Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Presidential Campaign 2016

Once every four years, the United States holds an election for the President of the United States.  According to the Constitution, presidents are limited to two terms, or a total of 8 years.  Our next election for president will be in November 2016 and since President Obama has already served two terms, the United States will elect a new president. 

November 2016 may seem like a long ways off (8th graders will be sophomores, 7th grades will be in their freshman year of high school, and the 6th graders will be the 8th graders of St. Joe’s) but campaigning for the position is already underway.  Over the past few weeks a number of candidates have come forward to announce their presidential campaign.  This week announcements were made by former First Lady and Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton and
Florida Senator Marco Rubio.  Over the past few weeks we have heard from Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and others.  This is just the beginning.  In the coming weeks, more candidates from both parties are expected to announce their intentions.

Since from this election will be a new president, the nominating process will be extensive.  Beginning in January of 2016, each party will hold primary elections.  The intention is for each party to determine the best candidate for the position.  Each candidate will be scrutinized and evaluated about every aspect of their lives and their positions on issues ranging from immigration to same-sex marriage, from Vladimir Putin to Israel.  No stone will go unturned.  At the conclusion of the primaries, there will be one candidate from each major party.  They will choose a running mate for vice president and hit the campaign trail, again. 

Do you think it is necessary to start this process 18 months before the election?  Is it an effective way for Americans to become familiar with the candidates or does it distract the government from dealing with issues facing our country?  What do you believe are the most important issues facing the president in the world today? What qualities do you think would make the best president for the 2016 election?  


  1. The presidential elections are an important thing in our country. I think that it is necessary to start this process of picking a new presidential candidate 18 months before the election. I think that this is necessary because it provides anyone 18 and older, who are going to vote, a chance to get to learn many things about the people who may become our next president. This process of starting many months before the elections give Americans a chance to soak in and learn as much knowledge as they can, so when the time comes they can make the best decision they can for the future president. I think that providing people more time to get to know the candidates helps people make better decisions regarding the future ruling of our country. Though I do think it is an effective way for Americans to become familiar with the candidates, I also think that it may cause distraction. If the government and the people of the United States get too distracted because they are too focused on the elections, then we won't be able to focus on the problems at hand. I think there should be an even balance between the time we spend on the elections and the time we spend on the issues we face. I think some of the most important issues facing the president in the world today are same- sex marriage, on-going wars around the world, and the shooting and injuries that have been occurring in the United States. I think the president will be faced with these issues in the years to come. Some of the qualities that I think would make the best president for the 2016 elections are: loyalty- a president has to be loyal to the United States and the will of the people; confident- a president has to have a confident demeanor that shows people they are strong willed in the ruling of the United States; committed- a president has to be committed in all they do and all the issues they face each day. The elections are a very important part of our future. In a year and a half, a president will be picked by the people of America; this president will be the person the American people think are the best for our country.

  2. Yes, I do think that it is necessary to start this process a month early. This, in my opinion, is probably the biggest decision that the country makes as a whole. The election for the president of the United States determines how that country is going to run for the time amount of time that president is in office. It is very important that the country know enough about that person before they make that choice. I think that it is good for the people in the U.S. to see who the candidates really are and how they act + their beliefs. I do not thin that this distracts the gov. They know what their job is and they know that it is a major job. I think that they would rather keep the country going instead of possibly sending it into turmoil. I think that some important issues are, of coarse, our actions against ISIS. We need to make sure that we are properly dealing with what is going on there. Though this may not be as big as ISIS I also think that the president needs to make some laws based on gay marriage and other things similar to that in the country. We, as a country, have see the amount of harm that goes to people who are not the same as other people in the society. If we make laws to help those people maybe we can also reduce the amount of dislike being shown to them. And lastly just Country conflict. We need to make sure that all of the states of the U.S. are getting along and also that the states themselves are getting along in the societies. We all know the incident with the cops and citizens such as Micheal Brown. We do not need any conflict within our states. Someone who is patient, and ready to make decisions based on what he/she knows is best for the country and what the citizens want(Different situations) would be a great president. I also think that someone with knowledge about the issues going on today. That way they can handle them right once they become president.

  3. As soon as a candidate steps forward they know that they will be under scrutiny. This is what should happen. Our president (and presidential candidates) must be chosen with immense care. If not, well then we've just put the fate of our country into the hands of a person chosen with less than the utmost care. I can argue for both sides of the second question. Candidates should start campaigning no more than a year before election. The government doesn't need to spend all that time being distracted by campaigns and the NEXT term when, in reality, they should focus on the PRESENT term. (If my fellow eighth graders - myself included - would excuse the following analogy.) It's the same as eighth graders saying in January "I can't wait to graduate!" when they themselves still have five months of work leading up to that point. If we all keep saying "I can't wait!" It doesn't allow us to do as well working on the PRESENT. The people in power shouldn't be scrambling to 'take sides' or 'determining the best candidate'. The people with any authority in our nation's government should be working on important issues, I can list quite a few. For one, the conflicts of blacks vs. whites, and racist ideas in this country MUST come to an end. I think we all know mostly of what I am referring to. Ferguson should not have happened a second time! It shouldn't have even happened the first time! Seriously people?! Secondly, the education within our nation as a whole is horrendous! Sure, some states may have top-notch education, but we are only as strong as our weakest link. Teachers in other - higher educated countries - get paid with the same standards that we regard doctors and lawyers! Many people choose to NOT to adopt teaching as a career BECAUSE of the salary. Then, we end up hiring teachers who will work for less, and thus, have less than they deserve; and the nation's overall education falls. Third. International problems. ISIL, Boko Haram, Cuban relations, Iran, Vladimir Putin, and the Israeli/Palestinian-Hamas conflicts, just to name a few. I wish that I could say "Just pull out the bad people and put better people in place", but that just isn't the reality of the situation. It's not that easy. Everyone is connected, and if we try to fix international problems, someone will always be upset or annoyed or whatever! We would have to start somewhere. That somewhere is a very long-term process. The reality is this: we just can't fix all the problems of the world, and I'm just one girl; and I would have no idea where to start. I think that any and every president should contain these qualities: determined, honest, and truthful. The president should know what he/she wants for America and be determined to follow through, not be swayed by votes and colleagues. The president should also be honest. He/she should be open with the public every step of the way. The people need to be educated and informed. Truthfulness and honesty walk hand in hand, but the truth tells all the facts. Honesty is completely open with the entire situation, but all the facts must also be added side by side as the truth of the situation. I also think that the American people could work on their respective attitude towards our president. The American people should demonstrate greater respect and support for the country that we are all very proud to be a part of. They should be more respectful and considerate and supportive of the person elected to lead our great nation because we hope to all achieve the best results. Our next president needs to go above and beyond. They should lift the American people, like Teddy Roosevelt out of the Great Depression, like Lincoln out of the Civil War, like all great American leaders. The next election is the last election that I will not be apart of (hopefully). I hope to be educated in all the candidates and their views in orders to form my own opinion. I can’t wait for the next election! May the best candidate win.

  4. This is a great question for any office especially the presidency. Yes, I do think that it is necessary to start this process a month early. This, in my opinion, is probably the biggest decision that the country makes as a whole. The election for the president of the United States determines how that country is going to run for the time amount of time that president is in office. It is very important that the country know enough about that person before they make that choice. If you dont it could turn into a major backfire.I think that any and every president should contain these qualities: determined, honest, and truthful. The president should know what he/she wants for America and be determined to follow through, not be swayed by votes and colleagues. The president should also be honest. He/she should be open with the public every step of the way. The people need to be educated and informed. Truthfulness and honesty walk hand in hand, but the truth tells all the facts. Honesty is completely open with the entire situation, but all the facts must also be added side by side as the truth of the situation. I also think that the American people could work on their respective attitude towards our president.

    1. Jack, what a thoughtful response. I couldn't have worded it better!

  5. I do think it is necessary to start this process 18 months before the election. I think it is a good way for Americans to become familiar with the candidates because we get to listen to what they have to say and what they are planning to do if they are elected as the new president. Even though I can't vote, I would think that people voting would get more of a connection to the candidate if they pay attention to the news and see how their election is going. At the same time, I do feel that this election process can also cause a distraction to major issues with our country. If we are only focusing on the election that's 18 months away and not on problems that are happening now, that could be a problem. I think that there should be more of the news covering problems happening now than the election. Once the election gets closer is when the news should be covering/following the election more closely. I think that important issues that our president will be dealing with are the threats/probelms from ISIS, racism in our country, and many other issues internationally or in the US. I think that there are many good qualities that will make the best president for 2016. Some of them are: confidence ( the president must know what to do in difficult times ) and respectful ( the president should be respectful to the people of the US and other foreign leaders.)

  6. I think that the process of putting our future leaders under careful attention so far in advance is absolutely a necessity. When we start the process of beginning to just look at the lives of who could be our future leaders, we are trying to become 100% certain that the person that we are going to put the lives of every American into their hands can handle the job. The person that we choose will be one of the most powerful people in the world for four years. They will be holding the responsibility of hundreds of millions of lives. When we elect, we have to be sure that our president will do good for the world. The process starts early so that there is no room for error in the person we choose, and if there is, we can find someone better.
    I think that starting presidential campaigns early is a great way to get to know the candidates. As news, media, and people talk about the coming elections, the more they hear about a candidate, the more they will know them. Over the time that the names begin appearing and the election itself, the people will have been long exposed to their choices, and hopefully be more knowledgeable about which is the optimal president. Although this big affair captures lots of attention, it doesn't interfere with the governments duty of operating and serving it's citizens.
    Today, there are global and domestic issues facing the President. I am not the president so I don't know everything happening in the oval office, but some of the major topics in the news are Putin, ISIS, and probably economy, taxes, and debt.
    For America's 2016 president, they should be able to solve problems, efficiently, quickly, with success, and peacefully. There are lots of characteristics that would help to accomplish this and our president should have all of them. The fact that the president could be a woman probably won't change anything.

  7. Yes, we need to know as much as we can about the people who could end up being the face and the leader of our country.
    I am pretty sure the government can multi-task, and they are able to balance dealing with our current problems with researching everything about the presidential candidates.
    All of the countries that have been threatening us (Russia and North Korea) or that we are fighting in (the countries in the middle east) are pretty big issues to address. ISIS is also a big issue that needs to be addressed. There is also the national debt that we should probably be making or working to make smaller.
    The president needs to be honest and keep the promises he or she made while campaigning. They also need to be smart enough to run our country without making more problems than we already have.

  8. I believe if there was ever a process to be as meticulous and painstaking as possible it would, and should, be the U.S presidential elections. So in a sense yes this is the person representing the whole of our country, making decisions for millions of people.
    I personally believe that, though we cannot have a president who we know nothing about, the presidency and interrogation of presidential candidates has gotten increasingly superficial through these past years. Take William Howard Taft for instance, he wouldn't have gotten close to the president even if he had relevant and rational social ideas. I feel the presidency has become a sort of popularity contest, where it should be responsible people, who can represent the country as a whole, putting their names down for America to decide. So I think it is important to discover a future president's political views, but I don't honestly care if they went to some parties in college.
    I believe some major issues for today's presidents are 1st world ones of sorts (lgbt rights, health care, etc) stuff affected our country and countries like it. They also have to deal with worldly issues, such as War in the Middle East and the threat of North Korea. No matter what the presidency is a hard job. I believe our president of 2016 should be someone who is for freedom, because if your goal is to control, you will corrupt. This president needs to be strong, in more ways than one, we all saw what being the leader of this country did to Obama, this president needs to be able to handle being one of the most powerful people in the world. Finally the president shouldn't be afraid, fear of being unpopular means nothing in the long run, our president should be someone who can spark change even if it means giving up the social construct of "popularity".

  9. The presidential election is one of the most important events in our country. The person that we chose will be in charge of our country and by extent how we appear to other countries. Over the years of our country getting more efficient in the voting process, I feel that we have lost the sense that we need to properly educate ourselves on the person that we want to chose. It has turned, I believe, into wether you like the person as almost a friend relationship. I think that our biggest problem as a country is all he stuff in the middle east that we are trying to help with. I think that we should make a step back and let them battle it out and if it starts to look as if we might have to get in as a problem of national security then we should. I think that the president really needs to get with the people more.

  10. I think it is necessary to start this process 18 months before the election. What's best for this country is to evaluate and observe all our presidential candidates before making a big, final decision on who will lead the country. 18 months allows American citizens to see all the candidates and observe what they're like, how they contribute to our country, in a long enough period of time for things like issues and controversies to arise, which will provide good, effective opportunities to see how the candidates react to conflicts and to hear their opinions. Just to get a foretaste of what the candidates would be like as president, and see if U.S. citizens approve. I would say the most important issues facing the president today would include growing conflicts in the Middle East, homosexual marriage, and marijuana legalization. I think a great president would be observant, thoughtful, logical, and confident in trying to resolve issues and doing what's best for our country. Someone who would remain faithful and loyal to his/her morals and beliefs. A president who looks out for our country, peacefully yet strong willingly, with much logic and confidence. I think those are the qualities that would make the best, most respectable president for the United States in the election of 2016.

  11. The earlier start, the better! A presidential election is what makes a democracy work. It's crucial to have a good idea of what all the possible candidates star for. While eighteen month processes sound drawn-out and unnecessary, I think it gets people pumped up for election day. Since we live in America, we have the opportunity to be quite active in our government. In order to truly participate and make wise decisions regarding our government leaders, education is critical. These coming months will give us the chance to listen to the candidates, make judgements, and reflect on who we truly need to represent our country. I do not think that this distracts from our other issues. Especially since our current President is no longer involved in the running. The 2016 election will no doubt be a crucial one. It seems like our country is faced with more complex issues than we have had in the past. I don't know if it seems that way because I am becoming more aware of these matters or if that is truly the rarity. Nonetheless, our future president will have a lot on their plate. Especially with how involved the media has become with the personal affairs of the candidates, they're going to have to be on their best behavior the next few months. They will undoubtedly have to face all the issues you hear about today. Racial tension down South, marijuana legalization, homosexual marriage, minimum wage requirements, and our military involvement are only some of the numerous issues our country faces today. America needs another legendary leader. I think we all need to look up to our President as someone who's a good person. We need a leader who is honest. We need a leader who can look at the big picture and think more long term. We need a president who will listen to the input given by all political viewpoints. We need a president who will use our tax dollars wisely and efficiently. We need a leader who will better represent our country and what it stands for. Hopefully, America will vote for the best candidate this country has ever seen.

  12. I think it is necessary to start the campaign 18 months in advance because it gives the parties a lot of time to evaluate the candidate. If they only start close to 6 months in advance the parties will not know the candidate as well and he might not be considered because of the party's lack of knowledge about the candidate. I do think it is an effective way to get to know a candidate but it also diverts our attention. For the next 18 months we could be distracted from pressing problems because we are so focused on getting our opinion out there. Well, the most important problems to the presidency can vary. Depending on what the president thinks is most important is what will probably matter to him/her the most. I think it could be either police brutality and racial justice to problems with the Middle East. I guess we will find out soon enough. I think the most important quality would have to be, honesty or looking strong. The country is obviously having problems seeing the law in a positive light. So if the President is going to look strong it will reinforce the idea that law needs to be in place.

  13. I think that it is important for them tho start that early because there is more time for the candidate to mess up or do something good. In this time they show who they really are and what they're like. I think that it is an effective way to get to know the candidate because they get to travel more and meet more people and spread their message. I think that some of the bigger issues that the president has to deal with is same sex marriage and ISIS. These are very big things that are happening in and to our country. I think that some good qualities of the next president would be common sense, and the ability to keep everything under control.

  14. Yes, I do think that the campaigning should start this early. It should start this early because people get to know the president better. Also more questions will be able to be answered. With all this time people can think of many questions. Instead in a short period of time many questions will go unanswered. Which may lead you to vote for someone you didn't want to vote for.
    I think that it gives us a great amount of time to really think and contemplate on who we would want to vote for. Also it gives us a lot of time to hear the person speak. Which really gives us time to get to know the person.
    I think that one of the toughest things facing the president is ISIS. Because you can't really go to war with them, but you can't really bomb them because you might kill an innocent civilian. Also another tough issue is Ferguson and all of the racial shootings and things. With all of the riots it's hard to know what to do.
    I think that our new president needs to do what's best for the country not states in particular. Also he needs to be a good representation of what our country stands for. He also needs to back up his decisions and explain why that was the right choice for our country.

  15. I think it is really important to start early so people can analyze the person running and look for what they like. If there is one thing that we don't need from voters, it is them jumping to conclusions on one of the candidates and missing something important that might have changed their vote. I mean, this is the most important decision an American can make. You don't want to elect the wrong man or women to run our country. So in a way, this is really effective on us getting to know the candidates and for the candidates to get to know us a a group overall. There are a lot of issues that the 2016 president will have to deal with. Such as ISIS, same sex marriage, marijuana legalization, and racism. Those are only the issues that could think of off of the top of my head, there are many more issues. There are even issues people may not even know of. So this president needs to be able to take on a challenge because that is what a presidency is, you have to run the country and keep it stable, and make most Americans happy while doing it, and that is a tough thing to do. Qualities a president must have, for me, they need to be smart, aware of different points of view, organized, trustworthy, reliable, common sense, ability to keep every thing stable, and most of all, honesty.

  16. I think it should take 18 months for many reasons. One is so they can be sure that there are intesions can be made clear, what they would like to do for us, what some of there plans are, and how they can serve us. Well personally I think both because yes it is taking time away for other issues but it also gives Americans the chance to decide who looks better and who they like more. Well do they have a good back round, which party are they from, and what are their beliefs. Well they have to like guns, outdoors, like 50 maybe (So he is more mature and less influenced by others), tall, middle class, polite, has good relation ship with community, plays a sport like lacrosse or football in high school. Thats the stuff off the top of my head.

  17. I think that it is crucial to start 18 months early, other wise the people wouldn't have the time to really look at who they are voting for. The people need knowledge of who they want to vote for because we don't want someone to rule our country that we know nothing about. Also if the candidate is hiding something or not being truthful about something, we have more time to figure out if the candidate is lying, instead of being tricked. Each person needs to find out information beforehand about the person who they ant to vote for, and this gives them long period of time to do that; some people are procrastinators. Making it 18 months earlier both distracts the government, but I believe that this is more for the people. Even though we have many problems to deal with in the United States, a major one is elections, so I don't think it takes up too much time because it is important. Some of the biggest issues are racism, same- sex marriage, and terrorists. All of these issues have came up as problems over the years. Many of these issues are very hard to stop or allow, but are possible. Some qualities that a good president should have is to do most things for the best of the people, helpful, driven, and honest. These qualities could make a very good president and all of these qualities are needed for a leader of a country.

  18. I think it is definitely necessary to start this early in the election. People want to know who they're voting for and if they don't know whose running then they may make a bad decision on who they vote for. It is important to get to know the people who are running to be the leaders of our country. I think that one of the main issues the presidential candidates need to address is trouble in the middle east. There are real problems going on outside the United States, and some of those problems could affect us greatly. If the candidates want to be a good president, I think they need to be efficient, work hard, thoughtful, and remember that any and every decision that they make concerning the country could effect millions of people.

  19. I think it's very important to start 18 months early, the people need the time to evaluate the candidates and see what they like. The 18 months give the people time to see how the candidates are and it allows them to receive more information about those who are running for presidency. An 18 month interval also gives more time for the candidates to travel and spread their messages. The election for the president of the United States is probably the most important/valued decision citizens can make as an American. Important issues facing the president today are same-sex marriage, terrorist groups, racism, and marijuana legalization. These problems have been growing over the years and are going to be challenging to stop. Qualities needed to be a good president in 2016 are smart, determined, independent, thoughtful, decisive, and being honest. We need a president who can act fast in tough decisions but also make a decision that is best for the people. We need a president who will try to make a positive change in our society.

  20. It is defiantly important to inform American citizens as soon as possible on the next potential President. As Obama's presidency term slowly comes to an end, we need to begin to think of who we want running our country. It gives Americans a chance to really think about who they want as President. It helps prevent a quick decision. We really need time to think about anything, really. We are given a chance to learn bout what the candidates will do for our country if they were to be President. The next President will have some issues that they will have to deal with. First of all, ISIS is a major problem. Also, our country is in a lot of debt and our next President will have to know pay some of it back. Also, terrorism, racism, and legalizing marijuana will be another issue that the president will face. Our next president, MOST IMPORTANTLY, will have to live up to what they promise they will do. Also, they need to be trustworthy, respectful, determined, and creative. They need to know how to not panic under chaotic situations and know how to handle problems in our society today.

  21. I don't think running 18 months before elections is necessary but can definitely help you in the long run. It gives the candidate a chance to make or break it so to say. I think it both helps americans recognize people who could be possible running the country for the next 4 years and it can distract the people who are in charge. Some problems in the world right now are things like isis and Russia slowly taking over parts of other countries. A good president now a days isn't one who tries to focus on getting reelected and focuses on the problems at hand and doing what they must to fix them. Another trait is they have to stay strong and fight when they have to instead of running.

  22. I think that it is important for running for the elections 18 months before the election is a necessity... Because Americans can get familiar with the candidates from both parties. It also gives the candidates a chance to make a good impression on people on the fence about who they're gonna vote for in the election.
    It is quite a big issue that has been around for a while and that is ISIS. Obviously that's the first issue people think about but a big issue in our country is the racism and the abuse of power the police are abusing by shooting down people, mostly blacks...
    I think a good president doesn't show weakness and gets stuff done. He/she has to punish countries if they decide to come after our country, but they also have to have the caring side and the sympathy to always do what is right. I also think that they cannot buckle under pressure.

  23. Presidential elections are very important and so it is necessary for us to start election early so that people know about the candidates and they can make a wise choice on why they want to run the country next. Deciding who the next president should be is very important and people need to put thought into it. I think one issue in the world right now is the fighting in the Middle East and I think that is an issue the president needs to help fix. I think some qualities of a good president would include someone who is trustworthy because they are running our country, and also someone who can male good decisions in harmful situations.

  24. I dont think that starting the president scrutinizing process 18 months before the election is very necessary but I do think It will help the people see the whole package of the candidates. I do agree that this could end up being a distraction for the US government. If they get too focused on these candidates some major issues like same sex marriage, violence in the middle east, immigration and inequality issues like in Ferguson could be put aside while they need to be the big priorities. In a future president, i look forward to seeing one that can fix all of Obama's mistakes. He needs to have the guts to go through with a plan to help the country. He needs to see issues from different people's eyes. Like he can't just look through the eyes of the poor or the immigrants, or the right or any of just one type of person. I also don't think a president needs to try to make every one the same. The rich don't need to be taxed more and the poor less or anything like that. Also as Dan said, the future president needs to not buckle under pressure. This is what I think makes a good president.

  25. "Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure" -Confucius This quote speaks truth about running for the presidential election as the next president will determine the fate of our country. I think that the more preparation the better. I think the idea of preparation 18 months in advanced shows care, and aptitude that you want this position. I think that if everyone started earlier it could weave out the weak that don’t have what it takes to lead the country, and the remaining people would be the strong, awe inspiring, and brave leaders that this country needs. I don’t think 18 months in advanced preparations is a good idea, I think it’s fully necessary and needed idea to find the perfect leader.

    I think that our government isn’t doing enough about major threats like ISIS, Russia, Economy in Europe, and our national debt. These are all major problems that our country is facing and that needs to be taken care of. I think that while it is important to look towards the future and that we need to find the perfect leader, we need to stay on track now, and deal with the common problems facing us. Personally I don’t think we have the leaders to deal with these major problems now, but I hope that they can at least put forth a decent effort to help this country during this dark time in the world.

    I think that we need a leader with charisma, creativity, righteousness, and someone who isn’t afraid to do what’s right even if it seems wrong at first. These are essential qualities that every great leader needs. To keep the country running, and our enemies running.

  26. Starting the process for presidential elections 18 months before it actually starts is a good idea, but not a necessity. It gives enough time and preparation to chose the candidates that will fulfill the role as president. Since the president is chosen by the people, it makes sense for the people to get to know the presidential candidates. If no one focused on the elections and instead focused on the problems facing the U.S. now, they may not make the right choice in choosing a new person to deal with these problems. Today, there are many problems the president has to deal with. This includes inequality with not only what happened in Ferguson, but same-sex marriage; immigration; legalizing marijuana in many different states; and the violence going on in the Middle East. A president must be confident in their ideas and stick to their word. They should be a leader that is trustworthy, intelligent, and has a strong will. And, like many people have said above, the president cannot start to panic in difficult situations and be able to come up with solutions to problems they will face as the president.

  27. i think that it is necessary to wait 18 months. because we need time to make up our opinion over who we decide to lead our country. we must get too know our canidates instead of voting unknowing of what there idea is to do. what if are president was in the same party as us but had a few ideas opposing our ideas and the other party had an idea of solving both parties problems and could have been our greatest possible president but yet lost. if something like this were to happen it would be because of the time we didnt have to learn about our presidents opinions and what he wants to do to help americas problems

  28. I do think it was a good idea to start the election early because it will give more time to look at what they do how they do things. And also enough time to really fulfill the need of a president. I do think it is for knowing who we want our president to be. But I also see it as being a distraction. Also there are many problems that are president has to deal with, so many. So are president must be strong and confident. and we have to choose who can do those things. The president must stay strong in everything that he does. This is what I think makes a good president

  29. I think that it is a good idea, but not the best. There will be plenty of time to become close or something like that to the candidates, but before then we need to open our eyes to the real issues in the world instead of fighting over who will take over the responsibility for those issues. It does certainly detract from real issues happening at the same time as a re-election is going. The people suffering ISIS are in so much pain and devastation, but are government is to worked up about who the next president will be! I do think that ISIS is a huge problem in our country at this time and it is getting worse and worse everyday, but we are to worked up about the presidency. I think the best qualities for a new president would be loyalty, respect, trust worthy, reliable and not the person with the best suit, but the person who is the one who you see being a leader to our country.


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