Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Teacher's Day - Confucius

September 28 is a Confucian Holiday celebrating the birth of Confucius. It is also celebrated as Teachers' Day. While many confuse Confucius ism with a religion, it is actually more of a philosophy. Confucius was not a priest or a deity, he was a teacher.

Confucius was born around 551 BC in the small state of Lu. He was born into an aristocratic family, although there is debate as to whether he had any money or not. During his life he served many influential people and his teachings became not only fundamental to Confucian philosophy, but to the general Chinese philosophy.

The 6th century BC China was a bad time politically and socially in China. Leaders had lost their way.  There was a greater emphasis on the people serving the leader instead of being there to support the people and grow a strong community.   Ethics and integrity meant little to the leaders of the time. Confucius was disgusted by this development. At the time, he was a widely unknown teacher. He attempted to revive society by re-introducing the great moral teachings of the past.

At the cornerstone of his teachings was the belief that ethical considerations should be the guiding principle of government. He did not accept the idea of a strict legal system. He believed the primary task of a ruler was to promote the welfare and happiness of the people. The ruler should be a role model, his behavior should be better than everyone else. The leader’s strong ethical behaviors would influence the people's behaviors. Customs and voluntary adherence would be the best way to achieve and maintain an orderly society. Furthermore, he believed leadership should be given to the educated, not the noble. 

Confucius never wrote many of the quotations we see today. After his death, many of his disciples gathered and compiled his teachings. Here are a few quotations:

"Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves."

"Forget injuries, never forget kindness."

"He who will not economize will have to agonize."

"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand."

"Respect yourself and others will respect you."

Throughout history, we have seen many teachers influence the world. Jesus, Martin Luther King, Jr., Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Buddha, and Confucius have significantly changed the world and redefined the way many of us view right from wrong.

Who are the teachers in your life that have influenced you the most? What qualities do they have that make them an effective and influential teacher? If possible, please provide a couple of your favorite sayings learned from your teachers.


  1. My influential leaders are my parents, grandparents my peers, my friends, and my teachers. They show me how to deal with things and live with the things that have happened. They also let me know how to deal with it, self discipline, love, help, how to do stuff, and more. Love, live, and laugh, just do it, live life at the fullest.`

  2. I think that my brother Jacob has been one of the biggest teachers in my life. He always strives on and he never gives up on anything. If he can not do something from the very start he will practice and practice until he can. He also helps me in any way that he can. He will help me with my homework, with my shot, etc. He is also always kind to me and my younger brother. He is always wanting to be the one who is helping me out or doing something with me. If I need help with homework he does not just do it quickly he puts down his own homework and walks me through the steps one by one. I have learned plenty of quotes like do your best, strive on etc. But I think that most of the quotes that he teaches me are from basketball players. "I have a theory that if I give my 100% all the time that somehow it will work out in the end." -Larry Bird and I have missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 26 games. 26 times I have been trusted to take the game wining shot and missed. I have failed over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.

  3. The teachers that have influenced me are: Mr. Cook, Mr.Grant, Mr.Yanci, Mrs. G, Mrs. Gamboa, Mrs.Russel, Mrs. McClure, my mom, my dad, and Morrie from a movie I saw. They have a nice insight on life and they have answers to all of my answers. "Live every day with a little bird on your shoulder that asks: Is this my last day on Earth?" " WWJD? What would Jesus do?"

  4. The most influential teachers in my life are my parents. My mo has taught me that I can get through the rough times and how to stay strong no matter what. My dad has taught me to always believe in myself and that I can do anything I put my mind too. Some quotes from them are: "never say you cant." "always try your best."

  5. My favorite teacher is Andrea Buchanan. She is an Air Force ROTC student and sophomore at the University of Memphis. She definitely shaped me into the person that I am today. The qualities that make her the most influential teacher to me is her fearless, easygoing, and humorous way of life. Even though some of her classmates or "friends" got themselves into bad situations, she never got involved in any of it. When I was going through a hard time two years ago, she told me "Bad things happen to everyone. The pain will pass, but the knowledge won't. Put it to the 5 year test: Will this matter in five years? If it will, find a solution and rise above! If not, brush it off." She encouraged me to do the right thing and be proud of it. She's been my friend for seven years and I still look up to her today.

  6. Mrs. Baccay, my fourth grade teacher, taught me so much in only a year. She was always really happy, amicable, positive, and brightened up the room; she was such an intelligent, courageous role-model. Mrs. Baccay inspired me about my religious faith and life, teaching me the miraculous wonders of God and showing me that I should live life fully, look for the good in everything, and that I shouldn't be afraid to be myself and stand out.

  7. My sister is probably my most influential person. She shapes my personality and my mood. We know each other inside and out, and we share so many memories that we can say one word to each other and laugh for five minutes because of it. She is really there for me, sometimes I feel like no one else has a clue, but Elsa does. Even though she can be annoying sometimes and really, really sarcastic and funny. A perfect example of this is just now, when I said "Elsa, I need a quote from you for my blog."she was totally quiet for about a minute and I say, "Elsa? ... Elsa!" I walk in there to see her reading her book, but at the same time she is smiling smuggly. She just looks up and says "Que?" And now she won't say anything but "Que?" And that is my little sis everyone. She's Awesome.

  8. I think there is no other more influential person than your parents. They bring you up, teach you right from wrong, and teach you how to act. To be an influential teacher you need to have patience. WIthout it you will not get your point across as you will just be yelling. You also need to be able to engage your learner. You need to give them real-life examples so they can understand when to use the skill you are teaching them.The most influential quote i get is from my mom and she always says Be Yourslef, and disregard everyone who thinks poorly of your true self.

  9. My most influential person is definetly my older brother David. He is such a good student and very organized. He also is friends with everyone and try's to help people out with their problems. I always remember the time when I was watching him play video games and asked him how to do everything. He replied " Why don't you just play it yourself!". I ended up beating his high score and unlocking the next level he couldn't get to! My brother is Awesome!

  10. My most influential teachers in my lifetime are my parents, my sister, my grandparents, and my teachers. My mom makes such a good teacher to me because she has taught me to stick up for what I believe in and to not let others push me around. My dad has taught me to always try my best and has prepared me for life's problems. My parents make good teachers because they are so understanding, kind, and have a good sense of humor that makes connecting to them easier. I think one of my favorite sayings from one of my teachers is from my mom, who said to me once that "you should always keep an optimistic mind, it makes life easier."

  11. The most influential teachers are my parents and my sister. They always teach me to stay happy even when things are not going the way I planned. They always teach me to see the good in other people and to be kind to everyone. They have taught me to be a leader. I have learned to try my best at everything and to stick up for what I believe in. I have learned to keep my head held high and to not allow negative comments get to me. My parents always tell me to "be a leader, not a follower."

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  13. The most influential people for me are my parents, grandparents, Uncles, and Aunts, they are all great people, who strive for perfection, and who don't give up. My uncle John Murdock is the President of Bandwith, a phone, and internet company, this is just one of the reasons that I think he is a great person. He also served in the US military for 8 years, and was a captain for the marines. I can't remember that much that he said, because I don't see him very often, but there is always one thing he talks about, Jesus. He always brings Jesus into his life, while being so greatly gifted. He has a certain elegance, for being slightly hard core, he is a soft guy when it comes to Jesus. The thing that I remember most is when he said that he was a warrior of God

  14. The most influential people in my life have to be my parents, my cousins, coaches, and my teachers. Coaches and parents the most though. They teach me how to be tough, persevere, and how to just be a good person. Maybe not really a phrase but something I think about would be your very own SLANT. I think about that and I will probably think about that when I get my first job interview. I learn so much from every teacher I have and I value their information greatly. I love to learn new things from wise people and I know that I can get that info from the people I mentioned above.

  15. My parents are the best teachers in my life. They have been with me my entire life teaching me things and they are good at it. They are good at discipline and rewarding me, and I like that system because it works. One thing that I remember from them is"No matter what, get your work done"

  16. My Dad is the person that has influenced me the most. My whole life he's told me, "there are only two things you can control in your life, your attitude and your effort." I have taken this saying to heart, I have based everything I do on that saying and I always will. If I struggle on something, he will never tell me how to solve it, instead he says, "Peyton, solve the problem." I don't know how, but after he says that I always seem to figure out the problem. If I'm new to something, he simply says, "You will never be perfect at anything, no one will, if you want to get better, practice. Practice doesn't make perfect, but it does drive you closer to it."

  17. I would have to say that my most influential teacher would have to be my mom. She is always there for me and helps me to correct my mistakes. When I do something wrong, she lets me know and then helps me to make it better. She's very hard working and inspires me to work hard, too. I don't really have any quotes from her, though. She's usually quoting someone else. ;)

  18. Some people that are teachers and inspire me in my life are my grandparents, parents, and friends. These are the people I go to when I need help or comfort for anything and I feel like they are always there for me. My grandparents are good teachers because they are the ultimate example and they know that and they make sure they are always doing the right thing to set a good example. My parents teach me to always try my best and when life gets tough, find a light or something that can pull me out of the darkness. My friends teach and help me in so many ways. They are always there for me, even when it feels like no one else is, to inspire me to keep going. All these teachers push me to do my best and always try my hardest. A quote from my parents is, "When you make a mistake, fix it, and then forget about it and move on." This quote stays with me because I know that no matter how bad I mess up, there will always be a time for me to fix it. These people in my life are very important.

  19. Some teachers that have had an influence on my life are my parents and friends. My parents have taught me a lot of things. They have been my primary teacher ever since the beginning. And my friends have also taught me a lot. From also ways being there for me to teaching me new things. Some quotes from my friends are; "Dude, we got this." and "Let's go." From my parents is, "I love you."

  20. Teachers that have had an influence on me are my parents, close friends, and coaches. My parents have taught me pretty much everything because they've been there since I was born. My close friends comfort me and they help me when I feel so alone. They are always there no matter what. My coaches taught me to never give up. It may be hard now but it will get easier, stay strong. Some quotes from them are "Never give up" and "Be Yourself because it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of you".

  21. The teachers in my life that have influenced me the most are my parents and coaches. My parents qualify for an influential teacher because they have helped me through everything in life I have struggled with and taught me how to deal with it. And my coaches push me through things to be the best I can be. My coaches also never give up on me even when I am having a hard time. Some of the quotes are "Always give it your best effort no matter what" and "Try again".

  22. My parents are my teachers. They have always taught me things throughout my whole life. I learn something new everyday from them. What they always say to me is "don't try, just do it". They are always so supportive and never give up on me. That's what a teacher does. They protect me and know what is right for me and that's why they are my teachers.

  23. The teachers that have influenced me the most is my family. My family helps me through everything and they are always here for me when I need them. My family encourages me to do my best and they teach me to never give up. My family will always be a very important part of my life.

  24. The teachers that have influenced me the most was my parents and close friends. They have taught me things pretty much scine hey day I was born. They were always the ones at all my games and recitals and who supported me. My close friends are the people who help me when I need it and comfort me. They always tell me to keep going and think positivly.

  25. I think that the best teacher would be my basketball coach because he has helped me so much since I was in the fourth grade and up. Today he is still teaching and correcting me on things to make me become a better basketball player. He never yells at any of us he just makes sure we understand it and he pushes us to strive for better skills. He always says " here's a dot. I'm that dot. I'm just a tiny dot in your life." What he is says is that he is one small person out of a billion people but he can help us with basketball if we really listen.

  26. The people who have influenced me the most are my close friends and parents. My parents influence me obviously because they have done a great job raising me and making sure I have anything I need. My friends have influenced me because they always lead me in the right direction. A lot of times if I don't know what to do in a situation and I don't want to talk to my parent, I often go to my friends. They always help me to make the right choices and they are always there for me and I am eternally grateful for them.

  27. My parents and my football coaches have been the most effective teachers. My parents have taught me everything from respect from teaching me how to walk. From the start my parents have been there to teach me how to make it in life. They're the first and definitely the most important teachers. My football coaches, for the seven years I have been playing, have taught me discipline and teamwork, as well as many other helpful things. When I thought they were being hard on me, I realized that they were just teaching me something. I am very thankful for having them in my life. They both have imacted me greatly and I will never forget the things they taught me.

  28. My most influential teacher would be my preschool teacher who just also happens to be my grandmother. She had the task of getting me ready for Kindergarten and it was no small task. I was a bit of a difficult child and I was a little stubborn when it came to sitting down, listening and doing what I was told to do. She would spend hours going over and over things with me, from reading the book What Color is the Rainbow and I love you to the Moon. She would encourage me with games and art projects. I thought they were our "fun" times but she found a way that I liked to learn and we both had fun. I feel she is the reason I was so ready for school, other kids and new challenges.

  29. One of the most influential teachers I've ever had was my grandmother, she taught me that even if you make some wrong turns the only thing that matters is that you love yourself and the people around you. If you stayed positive then you will find what you are looking for. My grandma got dealt a tough hand, yet for some reason that was the part that defined her the least. I don't remember her as someone who lost, but as someone who carried others to a triumphant victory

  30. My brother is probably my best teacher because he cant read peoples face expression that well and does not know when to stop and when they are getting angry. He teaches me the limits of where teasing turns into bullying and when to stop doing something based on the persons facial expression. He teaches me not like a school teacher but more like an example, i doubt he know he is even teaching me.

  31. If I had to choose who the most influential teacher was for me it would probably be my dad. He teachers and shows me good work ethic, he also works very hard at what he does. Even though sometimes he can spin off the tracks and I can get mad at him we both always shake it off within like ten min. He also teaches me great ethics and how to be polite and not rude at the dinner table, and he always has my back.

  32. The most influential teachers in my life is probably my family. My mom always teaches me to be nice. My grandma is really smart so she teaches me math. My dad always teaches me too work hard. My dad always says that you need to shake things off if something bad happens to you. My mom always teaches me to have good manners. And my grandma always helps me with math.

  33. There are two teachers that influence me a lot and that is Mr. Yanci and Mr. Grant. The teachers are funny and make learning exciting. They tell stories about their lives and make them personal. They treat me like I am mature and they trust me.

  34. the most important teachers in my life are my family, and close friends. My family has taught me life lessens. They have helped me through a lot. They encourage me always. My friends have been there for me. They encourage me


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