Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Earth Day

April 22 marks the 31 Earth Day in the United States.  The idea for a day dedicated to the environment originated 7 years earlier by Senator Gaylord Nelson.  He was concerned over the lack to awareness and regulations of the pollutants being released into our world. 

Now more than 30 years later, Earth Day and its organizers have increased public awareness of pollutants, identified and promoted “green” acts, have leveraged our schools and communities to enhance the knowledge and dedication of our youth to the cause, and countless other accomplishments. 

The Earth Day websites is tracking personal pledged to commit “green” acts.  The pledges include recycling grocery bags, unplugging appliances, recycle paper and plastic, and buying more local food.  While each of these acts may seem futile on their own, the impact of the collected group across the globe will have a significant impact on our environment, especially over an extended period of time.  To date the website has over 80 million personal pledges. 

What do you think of Earth Day?  What are some additional ways we can support Earth Day at school and in our community?  What are things you do at home?  Are there any additional activities you would be willing to commit to at home to support “green” living?


  1. jared- hello again MR. Grant....
    i think earth day is wonderful first off because our earth needs it(everyday) and it makes fellow citizens feel good about their world in which we live in. in school we can all take a feild trip and walk around downtown and pick up trash on the streets and also we can all ride bikes to school instead of poluting the air with our our community we can also pick up trash but maybe plant a flower or ever a nice lovely tree. at home i encourage to keep our air clean so.... somtimes i love riding bikes to a friends house or store. i think i should usally clean up the streats and i will do it now on.

  2. Bella-
    I think Earth Day is great because it makes people aware of their enviroment. Earth Day makes people step back and think about their actions towards conserving the enviroment. We can promote Earth Day at our school by planting more trees outside or we can use less paper and recycle more often. Also as a school we can take a field trip and clean up garbage on the streets and sidewalks. At home I can turn the lights of when I leave a room. At home I can make sure I reduce, reuse, and recyle.

  3. Karina- I think Earth Day if a very important day of the year. It makes people care alot more and it makes them more aware of the enviroment. Also, it makes people realize how important it is to take care of the Earth. At school, we can be more aware of recycling. We can re-use things and use a lot less paper. We can also go around in the community and help with things like picking up trash, planting new plants, and other things like that. We can help old people with thier recycling too because I bet half of old people dont recycle because its hard for them to take it out and stuff. When i'm at home, I kind of forget to do the things that can help the Earth. I forget to turn off lights and stuff. But I can turn off the water when im brushing my teeth, shut off the lights, and try using less water.

  4. Jenna
    i think earth day is a good day to have. it seems like for some reason on this specific day it makes people care more about the enviornment and about what they can do to help. at school we can work on recycling more and try to reuse things and reduce what we use of paper and stuff. in the community we can pick up stuff that peopled litter and recycle it or throw it away depending on the object. at home i can use alot less water and unplug things when i am not using them and turn off the lights.honestly there are multiple ways that we can reduce reuse and recylce all around the world.

  5. Madeline- I think Earth Day is a brilliant thing. After all, the planet can be one of the things we tend to take for granted. At school, I wouldn't mind learning more about the origins of Earth Day. Within the community, I think planting a few trees isn't a bad idea. At home, I plan on using as little electricty as possible, and reducing excess water use. I really wouldn't mind using a greener energy source or biking/walking places rather than driving.

  6. ++++++++++++++JACOB SCHOENHERR++++++++++++++++++
    ++++++++++++++MUST READ!!!!!!!++++++++++++++++++

    I think that earth day is great but i also think that we should be recycleing and buying more local foods on a regular basis, not just one day every year. Each year one human wastes thousands of gallons of gassoline even of that person doesn't even get on a plane. How could this be you may ask? Well the awnser lies in your pantry. Each year an agerage human consumes about 112 bannas every year. Each of these bannas is flown in from probably either Guatamala or Belieze which amounts to alot of airplane gas. And just think, all i was talking about was a banna, just one food item that is probably found in everyone's pantry at home yet wastes so much gas to get it there. Mabye next time you pick up a banna you might think a little more about your human footprint!

  7. Ben R.
    I think that Earth Day is a great day and works very well.We can support in school by recycling more used paper and by using less paper by typing more and printing less. In our communities we can pick up trash when we see it and help keep our neighborhoods and parks clean. At home I do a lot of recycling. I will try hard to use less paper.

  8. Anna k
    I think Earth Day is a fabulous idea! However, it should be extended for the whole year. Being green is not as hard as it seems. At school you should always recycle paper and plastic. You can also buy notebooks and pencils made from recycled material. We always recycle at our house. We have more recycling than trash. I believe that it is a sin if you don't recycle because its so easy. It doesn't take extra time at all! It annoys me that some people don't recycle. Turning out lights is a good way to be greener and riding your bike more often. Buying local produce also saves the gas it would have taken to drive it to Idaho. Growing your own food is good too. Anyways there are many ways to go green.

  9. Grant- I think that Earth Day is really important; it reminds us to be conscious of what we are doing and how it affects the environment. At school we can work on using less paper than we do and making sure all of it gets recycled. At home we recycle and don't leave lights on when they don't need to be. In our community we could plant trees, make it easier an more convenient to recycle and have more awareness about what we can do to help the Earth.

  10. Jilly- Earth Day is a really good thing to have because it makes people more aware of what they are doing. Although we should not just do this one day a year we should be careful every day of the year with what we do. At St. Joe's I think we do a pretty good job with recycling but I'm sure there are some people who throw recyclables away. In my community I can help out by picking things up off the ground and recycling them or throwing them away. I also think we should plant more trees to make the air cleaner and easier to breathe. I also think it would help if people were more informed as to why it is important to keep the earth clean and how they can help by recycling, reducing, and reusing. At home I try to unplug things that are not being used. I also don't use lights when i don't need them and I try to use little water by turning it off when I brush my teeth and I also try not to take long showers. Another thing I could do at home to be greener is to buy food that is local and growing my own food.

  11. Taylor-
    I think earth day is a great way to do something extra that you aren't doing to protect the earth on a daily basis. Some things that I do at school and at home are recycle and use old bags over again, I also rarley use bottled water. At home I will try to recycle more often.

  12. The Freelance Pianist - I love Earth Day. A lot. More than I love most things. Seriously. I really, really, really, love Earth Day. Okay, now that we got that out of the way, Earth Day is a time that we, not as human beings bust as fellow residents of a beautiful planet, can get together and help one another in healing, nurturing, and protecting our most important rented asset. Yes, as much as we hate to admit it, the Earth doesn't belong to us, it belongs to all of God's creatures as He intended it to be. So, as a result, we must treat it as such: with the utmost care and respect. Besides the obvious things we do for Earth Day like recycling, reusing, and reducing, we can improve our environmentilism (that's a word, right?) by helping to invest money in environmentally friendly technology, donating money to "green groups" and by simply being a "green group" in our every day lives. For example, at home we make our own natural fertilizer from food scraps and such, we use fluorescent lightbulbs to conserve energy, and we try as much as we can to limit electrical usage. Of course, there is always more to be done but I really can't think of anything new and original to do to be "green" so I'll just leave it at that, yeah? Well, that's about it. Peace out homes.

  13. Abhi-
    I think that Earth day is a very important day and on this day it makes people aware of their enviroment.In school we can by recycling and we can do projects where we go to parks and places to pick up trash. At home you can drink water from a glass instead of bottle, recycle, and not leaving the water on when you are not using it. I would be commiting to use less paper and ride bikes to friends houses instead of going by car and turning the lights off when im not in the room.

  14. Gonzo- I think maany things abour Earth Day. First, it helps all of the world become aware of what things cause a lot of damage to the enviroment and alternatives to them. Second, everyones efforts will help make our world a lot better place. It will make it easier to live in and better health wise.Lastly, it helps you meet new people who have the same beliefs as you. There are a few things you can do to help in your community and at school. At school you could turn off the lights during the day and turn of electronics that you aren't using. In your community, you could ask the government to dim street lights in the middle of the night and ask the government to dim stoplights. You could make sure that people recycle the right things and use renewable energy. At home, you can turn off electronics that you aren't using, unplug things likeyour phone charger, and in the summer turn the temperature in the house by a couple of degrees and in the winter turn the temperature in the house down a couple of degrees. I would be willing to do what I said to conserve energy at a house. Overall, there is a lot that you are able to do to make the world a greener place.

  15. Kristen :)
    I think that earth day is a really good thing because it makes us more aware of the fact that we need to take care of our earth. There are many things we can do to support earth day in our school and community. We can recycle everything that is recyclable and at school we could email our assignments to our teachers so we don't have to waste paper. Everyone could also not waste any water. People could car pool or drive to school to help make the earth a greener place. At home we could turn off the lights after we leave a room and unplug your electronics when your not using them. We could also take shorter showers and try not to use air conditioning and heat all the time.

  16. Ben S- I think that earth day is cool because most of the time we dont even recognise how wonderful earth actually is. And on this day we are all thinking to ourselves, "wow we really dont care for our plannet at all so im going to do what i can to make it a better place." There are a lot of things that we can do to help our plannet. We can conserve paper, water, and electricity in many ways. We can use the three R's... Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. And we can even encourage other people to do the same by setting an example. At home I recycle and reuse things. and i try to conserve water and electricity. Some other things that i can commit to at home are giving up electricity for one week or something. And we can all take shorter showers and things like that.

  17. John- I think Earth Day is essential specifically to commemorate such an imperative obligation we should all take part in. If anything to strengthen our ways of reducing, reuising, and recycling; I think we should always remember to follow those three steps since they are the ultimate steps to being "green". One example I will clarify that I and my family does is recycle as much as we can. Also, we replaced our old light bulbs with more energy efficient ones (which by the way are brighter and use more of its energy into creating light)As far as I'm concerned I am willing to commit myself to anything of a resonable degree (as in I won't participate in the antishowers act).

  18. Jake- I think earth day
    is a great idea. In school we have a green team. In this we pick up the recycling and sometimes do community service.At my house we use energy efficient light bulbs. I think we should use more solar powered energy in all of our buildings.

  19. Aaron- I think Earth Day is great for all kids and adults because anyone can make a difference. we already have an amazing recycling program. We could cut back on our waste and input. Take shorter showers and recycle. Maybe play outside more to save electricty and not to drive as much.

  20. Braedy c- ok so i would support Earth day at my house in in the USA because i think it is a great thing in our culture to help out the Earth and help it last longer. OK SO I LIKE THE FACT THAT WE DO IT AND i think that every school should all take part in earth day as well as every one>

  21. Bailey - I think Earth Day is great. Why not have it to remind people that we need to save Earths resources. We have to help the Earth by saving resources. I think are funders need to fund more so we can pay more for green lights. In new constructions we should have more windows so we dont have to use electricity. At schools they need to have a green team to enforce recycling. My mom and dad like to have recycle bins around the house. I

  22. The I.C.A is cool and so is Patrick Oster- I think Earth Day is important because it helps raise awareness about our Earth and how it needs to be cared for. We can recycle more and we can Leave No Trace while hiking or camping. Leave No Trace basically means that we pick up our garbage and even other garbage because we want to preserve our trails and campgrounds and it its the right thing to do. At home i can recycle more plastics or other things that i ussually throw away such as batteries or other things. I probably would if the opportunity showed up.

  23. Megan(:
    I think earth day is an important thing to have around. Some additional way to spread earth day around in our communities and at school could be the people who ARE aware to step forward and recylce and incourage others that might not be as aware to follow in their footsteps.At home i could make sure the items that need to be recycled make their way to the recycling bin. So additional things we could are to clean up an trash we seee floating around parks and streets and make sure they are properly thrown away or recycled

  24. Patrick O'Neill: Earthday is a great holiday. It brings attention to the fact that we should help save and protect our Earth and it's many inhabitants. In our school, on Earth day, we should make sure that everyone recycles their stuff, and we should also celebrate it more. At home, i work on recycling all things that can be recycled. I also try to reduce and reuse. I would also like my house to run on solar panels. That would be cool and "green".

  25. Abby- i personally love earth day because every one is awar of our enviroment and does somthing to help it! if we do somthing thatn it can make a huge difference! i think that if we use solar powerd lights and electricty then it could help we could all so reuse more paper and maybe not give as much homework to save trees!!! we alredy go the recyling thing every wensday and friday. at my house we all recycle and have to turn all of our lights off. we unplug things when we arent using them and we carpool. i think we should get a bus tio msake it easdier on the paretns to drive us to school andd not as much polution going into the enviroment.

  26. Anna M- i think Earth Day is great because it makes us more aware of how we are treating our one and only environment. We can promote Earth day at school and in our community by encouraging others to use less running water and paper. At home i will be committed to turning off the light when i leave a room.

  27. corrine- i think earth day provides for a fantastic learning tool. i think everyone should become more aware of the earth and the impact that our actions can have upon it. we need to recycle more and save our trees (which means using less paper, pencils and other paper products). we also need to turn off the lights after leaving a room, unplug appliances when they are not in use and make a conscious effort to conserve whatever and whenever we can. i believe that a school field trip would be very educational and would contribute to earth day if, as a class, we went to plant some trees and at school we could talk to the younger students about turning off lights and conserving our resources. riding a bike to school would also be a fantastic way to make a statement that we are trying to conserve our resources. if we all do our part, we can make a difference. earth day promotes this thinking.

  28. Emma-
    I think earth day is a great day where all americans think about how wonderful this earth is! It is a reminder to use earth's resources well like energy and gas. It's a call to action to tell us to reduce reuse recylce!(: As a school encourage kids to carpool, walk, or ride or bikes to school. As a community try not to use as much energy. Try turning off every light before you leave or house, make sure to turn off the tv, and use less water take shorter showers. I also think everybody should use more solar powered stuff.

  29. ~Emily T.~
    I think that Earth day is wonderful because it obviously helps our environment and it also makes people aware how easy it is just to for instance throw a plastic bottle in the recycle bin instead of the trash can. At school,we can use less paper and when we need paper we can recycle it,plus we could change to energy efficient light bulbs, which are actually brighter and last longer. At home we can do the same things and also use less water by turning off the sink when brushing your teeth or take shorter showers. And, instead of using hundreds of plastic bottles,we can get metal reuseable bottles. I'm willing to work to improve the environment by using all of these suggestions plus also, trying to walk or bike instead of driving places. Over all, I think Earth Day is awesome!
    ~Emily T.~

  30. This is William
    I think that Earth day is fabulous, but i don't think people should just coserve and be green ONE day! They should every day. If we were green every day and everyone did the BIG 3 {Reduce-Reuse-Recycle] this planet would be a better place. What i do for earth day is i recycle(the reg), and try to tell people to recyle more!!! a great Example is are wonderful school.

  31. ~Emily B~
    Earth day is a great idea it takes a day off to relize the amazing earth we live on. It also shows how truly easy it is to do helpful things to the earth we live on. In school we could make more of an effort too recycle an reuse different things. We could also do things like take a day and go around and clean trash. My family try's to plant a new tree or bush in our yard but for the past tears we haven't done this because we don't have any place to put one. One idea is you could go into the foothills and clean up trash.

  32. ONCE AGAIN I TOOK ABOUT 15 MINUTES TO BLOG AND SOMETHING WENT WRONG SO HERE IS MY SHORTENED VERSION this is Chocolate Thunda A.K.A. Conner C - earth day is a good thing to have because it makes everyone become aware of where our world is heading if we don't do anything to help it. i think our schools and communities can do things like once every week or so they can not use or use as little as possible electicity throughout the entire day. i will do things like want less, spend less, and conserve and save more and so does everybody else. things like that will change the world for the better. sorry for the SHORTNESS of this blog but peace out viewers until next week.

  33. Richard Sabala a.k.a the Brazillian Blur-I think earth day is aweaome because it shows everybody how important it is to look after the giant sphere we live on. I think we should all go the whole day without using any lights at school and in our community I think we should all plant a flower or plant or some sort. I recycle, I don't let water run, and I unplug eletrical cords that we are not using. I would like to make a garden and plant trees in our backyard and I would like to watch less television.

  34. I think Earth day is a great way to honor our world and protect it at the same time. Some things you can do are; not drive as much or carpool with your neighbor, turn off the lights in your house for a full day like what Rich said, and try to recycle all things that can be recycled. On Earth day, you could put up signs that say "recycle" on trash cans and recycle bins. That would help people to remember to recycle and to look at what trash they're throwing away, so they don't make a mistake. Earth day is really important and we should all do our part to help out in our community to make a cleaner, better world for the future.

  35. Francesca- I think earth day is very helpful to our earth because usually people dont realize how much your waisting and how it effects our earth. Some ways we can support earth day at school, at home and in our communities is maybe picking up some garbage you see on the streets and recycling paper and plastic and try to re-use water bottles. We should also try to use less water and shut off the lights in a room and try to use less electricity. So many people are to lazy to do any of these things and if we see someone who doesnt care its probably because they dont know a lot about it so by going to school and learning more about it is really good.

  36. Tim: Ok well I did it wrong the first time so here we go again!
    I think of Earth day as a way to remember that we only have one earth and if we don't treat it well then we may no longer be able to survive on this planet. Some additional ways are: in school we can turn off the lights in the classrooms that we are not using and in the community we can pick up trash in the park or on the highway. Some things that I do at home are, to take shorter showers to conserve water and turning off the lights in the rooms we are not using. Some things that I am willing to do at home are: to turn off the water when brushing my teeth and to bike to places that are closer to me instead of having my parents drive me there.
    P.S. Sorry this was late, I totally forgot about it. I think that I will use my free B now though... and remember I haven't had a late post all year so I think we can just let this one slide.

  37. Killjoy AKA Noah R BLOG POST #2- Hey guys, great posts. There are some things about going green that have great repercussions, like reusing a cloth bag at grocery stores and riding your bike. But, there are also negative consequences for "going green." Now, all of your posts said something about recycling. And that's great; it's not sitting in a landfill somewhere! However, do you know HOW they recycle? First, a huge semi comes and picks up your recycling stuff. Then, it drives ALL THE WAY to Oregon to a recycling plant. There, it goes to a factory that pollutes the air. Hey, sorry to be such a downer, but with some things you have to choose the worst of two evils: either you don't recycle and pollute the ground, or you recycle and pollute the air. Kind of a hard choice there. That's why I think we should REDUCE and REUSE mainly, then use recycling as a last resort.

  38. Scott- I think Earth Day is great, but a little overstressed. I think we could start to reduce and reuse more on Earth Day. At our house we reuse plastic bags as dog poop bags and the paper bags as storage bags. We also reuse sandwich meat containers and use them as food containers. We recycle and reduce what we use.

  39. hi mr grant.. sam mallane////// i think of going green and i also think of hippies. reduce reuse and recycle.for both. no.........hahhahahahahaha jk jk i will do wat ever i am asked to do.

  40. david- I think earth day is a great day becuase it helps inform us on what we are doing right and wrong with preserving the Earth. I mean there is only one Earth. We could recycle more and not drive as much we could also use more environmentally friendly materials. I could turn off the lights when i am not using them and unpkug outlets when possible.

  41. Kobe- i think earth day is is a great way to inform people how healthy green living is. I think at school on earth day we should plant some trees or somethin. At home we recycle our cans and bottles, and at school there are recycling bins in every class rooms which incourages children to recycle and live green.

  42. Garren- Earth Day is a good way to engourage people to do many things like recycling, planting things, and ues less recources. At school I think we should recycle more and we should plant some trees near the school. At my house we have a compost pile and we also recycle cans and botles. At school there are numerous recycle bins in the cafiteria along with at least one bin in every classroom. I would be wiling to plant trees.

  43. peyton
    I think earth day is great because it brings keeping our enviroment clean to more people. i think that the school and community should take people to go around and pick up litter or plant trees. i recycle at my house and thats about it. i would be willing to help my families plant more trees in our backyard.

  44. Alice
    I think earth day is great but why do we only have to be green only on one day? Anyways we can do many things to be more green but not completely stop global warming. We can pick up and not liter trash wherever we go. What I do is not a lot but I do try. I ride my bike sometimes, I always recycle. I try not waste a lot of energy by turning off lights I don't use. I will want to learn how to do more activities though.


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