Thursday, April 21, 2011

Facebook in China

What would you be willing to do to gain 420 million friends?  This question is facing the CEO and executives of Facebook as they explore the opportunity to enter the Chinese market.  To date Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites are banned in China.

The Chinese government has tight control of information and information access of its 420 million citizens with internet access.  The country has a custom of restricting free speech.  Its record on not only suppressing free speech, but violating the human rights of people and organizations willing to engage in free speech has been criticized by foreign governments as well as reputable organization such as Amnesty International. 

While Facebook has been banned in China since 2008, it is being reported current Facebook executives are negotiating with Chinese officials to lift the ban.  Initial terms reported would include restricting certain content from being shared and displayed on Facebook.  Furthermore, Facebook would have to allow the Chinese government access to the search and retrieval activities of Chinese users.  The government would be able to determine what the users can view and monitor what they are searching for.  If you think it is a hassle when you parents monitor you account, imagine what it would be like to know the government will be looking in.

China’s concern over open internet usage and social networking heightened in recent months given the use of social media in the Middle East to coordinate rallies and protests of governments in Egypt and Libya. 

While the partnership is only speculative for now, Facebook has publically stated they may be willing to block certain content from some countries.  They recognize the idea of complete and total free speech may be more than some countries are able to absorb given their current cultural and social situations.

What do you think of Facebook filtering content to gain access to China?  Do you have a Facebook account?  If so, how do you use Facebook?  If not, why not?  What are some of the potential dangers of Facebook?  Do your parents monitor your activity?  If so, what do you think about them looking in?


  1. Taylor Barda-
    I think that it is somewhat weird and pointless but if that is the only way to get China to agree to let Chinese people use facebook then I would be okay with it. Yes I do have a facebook. I use it to stay in touch with friends that don't live that close to me alog with family. My parents sometimes come and sheck up on me but it is only because they are trying make sure that I am not getting into trouble.

  2. Gonzo- I think that it is unnecessary for Facebook to filter content against China. If China had a legitiment government that didn't oppress the people, then the people wouldn' make huge rallies for freedom. Now, there would be some protests here and there for certain reasons, but no everyone would be involved, whereas if the government continues to oppress the people, they will revolt for freedom. Yes, I have a facebook. I use it to talk to friends and family that are in distant places. Some of the potential dangers of facebook are: people can learn about who you are and then use that information to take you, you could be tracked or followed by someone using the information you have placed on the internet, and you can't take what you say off of the internet and therefor can be used against you when you apply for a college or something else. My parents monitor what I do a little, but it is by asking me not looking over my shoulder. I really don't mind because I am not doing anything wrong and therefor have nothing to worry about when they ask me what I am doing.

  3. Madeline- I think it sort of kills the point of Facebook. If everything's all good, why would there be a need to limit what people can write or read? I don't have a Facebook, nor do I have any desire to have one. I don't have one because...well... I just don't want one. It's as simple as that. Sure, Facebook can be a great thing, but it comes with an awful lot of risks. Someone could get all sorts of information about you, and then use it to do all sorts of awful things. Information you put out there because you were bored could be looked at when applying for a job or college, and hamper you chances of success. In adition, someone could hack into your account and write whatever suited their fancy about anyone or anything. Again, there isn't a Facebook for my parents to monitor, but I wouldn't mind if they did. After all, I'm not out there doing anything bad.

  4. Bella-
    I think it is unnecessary for Facebook to filter content against China. China should be able to trust in their citizens that they will not revolt. If the Chinese government does not trust in the Chinese citizens it's a problem. I do not have a Facebook acount. There are many potential dangers of Facebook. One of the dangers is someone can figure out your password and hack into your account. Another danger is that someone can search you and get your information and find you.

  5. Noah R- I agree with the Keckler about this thing. Facebook filtering the stuff on its site just defeats the purpose. What they're doing reminds me of an extremely controlling parent But hey, that's their problem. I do have an FB, but I haven't EVER used it. For anything. Ever. I don't use it mainly because my parents don't want me to. It can be dangerous to post all your personal info out there, because certain psycho people can use it to find you and (dot dot dot...) Again, I never use my account, so my parents don't need to moderate anything. Even if they did, I wouldn't have a problem with it.

  6. Kristen
    I think it's kind of stupid that the government what's to filter facebook. They should be less paranoid about what people would post. I do have a facebook but I never use it becuase I am not allowed to have it. I also to not really want to spend lots of time on facebook. I think sone of the potential dangers are someone hacking your account or someone stalking you. The last question is kind of irrelevent to me right now but if my parents knew I had it they would probably check it to make sure I wasn't doing bad stuff.

  7. Kristen
    I forgot answer one of the question. The few times I have used my fb was to Talk to friends.

  8. Jilly- I guess it's good for Facebook to add China because they will get alot more members. Although it does seem unfair to the Chinese people that the government will watch everything they do. I think the Chinese government should trust their people more than they do. I do not have a Facebook account. I guess I don't have one because I don't feel like I need to have an account. Also I think alot of people spend too much time on it. Some dangers of Facebook are people getting into your account and using your information to find you. Also if you put something on the internet then you cannot take it back even if you delete it. Sometimes people who might employ you might look at your face book and colleges do also, so if you put something on there you wouldn't want them to see. They could use it as a reason not to accept you or not to hire you. If I had a Facebook I wouldn't care if my parents monitured it because I wouldn't have anything bad on there.

  9. Francesca- I think that its kinda stupid for facebook to filter content against china but if thats the only way to get china to join facebook then it would be fine i guess. I do have a facebook and the only reason i have one is because i have family that live in a different country and facebook is just an easier way to get in contact with them. One of the dangers to facebook is people can search you and find out where you live, your full name, what you look like and how old you are. My parents sometimes check up on my facebook but i dont really care cause all i do on facebook is talk to my friends and family.

  10. Ben R.
    I think that the limiting of free speech on Facebook should not happen. It is good that if they do this that China will be able to use it but they should be able to use it freely and should be able to speak freely on Facebook. yes I have a Facebook account and i use it to keep in touch with my friends and family since most of my siblings are in college or live in another state. Some dangers of Facebook are that you are giving lots of information to lots of people and that you can be bullied online. No my parents do not monitor my account.

  11. Aaron- I think that it is samrt on their part to make more money for their company. I think they are going away from their values by dueing so. Yes, i use it for friends and family to talk to relatives who are far away.You can be hecked,harassed, and stocked. Some what not really. I have nothing to hide, so I don't care too much.

  12. The Freelance Pianist - Well, at least in my opinion, it all depends on what 'content' China is going to ban. If they plan on banning things such as messaging, chat, and oh I don't know, sharing pictures or something than obviously it defeats the purpose of having a Facebook in the first place. However, if they plan on banning content like having a Farmville or the whole 'poking' thing then I suppose it doesn't really matter. Heck, take the whole 'poke' thing out in America while you're at it, Zuckerberg. However, at the end of the day, as long as the company is making more money it's going to be their win. They really have nothing to lose profit-wise, at least as far as I can tell, and I suppose that if an opportunity to expand you business arose then one would act upon it. Yes, I do have a Facebook, and I treasure it above all else in my life. Well, not really. Not at all actually. I don't know why I wrote that. Anyways, yes I have a Facebook. I use it to keep in touch with friends far away and keep myself updated with how things are going back in my old home of NJ. The potential dangers of Facebook are the same dangers as any social networking site really. Somebody could hack your account, steal your information, find out where you live, hunt you down in real life, etc etc. But really, if you don't want somebody to find out your information really all you have to do is either a) not put said information, or b) put FALSE information. If your going to be friends with people who are actually your friends than do you REALLY need to put your address, phone number, actual full name, the list goes on. But, then again, if people actually had the attention span or will to actually do this than I wouldn't be making this rant now, would I? My parents really don't monitor my activity that much, probably because there isn't much activity to monitor. And because there's really nothing to monitor, I really don't mind them monitoring that which isn't really there TO monitor. Don't you just love how it all fits together so nicely? I know I do.

  13. Braedy ok that is pathetic that china's gov. will monotoir every thing. yes i do have facebook, and no my parents dont care what i say of ot either. also i think that it is stupid for their gov. to control what people do on facebook. stockers got me.

  14. Patrick O'Neill: Facebook filtering content just to get access to China is being plain selfish. Facebook is supposed to be there so people can voice thier opinions.Yes i do have a facebook. I use it to keep up on whats going on in my freinds life and to let people know things like plans for parties, ext. some of the dangers of facebook are very dangerous. Stalkers, creepers, people pretending to be someones else. Im not sure if my parents monitor me. Most likely. It is acceptable though because they are just trying to keep me safe. They are not invadingprivacy, its jsut for safety.

  15. ~Emily T. ~
    I think it's unnecessary and pointless, and, as Madeline said, ruins the idea of Facebook. No, I don't have a Facebook, and I personally don't want one at all, there are a lot of risks involved, and I just really don't want one. There are many dangers, one being people that you don't know can stalk you, or people pretend to be someone that they aren't, plus someone could hack your account and post things that you didn't say, and get you into a lot of trouble.
    ~Emily T. ~

  16. Tim: I think that filtering content just to get more users is just selfish because they are only trying to gain more money. Facebook shouldn't be OK with having a government oppress their people and should only offer facebook to countries who can express their opinions and ideas, because expressing your ideas/opinions was one of the main goals of facebook in the first place. No i do not have a facebook account because my parents won't let me and I don't even really want one. Some of the dangers of facebook are people stalking you and posing to be someone they aren't. Also facebook makes it a lot easier to cyber bully people. No, because I don't have one and if I did I wouldn't mind because they would just be trying to keep me safe.

  17. I don't like that Facebook is willing to filter content for 420 million users in China to where they can get spied on. I have a Facebook and I got it before I had a phone so that I could talk to friends. The potential dangers of Facebook are that it allows anything to be posted out there on the Internet. and that could be from talking about a party or organizing a rebellion as china is afraid of. My parents monitor my Facebook and I am fine with it, because as long as I live in their house I live under their rules and they just do it because they love me and want to keep me safe.

  18. Bailey Conger - I think that facebook just wants more users and publicity. They aren't worried about any one else beside themselves. I do not have a facebook account. The main reason is I haven't ever thought about getting one. On facebook there is alot of dangers. One could be people pretending to be kids but really they are predators. All of these dangers can be of no danger of you have the right security settings and accept friend requests from only people you know.

  19. Grant- I think that China making Facebook filter content is dumb; the tighter China makes its restrictions for it's people the more they'll want to revolt. That said I think that if the Chinese people get a filtered version of Facebook they will still like it because they won't know that it is filtered or has less features than the American version. I also think that it probably is a good business move for Facebook because China has so many people. I do have a Facebook, but I don't really use it that often. Most of the main dangers of Facebook ( people hacking your account ad people you don't want to have your information trying to get it) can be avoided by not telling anyone your password, having security settings on your account and not accepting friend requests from people you know. Another danger is bullying. My parents don't really monitor my activity to my knowledge because I haven't done anything that would make them need to.

  20. Ben S.- I think that China making filter content is rediculous because i really dont see why they they freek out over such a small thing like facebook when its just a way to have fun and meet new people and things like that. Yes i do have a facebook account. I just use it when i bored or i just want to see whats going on with my friends and stuff. Some of the dangers of facebook are people hacking onto your facebook and weird, maybe dangerous, friend requests. I dont really know if my parents check my facebook but if they do I wouldnt care because I have nothing to hide.

  21. NOAH G I think that facebook is being really greedy to uproot their core ideals when they started facebook just to even concider filtering and monitoring people. And yes i do have a facebook account, I made it so that I could connect with new friends and mess around and make plans ect.
    And NO my parents do not monitor my activity because if they did I may throw a tempur tantrum.

  22. corrine- i think facebook is a device that lets you talk to old friends or family members in another country. but there are also dangerous that come with haveing a facebook. people can get your password and get on your facebook. people can also hurt others on facebook by commenting on a photo and being very rude or saying mean things while commenting on a status. i dont have a facebook anymore. i hope china gets facebook but i also hope that they can communicate with people through facebook so we can find out what is going on faster. thats a great thing about facebook, you can find out things that are going on in the world, with others, or with old college friends.

  23. John- I think the whole point of facebook doing such a compromise is so it can have any access to China at all. Especially since it's a social network that claims to be global, I definitely see why they would block out certain content. Not because Facebook wants to, but because China does. Yes I have a facebook account. I use it to talk to distant relatives in Texas as well as just talking to other relatives or friends/people I actually know. Some of the potential dangers of facebook are the obvious (hacking and giving personal information to strangers), but also there are less obvious stuff such as someone posting a pornographic picture on a fan page/ of themselves on their album. And yes this happens but I don't do it because a.) it's pure stupidity, and b.) let's face it, whatever goes on the internet can literally go anywhere. Yes, my parents check/stalk my facebook and make darn sure I don't post anything bad on there, though I wouldn't regardless. Yes I get annoyed especially when my mother posts a comment on my aunt's wall about how much she misses her and her adorable dog Chester.

  24. I.C.A is cool and so is Patrick Oster- Well if China doesnt want people to revolt than they should filter content. Yet, I think they shouldnt filter becasue they could get hacked by the people. Yes i do have Facebook. I ussually talk to my freinds but i sometimes play the games on there. You could get hacked, your computer can crash, your identity stolen, and many other things. Sometimes but they ussually dont. I do not care because i am 'layed back' my parents say.
    THE END!!!!!!!!

  25. Anna k
    Facebook is facebook. It is kind of about free speech and it states your ideas. So I imagine that filtering content for facebook in China will be hard. As for me if I knew the governament was watching what I do I would be kind of freaked out. If I did somethign wrong there could be a punishment. Yes I do have a facebook. I was pretty addicted to it when I first got it but now I rarely check it. Maybe once a week. It just doesn't seem like a thing that should take over my life. yes i think facebook can be dangerous. People who don't really seem to care about their security can accept friends they may not know or post information that is dangerous. Cyberbullying can also occur and is no laughing matter. My checks up on me sometimes but I know she trusts me but she still does for my safety. I have no problem with that.

  26. Racomb Tyreke Antwan Jackson III(Rich Sabala)- I think it is good that facebook is trying to expand to China so they can make more money and filtering it so people in China can have a facebook without getting in any trouble with the government. No I do not have a facebook account. I don't because I don't need one ond my parents don't want me to have one. Some of the potential dangers of facebook are giving random people pictures and facts about you and people could hack into your facebook and do or say bad things about other people or you. No my parents do not monitor my activity because I do not have a facebook.

  27. Jake- I don't understand why the Chinese government is trying to filter Facebook
    I think it is a little over protective of china to do this. I don't have a Facebook personally. Some reasons that I don't have one are; weird random people might find out stuff about you, hacking and I really don't want one. My parents don't monitor me because I don't have one or even on any other social networking devices.

  28. jared------i think its totally pointless. thats not even why facebook was invented or used for(kind of. yes i do have a facebook account and i only use it to keep in touch with my friends nothing else really. dangers of facebook are cyber bullying, people hacking into your account and learning stuff about you, or even people trying to find out info about you like a weird malester guy. my parents dont check my facebook, but i wouldnt really mind because it not like im using facebook to hide stuff about me. but somtimes my mother will go onto her account and check mine to see what i have been doing which dosent bother me.

  29. sammallane... i think it is stupid because if mark is not all aout the money then why would he even go after china.duh ya because i can stay connected,,.rapests and stolkers.a little not much. i do not care at all.

  30. Nora- China's government needs to step back and think a little! I mean, sure, someone COULD organize an uprising against the government, but they could just as easily do that by word of mouth. Is the government going to start "bugging" the inhabitants of China in order to know absolutely everything that's going on?? Most people don't join facebook with the idea of overthrowing the government. They usually join it to communicate with friends, as Jared, Je'an, Kristen and others said. No, I don't have a facebook account. Like Emily, I don't really want one. I manage to keep in touch with out-of-town friends other ways. Besides, I'm slightly paranoid. So when I join an online "community" or whatever you wish to call it, I immediately think of all the harm that could, and in my mind, probably will happen. Yes, my mind is a scary dark place. But I don't really see the point of having a facebook account, unless, like Je'an, etc. you have friends in other towns, states, countries, universes. Sorry, Je'an, didn't mean to imply you were Vulcan or anything. My parents don't really check up on me, because they trust me and know I don't generally post personal information.

  31. Lauren- I don't think it's weird for China that they are filtering content since they do not believe in freedom of speech. It makes sense that they would want to do that, but if they did that in the United States, more people would be very angry. I do have a facebook, but I use it to keep in contact with friends that I don't see that often. I have heard of incidents where people get people's passwords and hack into their facebook and say rude things acting as that person. I don't think people should do that, but we have to be aware of it and not give out our passwords to people we don't trust. My parents monitor my activity, but they only do it every once in awhile.

  32. Abhi------------------------->
    I think it is smart for Facebook to do this to get more users. It would be better if China could use it freely and use their speech. I think that China making Facebook filter content is unnecessary. Yes, I do have a Facebook account. I use to see what’s going on with my friends. Some potential dangers of Facebook are people could hack into your facebook, people can find out your private info, Teenage predators, downloading computer viruses from facebook, and increases internet addiction. No, my parents do not monitor my activity on facebook because it’s not like I’m doing anything bad, but if my parents would check I wouldn’t care.

  33. Jenna
    i think it is pretty ridiculous that they are trying to filter facebook. i guess that you could always have more users!! yes i have a facebook but i rarely go on it because i am so busy. i only keep in touch with friends and family that i dont see often. my parents check mine every so often just to make sure nothing creepy is happening and i am perfectly happy with that because i would rather not get attacked or anything. i think that there are potential dangers that can happen on any site like people stalking you or something down that alley.

  34. Karina- I think it's dumb that they are trying to filter facebook. No i dont have a facebook but ill probably be gettin one soon. I think facebook is a great way to connect with friends and its a good way to get to know eachother better. You can also stay in touch with family and relatives. So bad things that can happen on facebook is random people looking at your pictuers and your personal information. You can also be hacked which can cause lots of drama. Ummm when i get a facebook, i would be sort of annoyed with my parents checking it cuz they should trust you. but i wouldnt really care because i wouldnt really have anything to hide.

  35. megan(:
    I think china filtering facebook is kinda ridiculous and weird. if people wanna say something they should be able to. i do have a facebook and i am usually on it way more than i should be but as of late i have just been on it during the weekends. i think facebook is a great way to keep in touch with friends family ect. but there are some dangers involved with facebook. some of these are being hacked or being stalked. people could look at your photos and extract personal information off your facebook page. my parents monitor my facebook and check in often. I dont care that much that they check in but sometimes it does get annoying if they like freak out about something or ask why my friends are saying weird stuff on my wall but usually they are pretty mellow about the whole thing and it doesnt bug me that much.

  36. This is Will
    I think its bad and dumb that China is filtering facebook because people should be able to have free speech and be able to express themselfs. haha. Um unfortunatley I have a facebook and I barely get on at all, and when I do it makes me mad because its the biggest time waster ever. just like that you lose aook is a good 20 minutes out of your day. Yes facebook is very dangerous that y you put that privacyy thingy on. and yes my parents check my facebook. thing

  37. david- I think it almsot defeats the whole purpose of Facebook because to me it was created so that trhe users could share their thoughts and events with out getting in trouble and to filter it is just defeating the whole idea. Yes i do have a facebook and I mainly use it just to see whats going on with all of my friedns who have it and talk to them and speak FREELY. My parents do not monitor my activity because i am not OCD over the whole facebook thing.

  38. Alice :)
    Okay,okay the first question : what I think. Well I kind of think that it is a little bit dumb, but you know that's only my opinion. Like I think it is right that we have a freedom of speech and people should be allowed to say what they want to say. Yet if that happens in some countries that people might say something bad that it turn into something bad. So I can understand. Anyways moving on, second question : do I have Facebook, yes I do have a Facebook. Third question : how do I uses it, well me Facebook is a great way for me to keep in touch with my family over at Mexico and Guatemala. Also I don't have a phone so I can't text my friends so this how I keep in touch with them too. But I don't go on it everyday and stay on forever, so pretty much I am not obsessed with Facebook, like other people. Fourth question: Do my parents monitor my Facebook, well kind of, you can say. See they trust me enough that they know I won't put stuff up on the internet that'll regret. Yet sometimes out of nowhere they just check who are my friends and that's it. They are NOT over controlled parents. But I know my aunts do check on me while there on just to make sure. Okay last and final question: How do I feel about it, well I'm not mad or bug about it so I'm pretty cool with whatever my parents say or do . I mean either way I'm going have to do it their way so I rather do it right. I am also cool with it causes there are not over protected as I have said before. So in the end it doesn't bug me.

  39. Kobe- i think it is a good idea for facebook to filter content to gain access to China. There is alot of people in china and facebook is a great way to allow people to stay connected. I do have a facebook account and i am not always on it, but when i am i am usually just chatting with friends. My parents do monitor who i add as friends on facebook. I dont mind them monitoring me because they trust me enough to give me some space. Facebook is great but it can offer some dangers. Facebook can allow people to meet creepers and get stalked by them.

  40. +Jacob+

    I have a facebook and i can tell you right now that I would not want the government looking in on it! I mean that is a total invastion of privacy, the Chinese government must have no respect for their people if they think that they can do something like that. I also don't think that filtering the content on facebook is necessary for the Chinese government to bring facebook to China either. I have a facebook to connect to friends and family far away and if i saw my parents trying to hack my facebook account then I would FREAK but thinking about if the Chinese government was able to access the history of my account... mabye parents monitoring my facebook account isn't so bad after all. :)

  41. Conner Charles - i think that the facebook filtering thing is just like the rising gas prices, the owners are getting greedy and they will do a lot of thigs for more money.i dont like the idea that you're letting the government look at everything you say or do online taking away your freedom of speech. facebook is already one of the biggest things on the internet and still growing, i guess its not really that bad to adjust facebook privacy just in China to the corrput laws that are already in place. as for me i use to be a facebook user but i have stopped using it ever since new years because i think it is DUMB. everybody just tries and be as cool as possible in front of everybody else plus i thought it would be a good resolution. the dangers of facebook is that everybody gets to see your comments whether they're bad or good or inappropriat, it is also good that only your accpepted friends do so it can be pretty controlled. my parents never did check my facebook when i was using it so.... that is that.

  42. ~Emily B~
    The way facebook will filter the content for china if they agree sounds a bit greedy, I mean they are already like billionaires. They don't need more money, and I think they are probaly only doing it for the money. If china was to accept this the government would wach for any comments that go against their free speech law. I personally don't think that's fair but it isn't the us so they have different laws than us. And if this is the only way that Facebook would get china in I bet they are inclined to do it. I don't have a facebook I gues it's just because I dont feel like setting one up and if I did I would never check it. Some people get a little obsessed and have to update it every few minutes, that just seems a bit crazy. Their are a few dangers like not truly knowing who your talkin to or your "friends" maybe someone who really isn't your friend.

  43. Abby- I think that if Facebook want china onfacebook ao baxd that they are willing to filter through things and make it suitable for the cinese then they should be ablie to get one. but on the other hand somer people only get facebooks to state there opions and that could cauyse some problems with facebook and china.if i were in china right now i wouldnt get one because i wouldnt want the goverment going through everything that i do. i have a facebook account and i dont use as much as use to, but i do use it to see what alll of my friends are doing and stay in contact with friends and family that i dont gewt to see alot. there are many dangers like hacking and saying mean things or cyber bulling and some people use it to make other people jealous. my mom moniters mine and i dont really care coause i dont have anything to hide on there.

  44. Garren- I think china is being rediculous about this. I guess someone could form a group to revolt aginst china, but you could also do that without facebook. I think it would take away the expierence of having an account if there were so many security blocks on facebook. I have a facebook and I use it to talk to friends and family members. The dangers of having a facebook are talking to someone that you dont know or you have personal information that could be harmful if in the wrong hands. My mom kinda moniters my facebook, but i dont care.

  45. Emma-
    I think this whole sitution is kind of stupid because there all fighting over facebook but in the end I guess it will all work out. Yes I do have a facebook but I'm rarly on it. There are many dangers on facebook like hatching into other peoples accounts and saying mean thing about other people or saying messing someone and saying mean and aggressive words. My parents know all my passwords to all my accounts but they don't usually check them.

  46. Peyton
    i thinks its an ok situation because at least they will have some facebook even if they dont get access to to it like people do in free countries. yes i have a facebook account and i just use it to keep up with my friends. there always dangers of online predator whenever you have something like that that involves the internet. yes my parents monitor my activity and i honestly dont care that they monitor it.

  47. Anna Marria- I think it defeats the purpose of Facebook. i don't have Facebook because i probably won't ever check it and it would use up a lot of my time.Potential dangers would be people posting that they are going on a trip and people find out that you will be gone so they rob you. And people finding out too much of your personal information.


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