Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Earth Day 2015

April 22 marks the 35th Earth Day in the United States.  The idea for a day dedicated to the environment originated 7 years earlier by Senator Gaylord Nelson.  He was concerned over the lack to awareness and regulations of the pollutants being released into our world. 

Now more than 35 years later, Earth Day and its organizers have increased public awareness of pollutants, identified and promoted “green” acts, have leveraged our schools and communities to enhance the knowledge and dedication of our youth to the cause, and countless other accomplishments. 

The Earth Day websites ( is tracking personal pledged to commit “green” acts.  The pledges include recycling grocery bags, unplugging appliances, recycling paper and plastic, and buying more local food.  While each of these acts may seem futile on their own, the impact of the collected groups across the globe will have a significant impact on our environment, especially over an extended period of time.  To date the website has over 1 billion personal pledges. 

What do you think of Earth Day?  What are some additional ways we can support Earth Day at school and in our community?  What are things you do at home?  Are there any additional activities you would be willing to commit to at home to support “green” living?


  1. Earth Day is a great idea and absolutely a necessity to prepare for the future of this world. In this modern day and age, we have 'destroyed', or laid waste to more of the world than ever before, and at an exponential rate. The most important thing that needs to improve about Earth Day is more awareness. Although there's a holiday, not many people will live up to all the expectations through their day to day lives. At home, there is of course reduce reuse and recycle. Maybe riding bikes around places more often and following the three R's better would help "green" living.

  2. I think that earth day has a very good cause. One Not only because it supports the earth and tells the people of america that we need to watch out for the environment. It is like living at a hotel you don't wreck things or try to ruin it. By having a school bike ride or every one rides there bike home or to school. Well my family and I keep a pretty coll garden all summer and we try to minimize driving by car pooling. Riding my bike more often and to liter as much as I do.

  3. I think Earth Day is a fun way of raising awareness for what has become a major issue in today's world. It reminds people that they should be more mindful of how they treat our planet. At school, I think we can always get better at recycling things that don't need to be thrown away. I think that Boise as a community is already really good about taking care of the environment. People are always outside here which would make them more attentive to keeping Boise green. My family likes being outside and we try to walk or bike most places we go. We also reuse everything! We aren't very good at recycling though. We should probably try to start throwing paper, plastics, and cardboard in the recycling bin versus the trash can.

  4. I see absolutely nothing wrong with Earth Day, in fact I happen to believe that a holiday dedicated to preserving our environment is reason to celebrate! In our school we can definitely try to recycle more, we can also turn off lights in unused classrooms, also whenever I drive to school I always see the community garden and I think that maybe we should work towards something like that. Also maybe we can include recycling bins in the lunch room. I have a bad habit of leaving lights on, so I should definitely work with that. Finally I actually pledged to stop eating meat on Mondays, I had been previously enlightened on the meat industry and it's harmful backlash. Also I had planned on eating less meat anyways (steaks won though). What better day to start making a change than Earth Day?

  5. Earth Day is a fantastic way to bring our attention to the earth and evaluate how we are making choices to either help or adulterate it, and work on helping it. In school and our community we all do a good job recycling, but maybe in addendum we could use less paper, reduce the amount of car travel, and use environment-friendly products. At home I recycle and try not to use too much electricity. I think what I'm doing right now to support "green" living is good and efficient.

  6. I think Earth Day is a great way to get people aware of the environment and how we need to protect it from all the bad things. I think a way to support earth day is to plant some plants that day either at your school or in the environment. Somethings I would do to be green is unplug my electronics and taking shorter showers.

  7. I think that Earth Day is a great way to help the planet and make it more 'green'. I think that Earth Day is a great way raise awareness of a clean planet. I think some ways to support Earth Day is by thinking about the three R's- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. We can reduce but cutting down on the water and paper we use and being aware of how much of things we use. We can reuse by using things that aren't necessarily new and conserving resources. We can recycle by recycling paper and anything recyclable. Some things that we can do in our school and community is recycling often and conserving resources. At home we can reduce water and material that we use. I want to be more aware of the electricity I use. These are some ways that we can support Earth Day and make our planet more 'green'.

  8. I think it is good that we have a day devoted to the health of our Earth. at school we can make sure that we recycle and use less paper. At home, my family recycles and we use energy saving bulbs. I like to draw a lot and that causes me to use a lot of paper. I should cut down on how much paper I use to help save trees.

  9. I think Earth Day is a fun way of raising awareness for what has become a major issue in today's world. It reminds people that they should be more mindful of how they treat our planet. I dont think the idea works but you know it was worth a try. I like to draw a lot and that causes me to use a lot of paper. I should cut down on how much paper I use to help save trees.

  10. I think that earth day is great. In addition to being a great day to really think about what we are doing that is helping the earth, we can also find ways that make it fun and bring us closer together as a society. I know from personal experience that working as a team is a lot more fun than working alone. Every year my family does the River sweep with other families. It is actually fun and I always feel like have done something good for the environment when I do. Though I may not do it on Earth Day. At least earth day reminds us that once a year is not enough. We should be doing all the things that we can to prevent environmental damage to happen every day of our lives. I think that it is the little things that matter. I think that picking up trash for instance is a big one. Even though it may be a small piece of trash it can definitely impact the earth. Also if someone sees you doing this they may start doing it as well. As time went one more and more people would be doing it. I also think that telling others to help the environment is also vital. I think that Google does a great job of this when they make there Google a fun earth day Google, it is a great way to spread awareness. My family and I try to always put things that are trash in the trash and things that are recycle in the recycle. We also use the east amount of plastic bags from the store as we can. The plastic bags always end up in the ocean, so we re-use and re-use them. We also ride our bikes to school a lot. I think that maybe I need to try to break my habit of leaving the water on while I am putting away my toothbrush. Even though it is only a few seconds of water. If I were to stop doing this every day I would be saving minutes and minutes of water in a while.

  11. I think that earth day is great and is a necessity as the cities of today grow and less grass is being seen and such. I know that in the future most of the forest and secluded places will be explored and I know that there will be less grass, flowers, and trees in the future. So it is good to remind the people that our planet is alive too. I think that a great way to keep this earth green is buy getting rid of all the plastic waste. I mean at least recycle it. It takes years for plastic to decompose and it harms the environment. There have been a oat of switches to the paper bas that are reusable and I can say that my family uses them.


  12. Earth day is a great motivator to all of us to become aware of effect and impact that we have on the environment. Earth day is a assessment of our conscious effort of alleviate the environment that we have put on it through deforestation, and other environmental tragedies. I believe that some of the most influential activities that we can do today, is to make a conscious effort to recycle and to reuse our junk. If you can look on Google, as I have, and look up “diy soda bottle project” then you will find many great ideas to reuse your own soda bottles. These projects can keep you entertained, and can be useful to you. They also reduce the need to get new plastic parts for whatever you reused you own plastic object for. Doing projects like these will help everybody out in the long run.

  13. I think that Earth Day is a great day to really stop and think about how you are impacting the Earth, both positively and negatively.
    There could be a group project where we all would go onto the Greenbelt or some other place and pick up all the trash we see. At home more, we can just make sure that we are not wasting water, electricity, etc.
    I already recycle and conserve resources, but I am willing to go out and pick up the trash in places like the Greenbelt.

  14. I think that earth day is a fantastic day to stop and realize just how lucky we are to be able to live on Earth. Its a day to realize what we did/doing to the earth. I think we often take our planet for granted. As sad as it is, we have been trashing our planet and not taking one second to stop and realize what we are doing. Earth day often reminds us that we are lucky to be living on earth and it also reminds us that we need to respect and care for the earth. We are not doing a good job at taking care of our planet but some day well turn things around.

  15. I think earth day is a stupid title. I think the celebration of earth is a something we don't need. I think that the earth shouldn't be restrained to one day of the year. We should always be doing something to help our planet or prevent something from happening to it. I am always willing to help the earth by giving up some things I use on a daily basis like the computer and my phone and instead go outside and play. I hope our world will never have to end or be destroyed and we can always keep nature in balance.

  16. Earth Day gives the world an opportunity to focus solely on the earth. In this day of age, most people don't try to do things that would benefit the world and make it a better place. Of course, there are some people who are active participants in making the world better to live in by promoting Eco-friendly products. For Earth Day, I think it would be the most effective to pick up trash or something along those lines. The most I do at home is recycling. I'll admit, I don't do a lot of things that would help the earth, but just doing something small can make a difference.

  17. Earth Day is a day where global awareness is important. This day in age, many people forget how important a clean world really is. We need a day to emphasize the importance of not polluting our world. Earth Day is not really a "holiday" that is celebrated too much. Some things we can do in our homes and schools today to support Earth Day are: making sure to unplug and turn off lights, not wasting water, recycling, walking instead of driving, and making sure to pick up trash from the ground. One thing I could do better is to turn off the lights. I usually forget to turn them off when I am not using them. Hopefully, Earth Day can help bring awareness to keeping our world clean.

  18. I think that earth day is a great way to remind everyone on earth about how we need to keep it clean. I think that some ways to support the earth is to turn off unused lights in the classroom. I know that St. Joes is good at that because our lights automatically turn off. Another way, is that people could ride their bikes more often to the store or school, to not put more pollutants in the air. One thing that I do at home is recycle. I know it isn't that big, but is everyone does it, we can change the world.

  19. I think Earth Day is a good way for people to try to keep the earth clean. I think as St. Joes, we can maybe have a day where we don't turn on any of the lights in the classroom to save electricity. At home, I recycle, I don't use very much water, and I walk most places because the places I go, such as the gym, or restaurants are really close to my house. I'll admit it, I really haven't made a great effort in trying to keep the Earth and the area around me clean, but Earth Day always reminds me of it.

  20. The earth is such a one in a billion thing, there is only one planet that we know that has life on it, and it is earth. I believe that we need to take a day out of our year dedicated to this beautiful planet of ours. Over the past millennia that mankind has inhabited this earth we have destroyed, and decimated a lot of the beautiful land, and creatures that this earth once had. I think that with the future will comes innovation, for example to reduce pollution a person made biodegradable golf tees, another person created biodegradable airsoft bullets. Also things like recycling cans, or even drying your cloths outside, these are all things that reduce pollution. At the Murdock household, we try to reduce the amount of water we are wasting by flushing down the toilet but about 40% less water is being waster, because we filled plastic bottles with water and placed it into the water storage part for the toilet, it reduces the amount of water needed to flush the toilet, and it even saves you money. I think that a way that I can help the earth in the future is by not wasting as much electricity on charging my phone, or the toaster, when we aren’t using them.

  21. I think Earth Day is a good way to remind ourselves and other people how important the earth is and how crucial it is that we keep it clean. I think it would be a good idea if we took a day of the year at school to turn off lights and to teach everyone about the importance of keeping our earth clean. At home, we always make sure the lights in the rooms we aren't in are turned off and we recycle whenever we can. I also think it is very important that whenever we can we ride our bikes or walk places so that we are reducing the amount of pollution in the air.

  22. It's great that we have this one day in the year when everyone recycles and cleans up parks and such. But what about the other 364 days? Don't you think that the Earth that sustains and cares for our entire life force and human race deserves more than a day? I think we can do better. At our school we have the recycling bins, but every time I come into a class to pick up my 'Green Team' bins, I look at the trash can and think 'They could have recycled that and that and that and that...'. We need to educate the community more. Bring this to people's attention. I think that because people don't see the Earth's health as a life or death situation at this point in time, it doesn't matter as much to them. It should. We need to ingrain the health status of our Earth into our core values. We are pretty good at the recycling part,but what about reduce reuse? We could definitely work on those. I can put in my own bit being more aware of what I throw away. Ask myself if I can reuse it in any way. Also: shorter showers, turn off lights in unused rooms, limit my electronic use, we can save water by line drying our clothes, save energy by closing doors in this warm weather - to keep the air conditioning from running - and waste less food - I'm a picky eater.

  23. I think that Earth Day is great. On this day we get educated about our pollutants and how we need to stop doing this to our planet. But I agree with Cece in the fact what about the other 364 days? What are we doing on those to educate ourselves about the pollutants. Or to go the extra mile to help our planet. Because I know that I don’t reduce or reuse all I do is recycle. I don’t know about everybody else i’m just speaking for myself.
    I think that we could educate people more about what not caring for our planet what that could do to us. I think that I could personally should try to ride my bike more. I can’t remember I rode my bike to my friends house instead of just drive a car.
    One of the things that my dad is big on is turning off lights. He hates it when I don’t turn off lights. Also I think that we could take shorter showers. Also my dad is also big on not leaving water running. One thing that I think I could do better is taking out plug-ins. When I take my phone out of my charger I don’t take the cord out of the wall I just leave it.
    I think that in my house we need to recycle more. I think this because I know that I just throw everything away. Our recycling is in the garage. I think that most of my family including me is too lazy to take our paper all the way out to the garage.

  24. I think that Earth Day is a great day to celebrate and a good way to educate people/kids about the pollution and how to prevent it. A good way to portray Earth Day at school or in the community is to recycle or pick up trash that is on the ground on the sidewalk or the play ground. Things I would do to be more green is unplug electronics, turn off lights if they don't need to be on, take shorter showers, and pick trash up off of the ground when I see it.

  25. I think that Earth Day is a day that our world needs, to teach people how rot help the earth and not destroy it. Because a lot of times we are putting very bad things into our atmosphere and we don't think anything about it. I think that we can support it by using other ways to turn in assignments and not using paper and I also think that recycling is one. These are two that our school is good at, but not our community. The main thing that i do at home is recycle, that's about all that I do. I think that I can be more conscious about what I am doing at home and what things will help and harm the Earth.

  26. I think that Earth day is a fun and useful way of spreading awerness about our Earth. It reminds people that we should try our hardest to take good care of our earth. Someways we can do at school is recycle. We, as a school, do a pretty good job at this. Also as a community I think that Boise does a good job at recycling and helping the earth. One problem we have though is we tend to reduce and reuse we just go strait to recycle. My family does a pretty good job at recycling and we like to walk or bike to places that we can.

  27. I think Earth Day is a great day to help our world focus on the earth and how we need to take better care of it. It reminds people to be grateful for our planet and for all the resources in it. Lots of times people take this world for granted and don't realize how lucky we are to use all the resources we are able to make use of. Some additional ways we can help we can support Earth Day in our community is by teaching people the importance to not litter and to keep our earth clean not only for this generation, but for generations to come. I recycle at home and I try to turn off lights in rooms that aren't occupied. Some additional things I can do to support 'green' living are to take shorter showers, unplug electronics, and be more aware of what I'm doing and how it's affecting the environment.

  28. I think earth day is a great day to and reminds us all of the importance of keeping the earth clean. At school we can also use the replying bin, online assignments so not as much paper is being used and turn off lights that aren't being used. At home I can not use as much water for showers, running water, I can turn off lights. Being aware of the environment and how I can help.

  29. Earth day is great. We should have a day that we celebrate the earth that God gave to us. It reminds us all that we also need to take care of it. At school we are already making a huge effort to recycle and contribute to making earth a better place. We maybe could do a better job not wasting food at lunch or turning off the lights more. At my house we recycle a lot and we always turn off all the lights at night and before we go to school. For me I think I could maybe do a little more when it comes to not wasting things that could be reused such as plastic cups or silverware.

  30. I think earth day is great because we take a day to celebrate and recognize the earth and all of its greatness. I think we can do more to celebrate earth day by using the ways we recycle and do stuff like that on every day instead of just once a year. And use more earth friendly resources when we go to lunch and use cups and stuff use items that can be reused. I think we can make a better effort at conserving energy by turning off lights or pulling our chargers out of the outlets or turn the faucets off when brushing your teeth or doing your hair...I think that I need to do a better job at not wasting materials when I'm at home and at school.....

  31. Earth Day is a great way to recognize the Earth and the fact that we should be keeping it clean. However, even thought there is only one day a year that we acknowledge the Earth and all of its greatness, doesn't mean we should recognize it once a year. Earth Day is simply a reminder to keep the Earth as clean as possible. People don't realize all the simple things you can do to help the environment, like unplugging unused appliances or turning off the light when you leave a room. Fortunately, we go to a school where reducing reusing and recycling is very frequent. We recycle and we have energy-efficient lights that turn off automatically. Even though these are just a couple ways we help the environment, there are a lot more that we do and that we could be doing. One think we could improve on is using too much paper. Most classrooms have chromebooks or computers, so I feel like we could be using online documents more.

  32. earth day is an amazing day for us to just go out side and think about we have right now are planet earth is a planet that is perfect for human life and i think for earth day we should spread solar companies and make them more noticed making then be placed in places that stay warms like california or hawaii somewhere where it does not stay dark for a long time

  33. I think Earth Day is a great thing for our world and day in age today since we take our earth for granted and never really notice what it has given us and we have never really given anything back in return unless you count up all the pollution in the sea and on the beaches and everywhere else on the world. Some ways we can help out our community is to use less plastic, recycle, conserve paper and other school materials for other activities. These are all little things to do, but once you get a whole collection of people doing it with you, you have a big impact on the world and it just needs to start with one person to lead a whole group of people. Things that I can do at home is to make sure I pick up waste that is just lying around or to always recycle bottles and cans or just not use any plastics but reusable water bottles. To support green living you can always plant new trees and grow your own food instead of buying plastic sealed food that isn't good for you. also you can volunteer to clean up along side roads and through neighborhoods.


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