Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Teacher Day - Confucius

September 28 is a Confucian Holiday celebrating the birth of Confucius. It is also celebrated as Teachers' Day. While many confuse Confucius ism with a religion, it is actually more of a philosophy. Confucius was not a priest or a deity, he was a teacher.

Confucius was born around 551 BC in the small state of Lu. He was born into an aristocratic family, although there is debate as to whether he had any money or not. During his life he served many influential people and his teachings became not only fundamental to Confucian philosophy, but to the general Chinese philosophy.

The 6th century BC China was a bad time politically and socially in China. Leaders had lost their way.  There was a greater emphasis on the people serving the leader instead of being there to support the people and grow a strong community.   Ethics and integrity meant little to the leaders of the time. Confucius was disgusted by this development. At the time, he was a widely unknown teacher. He attempted to revive society by re-introducing the great moral teachings of the past.

At the cornerstone of his teachings was the belief that ethical considerations should be the guiding principle of government. He did not accept the idea of a strict legal system. He believed the primary task of a ruler was to promote the welfare and happiness of the people. The ruler should be a role model, his behavior should be better than everyone else. The leader’s strong ethical behaviors would influence the people's behaviors. Customs and voluntary adherence would be the best way to achieve and maintain an orderly society. Furthermore, he believed leadership should be given to the educated, not the noble. 

Confucius never wrote many of the quotations we see today. After his death, many of his disciples gathered and compiled his teachings. Here are a few quotations:

"Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves."

"Forget injuries, never forget kindness."

"He who will not economize will have to agonize."

"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand."

"Respect yourself and others will respect you."

Throughout history, we have seen many teachers influence the world. Jesus, Martin Luther King, Jr., Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Buddha, and Confucius have significantly changed the world and redefined the way many of us view right from wrong.

Who are the teachers in your life that have influenced you the most and how have they influenced you? What life lesson have you gathered from an effective and influential teacher? What is the wisest or most influential quote you have ever heard from a teacher? 


  1. My kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Simone, was greatly influential in my life. She was the one who ignited in me my passion for learning by making it fun and interactive. She was also a super sweet person and always fostered kids to take care of. She died of cancer a few years ago but her memory will never be forgotten. Mrs. Gamboa was also one of my favorite teachers. She was so real with us and not afraid to be herself and open up. She made even the most boring grammar lessons interesting and has a true love for her job. Mr. Grant has also greatly influenced me. He has shown me that there are two sides to every story and that you really have to think. He makes social studies engaging and funny and real. I used to hate social studies but he rekindled my love of history. The most important lesson I learned was that I needed to think. To really think and consider and ponder and let none of my words go to waste. My favorite quote from him is "We learn history to learn about ourselves."

  2. My kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Simone, was greatly influential in my life. She was the one who ignited in me my passion for learning by making it fun and interactive. She was also a super sweet person and always fostered kids to take care of. She died of cancer a few years ago but her memory will never be forgotten. Mrs. Gamboa was also one of my favorite teachers. She was so real with us and not afraid to be herself and open up. She made even the most boring grammar lessons interesting and has a true love for her job. Mr. Grant has also greatly influenced me. He has shown me that there are two sides to every story and that you really have to think. He makes social studies engaging and funny and real. I used to hate social studies but he rekindled my love of history. The most important lesson I learned was that I needed to think. To really think and consider and ponder and let none of my words go to waste. My favorite quote from him is "We learn history to learn about ourselves."

  3. I think that Mrs. Skinner in first grade was my most influential teacher. She thought me many things, but the one I use the most is reading. She taught me how to read which has helped me through out my whole school career. She also taught me how to have fun. She taught us, but she made it fun. She has taught me never to give up. I struggled with learning how to read, but she helped and tutored me. Overall she taught me you can do anything with persistence and perseverance. Mrs. Gamboa gives us low stakes writing and she says don't worry about grammar or spelling. This lifts my confidence and leads me to become the best writer. Then later in class we will work on grammar and spelling. In that moment it is all about what you can say and create with the power of your words.

  4. Mrs. Gamoba influenced me. She is non-afraid of who she is and her personality is what makes her so special. She helps me understand languge and grammar. Cause I struggle with it. She makes ELA make sense to me. Mrs. Russell influenced me. She explains math so well that I can understand it. Even the hardest math that before we even learn it I think it looks so hard. But once we go over it makes sense to me. Mr. Grant has influenced me. I used to not learn history. When I came to St. Joes it was so hard for me to understand what we were learning about. But Mr. Grant makes learning history so less complicated and he makes class so much fun. Mrs. McClure has influenced me. I used to be bored in science. But Mrs. McClure she makes science so fun and I love it now. The most important lesson I learned is that I am always learning until my death. That I will not stop learning even when I have done with school. My Favorite quote from Mrs. Russell is "This lesson is the start of the rest of your math lessons." : )

  5. I have three teachers that have majorly influenced me. They are Ms. Turner, Ms. Kaiser, and Ms. Behrend. Ms. Turner was my k-5 librarian. She is the reason I love to read. She was always there suggesting books that I would like. The next teacher that has influenced me was Ms. Behrend, my 2nd,6th, and 7th grade teacher. She taught science, Religion, and Language, but she mostly influenced me in Religion. She taught a lot to me in the 2 years that I had with her, and I have such a better understanding of what it means to be Catholic. She also now teaches at St Marks. The last and most influential to me is Ms Kaiser. She was my math teacher, but she also coached Lego Robotics for me. When I got into middle school I didn't like Math. She made me understand Math in a logical way, which helps me better than some other methods that other math teachers use. She is such a fun person to be around and always full of jokes. She coached Lego robotics, and when I was in 7th grade I was very dedicated and spent so much time with her doing legos. She taught me so many things, and was so fun. I have so many good memories of being at Legos for hours and all the lessons she taught me. The life lesson that I've learned from her is that you can't give up until it's over and do your best, even if it doesn't mean winning. My favorite quote from Ms. Kaiser is "top dog goes under the house" which helps me in Math.

  6. I think the most influential person or teacher I've ever met but have to be Mrs. Russell she works so hard in the classroom for us to have a great education and a great future. She influences me every day to work harder and get through the day. She shows us how hard she works through khan and other things like the posters out in the hall or learnstorm we need to recognize this. every day and we need to realize how lucky we are to have such an amazing math teacher. I've always been interested in engineering therefore I really need to Pay attention in her class and learn as much as I can for her, I know I can learn a lot from her because she's such an amazing math teacher. She is going to help us all in high school because will always remember to think she has taught us you're a middle school experience. I used to hate math when I was younger but Mrs.Russell changed that.she is so good explain things to me and to my classmates and we need to thank her every day for what she does for us. My favorite quote from Mrs. Russell would have to be smooth seas do not make skillful sailors that makes me remember that I can always take the easy road out I have to work for what I want it work for what I get.

  7. There are two teachers who have greatly influenced me. Mrs. Stills was my fifth grade teacher. I went through fifth grade she began helping me to develop a love for writing and social studies. After my fifth grade year, Mrs. Stills told me she was moving up to be a sixth grade homeroom, social studies, and math teacher. Mrs. Stills went from being a middle school aid, to a fifth grade teacher, and then to a social studies and math teacher for all of the middle school just because the school asked her to. Mrs. Stills has shown me that sometimes you need to do what is better for everyone else even though you may not like it. Since becoming a middle school teacher, she has also taken on coordinating student council and teaching a French elective. Mrs. Smith is another teacher who has greatly influenced me. Mrs. Smith is one of those people who wakes up every morning, and stops to thank God for allowing her to wake up. Mrs. Smith was the middle school science teacher and no matter what was happening, she always managed to put light on every situation. Even when she was mad at us, she found a way to make it light hearted by standing on her soap box and yelling at us. She had very interesting ways of making us memorize information for a test such as, standing on chairs and singing the information. Mrs. Smith would hold your hand and walk you through anything you were struggling with in science (physically hold your hand). During lunch Mrs. Smith and I would watch videos on the Big Bang Theory together, instilling an interest in Cosmology in me. Mrs. Smith always said, "What if you got hit by a giant semi-truck today? What do you want to tell God you did that day?" this always reminded me to try and avoid making wrong choices and strive to have at least one random act of kindness everyday.

  8. All my teachers in my life have taught me something different. And all of them have helped me through life.(except for my forth grade teacher). I would like to learn new things and I really am happy to get to learn new things and that is almost all thanks to my teachers.

  9. In seventh grade so last year when I was at Saint Marks I had a teacher by the name of Mrs.Vetter. She was had a son who was in her class and me and him were very close. I went over to their house . Mrs Vetter was very nice but she expected a lot from you. She alwayse pushed you to do the best work you can. Mrs Vetter was said that if you are asked to do something you better do it the best you can. This idea has really helped my in school and outside of school. She was an amazing person. She got a full ride scholarship to UNLV for volleyball. She played Olympic volleyball and has met a lot of people. She always told stories. The stories always told a lesson. She has helped me and many o my friends d the best work as possible.

  10. What is the wisest or most influential quote you have ever heard from a teacher?
    My 6th grade and middle school teacher Mrs. Coffey has been the most influential teacher in my life. She taught me many skills that have helped me become a better student. For example, you taught me how to take good notes and be more organized. I have learned that the better job you do taking notes and staying organized the less time you have to study for tests. You will also be able to understand the information better for the future. Sometimes I stress to much and so the best and most influential quote I have ever heard was "Life is short, so live it to the fullest." It put things into perspective for me and made me realize that the time I have with my family and friends is so important.

  11. My entire school career has been spent at St Joes school(preschool not included). The teachers are all amazing here but I especially liked Mrs Seidler my 3rd grade teacher. She taught me the multiplication tables and bribed us with ice cream. I thought that I would never be good at math but she changed that and I love life now. I learned that bribery works very well with small children learning multiplication. My most influential quote is Mr Grant's "It's the Friday before spring break, I am not in the mood to teach"

  12. Some of the teachers in my life that have influenced me are Mrs. Wakewood, Mrs. McClure, and Mr. Grant. Mrs. Wakewood also wanted us to excel and we did advanced math and other topics throughout the year. She was pretty strict but was very good and I learned a lot that year. Mrs. McClure was just a great teacher and she was pretty funny. Mr. Grant was always telling us cool things that I still remember today. I remember him telling us that he wants us to fail at least once and how if a cat is purring then it is waiting for you to die so it can eat you. I have learned some good life lessons from some of my teachers including not to interrupt (which at the start of middle school I interrupted a lot). I also learned that education is priceless and I should try and work as hard as I can. The wisest quote I can think of is from Mr. Grant. It is SLANT. SLANT stands for sit up, lean in, ask one good question per day, nod your head, and say thank you. These were just some of the many good things I have learned from teachers.

  13. The teacher who influenced me most was Mr. Spawn my math teacher at my old school in Baltimore. When the material wasn’t clicking and he saw me struggling he would meet me at school an hour before it started to tutor me. He taught me I was important and that I could learn the material. His belief in me gave me confidence. When a teacher like Mr. Spawn believes in you, you cannot help but work even harder. He demonstrated kindness and patience. He inspired not just me but all his students to work to the best of their ability. It was in his class that I began to like math. I learned several life lessons. The most important was that hard work pays off. It is impossible to be successful at anything if you are not willing to work hard. Part of success is learning it is okay to fail. Every morning, the principal before ringing the bell for the start of the school day would say, “Remember, you were somebody when you came in and you will be a better somebody when you leave today.”

  14. I have had so many wonderful and influential teachers in my life. The most inspiring teacher I had was my second grade teacher, Mrs. Ecker at my old school in Oregon. She was so talented at everything. My second grade year was a year unlike any ordinary year. One of Mrs. Ecker's many talents was baking. From banana bread to jam, she had an unforgettable talent. She made our school year unique baking something on Friday every week and we got to help. Also being an outstanding artist, she got me into drawing and other elements in art as soon as she introduced it to us and showed us everything she could do. One thing that I will never forget about her was she always told me to never give up and always know God has a plan and He won't ever give up on you.

  15. Last year when I went to St. Marks, I had a teacher named Mrs. Vetter. She was probably one of the strictest teachers you could have. When she told you to do something, she wanted it done that second. She expected no less than your all and asked you to if you weren't. In her life, she has had many successful moments from all her hard work. In high school, she was included in a group called the "fab 50" which is the 50 best players volleyball players in the country. She worked so hard to be able to play college volleyball at UNLV from a full-ride scholarship. She was even asked to play on the Olympic team but sadly couldn't because she tore her acl. she influenced me so much for how hard she worked to get all that way. I have learned always give 100% never give less, even if it is super difficult try your hardest. My favorite quote from her was, "I hope you are working hard, not hardly working"

  16. I have had many influential teachers in my career. The first influential teacher is Mrs. McClure. Last year she gave the opportunity to go to Science Olympiad Nationals. She could've chosen any of the 25 other 8th graders but she didn't. She choose me. To me that means that she believes in me which helps me to believe in myself. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to go but she helped me to be able to go and train hard for it and I had one of the best experiences in my life. Another influential teacher in my life is Mrs. Gamboa. She helps me to be bear whatever my cross is. I see her doing this when she talks about her youngest daughter and I just remember that I am so lucky and that I can get through anything as long as I have God. Mr. Grant is also very influential to me because he lets me think for myself and not just parrot things back but have a true understanding of history and life in general. The last influential teacher I've had is Mrs. Phillups who was my librarian and PE teacher. I want to help kids enjoy what they are doing even if they think that they might not like it like she does. She has such a good heart and always makes me smile. I want to make someone's day just by smiling at them like she does. The best quote any teacher has given me was one from Mrs. Gamboa. It is "When something goes wrong, look up, and say 'oh well'. Then move on."

  17. I don't think that I can choose one teacher who has influenced me. I think that all of the teachers that I have had influenced me in a different way. It really depended on how they taught and how they acted around me. One influential life moment that one teacher taught me was to keep going through life and work hard in whatever you do. I will never forget this. The wisest quote I've heard from one of my teachers is " Do your best, that's the best you can do."

  18. I have many teachers that have influenced me. But I think the one who influenced me most was Ms. Skinner my first grade teacher. She always said to be the best you that you can be. You aren't supposed to change yourself for other people. When you are yourself you are more happier instead of when you try to be someone else. Overall I think all the teachers have had a big influence on me to always try my best in what I do and to never give up even in the toughest of times.

  19. All of the teachers that I've had in my life have been extremely important to me. Even though they're all amazing, my favorite one was my fourth grade teacher Mrs. Walter. She taught me so well and she had a ton of nicknames for our class and mine was "Cal-boy." It was her first year teaching at St. Joes and she really made it awesome. My favorite part that year was when we were put in wagon groups. It was a game where we tried to see which group could get to oregon first alive. You had to decide whether to go the safe route which took longer or the shorter route which was dangerous and stuff like that. It was really fun. Mrs. Walter taught me to never quit even when life isn't going too well. My favorite quote that our whole class actually said each day when we were about to leave was "4th grade rocks!" We all screamed it as loud as we could and pretty much the whole school could hear it.

  20. The most influential teacher in my life was my fourth grade teacher Miss Miller. The year that I had her was her first year of teaching and she was very young. Miss Miller may not have been the teacher that has taught me the most as in book smarts. Although she definitely taught me in everything else. She was from Helena Mt, that's where my family is from. We shared that in common and she played basketball at Carrol College which is where both of my parents went. She helped couch my sister her and I became very close. She was such a great role model for me she was kind to everyone. Miss Miller helped me all around. I learned in her class but I also had a ton of fun. Here at st joes every single one of my teachers has taught me something and I have grown so much. The most influential or memorable thing a teacher has ever said to me is you don't control your grades. This may not seem influential at all but to me it is because I realized that the only thing that I can do is do my best. I believe it was Mr. Grant who said those brilliant words.

  21. I think that the most influential teacher I've had in my life, has to be my dad. I know, technially, he's not a teacher, but he's taught or introduced me many things that make me who I am today. I've learned my love of soccer, the value of respect, and other things. Some of my best memories are with dad sitting around a soccer game, or sometimes just sitting and enjoying his company. Without my dad, I don't know who I'd be today. One quote that I particularly enjoy is from Mr.Grant "You don't control your grades." because it helps me not get as stressed out about school anymore.

  22. I have and have had many teachers that have influenced me throughout my life, but the ones that really stick with me are the ones that help to challenge me. The teachers that really stick with me are the ones that I can ask questions of and not be asked follow blindly. Those are the teachers that will always stick with me, the one that challenge me and the ones that I can challenge. One lesson that I have got from a certain teacher, that is hard for me to understand at times, is that intelligence isn't everything. When I was younger, my dad would always talk to me about things going on in the world that I didn't understand, he explained it to me by giving me this quote, "Everything that humans do in the world, centers around money."

  23. My Third Grade teacher would have to be my most influential teacher that I have had so far. She has inspired me by helping me make learning fun. She has taught me to turn homework on time and also to enjoy it as much of it as I can. My teacher has taught me something that I will never forget is to not focus on the big things in life, but focus on the little things.

  24. The most influential teacher in my life was Miss Skinner, my 1st grade teacher. Not only did she teach me how to read, but she taught me life skills that I will never forget. Our families became really good friends as my education through St. Joes carried on into 3rd grade. When my family was told that we were moving to Seattle, coincidentally, Miss Skinner was moving there as well. We drove there together, and we saw each other a lot while in Seattle. When Miss Skinner was going through a really hard time in her life, she stayed with us for a few months. 4 years have passed, and so much has changed in all of our lives. I attended Miss Skinner's, who is now Mrs. Buursma, wedding last year. Miss Skinner not only taught me academically, but taught me how to be a strong person. Without going through what we went through together, I wouldn't be the same person that I am today. The most influential quote that she ever told me was that everything was going to be okay, and to keep my head up.

  25. My Most influential teacher in my life was my third grade teacher Mrs Poppy. She always pushed mw and the rest of my class to the best that we could do. The one thing that i remember from here that learn from your experiences, focus on those and not a toy that you would have wanted.

  26. I have had many teachers in my life, but I have to say there are so many good teachers I have had. Mrs. Stice, Mrs. Beck, Mrs. Russell, Mr. Grant and more. Mrs. Stice and Mrs. Beck were at my old school in Hidden Springs. They taught me many things, I learned to have fun and they taught me mostly what I learned from that school. Mrs. Russell and Mr. Grant are at the Middle School. I have learned how to take notes in both classes. I have learned more about historical events from Mr. Grant which gave me a more profound knowledge about history. Mr. Grant also has taught me to learn more from discussing it in class with my peers. He taught me more about history with an exiting attitude to it. When I was in Hidden Springs, I learned about the "Toba Indians" in Social Studies. I never really figured out if they were real. But Mr. Grant has taught me way more than just the "Toba Indians" Mrs. Russell has taught me organizational skills and has taught me more math then I imagined from Hidden Springs. I have learned to be organized and to be nice to your peers and your teachers. I have learned good study skills as well. I haven't really remembered many quotes, but I do remember, "come in to school a better person than you did yesterday". Which I have tried to follow, but my teachers have been so influential, their are probably more quotes.

  27. One of the most influential teachers in my life was Mrs.Baccay who was my fourth grade teacher and even though that was her last year of teaching I still remember things she instilled in me. Mrs. Baccay i will admit gave us way to much homework considering we were in 4th grade I remember one night we had a 31 page packet and it was due the next day I stayed up until 10:30 that night which was the latest I had ever stayed up and the next day i was so tired but I was excited to turn in my work. Turns out that I got a 100 and it was a math packet which was not my favorite subject but it was the first 100 I ever recieved so I was really excited. This taught me to work hard and even though you dont agree with something you have to work through it. The most influential thing that has ever been said to me was said by Mrs.Cox and she said " Ava why do you want to learn and I said I dont know and she responded its not what we learn that drives us to be who we are its why we want to learn"

  28. Most likely Mrs. Russell. But I would have to say all the teachers have influenced me one time in my life. Mrs. Russel has taught me to be a better student throughout my life. Always being so understanding with her saying " I'm the most understanding human being". Which is so true! I like how she is obsessed with khan too it helps me to strive in math and I learn so much from the website. she'll definetly help me to be a better student in high school, I know she will because she was even a high school math teacher too. A life lesson is probably the golden rule learning it from Mrs. Cox. It has helped me be a better person to this day and I will never forget the "golden rule". The wisest thing I have heard from a teacher is to never stop trying to reach your goals and keep going at them. I know probably every teacher has said that every year. but when ever I hear that it just motivates me and reminds me to try to strive to get to my goals.


  29. Who are the teachers in your life that have influenced you the most and how have they influenced you? What life lesson have you gathered from an effective and influential teacher? What is the wisest or most influential quote you have ever heard from a teacher?
    Definitely Mr. Yanci. Mr Yanci is probably the best teacher I will ever have because not only is he a good teacher, but he is also really cool and a good person at least to me. He has taught me a lot about religion such as how to pray to God and how the Jews performed the Exodus. He is also a good English teacher and corrects me every time if I say, "Me and him" or something like that. It sounds kind of cliché and boring, this quote, but him saying just try your best makes a difference. If you don't go out and try your best you will never know what to do in your life. Thank you Mr. Yanci, Bless up.

  30. The most influential teacher that I have ever had in my life my dad. He inspired me to do my best and try my hardest. Is all I have to do is set my mind to something and I can sustain my goal. The only reason I am capable to do that is because I want to be the same as my dad. I really look up to him as a person and a father.
    A life lesson that I gained from a teacher would have to be in kindergarten with my teacher Mrs. Lungs. I think that was how you spelled it. She taught me the golden rule. You don't ever really learn that after kindergarten. Your expected to be nice because it is the right thing to do. Mrs. Lungs taught me to treat others how I would want to be treated.
    I don't really have a quote from a teacher that has changed my life for the better. Actually, A teacher probably has told me a quote but I don't remember it. The only one that I can think of is The Golden Rule.

  31. The teacher in my life that has influenced me the most was probably Mrs. Baccay in 4th grade. She was really nice and would always help me when I was struggling. She wouldn't get annoyed when you didn't understand something she had just explained, which happens to me a lot. She helped me to overcome my fear of raising me hand in class too. Mrs. Baccay had taught me the life lesson of being comfortable around the class and expressing your ideas and sharing them. Probably the most influential quote I can remember is when Mrs. Rollison said in 3rd grade, "Don't say the word can't, because that means your not even trying." That is the only quote a teacher has said that I can really remember.

  32. The teachers that have influenced me the most are probably my parents. They are the people who have given me a great life and have helped me create most of my beliefs. My parents taught me to be comfortable around other people and to accept change. The wisest quote I think I have heard is probably "An eye for an eye makes us all blind" from Ghandi.

  33. The teacher that has been most influential to my development would have to be Ms. Siedler. She gave me a great perspective on our school and that is that everyone loves and supports you no matter what. She taught me that teachers were human and not out to get me. I have learned from my middle school teachers great lessons like how to take notes and listen in class. One lesson I have recently learned via the punishment system here at St Joes is an extremely valuable one. That lesson is just to consent to everything and whatever you do don't talk back to authority. The quote that is most important to me said by a teacher is when Mr. Yanci says cool it just makes me feel good.

  34. The most influential teacher I have had is Mrs. Russell. When I first found out that I was going to be in the advanced course for sixth grade I was really excited and super super nervous that I would fail and have to go into the basic course. But it was actually really easy. When I got into Pre-Algebra some lessons were really easy and some were really hard. When we did dimensional analysis I thought I was going to die! Now I am in Algebra and right now it is easy but I have a feeling that it is going to get really hard really fast. She really prepares us for high school. I know this because I know many people who go to Bishop Kelly including my cousins and they said that Mrs. Russell really prepared them and really helped them. A life lesson I have learned from her is all math has a purpose and can be used in daily life. I quote that I have heard from a teacher is "I only teach kids who want to learn not kids who don't."

  35. All my teachers have influenced me in different ways. The most influencial teachers that I've had have challenged me and also tried t relate with me. They have been open to my ideas and tried to see things from my point of view. My teachers have taught me about how lucky I am to have education. Even though some days I really hate school I know that I am lucky and should always be greatful for my teachers. One of my teachers told me "Just pretend to know what your doing and eventaully you'll figure it out."

  36. My most influential teacher is probably Mr.Grant because he has taught me to respect history and make it interesting and make me want to learn it. The life lessons I have learned from Mr.Grant is to respect anyone that is older than me. Even though every teacher has taught us that he really enforced it on me because he really gets his point across and it is very clear. The only quote i can think of is SLANT( sit up, lean in, ask one good question a day, and always say thanks you)

  37. The most influential teacher ive had was my 6th grade teacher Mrs. Brooks. I learned from her that you can make learning fun, we would always play activities to help us learn. I also learned how to take notes, and different ways to study. One quote that I have learned from Mrs. Brooks is "hard work pays off." I learned that the more I try on homework and study it will reflect on my grades.

  38. My mom have really made a huge impact on my life helping do good in what ever I do whether it is sports or school. Also Mrs. Russel has taught me so much more about math an a lot of different ways to learn it. A quote my mom says all the time is "Do good always."

  39. The most influential teacher I ever had was probably my third grade teacher Mrs. Reid. She was influential because she always had fun teaching us and actually enjoyed teaching us all the interesting things she taught us. I learned from her that learning is interesting and to always be happy in life. The only quote I remember from her was to my sister. She'd say, "Hi little Puype!"

  40. I would have to say that my most influential teacher is Mrs. Wheeler, she was my sixth grade math and science teacher. She is the one who ignited my compassion for math and science and she was very open and straight forward with my entire class. Also, she pushed harder than any other teacher that I have ever had and, even though she is the strictest teacher I know, she is one of the best teachers I have ever had. A life lesson I have learned from her is that there is always hope. A quote I have remembered from her is "Never say you can't do something because then you will always fail".

  41. One of the most influential teacher I had ever had was my kindergarten teacher Mrs. Street. I had always looked up to her when I was little. I looked up to her kind and compassionate personality who could deal with and shake off any problem. I don't remember ever one seeing her sad. The one thing she told me one day was something I would never forget. It may not be the most amazing quote I had heard in my life but it had a very large impact on me. She was one of the first people who told me I could be whoever I wanted to be. This was so big for me. What I wanted to do was to become an artist or at least become good at drawing which still influences me to this day.

  42. This is such a hard decision to make because all my teachers have influenced me in different ways. One of the most influential teachers I've had inside the school would be Mrs. Seidler because she has helped me face so many of my problems and is someone I can always talk to even if I haven't talked to her in weeks. She has such a great outlook on life and has inspired me to do the same. She got me excited about learning and continues to keep me happy and encourage me when I need it. I am so lucky that I still get the opportunity to talk to her everyday and that I had someone that supports and loves me as much as she does.
    Outside of school my biggest teacher has been my dad. He helps me through everything from killing the spiders in my shower to always giving me a laugh and life advice. I got an amazing opportunity this summer when I got to work side-by-side with him for a few months. I saw what an amazing work ethic he had and this made me love and admire him even more.


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