Thursday, April 7, 2011

Government Shut Down

It is a stand-off.  If congress and the president are unable to find a compromise concerning current year spending, as of Friday midnight, the federal government is no longer able to spend funds and we will see the first government shut down since 1996.

 Unbeknownst to most Americans, congress has not passed an approved budget for the current fiscal year, which began in October.  Without a budget, the government has been operating using continuing resolutions.  Continuing resolutions are temporary agreements to allow the government to continue to operate under the terms of the previous budget until congress can complete the budget. 

The current continuing resolution is set to expire on Friday, April 8th at 11:59 pm.  Without a budget agreement or another resolution the government will force the partial shutdown of federal agencies across the country.  Only military, law enforcement and agencies providing health care activities will remain open.

The primary issue dividing the congressional parties is concerning government borrowing, collection of money through taxation and spending. The Republicans have rejected ideas to increase the government’s borrowing limits and want to slow the rate of spending. The Republican House members have proposed a $61 billion spending cut for the next six months.   They are targeting discretionary spending for agencies such as the Coast Guard, Environmental Protection Agency and National Parks.  Although there is talk about entitlement programs such as Medicaid and Social Security, any spending cuts are not included in this proposal.  While $61 billion may seem like a significant amount, it represents 1.6% of the federal government expenditures (roughly 5-6 days spending).

They are trying to reach common ground, but resolution seems more unlikely as we approach Friday.  According to a NBC/New York Times poll, 37% of the population blames the Republican congressional members, 20% blames the Democratic congressional members and 20% blames President Obama.  Even with the political pressures from polling, neither side appears to want to give in as of yet.

What do you think about our government operating without a budget? What do you think about the idea of spending decreases given the nation’s current economic situation?  Who will you blame if the government is forces to suspend operations on Friday?  If the government is shut down, how do you think it may impact you?


  1. Parker Toney- Without a budget the government can't do anything to help the economy out of its current state. You have to spend money to make money. Spending decreases would be great because that would make people lower their prices because there would be less supply and demand. When you lower prices people would be more likely to buy your product. The same thing applies to the housing market; people can't afford the mortgage any more so their house goes into forcloser. If you lower the cost, more people could afford the cost of living. I would blame not just President Obama but every president, because they control where most if not all the nation's money goes. If the government is shut down, the country wouldn't be able to operate, the country would go in to complete chaos, no one would be able to lead us.

  2. -Extremely Gorgeous Stud aka _NoaHR_
    This is an extremely tedious situation. I think that the government not having a budget is not the greatest thing, because they are doing more hurt than help for the economy. How would you, Mr. Grant, operate without a budget?! You'd have no clue about how much you're spending relates to how much you're earning. The brilliant idea of cutting spending decreases is bittersweet. For one, we won't have to pay as much taxes or spend as much money as we did before. But then again, that $61 billion that is being saved would otherwise go to roads, schools,, transportation, and other government-funded facilities. So, there is no clear solution because there is a good and bad side to everything, but for now the spending cuts are a good change of plans. You know, I'd honestly have to blame both all of congress and the president. Sure, they disagree about things, but if they don't compromise and get a budget agreement or another resolution soon, there is going to be trouble. If the government is shut down, I think there would be disorder and chaos. Well, if the government is shut down partially as you say, I don't think it will affect us all that much. Our school isn't government-operated, and we can get by with just military, law enforcement, and health care facilities. Well, that's all for now. Bye!
    -Extremely Gorgeous Stud aka _NoaHR_

  3. ~Emily T.~
    With out a budget, I think the U.S. is just going to get into more trouble financially. We would end up probably spending more money than we have.Peraonally I think spending decreases would be good,because everything would be cheaper.I would blame everyone involved, because everyon'e decisaion ended up to this turnout. The government shutting down would,like Parker said, end up in a disaster and confusion.
    ~Emily T.~

  4. Gonzo- I think that the government not having a buget is a very bad idea. I think this because not having money to use but using money can be detrimental to the economy. It will also make the economy plumet more then it already has and the problems in America will increase. I think that spending decreases would be a good idea. I think this because it would make things a lot cheaper and people will buy more stuff instead of keeping their money for really important things and the economy will start to get better which will benefit the whole country. I would blame Congress because President Obama spends many hours thinking long and hard about what should be done with the nations money and Congress is the one not approving. Now, not approving is fine as long as you are willing to make a reasonable bargain. Congress right now is not being reasonable, and therefore Obama isn't able to use the buget. So, in hindsight, I think that Congress will be to blame for the buget problem. If the goverenment is shut down, the country will go into chaos. Everyone will pull money out of their bank accounts so that it isn't taken and mayhem would break lose. Fights would break out over materials and people will get hurt. It will make it hard for me and my family to get what we need and therefore, we, like everyone else would be conservative. Eventually, we would become barbaric and fight people for necessaties. So hopefully, the Congress and President Obama figure out this huge dilema.

  5. Jilly- I think it is a bad idea for our government to be operating without a budget because they really cannot do anything. Without a budget they are making it so that they really have no idea how much money they can or can't spend. Also by not having a budget they are only making the economy worse because the people along with the government don't know how much they can spend. I definitely think it is a good idea to decrease spending due to our current economic situation. I think this because if we send less on things we will have more money for the most important things. If everything is cheeper and more affordable then the economy will improve and it will be helpful to everyone. If the government is forced to shut down I don't think I would blame one individual group or one person because it is the result of many people not agreeing on something. I don't think it is the presidents fault thought because like Sam said Obama has worked very hard on getting a budget but Congress just will not agree with him. I'm not sure how it will effect me personally but it will cause chaos. It will effect many people across the country. We can hope that if the government does get shut down, it will start up again soon.

  6. Kristen :)
    I think that operating without a budget is just a bad idea. It is going to make the economy worse and we will then be in more trouble financially. I think it is a good idea to decrease spending because everything will cost less. I would blame the president and congress because it would be both of their fault for not agreeing on a budget. I think it would end in lots of chaos and confusion, so it is good that the government did not shut down.

  7. Aaron- I think it won't be good without a budget. I think it is smart to save money right now. The republicans because they are being road blocks in the government. We will lose public jobs and get nothing done.

  8. e housing market; people can't afford the mortgage any more so their house goes into forcloser. If you lower the cost, more people could afford the cost of living. I would blame not just President Obama but every president, because they control where most if not all the nation's money goes. If the government is shut down, the country wouldn't be able to operate, the country would go in to complete chaos, no one would be able to lead us.
    April 7, 2011 3:46 PM
    Student 10 said...
    -Extremely Gorgeous Stud aka _NoaHR_
    This is an extremely tedious situation. I think that the government not having a budget is not the greatest thing, because they are doing more hurt than help for the economy. How would you, Mr. Grant, operate without a budget?! You'd have no clue about how much you're spending relates to how much you're earning. The brilliant idea of cutting spending decreases is bittersweet. For one, we won't have to pay as much taxes or spend as much money as we did before. But then again, that $61 billion that is being saved would otherwise go to roads, schools,, transportation, and other government-funded facilities. So, there is no clear solution because there is a good and bad side to everything, but for now the spending cuts are a good change of plans. You know, I'd honestly have to blame both all of congress and the president. Sure, they disagree about things, but if they don't compromise and get a budget agreement or another resolution soon, there is going to be trouble. If the government is shut down, I think there would be disorder and chaos. Well, if the government is shut down partially as you say, I don't think it will affect us all that much. Our school isn't government-operated, and we can get by with just military, law enforcement, and health care facilities. Well, that's all for now. Bye!

  9. OK so i think that the government should have a budget and that they should not be shut down. i dont think that it would should be shut down because then there would be no military braedy

  10. Tim: I think that not having a budget is a bad idea because it hurts our economy because they don't have money to use yet they are using money. I think that spending decreases is a good idea because we really need to do SOMETHING about the national debt or it is just going to keep increasing. I agree with Sam on this one and blame Congress for not approving Obama on anything and for just being unreasonable. I think that would impact me because my dad works for the government and that would not be could for my family or his job.

  11. Scott- I think that not having a budget hurts our economy, because then the Government can go crazy and spend a ton of money or spend not enough. I agree that the government should stop spending as much money in oil from other countries in this bad economy, and that we should invest in oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska. I would blame both the President and Congress if the government had shut down. I would have been affected by this because my uncle and my aunt have government jobs, so they would be doing there jobs for a few days without pay.

  12. Ben R.
    I think that the government working without a budget is very bad because it could lead to more and more debt if you don't know how much you should spend. I also agree that it would be good if the government cut down on spending. I will blame Obama and Congress. I can't think of any way I would be affected but people who have government jobs would lose some money because they would basically be working for free like Scott said.

  13. Rich-I think the government working without a budget is bad because then the government can spend as much money on things that our unnecessary, which would put us in greater debt. I agree that it would b e good to cut down on spending because it would help us with decreasing our debt. I blame nobody. I don't think it would affect me personally, but it would affect people with jobs in the government because they would not be paid somedays, which would kind of make their job like volunteer work.

  14. Patrick O'Neill- The government opperating without a budget is very bad. We will fall into a larger debt and more problems will occur. I think that the spending is being cut down, so the debt won't increasee a lot. I would blame the demorcrats because one, they are in control right now so they control the spending, its their fault. If the government does shut down, i dont really know how it would impact me. I dont really use any government services.

  15. Jake- without a budget our economy will tank. iF this occurs then we will put ourselves in greater debt.The idea of spending decreases is great. This will help the country climb out of its debts. I mainly blame the president and congress if the government operations are shut down.How will this affect me??) Not to sure, but could affect many government jobs, services, and many other things in our country.

  16. Megan(:
    I believe the goverment operating without a budget is a horrbile is idea. I dont only think that is will just hurt our economy but it will also effect our nation as a whole. If it begins continuing without a budget then our counrty will for sure suffer more and more problems.I think spending less goverment wise is a wonderful idea.I would say if this plan was to go into action then i would have to blame Obama and congress.if the goverment shuts down i think it will impact both me and my family

  17. The Freelance Pianist - Well, it seems good ol' government has really screwed it up this time. While I am not a politician by any standards, if I were them I would be extremely embarrassed right now. Not only are they rendered inert for the most part, but they can't seem to make a decision to save their lives....or in this case economy. I think spending without a budget was terrible, irresponsible, and just plain idiotic idea. What good is power if you don't have the moderation to properly channel it? Of course, spending WITH a budget would be an obvious solution to our problem. And, with the utmost seriousness and honesty, if this economical budget dilemma continues, I am going to blame one person: REBECCA BLACK. Not because she is a horrible singer, but because I really don't know who to blame because it seems that everybody had a part to play. Of course, I could just blame Congress in general, but really where's the fun in that? And if the government shuts down I'm guessing I'll be impacted in some indirect way but, as I said before, I really have no idea. Alright before I get any more like BILL O' REILLY, I'm gonna stop. Peace out homes.

  18. This is will
    Its bad that are country has No budget. Its just gonna get us into a bigger whole. I think spending decreases would be great for the USA. To be honest i dont really know to blame so im not gonna play the blame game. and if are government shuts down, we are in for some trouble.

  19. Bella-
    I think it is pretty bad that our country might not have a budget. I have no idea though how they will operate without a budget.I think it may be good for the United States of America if the spending decreases. I think everyone can be blamed if they don't come to a budget on Friday. It was Congresses and Barack Obama's fault that they couldn't come to a conclusuion. I really have no idea how this will impact me.

  20. Noah G.====================================================== Our country not having a budget is pretty bad, becasue who knows what could happen? Anyways, our government will probably be a little bit more stingy that they have no set budget. The United States has already seen spending decreases time and time again, Im not in favor with it but whatever.... and the person that I would blame if the government shuts down is Bradey Curnow. There really is no one person to blame, it wass all of their efforts working as one big problem. And if the government does happen to shut down, it will be a normal day for me, I most likely wouldnt know about it til' a few days after because i dont watch the news....

  21. FRANCESCA- I think that if our country doesnt have a budget is a bad idea. If we dont have a budget it will hurt our economy and everyone in the world. I think spending less money is a good idea. I think it would be the congress and Obamas fault if they dont know what to do by friday. This will impact everyone.

  22. Lauren :D
    Our country is going to struggle without a budget. I think it is a really bad idea and will just cause more problems for our country. Our nation has done a better job of spending since they have not spent as much money. It has helped us a ton financially. I wouldn't just blame one person, but I would blame the whole group that was deciding it. I'm not associated with the government in any way, so I don't know how it would affect me, but it would affect those who had jobs in the government. Those people will probably have to find another job and that's always a hard thing to do.

  23. !!!!!Alice: okay first off I think that our country would definitely struggle without a budget. It would cause more problems than to actually try to clear it up and we probably would have to pay more than we have ever spend in money. So it just be bad if we didn't have a budget. I actually do not think that spending decreases is a bad idea I think it's a pretty good idea, actually. Anyways to tell you the truth i don't know who to blame if this ever happen, first of all because I don't want to be pointing fingers at anyone I shouldn't. Second I would not like people blaming me if I were ever in that position. Also it must be very uncomfortable in that position. I think to me it would cause total chaos in my world.... but who knows!!!!

  24. Abby- i think that if we didnt have a buget then we would drowned in debt which would effect everything! the prices for everything would go up to try and pay off the debts. if spendings decrease then people will get mad, but the debt would go down and it could help. so if we suffer alittle it could help in the long run! i cant blame just one person but the whole goverment gecause it is there job to keep things runninf smoothly so i blame the whole goverment. well since it was shutdown if even at all so it didnt affect me but it could have. because my family is going to mexico this summer my my moms passport is still in the office so she wouldnt be able to go which would be very sad.

    this is chocolate thunda A.K.A. Condowg Charles - well i'm not going to sugarcode it hear like some of my other peers have done... if we do not have a budget then our government will GO DOWN THE POOPER!! if the government can't start agreeing on something ten we will not have a budget and therefore most everything will become obsolete and useless without being funded or run by the government. i mean i don't exactly know what the government should do in this situation i mean i am no snagglepuss or anything like that (A.K.A. bill gates) so i am bomboozled about that situation because the whole economic balance is mind bottling to me. yes mind bottling because right now my thoughts are trapped... like in a bottle. you know this whole government disagreement thing reminds me of the NFL where no one can agree on anything because of reasons that i don't need to explain right now but i will on a different day. so i think that America is heading in either two different directions if the government doesn't work out a solution. since we don't have a working government everyone will either have to work for themselves and so the country becomes a free for all of there will emerge one leader who becomes a dictator. so in short america in bad doo doo if government dont decide what to do. i believe that it takes two to tango... i also believe that it takes two to argue and that is exactly what the two parties are doing right now. i will also go down two paths myself, i will either become one of the most powerful and sexy men in the history of mankind or i will become a middle school dropout and do anything i mean ANYTHING for some cash. this is Condowg signing off for the week hoping that you enjoyed this weeks post tood-da-loo

  26. Garren- i think it would be stupid of our government to run without a budget because we are in serious national debt with a buget. I like the idea of decresing spending. I would blame both the president and congress. I dont know how it would affect me.

  27. Emily B-
    I think that without a budget it would just cause more problems. The idea of decreasing spending sounds logical enough to work and we should give it a try. I don't think anyone in preticular is to blame, because everyday actions of all people affect this problem. It might effect the education which in turn would effect me.

  28. JARED- i think its stupid to run with out a buget because it would just cause more problems then we already have.i like the idea of decresing spendings but people would probably freak out like they always do but the debt would go down which would help ALOT! you cant just blame one person for this you have to blame the whole government because they are in charge ..........not just one guy.if the govenment shuts down first of all my family will be very frustrated and so will other people, but i dont think it would affect me but i dont know i just think it would affect jobs, and services that people do.

  29. Grant- I think running the government with no budget isn't the greatest idea especially considering the circumstances; we are in a ton of debt and in a recession. I think I a decrease in spending would be good as long as we handle it well; stop spending on stuff we don't need and only spend on what will help the country the most. I don't think any one person is to blame, the whole government is to blame because they didn't make a budget in the first place and now they are refusing to compromise. I'm not really sure how this would affect me.

  30. I.C.A. is cool and so is Patrick Oster: I do believe that a government without a budget is not a real governement because EVERY government has a budget. EVERYBODY needs to tighten their belts and make sacrafices to decrease our debt esspeccially the greedy corprate CEOs handing out bonuses at tax payers expenceses. First blame the president then blame the banks and mortage companys. If we were to go to D.C the museums may not be open and it will affect my grandparents if they reduce Social Security and health benifits.

  31. Karina- I think it's a bad idea if our government dosen't have a budget. I think spending decreases is a good idea because everything would be a lot cheaper. I wouldn't blame one person specifically because it would be the whole government's fault because they all need to work to get things running. Ummmm im not quite sure how it would impact me.

  32. Jenna
    i think that if our government doesnt have a budget then we will get in to more trouble and cause problems. i think it would be good to have spending decreases because then everything would be a whole lot cheaper. i really dont know who i would blame but i wouldnt just blame one certain person because more than one person is working to make decisions and stuff. honestly i do not know how this will impact me....sorry!

  33. Madeline- As with everything, it is not a good thing to be operating without a set budget. It is a very good idea to decrease spending, seeing as the national debt is high enough already. Should a government shut down have happened, I would have put the blame on the president and Congress. Is it that hard to find a compromise? I don't think it would have impacted me directly, but I know many people would pretty much be working for free.

  34. Ben S.- I think that our govnernment operating without a budget is rediculous thing because having a budget is the number one thing you should establish. I mean its just like if i make $100,000 a year and i go spend $300,000... well that doesnt really help me out all that much does it? I think that its kind of a good idea to decrease spending because sure it will help out our debt and stuff but in the end spending money is what keeps the economy going. When people spend money, thats how people get money. So i kind of think its 50/50. If the government shut down then i would have to blame the president mostly because he is the comander and chief and he picks his cabnet and everything. So if he picked the right people to do the job then maybe we wouldnt be in this big of crisis right now. I think that this would impact a lot of people in a lot of different ways but also, in the same ways.... in a way.

  35. +Jacob+

    I think that the government shutdown might actually be a good thing. Our government has to much controll over our lives and that should stop right here and now with the government shutdown. Our government is in the tank no matter what bills we pass to stop it. I mean our national debt is through the roof and now our generation is gonna have to pay for it. I think that it would be great for the government to get out of our lives and stop spending our money for a while!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  36. Anna K
    Well operating with a budget is important and I think that the politicians need to make a decision. it is part of their job to do that. I think the spending decreases is a good idea because we need to pay off this debt. it will only get worse. Well I am not going to point my finger at any particualar party or person. If the government shut down I don't think it would affect me personally.

  37. corrine-
    i think it is important to have a budget and that congress makes a new budget. because with out a budget i feel like some people will freak out and that probably wont turn out well. plus its the governments and congresses jobs to make a budget. which they havent done so there not doing there jobs. i dont think really any of this will effect me and hopefully it wont. but i may affect a lot of parents and other workers.

  38. Taylor-
    I think that not having a budget for the government is not helping the US. We are creating more debt for ourself while the gov. is spending all our money.We should start spending decreases. I think that is a good idea.I would blame the president because he is the one that should be running this country not racing it into the ground. If the gov is shut down there will be some crazyness but we would be able to take care with the things that aren't being shut down.

  39. Abhi-
    I think the government working without a budget is bad. I think that spending decreases would be a good idea. It would make things a lot cheaper, and people will buy more items and stop saving money for later on.Also the economy will start to get better which will be a benifit. I mainly blame the president and congress if the government operations are shut down.I really dont know how this would affect me.

  40. Anna M- I think that working without a budget is going to get us into more financial trouble. Spending decreases is going to benefit us because everything will be cheaper. I would blame the government and Barack Obama. If the government is shut down everyone will be left in confusion and disaster will break out.

  41. John-
    I think the government not having a budget is obviously not a good thing since it makes us look like we're disorganized, yet I think in a way it can be a good thing if they consider having a lower spending budget especially due to the recession. I think spending cuts is a fantastic thing, I mean I've even heard every dollar the U.S. government spends 40 cents of it is borrowed. So we seriously need this. I think we should stop acting like little kids and grow up by not blaming someone, but getting the job done and fixing this mess. Short term (one month) practically nothing will affect me. However, if long term it will be shear chaos.

  42. Emma-
    I don't think this is the best idea for country because id we don't operate on a budget the goverment will over spend and we will continue to be more in debt. You need to know how much money you have to know how much money you can spend. Spending does need to decrease or else we will becompletly bankrupt. I would probably blame Barrck Obama because he is the man in charge. I think this will impact everyone deeply. It will effect me because I might have to give up or quit things due to the spending issues.

  43. samallane..........Its bad because we can over spen onstupid suff and not spend enough on others.i dont really know? the congress. i dont know i meAN it might affect schools.

  44. david-I think our government operating with out a budget would have some disadvantages because who ever we got the money from we would then be in debt to and a budget would limit our spending. I think spending decreases is good becuase it will limit the amount of barrowed money we may spend and could help us repay our debt. I would blame obama. I think it would impact me by maybe affecting my safety.

  45. Kobe- i think it is stupid for our government to operate without a budget. Without a budget we continue to spend more money than we need to. And not only spend more money, but spend money on things we dont need. I would put some blame on Obama but he doesnt deserve all of the heat. Just because he is the presidident doesnt mean he controls all of our nations money.

  46. Peyton
    i think opperating without a budget is by far one of the stupidest ideas ive ever heard. i think spending decreases will help a little but not bring a big effect to our nationwide debt. i would have blamed whoevers idea it was in the first place to operate without a budget. i honestly dont really know how the shut down would affect me besides reminding me how stupid our government really is.

  47. Bailey - I think it is a really bad idea to operate without a budget. It could put us in more debt then we already are. I like that idea because we are in a terrible economic state. Ithink it will help us in the long run. I would blame Obama for this. I don't think he is a very good president. I dont think it will bother very many kids at all.


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