Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Travis Rudolph and Bo Paske

In our crazy world it often seems we cannot find those special acts of kindness that demonstrate the exceedingly generous human spirit we each possess. If we watch the news or troll through social media, we all too often witness quite the opposite. Our news is littered with political rants, divisive actions by so-called leaders, and acts of violence committed all over the world.

That is absolutely not the case with the story I am going to share with you.

Earlier this month, football players from Florida State were asked to visit a local middle school in Tallahassee, FL. The players arrived at lunch time and were to mingle with the students. This was the moment that would dramatically change the lives of two individuals and hopefully enlighten and inspire people all over the world.

Travis Rudolph, a junior wide receiver for the Seminoles, entered the lunch room and saw a young boy sitting by himself eating his lunch. That boy was Bo Paske. Unknown to Travis at the time, Bo was diagnosed with Autism many years ago. All Travis knew was that he was alone. Travis approach the table and asked Bo if he could join him. The two sat and enjoyed a conversation and a meal.

The resource officer at the school took a picture of the two and sent the photo to Bo's mother. In addition to being relieved to know today her son was not eating alone, she posted the picture to Facebook. The picture and the story quickly went viral.

The relationship between the two did not stop there. Travis was able to return not too soon after with a jersey for Bo and tickets to last Saturdays game. Travis and Bo have received a significant amount of media coverage from the event, even though ironically that was never the intent.

Below is a follow up story I watched on ESPN. Please take a moment to watch the video.

Why do you think we do not see more news like this in our world today? Should we be?  What lessons do you take away from this story? What can we do to be more aware of others? 


  1. I think that we usually do not see these kind of amazing stories on the news because the media wants us to know every single bad thing that is going on to keep us intrigued. When you see the sad commercial that says donate to help save these puppies, it is kind of hard to resist donating because you saw a super cute puppy with a sad face. I think that these cool stories like this one deserve more attention but you might just think that it is a football player having lunch with a boy, nothing special. I think people should look at Travis Rudolph as a role model for all of us to accept other differences and not only accept but embrace and go hang out with them because they are usually really nice people.

  2. I think that we don't see as many good stories because we want to hear the exciting gossip type news. It's what we crave to hear and keeps us interested and begging to know more. We should see more positive news because it's important to remember that there is good in the world too. It's comforting to know that there are still people out there who have good intentions. I learned that even the smallest acts of kindness done with a selfless intent can be monumental in changing the world. We have the ability to contact basically everyone in the world with social media. We need to use this to share good stories and make other people's good stories popular.

  3. I think that we don't see as many good stories because we want to hear the exciting gossip type news. It's what we crave to hear and keeps us interested and begging to know more. We should see more positive news because it's important to remember that there is good in the world too. It's comforting to know that there are still people out there who have good intentions. I learned that even the smallest acts of kindness done with a selfless intent can be monumental in changing the world. We have the ability to contact basically everyone in the world with social media. We need to use this to share good stories and make other people's good stories popular.

  4. I think that we don't see a lot of news like that because of the News Stations want us to see and know all that is going on in the world. There are a lot of stories that impact many people badly and we don't have a lot of stories that a lot of people have good happen to them. If it does happen, we don't hear about it. I think we should because it will inspire people to become better. I take away that little acts can change a persons life. We can notice people. We can notice people that are alone or quiet in the background of our lives. We can have a daily conversation with them to show them we care.

  5. I don't think we see this news on a daily basis because honestly some people don't really care which I think should definetly change. We would rather see the more exciting/ bad event news. I think we should care more about this these are really inspiring stories in my opinion and the stories just make me real happy about hearing the positive of it. What lessons that I take away from this story is that we can make a impact on these stories by trying to get these stories more on national news or just spread the news around to people. Sure their has been a couple of them, but we don't see nearly enough. just spread the words to others, if it inspires me I know it will inspire other people too!

  6. I don't think that we see more things like these on our new channels because it is the bad news and gossip that keeps us entertained. We definitely should be seeing more things like these because it inspires me as well as others to do the right thing. If I could take one thing away from this story, it would be to always try to use the golden rule. When I see people sitting alone or playing alone I will go and keep them company because that is how I want to be treated. The golden rule is also the key to being more aware of others. We also need to be more empathetic and think about how the other person is feeling.

  7. I think that we do not see more news like this in our world today because people are more interested and entertained into hearing about the gossip and bad news. This type of news makes us excited and keeps us wanting more. We should definitely be seeing more positive news and inspiring stories because in my opinion they help us become better people and brighten our day. After reading this story I learned that even a small bit of kindness can make a big difference and that we should always be aware of how we could make someone else day. I also think that Travis Rudolph is a great role model and example of how we should be empathetic and except others differences. We can go talk to a person if there alone or be friendly to people we usually do not hang out with.

  8. Sadly we don't hear many stories like this on the news today. Most of the time we hear and see about famous peoples' dumb drama and gossip. There should most definitely be way more stories like Bo's, however in today's world, that is not what the media wants to hear. Why they don't? I have no idea. You learn way more lessons and values with the inspiring stories rather than the gossip and embarrassing stories of people going to jail and what not. This type of news is depressing and is not inspiring to go make a difference. Although it is difficult, we need to focus more on people's good deeds and kindness instead of their mistakes. If we just take that extra step and help someone or even smile at them, we are closer and closer to having that all around the world. We need to be the ones to step up and make the difference.

  9. Sometimes it seems the only news reported are of violent and negative events. I think this is because the reporters feel that the bad news is more compelling and makes a better story. I also think a lot of the news is negative because that is what we pay attention to. It’s like the more the story is negative the more information we remember about the event. I think this is because when something bad happens we spend more time thinking about it and it has a greater impact on us. Positive events or stories make us feel happy and does not require a lot of thought. I think we should hear more about acts of kindness and actually do more acts of kindness to help balance out the negative stories more. One of the lessons is that a small act of kindness can have a huge impact on someone’s life not just at that moment but in the weeks after. By performing acts of kindness we influence others to be kind too. I think to be more aware we have to be mindful of how our actions affect other people and how small acts can have a great impact on someone else. Developing compassion is a great way to be more aware of others because it helps you to put aside your own viewpoint and try to see things from the other person’s point of view. It also helps you listen more closely to what is being said.

  10. In our world today we do not see many stories like this one. We more often see negative news stories, and this is because human minds are drawn to depressing stories without even realizing it. As the audience if we are always seeking the depressing new, then the news is more likely to put it out. The viewers are training the journalists to put out more negative and depressing articles. Viewers are also training journalists to write editorials rather than a factual report. While I do believe more positive news should be put out, I do think it is important the world is informed and aware of the negative things in our world today. Hopefully we may learn from them and correct them by seeing the positive things others are doing. Every small act of kindness you do may not change the whole world, but it can change someone else's world. This is shown in Paske and Rudolph's story. To be more aware of others we need to try to look beyond ourselves and towards others. By looking away from ourselves we can become fully aware of others needs.

  11. I think that we don't see the acts of kindness because we focus on seeing the bad. I think that we only look for the bad, and then when we see a story like this one, we think it is an amazing act of kindness( I'm not saying that it's not)but really other people do a lot of inspiring things and they are out there, we just don't look for them. I think that we should see more amazing stories, but I also think you have to look for them. You can't expect them to be headlines when the majority of people like to hear depressing stories. The lesson I took away from the story, is that even the smallest thing you do can make a difference. Bo's life has changed so much, just because Travis approached him. I think that we need to remember that everybody is here for a different reason, and also you shouldn't focus on popularity, because one day, you will remember the person who was nice to you when no one else was, rather than who was the most popular, what kind of shoes they wore, and their clothes.

  12. This story goes to show what we can do when we don't even know that we are doing anything. Even a small act of kindness can change a person's life forever. Strive to be someone like Travis Rudolph who doesn't need to eat lunch with a kid who was alone to get media attention but he did because he has a kind heart. In the media today I think that we don't see enough acts of kindness, not because the world is preoccupied with other news, but because the world forgets to be kind. I think that there are lots of small or even big acts of kindness that happen every day in the world that don't get recognized enough. We should think about what we should do to make it so that a act of kindness isn't so rare in this world.

  13. I don't think that we see more news like this in our world today because people don't want to see those things. They want to see how people messed up and hurt each other, not how they came together and lifted each other up. We should watch more heart warming news stories because they reminds us that even the simplest of simple acts of kindness can have the most substantial affect on people. These kinds of news stories can inspire us to do that no matter where we are. I take away from this story that love and kindness means everything. That taking the time to do one genuine nice thing each day to someone can change their life forever. And in turn they can do that to someone else. So it becomes a chain of the true human spirit. We can watch out for each other and be aware of what they might need in that moment. Maybe a smile or a kind word. Maybe the door being opened for them or a praise. To be aware of everyone around us we can ask ourselves, "How can I make someone happy right now?"

  14. I think that we don't see news like this because all the news focuses on are the bad stories or the ones that pin things on others. They also probably don't want to see this they would rather watch all the issues that are "more" important. I think that we should definitely see more good news because we need to see the good things. This can inspire us and help us know what is good. One of the lessons I take away from this is to always check in with others who are feeling down or are by themselves. You don't know what they are going through so you can offer a smile and it might make their day. Something that we can do to be more aware is to always look for them. They might not want you to see them but always look out for them and when you see them go and talk to them.

  15. I think that we usually don't see this stuff because nobody is really kind to anybody anymore sadly. Very few people are kind to the people who really need it. We focus on the bad things like murders or shootings. I personally think we should see more good news because we need to see the good things in life not the bad things. This can teach kids to be nice and kind to one another. One of the lessons that I take away is to always be aware of others and how they are feeling. Check to see if people are "Okay". One smile can change someones day. If someone looks down go talk to them and ask them if they would like to hang out with you.

  16. In our world we mostly care about celebrities and terrorism, but what we need to also need to realize the kind stories. When I first heard this story, my heart was touched, I wanted to something kind like that to someone. Especially since Rudolph went to sit with the kid, not knowing he was diagnosed with autism. We need to take this into consideration and to take action. Kindness is what the world needs, we need to continue Rudolph's actions to make the world a better place. I would take away from this story, that we all have need to show kindness to those who aren't as fortunate as were are, to have healthy lives. We donate more to charities, and even volunteer time to help those in need and a cure. Even though the news shows only bad, lets make them show good news, by donating and helping the people in need. We can make the world a better place. I want to end on one last quote from Mother Teresa.
    Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless-Mother Teresa.

  17. I don't watch the news much. But this is the first time for awhile that I have seen loving news. Everyone in the world wants to see the bad and they want to see people fail. No one cares about this boy and what happens to him. They just want to hear Trump talk about building a wall. This boy, Bo Paste, deserves attention around the world. This is what people in our community should focus on. The good and no the bad. Personally I think our country has adapted to hearing hatred.
    I know that we need to never judge a book by its cover because we don't know whats going on in their life. It is crazy ho quickly the people in our country jump to conclusions.

  18. When I first heard about and saw the video of Bo Paske and Travis Rudolph a couple weeks ago, it really touched my heart but it also made me pretty sad understanding that we don't really see these kind of stories as much as we maybe should. I feel like when we do hear about these stories, we should use them as motivation to try to do those acts of kindness that we know we can do. We can all help in being able to see these more of these touching stories by just being the nicest we can be and just trying not to be mean to others. This story is a great example and everybody should be able to just think and say "wow that's really awesome of him to do." We can all have an impact. We can all do a ton to be more aware of others. If you see someone being bullied, stick up for them. If you see that someone is having a bad day, cheer them up. The little things that we do can all have a huge impact on the person that you're helping.

  19. I don't usually watch the new, and when I do I usually hear about the bad things much more than the good things that happen in our world. It seems like people like to hear the bad things more that the good. I don't really understand this. Personally i would rather hear the good ore than the bad. Sometimes we need to know about the bad but not as much as we do. I learned that we need to respect others difference no matter who they are. Also no one should be salon. What Travis Rudolph is an amazing role model to all of us and everyone deserves a chance like this. If someone is alone or not treated fairly we all should all stick up for them. The little things that you do can make a big difference on others lives.

  20. Many of the news stories now that capture the audiences and get the views are the ones that are crazy and terrible. Also, in the world today there aren't that many stories like these that have the heart warming feel. I think that we should get these stories more in the new though because with all the terrible acts that happen throughout the world daily, we should get a positive message to go along with it. I think that way, the news would be a lot more enjoyable for so many people who don't want to sit through the 30 minutes of terrible and tragic events that have played out in the days prior. Also, the good events that could be found in the news today are little additives just to extend the show not actual researched pieces. This blog is another example of the little acts of kindness that go a long way to change something for the greater. Good deeds and kindness are a necessity in life so that if a end should come, you will be happy with the facts of your life.

  21. I think people can be ignorant to the good actions in this world. People want to here about more of the interesting things in this world. Which we should be focusing more on the positive actions in this world because it can inspire others in this world to do kind actions. This story I think is really touching and it shows that even just the tiniest acts of kindness make the biggest impacts. This world has come to that people are rude to others for being different. Travis Rudolph didn't even know this kid and made a huge different to his life. We need to be more accepting in this world no matter who we are. We need to make more acts of kindness and less hate. Being kind can make a good difference in your life and other peoples.

  22. I think that in our world today we don't see stories like this because they are so easy to deny. These types of stories are easy to look at and say oh its just a publicity stunt. Its so easy for us to sit back and say well good for them. The things we see in the news is the negative stories and it al political and crap. Whos winning in the poles today who said the politically incorrect statement now. Its easy for us to criticize that stuff and its easy to say that's bad. Its hard for us to say oh someone in this world did something good but we are so blind that all we see is bad. From this story I took away that the little things count. Even if you think something doesn't matter it does and it will matter in the long run. We need to be aware that your life may be all fine and dandy but other may be struggling a lot. You can make the change in the person life if you just make an effort.

  23. We don't see news more like this because many people don't want to see a football player who made a kids day that had autism and become his new best friend and being a role model. People think that it is boring and no one wants to watch that kind of news. They want to see bombings and shootings people thing that the bad things in the world is fun and exicting to watch then see a random of kindnesss to a kid who has autism. No one wants to watch it or even listen to it. Like I said no one cares about those things in life they just care about bad things going on in the world like shootings and tourist attacks. We need to see more things like this because it can show us people who just do kind things for no reasons. If everyone just did that in the world today there would be nothing that would be voitent today. But people want violence in the world they want attention. People do things that are kind just to make another person feel like that they are cared about. Not to do it just to get attention and be on the news and get a reward. They do it just because they do it. A lesson that we can learn about ist that we can just be a kind person to any one and not execpt that you will get an award. Just doing it to be a kind and generous person. To be aware to day is just thinking "What can I do to make some one their day?" If you just see people not being cared for or not loved. Then care for them and love them. Be their new best friend. Make their day with happiness.

  24. I think the reason that we do not see more news like this is because people don't make a very big deal out of stuff like this. We tend to only focus and draw attention to the negative, instead of looking at positive things such as this. Also, I think people could think stuff like this is staged for publicity. There is a lot of things that draw people to the more negative side of news these days. Even though I know its important for us to see and know the negative around the world, I think its important to involve positive so it doesn't seem like everything in our world is that bad. It would be good to spread kind articles like this around more. I take away the lesson of kindness without asking for anything back. This player didn't do this to get a ton of attention from it and have stuff about it all over social media, he did it because it was a kind thing to do. Being aware of others is very important especially in situations like these. We can put ourselves in other peoples shoes so we can always be aware of others.

  25. In the world we live in, our media is dominated by stories of tragedy, death, suffering, and all sorts of horrible things. Everywhere you go, from the news lady on the tv, to that update on your Instagram, everything is bad, bad, bad. And to see something like this, it's encouraging. Our world seems to enjoy tabloids and death and suffering, and what-happened-this-time for whatever reason, but it's always nice to have a refreshing bit of actual humanity every once in a while like this. It was even better because, Travis had no idea. No idea that Bo had autism, no idea of any potential racial value it might've had, nothing. He was just sitting with a kid who had nobody to sit next to. These kinds of things should be way more publicized in our crazy messed-up world. People doing potentially incredibly impactful things just out of the kindness of their heart is something that should be given way more attention than which celebrity couple cheated on each other(or something equally intelligence-lacking). And we can all do this. Whether it's doing what Travis did and sitting by somebody at lunch, or helping someone out just because, we could all stand to do this ourselves a little more. It doesn't take much.

  26. I think that people in society don't want to focus on the good but focus on all of the bad in the world and not good. I think that they learned that everyone needs to be king to every one no matter who they are. Share the random act of kindness and show people that you don't have to know them to be friends with them.

  27. I think the news does not focus on stories like these because people are more interested in the bad than the good. We mostly see stories of terrorism and hate. I think the news should be sharing stories like this because people can get more out of them. People reading and hearing about this will be inspired and will want to make a difference in someones life. We should be aware of what other people are going through. By doing small acts of kindness like this, you can be making a difference in someones life without even knowing it.

  28. I think the news does not focus on stories like these because people are more interested in the bad than the good. We mostly see stories of terrorism and hate. I think the news should be sharing stories like this because people can get more out of them. People reading and hearing about this will be inspired and will want to make a difference in someones life. We should be aware of what other people are going through. By doing small acts of kindness like this, you can be making a difference in someones life without even knowing it.

  29. I think one of the main reasons stories like this aren't posted more often is because most people don't find them very interesting. Everyone is always talking about what ISIS did or anything sad and overall tragic. We are attracted to gossip and horrible things and looking at the worst of people. That is why news people only cover these stories and not heartwarming things like this. I think it is still important to see things like what is happening into the world but its always nice to see people on the news who aren't heartless. This can influence us to do be better people and even brighten our day. The biggest thing I got from this video is that it is nice to be kind to people without wanting something in return. Many people and celebrities to nice things for popularity. I feel to be more aware of others we should try to get out of our bubble and comfort zone and try to help others humbly.

  30. We don't see stories like this in the news very rarely anymore I think mostly because all we are interested anymore is all the bad stuff and all the hate. It's always terrism or just really anything sad and depressing because I think that we have become a society with so ,any people that aren't really touchy feely, or that we "don't have the time for it" or we just don't care. It honestly is very sad to see that a lot of us just don't care about that kind of stuff anymore. There is still a bit of it, but there really is barely any of it anymore. It is so sad to me because I think that seeing these kind of stories can be very uplifting and brighten your mood instead of seeing sad and depressing news that just makes you sad and depressed. We need more of the news like this story about Travis Rudolph. It's very touching and just makes you feel so good, and I think that our world desperately needs it because our world isn't all hateful and negative, but it has become very negative and not many of these kind of stories will just make it worse. We can learn from this article that random acts of kindness are the best acts of kindness because I think it's even better because like Travis, we shouldn't really even reslise we're doing it. Obviously he knew what he was doing but we should just be nice and not expect to like get recognized for it I guess. It's kinda hard to describe. Our world just basically needs to be more humble and kind because it feels good. To be more aware of others we should just be more observant and notice little things that people do at make them and many others just feel so good. It can be such an amazing feeling to know that you maybe picked up someone's books after they dropped them or if they were for example alone at lunch and just sitting with them. These little, random acts of kindest and mean so much and can just really make someone's day, even if it is just as simple as picking up their pencil for them.

  31. I think that the reason we see more negative things in the media than positive things is because the media knows that they will get more views and attention if they talk about negative things. The main lesson I took away from this story is that, to get change going, positive change, it starts with you, and your actions, and that is what gets the world to change. I think to understand and accept others' differences, we need to educate ourselves but also have an open mind to new ideas.

  32. I think news like this isn't heard about as much because people think that terrorism and politics are more interesting for views and get higher ratings. I think that there should be a fine line between these kind of stories and the normal stories, because the normal stuff is news, it is good info, but some stories like this one are good to have too. The lesson I learned is that people are always caring for you. We should just look out for each other.

  33. We don't see these kind of stories because they aren't considered big to the news and media even though they are huge because these kind of things don't happen a lot and he did it without trying to get recognized because of it. I think we should hear more of these stories because we only focus on the stories that aren't the good stories like this one. we only focus in stuff like the kapernick issue even though we should of forgot about it a week ago.This story would have went huge if he was kicked off the team for doing something wrong and not doing this good deed. We can learn a lot from this story like you can do good things not just to get recognized, you can do them because you want to. we can actually look for people that are alone and instead of ignoring them you can go over and talk to them.

  34. I feel that we do not find as many of these stories in the news and media today is because the news channels and media stations are all focused on the violence and politics that are going on in our world today.I think hearing about these stories could change somebodies day dramatically. If it is just a smile that lifts them up, or convinces them to do something kind for someone else that might need it. lessons I got were, that just the smallest act of kindness could make the biggest difference in somebodies life, and to not judge anybody. Travis could have very well gone up to one of the tables that was over crowded with kids and have fun with them but instead he went to Bo's table. Not just worry about or own lives and be aware of what is going on around you and what you can do to make the littlest change in somebodies life that could make a huge difference.

  35. I think we can just listen and open are hearts to every one. No matter their race or color of skin.Nor how they think or how they do things. This video really touched my heart were a player went out of his way to come and eat lunch with this autistic boy who was eating alone to me that is a real hero.

  36. The fact that we dont really hear about this stuff every week like we do the elctions or the media and what every celebrities are doing every second.QWe are so wrapped upo in ourselves that we dont even take the time to look atound the lunch room and see that one person sitting by themselves. Travis didnt have to do that he didnt have to go sit with that kid and he did anyway.I feel especially bad for the mother because having that knowledge about your child and how they really have no chance in the world it breaks your heart to know that she will have to live through that everyday of her life and eventually Bo will get to an age where normal people go off to college and he will have to stay home and that I think is the biggest lesson you can take away from this, good things happen to good people and bad things happen to good people in our world and yes it is very unfortunate that any child should be born with a disability like that but it is even worse what people say about it. I looked the story uo and there are already a bunch of false remarks avout how Travis only did it for attention and how the principal told him to which I dont even understand how someone has the nerve to write that but it happens so we have to learn to fightback and say "believe what you want but I know what I did and I dont need any recognition whether good or bad."

  37. I think that we dont see stories on the news like this because people are focusing on the elections and violence that happens. People should like to watch the positive stories of people doing random acts of kindness. There should be more inspiring and positive news stories that will inspire use to be better people or just make our day. Even the smallest acts of kindness can make someones day or change their lives like Bo Paske.

  38. I think there are many reasons why we don't see these kinds of things often in the news. One of the main reasons that I believe is that it truly isn't happening that much. Another thing that is happening is that people don't always recognize it as an act of kindness but just as a normal act. Finally I think that people are making other people aware of it. Basically, for example if someone did a good thing for someone else then it might just stay in the community or town. So it wouldn't spread to other cities or states and no one would ever know about it. Some lessons that I learned are to never judge people by their physical appearance or health. You should judge people by how they are in spirit and how nice or friendly they are. This football player did just that. He simply saw that a kid was sitting alone so he took the chance to meet an amazing new person at the same time giving the kid company. That is the biggest problem in our world these days. It is that people are judging without even knowing their friendliness or how good they can be. We can be more aware of others by doing the following: always see people by their inside not their outside; also how they act and how friendly or unfriendly they could be. I think that this problem needs to be fixed in our world today.

  39. I don't think we see these type of stories on social media because all people want to know about is bad things that have happened. I would personally like to see more stories like this on the internet because others may see it and want to do something good for one another. I learned that we need to accept all people and if see others left out go and sit with them so they are not a lone. We need to be more aware of people and comfort the people that are a lone or are engaged in other peoples conversation. If you see a kid that is left out then ask him or her to come join you.

  40. I believe that things like this aren't shown on the news because random acts of kindness are usually not publicized and if they are truly random acts of kindness they would be committed not for money, attention, and fame but to make others feel good. So as a result things like this wouldn't gain much attention because people don't know about them. I know that this seems bad but I don't think that we should be seeing more stories like this. Only due to the fact that it only serves as inspiration and to feel good about humanity. I would rather spend my time learning about how to world works. What we can do to become more aware of things like what happened to Bo Paske is by watching the news! Every single nightly news segments has something called making a difference. It tells of stories like Bo's and is very heartwarming.

  41. I think that we normally don't see news like this because the world that we live in likes to shine light on the tradegdies instead of the triumphs. The thing that is always on the news is all the sad things going on in our world and there isn't many random acts of kindness because if this made the news then that should point out to us that this is the first news story in a while like this so clearly we are all forgetting about kindness and focussing on the bad. I take away from this story that there still are people who just do things out of the kindness of their hearts and not for publicity. This guy just did this to be nice and be this kids friend and he made the news because everyone else is forgetting about kindness. To be more aware of others every once in a while we can remove ourselves from our problem and focuss on helping other people and in a way we are helping ourselves. We just all need to take a breathe and find someone who needs a friend or a random act of kindness.

  42. I think we don't see these things are not shown on the news because they care about things that they think are better than this. An example, Colin Kaepernick sitting down during the national anthem. They could show that on tv but not spend as much time on them and spend more time on cool stories like this one. It really needs to change, they need to show more good topics instead of the bad topics. I learned we need to be kind to everyone and not exclude anyone. Sit by people if no one else is, invite them to play a game or a sport instead of having them sit there.

  43. I think that we do not see more news like this because it is the sad and the horrible stuff people pay more attention to. Like its hard to forget that thousands of people die every year because of tobacco related illnesses, and it is harder to remember the good deeds of one person. I believe that we should be seeing more news stories like this, because it brings peoples spirits up and shows us that we live in a happy world. The message we can pull from this is that we need to be more aware of each other. We can do this by being nice to everyone no matter there looks or personality

  44. I don't think we see a lot of good news like this often. I believe this because the news wants us to see everything that's going on. And most of it isn't good and impacts people in a bad way. But in this case you see a person not Caring that Bo has autism. You see a person looking for a way to make somebody's day better. In the video mom talks about how just this little act can go along way and I think we need to think about that throughout our day and try to be more like travis

  45. I think we don't see theses stories because we'd listen to sad stories rather than motivational stories. I think we should because it would make us want to do more things for those people with those amazing stories. I think we learned that we need to understand people more and realize what they are going through so we can be realized as good people. We should be more aware of others by knowing them more and don't just think about ourselves all the time.


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