting? Do you think the United States should consider lowering the voting age?  Why?  


  1. I think that Scotland's vote for independence make sense to do. I mean if I was ruling Scotland, I would want to be my own independent country. If I were voting I would vote for independence. Because that's what I would want if I were living in Scotland. I don't think that 16 year old kids should be able to vote because technically they are not adults they are still kids. I don't think that the age should be lowered because some sixteen year old kids don't know what is going on and they don't know what to vote for.

  2. i think it is awesome and they should be independent and should not have England's debt. I would vote for independence and copy the USA and have a democracy and have a constitution and all that jazz. Wow 16 and older I don't know about that idea they are rebellious and so on but i think it should be 18. No Because if they were able to then we would have teenagers like me voting thats not a good idea. It is not a good idea because we might go crazy and vote for a guy who manipulated us.

  3. I do think Scotland's vote for independence is a good idea. In my opinion, they should have their own country. If I was a citizen from Scotland, I would defiantly vote for independence. In America, we are very independent and I would never want to be anything different. I do not think it is a good idea to have 16 year olds in the polls. They are still mentally developing and they can be very easily influenced by other people. They may vote for something only because their friends are. The United States should NOT allow 16 year olds to vote. Like I said before, they can be influenced by their peers very easily. Imagine someone who is not even an adult yet deciding what is best for our country… The age of voting in the United States should stay at 18.

  4. I think it's a good idea in theory for Scotland to become independent, however major questions will arise; that is a fact. I think if this idea has been in the "works" for as long as it has then who am I to say no. I would vote no, however I do respect the enterprising minds of the people who said yes. I think voting at 16 is a good idea because they will be the majority of people effected by the descision and should have a say in such a big movement. The US should follow Scotland's excample.

  5. I think that Scotland's independence is a good idea because independent countries have more respect, but it could be a bad one because a lot of problems could arise. If I were voting, I would want to become independent because it allows more opportunity. I think that 16 year is voting is bad because most teenagers are dumb or succumb to peer pressure. I do not think the US should lower the voting age.

  6. I think this vote for Scotland's independence is shocking. While apparently this has been a possibility for many years, this is the first I'm hearing of it. I think it is a good idea, though. Isn't independence what every country truly strives for? On the other hand, I don't know if Scotland is financially or militarily prepared for this big jump. If I were a Scottish citizen, however, I would still vote for Scotland's independence because it would be nice to not be grouped into all of the UK. I would want to have my country be as independent and individual as possible.
    I think there are many aspects to consider when allowing 16 year olds to vote. It is a little scary to think that a country would let their own teenagers, who are universally known for their impulsive and reckless behavior, to have a say in their country's fate. Then again, I am in no place to critique an entire nation's youth. But I think there is a reason why America wants us to wait until adulthood to vote. It at least gives our brains 2 plus years to develop and mature. I am perfectly happy with America's voting age. Even for the more mature 16 years old of my nation, I feel, would be willing to wait two additional years for their peers to catch up. In the end, I think it can be really hard on a country to define when it is citizens will be mentally ready for voting. It depends on the individual.

  7. I think it's great that Scotland wants be their own independent country. However, I'm not sure Scotland is ready. I don't know if they are going to be able to put together a national defense system, deciding what their currency is, and what to do with England's debt. I think that maybe it is better to wait a few years until they have everything straightened out for the most part and then become independent.

  8. I think that it is a huge step forward for Scotland to vote for independence, taking into consideration they have been part of the United Kingdom for about 300 years. I think that it is great to have the Scotland citizens voting for what they think is best for the country and its people. If I was a voting citizen in Scotland, I would vote for independence from the UK. I would pick this over staying a part of the UK because Scotland has been part of the United Kingdom for a long time, and many good changes could come if they were independent. I think that it would be a lot of work to be independent from the UK, but I think that Scotland is capable of making necessary changes to run the country. I think that 16 year olds should not be able to vote because they aren't fully on their own yet and they can't make their decisions until they turn 18. I don't think that the Unites States should consider to lower the age of voting because when someone is 18 they have and take more responsibility than someone who is 16. I think that many good things could come if they stay part of the UK or not.

  9. I think that Scotland's independence is a good idea. I think it would be a good change for them because they have been apart of the United Kingdom for 300 years. If I was voting I think I would vote "yes" because America is independent and I like it just the way it is. I think that 16 year olds voting is not a good idea. I don think that they are not mature enough and they would probably vote on what their peers vote. I don't think that the United States should consider because like I said before I don't think that 16 year olds are mature enough and they also only mostly vote on what their peers vote.

  10. I think its great that Scotland is going for independence. You would think that they would have made this decision sooner, but anytime is a good time. I would vote yes to Scotland because we as americans value our freedom and to think that they will do the same if a comforting thought.
    No way should 16 year old's vote on anything. They have no point of reference and most time don't even know what they are voting for.

  11. Scotland wanting independence is pretty reasonable; the majority of people in some countries would want their homeland to be independent and not have to rely on other countries to function. But a lot of people don't realize that their country would probably thrive better while affiliated with a few countries, like the United Kingdom. Together they have established a currency, national defense, trading system, etc. and it would just be more difficult for Scotland to re-establish these. So I would vote to stay with the United Kingdom. I believe that 16 year-olds are at the age where they start to become more independent in life and understand local/global issues, so it's a good age to start voting. A lot of 16 year-olds in America are actually quite political and know a lot about the government, so they should be able to vote. We do have many immature and irresponsible teenagers, but the worst thing that would happen is they wouldn't even be interested in voting, which is okay.

  12. I think Scotland vote for independence is a good thing because they have been part of the United Kingdom for so long and maybe they needed a change. Also I think its good because I feel like a country that breaks a part will become stronger because they are alone and have to defend them selves. I would vote '' yes'' because I would want the freedom and so that we can be independent. My thoughts on the 16 year old vote is that its good because a lot of adults don't vote because they don't have time because of work where as kids have more time. Yes, because we will get a better turnout at the polls.

  13. I think Scotland voting for their independece is a good thing, but if I lived Scotland I would vote no. I think it would take a ton of work for Scotland to become there own country. They have been a part of the UK for a long time and if I lived there I wouldn't want it to change. I think it would be cool to have another country added to the world, but I am not sure Scotland does. I think letting 16 year olds vote was a good idea, that way they could here from mostly everyone. I don't think the U.S. is going to lower the voting age because I see no point in it. I think 18 is a good age because people tend to be more mature and smarter about there decisions compared to people that are 16.

  14. I think this is a good idea for Scotland. If there is any thought whatsoever of people thinking to separate from a Kingdom or any place with lots of countries inside, there must be good reasons to separate. I have heard about the pros and cons of gaining independence and if I was voting in Scotland I would want to stay with the UK. I don't think Scotland's voting age is good. I think that the people are too young and would only vote for the side that their family or friends are voting for and not think about what this could do to benefit themselves. I don't think the US should lower our voting age. I think that 16 year olds and even some 18 year olds don't understand what voting does to our country and how it impacts us as a country. I think that 18 is a good age for our voting age because young adults are starting to mature more and become more aware of the problems in our country.

  15. I think that i would be a good change for them because being with the United Kingdom for 300 years, would be good for them. I would vote "yes" because seeing America being Independent and how things are going seems like it would be a good fit for Scotland. I think that the age 16 is to low for voting because they need to finish college and high school to gain the understanding knowledge.

  16. Scotland becoming independent is a good idea. I think it will be a good change for them having their independence and not having to rely on the other countries. But problems could arise because they've been part of the United Kingdom for 300 years and they might not know what to do. But if I lived in Scotland, I would vote yes because I think every country strives for independence and I would want it from my country. Having 16 year olds vote is not a good idea. think they are too young and don't have enough knowledge to vote. I think 18 is a good age to vote because you are more mature and you are becoming more aware of the problems in the world.

  17. I think that Scotland becoming independent will have a good outcome. If Scotland does this, they will have there own indepedance and not have to rely on others for resources, food, etc. Problems could rise because of this and that could affect more than Scotland, it could affect multiple countries. I would vote "yes" because I believe in independency and free will. In my appinion, 16 may be a little to young to vote because they are still young and often down know what they are talking about. I would say 18-21 is a good time to start voting.

  18. I think it's great that Scotland is trying to fight for their independence. The main reason why it's great is because it will finaly be done with and over this debate has been going on for over 300 years so that also makes it a historic moment. I would vote for Scotland to become independent because the economy of England is bad and so is the debt. If I was a sixteen year old I would vote, but I would not support 16 year olds voting, they are too young and their prefrontal lob hasn't been fully developed, allowing for indecicive votes to be made.

    1. Emile, you're quoting Mrs. G right now. Are you aware of that? :3

  19. I think it's cool that Scotland wants independence. Well, sort of wants. Like you said, approximately half of Scotland does want to stay and the other half doesn't. To be honest, though, I vote no for independence. Again, like you said, there would be many complications in becoming independent. There would be many problems associated with becoming their own country. I'm not saying they wouldn't be able to do it, though. :) I think that it is pretty awesome that 16 year olds get to vote. Sure, as Mrs. G would say, their prefrontal lobe wouldn't be fully developed, but like Mrs. Gamboa says, they also can be very good judges. Of course, 18 is a perfectly legitimate age for voting and we in the United States should keep it that way.

  20. I think that it if Scotland did become Independent it would be hard for them. They are so used to being part of the United Kingdom to get Military help and economical help. I would vote no, because it would be a lot of controversy because they would have to be starting a new country from scratch. They would also have to have a new currency which would be very hard. I do not think that sixteen year olds should be able to vote. I don't think that we should lower the voting age because as Emile and Lexi said the prefrontal lobe is not fully developed. But if the voting age was 16 I would definantley vote.

  21. I think it is a good idea and thought that Scotland wants to become independent, but I don't think they can handle all the decisions that they will have to make. I like the idea of voting at 16 because there are young people who are the future who are helping mold the present. I think it would be a good idea for the U.S. to think about lowering the voting age so it gives the younger people a chance to get into the habit of voting.

  22. I think that Scotland becoming independent is a good idea because they need a change from what they have been doing for the last 300 years in the United Kingdom.If i lived in Scotland and I had to vote i would not vote to be separate because it would be a huge change for them and it would take lots of work. I think that a sixteen year old voting would not be good and they shouldn't lower the age because my brother is 16 and knowing sixteen year olds they wouldn't make a decision based on what they think is the best for their country, instead they would be influenced by their friends and family instead of thinking about what is best for their country.

  23. I think that Scotland should be independent. The reason, because every nation should deserve a chance to be independent and shape their country they want to. I would vote yes because I am a very independent person and I would want to live in an independent country. 16 year olds is definitely not a good idea because they still don't have as much experience as a full grown adult. So they would not be able to make and educated vote. The U.S should definitely not lower the voting age because they are still teenagers and are probably still living with their parents asking their mom to make them a sandwich. They still are kids and that pretty much answers your question.

  24. Scotland should be able to be independent. Every country should have the chance to do as they see fit instead of following another country's rules. I would definitely vote yes for Scotland's independence, the main reason being that anyone can see the perks of being independent, and this is a chance for Scotland to try it. Having 16 year-olds vote isn't the best idea to ever come around, and it definitely won't become one. At 16, most people are still young and at the peak of their youth; it isn't a time for them to start thinking politically and deciding whether or not to vote. Changing the voting age would not be a good idea either for the same reasons. 16 year-olds aren't adults yet, so giving them the power to do something that will make even a slight impact is slightly worrying.

  25. I understand why people would want to become independent. I understand that the people there might feel like it is time for them to be able to shape there country the way they want it to be shaped not the way that other people want it to be shaped. I would probably vote for Independence because I think that if I lived there I would want to be able to have more of a say in how the country is shaped and run. I do not think that having 16 year old people vote is a good idea. I Have experience with 16 year old people, and I know that sometimes they can make bad decisions. They sometimes just do things for fun, and other times sometimes just base their decisions on the wrong things. Maybe some 16 year old people would take the voting seriously but I do not think that all of them would. I do not think that people should lower the voting ages should be lowered, because I believe that to many of the younger kids would not be mature enough to vote seriously, and I think that many of them would just take the voting as a joke.

  26. i think that is great that they want to be their own independent country. i also like the idea of voting at age 16 because only a couple will want to vote and those few will actually want what they think is best. Scotland might not be ready to be their own independent country because they have been dependent on the UK and Europe for the last 300 years. and if you are completly dependent they might not know what to do at first.

  27. I think they should be able to be their own independent country because people don't like being under all sorts of rules. They like being independent and being able to do what they want to do. This is true for a lot of people whether they know it or not. But, like Jackson said, are they going to know what to do after 300 years of being part of another country? Also, I like the idea of voting at age 16 because most kids don't care about voting, but those who do usually know the person they want to vote for, and will most likely have a good reason for it.

  28. I understand why the separatists in Scotland started this campaign. I also think however that it was a premature decision. They aren't ready, and if they are kicked out of the EU they would be completely on their own. We must keep in mind that only about HALF of the country wants to be independent, the rest of Scotland is unionist. I think that separating would be even harder than joining (which by the way - took about 100 years). Maybe it would pay of in the long, long run; but Scotland would struggle and be completely isolated before that could happen. At 16, most people say that is too young to make a political decisions, but I would guess that students will have been studying this for months now so they could make the most educated discussions and pick the right side. All in all I think the idea is nice, just ... premature. I think I would be more likely to vote "yes" if the Scots had a fully developed plan - instead of just campaigns and rallies.

  29. I think that Scotland has the right to be there own country but I also think that if they become their own country then then and independent country might need to big brother them and show Scotland how to run their own country independently. I think that it would be a good change for the people of Scotland because the have been in the UK for about 300 years. I also think that Scotland needs to have a structured plan to go along with campaigns and rallies..

  30. I think that Scottland wating their independence makes sense. They have been part of the UK for so long and maybe they wanted a change. Also It is good that they wanted it becasue it shows that they can stand up for themselfs which they will need to know how to do if they have their own country. I think that voting at 16 is crazy. When people are sixteen they arent really knowing what the they are voting for want and will propably just go along with their friend group. I think 18 is a good age becasue that is when you are an adult and its just another responcibilty of being adult

  31. I think they should become there own independent country. they like to be independent and choosing for themselves. If i had to vote I would vote yes. although many people would think no i think all people should have the chance to be independent and vote for themselves

  32. Yes they should be allowed to vote at age 16, I believe if we can drive at 16 we should be allowed to vote, as long as you understand the issues and know the ramifications of the vote you should be allowed to vote. I do believe it is time for Scotland to become their own nation. It will be difficult and take a long time to get many of the issues of a new government worked out but with the help of the supporting countries it will work out.

  33. The struggle to be independent is reasonable. If you were in Scotland..well...why wouldn't you want to be independent. The whole "voting age is 16" thing is stupid. 16 year old kids aren't developed enough to vote. Unless they are really involved in politics, they will probably just vote for what sounds best and not what is best. I think 18 years old is a good age to start voting. It is an age that kind of symbolizes being an adult and I think it is a great time to start becoming involved.


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